pymc | Bayesian Modeling in Python | Analytics library

 by   pymc-devs Python Version: 5.15.1 License: Non-SPDX

kandi X-RAY | pymc Summary

kandi X-RAY | pymc Summary

pymc is a Python library typically used in Analytics applications. pymc has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has build file available and it has medium support. However pymc has a Non-SPDX License. You can install using 'pip install pymc' or download it from GitHub, PyPI.

Bayesian Modeling in Python

            kandi-support Support

              pymc has a medium active ecosystem.
              It has 7585 star(s) with 1789 fork(s). There are 227 watchers for this library.
              There were 7 major release(s) in the last 12 months.
              There are 165 open issues and 2865 have been closed. On average issues are closed in 297 days. There are 27 open pull requests and 0 closed requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of pymc is 5.15.1

            kandi-Quality Quality

              pymc has no bugs reported.

            kandi-Security Security

              pymc has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.

            kandi-License License

              pymc has a Non-SPDX License.
              Non-SPDX licenses can be open source with a non SPDX compliant license, or non open source licenses, and you need to review them closely before use.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              pymc releases are available to install and integrate.
              Deployable package is available in PyPI.
              Build file is available. You can build the component from source.

            Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA

            kandi has reviewed pymc and discovered the below as its top functions. This is intended to give you an instant insight into pymc implemented functionality, and help decide if they suit your requirements.
            • Generate inference data .
            • Sample posterior from trace .
            • Generate samples from a set of draws .
            • Initialize hyperparameters .
            • Sample from numpyro
            • Create a new density distribution .
            • Sample the posterior predictive weights .
            • Generate samples from blackjax .
            • Computes joint log probability for a given variable .
            • Finds the nearest point using linear interpolation .
            Get all kandi verified functions for this library.

            pymc Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for pymc.

            pymc Examples and Code Snippets

            ステップ2: PyMCを実行する環境の設定
            Pythondot img1Lines of Code : 6dot img1License : Permissive (MIT)
            copy iconCopy
            (base) PS C:\Users\Thomas> conda create -n bayes jupyterlab seaborn spyder tqdm
            (base) PS C:\Users\Thomas> conda activate bayes
            (bayes) PS C:\Users\Thomas>
            (bayes) PS C:\Users\Thomas> pip install pymc3
            (bayes) PS C:\Users\Thomas> c  
            Probabilistic Python: An Introduction to Bayesian Modeling with PyMC,Setup
            Jupyter Notebookdot img2Lines of Code : 5dot img2License : Permissive (CC0-1.0)
            copy iconCopy
            git clone
            cd probabilistic_python
            conda env create
            conda activate prob_python
            jupyter lab
            PyMC Examples,Development:,Git clone the repo to your workspace.
            Jupyter Notebookdot img3Lines of Code : 2dot img3no licencesLicense : No License
            copy iconCopy
                $> git clone
                $> cd pymc_examples
            Understanding the arguments to function of PyMC3
            Pythondot img4Lines of Code : 11dot img4License : Strong Copyleft (CC BY-SA 4.0)
            copy iconCopy
            > help(pm.find_hessian)
            find_hessian(point, vars=None, model=None)
                Returns Hessian of logp at the point passed.
                model: Model (optional if in `with` context)
                point: dict
                vars: list
            pymc3 TypeError: Unsupported dtype for TensorType: object
            Pythondot img5Lines of Code : 26dot img5License : Strong Copyleft (CC BY-SA 4.0)
            copy iconCopy
            def normpdf(y, mu, sigma):
                return pm.math.sum((1 / sigma) * pm.math.exp(pow(y - mu, 2) / pow(sigma, 2)))
            def logp(mu, sigma, w, y):
                mu1 = mu[0]
                mu2 = mu[1]
                sigma1 = sigma[0]
                sigma2 = sigma[1]
                return np.log(w * norm
            Cannot Load netCDF4 Due to Missing .dll File
            Pythondot img6Lines of Code : 5dot img6License : Strong Copyleft (CC BY-SA 4.0)
            copy iconCopy
            # starting out with a fresh environment
            conda create -n mypm3env python=3.8 mkl-service libpython m2w64-toolchain scipy matplotlib pandas
            # install PyMC3 through pip
            pip install pymc3
            Is there a way to run GLM.from_formula without the intercept (PyMC3)?
            Pythondot img7Lines of Code : 2dot img7License : Strong Copyleft (CC BY-SA 4.0)
            copy iconCopy
            formula = 'Y ~ 0 + ' + ' + '.join(['X1', 'X2'])
            How do I format observed data for use in Bayesian networks in pymc3?
            Pythondot img8Lines of Code : 16dot img8License : Strong Copyleft (CC BY-SA 4.0)
            copy iconCopy
            with pm.Model() as model:
                shape = (no_of_samples, no_of_root_categories)
                alpha = np.ones(no_of_root_categories)
                root_prior = pm.Dirichlet("Temperature Rating Prior", alpha)
                root = pm.Categorical('Temperature Rating', p=root
            copy iconCopy
            for i in range(groups):
                alpha = trace_rsp_rt['α'][:, i]
                beta = trace_rsp_rt['β'][:, i]
                mu = alpha + beta * rt  
                # there may be broadcasting issues requiring to use rt[None, :]
                # xarray would handle broadcastin
            How to make sense of the use of `yield` in PyMC models?
            Pythondot img10Lines of Code : 24dot img10License : Strong Copyleft (CC BY-SA 4.0)
            copy iconCopy
            >>> def add_one_generator():
            ...     x = 0
            ...     while True:
            ...         x = yield x + 1
            >>> gen = add_one_generator()
            >>> y = gen.send(None)  # First sent value must be None, to start the generator

            Community Discussions


            Lottery analysis for learning
            Asked 2022-Mar-31 at 15:00

            I'm trying to learn how to use the pandas library.

            For the data source, I use the lottery combinations draws so far.

            One of many tasks I'm trying to solve is to count the frequency of pairs of numbers in combinations.

            I create a data frame from the list like this:



            Answered 2022-Mar-12 at 15:09

            Here is a simple solution using just modules from the standard library:



            Python Dataframe Binary Encoding
            Asked 2022-Mar-11 at 08:42

            I have a dataframe that looks like this:

            User Product 1 a 1 b 2 a 2 c 3 b

            I want 1 row per user with the products as columns where it gives a 1 or 0 if the user purchased the product or not, how can I do this?



            Answered 2022-Mar-11 at 08:34
            df.pivot_table(index="User", columns="Product", aggfunc=len).fillna(0)
            # Result:
            Product    a    b    c
            1        1.0  1.0  0.0
            2        1.0  0.0  1.0
            3        0.0  1.0  0.0



            How to structure an Analytics System
            Asked 2021-Nov-30 at 18:51

            I want to study which devices send requests to a server (PHP - Wordpress). Hence store a new record (containing the User Agent string) every time the server receive a request. I need also to be able to read records via Google Sheets.

            I'm new to this and before start coding i'm doing research to define which "infrastructure" is better, and requires me less effort. I'm asking here because maybe someone have been done this in the past and could tell his insights.

            Note: I don't have access to the browser's javascript . Every request the server receives is redirected to an external website. I can use only the server to orchestrate all things.

            Here are some path i thought of:

            1. Basic

            Store records in a Wordpress custom table.

            Create a REST API inside Wordpress that read data from that table.

            When i want to analyze data i fetch the record from REST API in Google Sheets via Google App Scripts.

            1. Basic with Firebase.

            Store records in a Firebase table.

            When i want to analyze data i fetch the record from Firebase REST API in Google Sheets via Google App Scripts.

            Here i find difficult to understand how to setup Authentication, Client ID , API Keys, etc in Google Console.(Never used before)

            1. Google Sheets as DB.

            When server receive a request , server send an other request to Google Sheets directly, using some sort of Google Sheets Client SDK in PHP.

            Here i find difficult to understand how to setup Authentication, Client ID , API Key, etc in Google Console.(Never used before)

            1. Webhook way.

            When server receive a request , server send an other request to a Cloud Function hosted in Netlify or Similar.

            The Cloud Function send record to Google Sheets , using some sort of Google Sheets Client SDK in Node.js.

            Here i find difficult to understand how to setup Authentication, Client ID , API Key, etc in Google Console.(Never used before)

            Which path would you choose? Would you do something different ?

            Any good resource to understand Authentication in Google Ecosystem?

            Security side, now i store only User Agent string, but in future i could store more sensitive, so it's good idea to use this project to learn something reliable.



            Answered 2021-Nov-30 at 18:51

            Note that it's extremely unlikely that you will be satisfied with just the device information in any analysis, but in this answer, I will presume that you know your situation better than I.

            Your options:

            1. Sounds fine. Primitive, but sure.

            2. Firebase/GA is large. You probably don't wanna complicate things with them. They demand very certain data structure in order to be able to give fullest insights. But later, when you want to get the data back, it's not that straightforward since those APIs are meant for pretty serious ETL process with exact understanding of all their internal definitions. It will be annoying if your aim is just to get a few metrics and a few dimensions and never anything more.

            3. I never used Sheets APIs when the sheet is not opened. I always use its internal pseudo JS to move the data around. Well, it's up to you.

            4. That's just a variation of 3.

            Okay, now how I would do it.

            You have (or supposed to have) access logs on the backend. If what you've described is all you need, I would suggest feeding the access logs as they are to G sheets and be done with it. That would be the sturdiest and most reliable implementation and if done correctly, it won't even depend on your backend language, but just on the web-server logging.

            Well, if your setup typically bypasses the web-server (which is annoying really), then the framework you use for managing endpoints would likely have semblance of logging in it. I would use that then.

            If not, I would try doing my tracking on the front-end, too, but you mentioned that that's not an option, so I'm not gonna entertain the thought any further.

            Finally if those options aren't really options then you should think if you want to bother aggregating the data on the fly, in your script or not. And you're unlikely to want that because that would be extremely annoying.

            To that point, unaggregated data will take a lot of space. G Sheets won't be able to handle that amount of raw data. For the same reason, using your local DB may be a bad idea too.

            So it may be better for you to use GA API to stream the data through their measurement protocol (there are multiple libraries available for it). GA has an ability to feed its data to BQ, and from BQ it's much easier to get it to wherever. Well, I believe there already are multiple scripts and plugins for G sheets to get aggregated data from GA and make a semblance of semi-live dashboards in it.



            What are the downsides of using firebase analytics without ad id (AnalyticsWithoutAdIdSupport)?
            Asked 2021-Nov-30 at 16:41

            With iOS 14, Apple has introduced new privacy features. When installing firebase through cocoapods, one of the options is to install Analytics without IDFA collection capability.



            Answered 2021-Nov-30 at 16:41

            This feature helps attribute app installs to certain adds through the apple identifier they call IDFA (identifier for advertisers). It's immensely useful to measure effectiveness of ads not only for downloads and installs, but also for latter internal conversions in the app.

            But it won't be used if a user doesn't opt in to be tracked starting from iOS 14. So the value of it is somewhat diminished, making the analysts working with an effectively bias-sampled data that won't extrapolate normally.

            Anyhow, if you need to do attribution, you'll need IDFA. Otherwise, you're perfectly fine using AnalyticsWithoutAdIdSupport.



            Google sheets max cells limits and mitigations
            Asked 2021-Nov-27 at 12:38

            I'd read online that Google sheets has a max cell limit of 5 million cells. A sheet that I'm currently working on has well and above passed that limit (including blank cells).

            1. What is the new limit?
            2. Also I'd manually checked how many cells I was using. Is there any function or script that I can use to keep a check?
            3. The sheet I'm working on is going to only get bigger and it's already lagging heavily. I'd love some suggestions on which platform I could move to next to handle such big data. There are so many options, it's mindboggling. I use Google sheets mainly for it's ease in collaboration, presentability and ease of use. Any other tool with these traits but with an ability to handle bigger data?


            Answered 2021-Nov-26 at 14:24

            The easiest way I found to check the cell limit was to try and add a huge amount of lines at the end of the document, which gave me this error message:

            This reads: "An error has occurred: This action would increase the number of cells in the worksheet above the limit of 10000000 cells".

            However, when I used one more digit, I got a different message:

            That one reads: "Oops, enter a number between 1 and 5000000", suggesting the maximum number of rows you can have is 5 million, while the max of cells can be up to 10 million. I'm not sure about the columns, but I'd say it is the as the row's limit.



            Plausible Analytics Events API - prevent manipulation
            Asked 2021-Nov-23 at 00:21

            According to the Plausible Analytics docs, you can do POST-requests towards the /events/api endpoint to record pageviews. I am self-hosting Plausible and was surprised that I could simply do some POST-requests to the endpoint with some dummy data using Postman, and it was recorded as an actual page-view.

            I checked another site (using the cloud version), and it seemed I could manipulate the data there as well. Is this normal, or did I set it up wrong? How is one supposed to prevent manipulation of the analytics data, or is this simply how the technology works?



            Answered 2021-Nov-23 at 00:21
            1. It's not about Plausible. It's about almost any front-end based analytics tracking system. Matomo, Adobe Analytics, Google Analytics: they're all critically vulnerable in this respect. Not mentioning the army of third party services that track conversions to optimize traffic segmentation.

            2. However: 2.1 Nobody cares enough to bother spoiling others' data. Well, nobody enough for people to not concern themselves with it. It happens rarely. 2.2 It is pretty difficult to spoil the data in a reliable way. You'd have to study tracking pattern, get proxies, set up distributed event flooding, plausibly randomize every dimension that is organically set. It is difficult. 2.3 Even if you're good enough to spoil the data, good analysts and data scientists will be able to at least detect an attack if not clean the data from garbage. 2.4 An attack like this would cost more than setting up pretty good tracking. So from a business perspective, it's too expensive to spoil all your competitors' data.

            3. Finally, yes, you can make it secure. But it's currently expensive. The idea here is to use a sort of server-side tag manager. Adobe Launch (now called Tags), Matomo, Tealium and GTM all offer server-side options. Not only does it offer an opportunity to hide your analytics endpoint, but also allows you to bypass adblockers that normally prevent anywhere from 5 to 75% of all tracking, depending on the audience.

            Server-side, however, now requires the tracking implementation specialist to not only know bits of JS and DOM, but server side too, as well have as some API skills. And server-side TMSes don't allow you to execute generic code on the server, so now you have to be ready to write your own back-end code.

            Obviously, you may ignore server-side TMS and use measurement protocol instead, directly sending events from your server endpoint to the tracking endpoint, bypassing a TMS. There's value TMSes provide, but server-side TMS just becomes a pretty and well-documented router.

            Your tracking scheme now looks like so:



            Failed to resolve table or column expression named 'SecurityEvent'
            Asked 2021-Nov-22 at 05:02

            I am trying to find security events from Azure log analytics. But its not taking the SecurityEvent keyword. It give the error "Failed to resolve table or column expression named 'SecurityEvent'".



            Answered 2021-Nov-22 at 05:02

            As Oleh Tarasenko suggested , if you need security events then they need to be enabled from Security Center.

            Kindly note security events are collected from windows machines by Azure Security Center or Azure Sentinel. However, Azure Monitor agent does not support solutions and insights such as VM insights and Azure Security Center as of now. The only scenario currently supported is collecting data using the data collection rules that you configure.

            • You can use AMA to natively collect Security Events, same as other Windows Events. These flow to the 'Event' table in your Log Analytics workspace.

            • If you have Sentinel enabled on the workspace, the Security Events flow via AMA into the 'SecurityEvent' table instead (same as using Log Analytics Agent). This will always require the solution to be enabled first.

            For your reference , availability of solutions for AMA.

            Set up the Windows Security Events connector in Azure Sentinel

            To collect your Windows security events in Azure Sentinel:

            1. From the Azure Sentinel navigation menu, select Data connectors. From the list of connectors, click on Security Events, and then on the Open connector page button on the lower right. Then follow the on-screen instructions under the Instructions tab, as described through the rest of this section.

            2. Verify that you have the appropriate permissions as described under the Prerequisites section on the connector page.

            3. Download and install the Log Analytics agent (also known as the Microsoft Monitoring Agent or MMA) on the machines for which you want to stream security events into Azure Sentinel.For Azure Virtual Machines:

              1. Click on Install agent on Azure Windows Virtual Machine, and then on the link that appears below.
              2. For each virtual machine that you want to connect, click on its name in the list that appears on the right, and then click Connect.

              For non-Azure Windows machines (physical, virtual on-prem, or virtual in another cloud):

              1. Click on Install agent on non-Azure Windows Machine, and then on the link that appears below.

              2. Click on the appropriate download links that appear on the right, under Windows Computers.

              3. Using the downloaded executable file, install the agent on the Windows systems of your choice, and configure it using the Workspace ID and Keys that appear below the download links mentioned above.

              4. For additional installation options and further details, see the Log Analytics agent documentation.

              5. Select which event set (All, Common, or Minimal) you want to stream.

              6. Click Update.

              7. To use the relevant schema in Log Analytics for Windows security events, type SecurityEvent in the query window.

                Validate Connectivity

                It may take around 20 minutes until your logs start to appear in Log Analytics.

            Full documentation : Connect Windows security event data to Azure Sentinel | Microsoft Docs

            Azure Security Center and Azure Defender are now called Microsoft Defender for Cloud you can refer this documentation to enable security events to azure security center.



            Dropping multiples rows based on list of column values
            Asked 2021-Nov-16 at 15:54

            I am working on a World Bank dataset of Co2 Emission and GDP. I want to remove values of non countries from the dataframe.

            I tried using negation and reset_index as follow. But the rows are not getting removed. I want the rows to be removed where the country name in the column Country Name is from the list non_countries.



            Answered 2021-Nov-16 at 15:13


            Is it possible to set the Analytics ID in gatsby-node.js?
            Asked 2021-Nov-10 at 06:13

            I'm using Gatsby to create a static page. The contents are comming from a CMS with rest-API.

            Now I would like to add Google-Analyitcs, and also save the trackingId in the CMS. But when I'm using the gatsby-plugin-google-analytics, I have to set the trackingId in the gatsby-config.js.

            Is there any way, to fetch the data in gatsby-node.js and then set/change the trackingId for the plugin?

            I am grateful for any help.



            Answered 2021-Nov-10 at 06:13

            No, you can't.

            In the end, gatsby-plugin-google-analytics or any similar plugin what it's doing is to customize the html.js to add a script with the ID in it. This is created as a boilerplate/template for the content coming from your data sources (in your gatsby-node.js) while your site is being built, as you can see in the docs:

            Gatsby gives plugins and site builders many APIs for building your site. Code in the file gatsby-node.js is run once in the process of building your site. You can use its APIs to create pages dynamically, add data into GraphQL, or respond to events during the build lifecycle.

            Every Gatsby Node API gets passed a set of helper functions. These let you access several methods like reporting, or perform actions like creating new pages.

            However, what you can do, is to set the tracking ID manually via React Helmet based on the content of your CMS, this would be simpler to achieve. In your createPage function you can do:



            Stop / Hide GTMSessionFetcher Logs SwiftUI
            Asked 2021-Nov-05 at 15:37

            is there way to hide and stop print in the Xcode console below types of logs.

            GTMSessionFetcher invoking fetch callbacks, data {length = 2270, bytes = 0x7b227265 73756c74 223a7b22 72657375 ... 52696465 73227d7d }, error (null)




            Answered 2021-Nov-05 at 15:37

            Follow below steps:-

            1. Open Xcode and find GTMSessionFetcher folder
            2. Select GTMSessionFetcher Class
            3. Comment the GTMSessionFetcher Log Debug line.

            Please Check the attached screenshot.


            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

            Install pymc

            You can install using 'pip install pymc' or download it from GitHub, PyPI.
            You can use pymc like any standard Python library. You will need to make sure that you have a development environment consisting of a Python distribution including header files, a compiler, pip, and git installed. Make sure that your pip, setuptools, and wheel are up to date. When using pip it is generally recommended to install packages in a virtual environment to avoid changes to the system.


            For any new features, suggestions and bugs create an issue on GitHub. If you have any questions check and ask questions on community page Stack Overflow .
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