diagnose | A system to Instrument running Python code | Reactive Programming library

 by   Crunch-io Python Version: 5.0.0 License: MIT

kandi X-RAY | diagnose Summary

kandi X-RAY | diagnose Summary

diagnose is a Python library typically used in Programming Style, Reactive Programming applications. diagnose has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has build file available, it has a Permissive License and it has low support. You can install using 'pip install diagnose' or download it from GitHub, PyPI.

A library for instrumenting Python code at runtime.

            kandi-support Support

              diagnose has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 14 star(s) with 2 fork(s). There are 26 watchers for this library.
              There were 1 major release(s) in the last 12 months.
              diagnose has no issues reported. There are 1 open pull requests and 0 closed requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of diagnose is 5.0.0

            kandi-Quality Quality

              diagnose has no bugs reported.

            kandi-Security Security

              diagnose has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.

            kandi-License License

              diagnose is licensed under the MIT License. This license is Permissive.
              Permissive licenses have the least restrictions, and you can use them in most projects.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              diagnose releases are available to install and integrate.
              Deployable package is available in PyPI.
              Build file is available. You can build the component from source.
              Installation instructions are not available. Examples and code snippets are available.

            Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA

            kandi has reviewed diagnose and discovered the below as its top functions. This is intended to give you an instant insight into diagnose implemented functionality, and help decide if they suit your requirements.
            • Decorator for probes
            • Unwrap a function
            • Record the current time
            • Fills the most recent call time
            • Cycle forever
            • Apply the scheduler
            • Print an error
            • Runs the probes
            • Start the session
            • Get the original value of the attribute
            • Initialize the object
            • Emit the metric
            • Evaluate the value
            • Merge the tags
            • Wrap the base function
            • Check if the condition is met
            • Parse dotted import path
            • Joins all started threads
            • Safely stop the process
            • Called when the patcher exits
            • Start the debugger
            • Initialize the cache
            • Wraps a target object
            • Patch an object
            • Emit the value
            Get all kandi verified functions for this library.

            diagnose Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for diagnose.

            diagnose Examples and Code Snippets

            Pythondot img1Lines of Code : 19dot img1License : Permissive (MIT)
            copy iconCopy
            >>> diagnose.manager.instrument_classes = {
                "log": LogInstrument,
                "hist": MyHistogramInstrument,
                "incr": MyIncrementInstrument,
            >>> diagnose.manager.global_namespace.update({"foo": foo})
            >>> diagnose.manager.  
            Pythondot img2Lines of Code : 10dot img2License : Permissive (MIT)
            copy iconCopy
                    with Breakpoint(S3Archive, "unarchive") as bp:
                        bp.start_thread(object.unarchive)  # Start something in the background that will invoke S3Archive.unarchive
                        bp.wait()  # wait for S3Archive.unarchive to start
            Pythondot img3Lines of Code : 9dot img3License : Permissive (MIT)
            copy iconCopy
            >>> from path.to.module import myclass
            >>> myclass().add13(arg=5)
            >>> p = diagnose.probes.attach_to("path.to.module.myclass.add13")
            >>> p.instruments["foo"] = diagnose.LogInstrument("foo", "arg")
            >>> p.  
            Why does Python output an empty list when it should have output a list of URLs?
            Pythondot img4Lines of Code : 2dot img4License : Strong Copyleft (CC BY-SA 4.0)
            copy iconCopy
            data = []
            Error when converting DICOM image to pixel_array using tensorflow_io
            Pythondot img5Lines of Code : 32dot img5License : Strong Copyleft (CC BY-SA 4.0)
            copy iconCopy
            import tensorflow_io as tfio
            image_bytes = tf.io.read_file(image_path)
            pixel_data = tfio.image.decode_dicom_image(
            # type conversion and reshaping is not required
            # as can be checked with the print s
            Save dictionary to file Python Tkinter
            Pythondot img6Lines of Code : 14dot img6License : Strong Copyleft (CC BY-SA 4.0)
            copy iconCopy
            import json
            ingredients = {"Bun": 1, "Beef Patty": 1, "Lettuce": 1, "Cheese": 1, "Tomatoe": 1, "Pizza Crust": 1, "Tomatoe Sauce": 1, "Pork" : 2, "Basil": 1, "Rice": 1, "Bread": 2}
            filename = 'path/to/file.txt'
            #save file
            with open(filen
            Why is the first output of this code "It's dogsing cats and cats" rather than the intended?
            Pythondot img7Lines of Code : 36dot img7License : Strong Copyleft (CC BY-SA 4.0)
            copy iconCopy
            def replace_ending(sentence, old, new):
                # sentence = "It's raining cats and cats"
                # old = "cats"
                # new = "dogs"
                if old in sentence:
                    # "Cats" is in "It's raining cats and c
            Extract Wikipedia Data From XML Data dumps
            Pythondot img8Lines of Code : 65dot img8License : Strong Copyleft (CC BY-SA 4.0)
            copy iconCopy
            #!/usr/bin/env python3
            import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
            NS = {'xmlns': 'http://www.mediawiki.org/xml/export-0.10/'}
            strip_ns = lambda t: t.split('}')[1] if '}' in t else t
            # Open XML for input, and iterate
            xml_f = open('big.xml')
            How can I check if an entry in tkinter has one or more zeros
            Pythondot img9Lines of Code : 30dot img9License : Strong Copyleft (CC BY-SA 4.0)
            copy iconCopy
            from tkinter import *
            import math as m
            def doMath():
                U = entryU.get()
                I = entryA.get()
                    R = float(U) / float(I)
                except ValueError:
                    labelR.config(text="Error", bg= "red")
            h5py error reading virtual dataset into NumPy array
            Pythondot img10Lines of Code : 49dot img10License : Strong Copyleft (CC BY-SA 4.0)
            copy iconCopy
            a0 = 5000
            # create sample data
            data = np.arange(0, 100).reshape(1, 100)
            # Create source files (0.h5 to a0.h5)
            for n in range(a0):
                with h5py.File(f"{n}.h5", "w") as f:
                    row_data = data + n
                    f.create_dataset("data", data=r

            Community Discussions


            Div with absolute width is smaller than specified
            Asked 2021-Jun-15 at 20:37

            I am trying to have a number of columns with exact widths, and their heights split evenly between some number of elements. For some reason, despite my indicating an exact 200px width on each column, they are instead getting a computed width of 162px somehow. Chrome dev tools is showing some weird arrow thing indicating that it it was shrunk from it's intended size for some reason. I've even tried removing all of the content from the div's as possible so as to rule out some weird interaction with the size of children.

            The html for the relevant area is this:



            Answered 2021-Jun-15 at 20:20

            Setting display: flex turns the sizing of child elements over to the flex container. If you don't want the individual elements to resize, set flex-grow: 0, flex-shrink: 0, and flex-basis: 200px. You can do all three using the flex shorthand:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67992773


            kubectl cluster-info why is running on control plane and not master node
            Asked 2021-Jun-15 at 12:59

            Why kubectl cluster-info is running on control plane and not master node And on the control plane it is running on a specific IP Address and not not localhost or Running the following command in terminal:

            1. minikube start --driver=docker

            😄 minikube v1.20.0 on Ubuntu 16.04 ✨ Using the docker driver based on user configuration 🎉 minikube 1.21.0 is available! Download it: https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube/releases/tag/v1.21.0 💡 To disable this notice, run: 'minikube config set WantUpdateNotification false'

            👍 Starting control plane node minikube in cluster minikube 🚜 Pulling base image ... > gcr.io/k8s-minikube/kicbase...: 358.10 MiB / 358.10 MiB 100.00% 797.51 K ❗ minikube was unable to download gcr.io/k8s-minikube/kicbase:v0.0.22, but successfully downloaded kicbase/stable:v0.0.22 as a fallback image 🔥 Creating docker container (CPUs=2, Memory=2200MB) ... 🐳 Preparing Kubernetes v1.20.2 on Docker 20.10.6 ... ▪ Generating certificates and keys ... ▪ Booting up control plane ... ▪ Configuring RBAC rules ... 🔎 Verifying Kubernetes components... ▪ Using image gcr.io/k8s-minikube/storage-provisioner:v5 🌟 Enabled addons: storage-provisioner, default-storageclass 🏄 Done! kubectl is now configured to use "minikube" cluster and "default" namespace by default

            1. kubectl cluster-info

            Kubernetes control plane is running at KubeDNS is running at

            To further debug and diagnose cluster problems, use 'kubectl cluster-info dump'.



            Answered 2021-Jun-15 at 12:59

            The Kubernetes project is making an effort to move away from wording that can be considered offensive, with one concrete recommendation being renaming master to control-plane. In other words control-plane and master mean essentially the same thing, and the goal is to switch the terminology to use control-plane exclusively going forward. (More info in this answer)

            The kubectl command is a command line interface that executes on a client (i.e your computer) and interacts with the cluster through the control-plane. The IP address you are seing through cluster-info is the IP address through which you reach the control-plane

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67986133


            TimescaleDB: SELECT COUNT(*) slow on hypertable
            Asked 2021-Jun-13 at 05:10

            I have a hyper table for exchange candle data set up using TimescaleDB.

            • TimescaleDB official image timescale/timescaledb:latest-pg12 set up and running with Docker with the exact version string starting PostgreSQL 12.6 on x86_64-pc-linux-musl, compiled by gcc (Alpine 10.2.1_pre1) 10.2.1 20201203, 64-bit

            • Python 3 client

            • The table has 5 continuous aggregate views set up like here and around 15 colums

            Running the following query is slow (count query generated with SQLAlchemy):



            Answered 2021-Jun-13 at 05:10

            you can try the approximate_row_count() function (https://docs.timescale.com/api/latest/analytics/approximate_row_count/) which gives an immediate result.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67953098


            python function not returning populated array
            Asked 2021-Jun-11 at 22:06

            I'm working with an online class and can't seem to diagnose this bug. In the code below, if the player initially responds no to the prompt in draw_one_more() the correct value is returned. If the player takes one or more cards and eventually indicates no prior to busting, the value None is returned. I added a print statement directly before the return, and print statement shows the correctly populated value, but the value received from the function is None.

            UPDATES I got a bit carried away after working with some recursive examples. As many suggested the problem doesn't require recursion, and TBF is probably a bad use case. I added some more code as requested.



            Answered 2021-Jun-10 at 23:45

            if in the first call to draw_one_more() draw_another == 'y', your function will always return None.

            in recursive functions the value returned is always the first return, if your function does not return then you will get None.


            first call to draw_one_more():

            . draw_another == 'y'

            then your function will execute the else statement and return None as you have no return statement inside the else.


            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67929456


            MySQL - Create Index Statement prints "[HY000][1880] TIME/TIMESTAMP/DATETIME columns of old format have been upgraded to the new format"
            Asked 2021-Jun-11 at 06:54

            My database has a MyISAM table on a MySQL server using 5.6.41-log. I created a composite index on the table that references a varchar column and a datetime column:



            Answered 2021-Jun-11 at 06:40

            The temporal datatypes (being TIME, DATETIME, and TIMESTAMP) support fractional values starting from MySQL 5.6.4, which means that the storage encoding is slightly different from what it is in older versions. Basic operations continue to be supported when using the old temporal columns, and they're automatically upgraded to the new format when a table containing the deprecated types has an ALTER TABLE, FORCE, or CREATE INDEX issued against it.

            Historically I’ve not seen any issues where this automatic process results in data corruption or alteration. That said, you may want to look at updating all of the tables in the database to use the newer data type, as these changes came about almost a decade ago. By updating the definitions, you’ll reduce the risk of unexpected failures later if you upgrade to a much newer version of MySQL that rejects the older format.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67932069


            Getting "Abort trap 6" using memset()
            Asked 2021-Jun-06 at 20:25

            I am relatively new to C, so please bear with me if this is an obvious question. I've looked all over SO for an answer, and have not been able to figure this out.

            I am writing a simple calculator -- it will take a calculation from the user ("1 + 3", for example, and return the result. To keep things simple, I am setting a length for the input buffer and forcing the user to stay within those bounds. If they input too many characters, I want to alert them they have gone over the limit, and reset the buffer so that they can re-input.

            This functionality works fine when they stay under the limit. It also correctly gives them a message when they go over the limit. However, when they try to input a valid calculation after having put in an invalid one, I get abort trap: 6. I know this has something to do with how I am resetting the array and managing the memory of that buffer, but my C skills are not quite sharp enough to diagnose the problem on my own.

            If anybody could please take a look, I'd really appreciate it! I've pasted my code below.



            Answered 2021-Jun-06 at 20:25

            You don't prevent the buffer overflow, because you are checking for it too late. You should check whether the user is about to exceed the buffer's size, before the user hits enter.

            The code below improves a bit the way a buffer overflow is checked:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67862051


            TensorFlow 2.0 : ValueError - No Gradients Provided (After Modifying DDPG Actor)
            Asked 2021-Jun-05 at 19:06


            I'm currently trying to implement a DDPG framework to control a simple car agent. At first, the car agent would only need to learn how to reach the end of a straight path as quickly as possible by adjusting its acceleration. This task was simple enough, so I decided to introduce an additional steering action as well. I updated my observation and action spaces accordingly.

            The lines below are the for loop that runs each episode:



            Answered 2021-Jun-05 at 19:06

            The issue has been resolved thanks to some simple but helpful advice I received on Reddit. I was disrupting the tracking of my variables by making changes using my custom for-loop. I should have used a TensorFlow function instead. The following changes fixed the problem for me:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67845026


            Proc SQL not returning any columns. Innerjoin
            Asked 2021-Jun-04 at 19:14

            I am trying to gather the information on which store is receiving which SKU along with some other relevant info. The data is in multiple tables so i am trying innerjoin the info. I am using SAS and it runs in SQL Server via passthrough. Below is the query i tried. I have confirmed that || works in the pass through. The issue seems to start in the from statement



            Answered 2021-Jun-04 at 19:14

            Move the SAS syntax to the SAS side of the query. You also had an extra comma in the middle of the FROM clause. Note if you get in the habit of putting the commas (or any other continuation characters) at the beginning of the line instead of the end they will be easier for the programmers to scan and be sure they are done correctly.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67841672


            Why doesn't Automator AppleScript End?
            Asked 2021-Jun-04 at 16:18

            OK, I realize the solution to this is probably something very simple, but I've wasted a lot of time trying to figure it out. As you'll likely be able to tell, I'm new to AppleScript.

            I have an AppleScript being run by Automator. It clicks a button in Chrome. I have an action I need to repeat nearly 1000 times, so I'm trying to automate it. Here's what I have:



            Answered 2021-Jun-04 at 16:18

            It's not as easy as you might think, because alert box with the "OK" button is modal. This means: the script will wait for the "OK" button to be pressed, only then will it continue further.

            I can't test, because I don't use Google Chrome, and I don't know webpage you test with. Try my suggestion yourself (it uses idea of throwing artefact interruption):

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67838704


            Python For Loop of Data Frame taking Header row while Building SQL String
            Asked 2021-May-30 at 21:26

            I'm trying to attach some databases to a SQL server using a loop in Python. When executing the dynamic SQL string I'm getting the error below. The loop seems to be taking the header and feeding this as a variable into the dynamic SQL, as 'DATABASE' is a column header in the data frame. I want to take the first row of data from the data frame not the header. New to Python if it wasn't obvious.

            ProgrammingError: ('42000', "[42000] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]A file activation error occurred. The physical file name 'Database' may be incorrect. Diagnose and correct additional errors, and retry the operation. (5105) (SQLExecDirectW)")



            Answered 2021-May-30 at 21:26

            The below did the trick. I added i for the index of the for loop and also applied iterrows() to get the rows and named the columns required in the cursor.execute()

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67489377

            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

            Install diagnose

            You can install using 'pip install diagnose' or download it from GitHub, PyPI.
            You can use diagnose like any standard Python library. You will need to make sure that you have a development environment consisting of a Python distribution including header files, a compiler, pip, and git installed. Make sure that your pip, setuptools, and wheel are up to date. When using pip it is generally recommended to install packages in a virtual environment to avoid changes to the system.


            For any new features, suggestions and bugs create an issue on GitHub. If you have any questions check and ask questions on community page Stack Overflow .
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