Ransom | Various codes related to Ransomware Developement | Encryption library
kandi X-RAY | Ransom Summary
kandi X-RAY | Ransom Summary
Various codes related to Ransomware Developement
Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA
- Generate a file
- Encrypts a file using AES encryption
- Make directory
- Generate text generator
- Find files in root directory
- Write an instruction to a directory
- Create remote desktop
- Set wallpaper
- Write the instruction file
- Perform persistance
- Destroy shadow copy
- Delete file
Ransom Key Features
Ransom Examples and Code Snippets
function ransomNoteFromMagazine(magazine, ransom) {
var hash = {};
var mLen = magazine.length;
var rLen = ransom.length;
var mIdx = 0;
var rIdx = 0;
while(rIdx < rLen) {
var rc = ransom[rIdx];
if(hash[rc] === undefined || has
def canConstruct(self, ransomNote: str, magazine: str) -> bool:
strs = string.ascii_lowercase
alpha = list(map(magazine.count,strs))
for i in ransomNote:
if (alpha[ord(i)-97] >0):
def canConstruct(self, ransomNote: str, magazine: str) -> bool:
for i in range(len(ransomNote)):
magazine = magazine.replace(ransomNote[i],'~',1)
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Answered 2021-Feb-05 at 08:37the problem is that you encrypt then decrypt. Your encryption and decryption function is working fine the issue is that you always seek to the beginning of the file to write any changes this will work fine with encryption and will work fine with decryption if the the plaintext and ciphertext is of same size(no padding) but will place decrypted plaintext that is not as same same size of ciphertext at beginning of file and leave the rest of file unchanged so you need to truncate the remainder part of ciphertext.
I implemented a simple algorithm in 2 ways. One using indexOf and other one using Hash Table.
The problem: Given an arbitrary ransom note string and another string containing letters from all the magazines, write a function that will return true if the ransom note can be constructed from the magazines ; otherwise, it will return false.
First one. Is it Time Complexity O(N^2) because I have N letters in the ransomNote and I can do N searches in the indexOf?
Answered 2020-Jul-29 at 16:00The version with indexOf()
is O(N*M), where N is the length of the ransom note, and M is the length of the magazine. You perform up to N searches, and each search is linear through the magazine array that's N characters. Also, array.splice()
is O(M) because it has to copy all the array elements after index
to the lower index.
Hash table access and updates are generally considered to be O(1). The second version performs N hash table lookups and updates, so the overall complexity is O(N).
Hello I am trying to add another container div on click. With my current code I am getting the error TypeError: document.getElementById(...) is null
. I got this answer from a stackoverflow problem and I beleive it does not work because I am using react/gatsby.
I have also tried having the inside of trello.js and I am still getting the same error.
Answered 2020-Jun-14 at 21:42import React from "react";
export default function Button() {
let click = () => {
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.innerHTML = "New DIV";
div.className = "container";
return (
Click Me
I am learning Python, and i use it to solve tasks on HackerRank. I have the problem with exercise Hash Tables: Ransom Note. I have written that code:
Answered 2020-Jun-11 at 14:44You cannot referenze the varible your dict comp is assigned to inside itself - it does not update "iteratively".
It is easy to show:
Back in 2016 all of my data on my laptop hard drive was encrypted by the CERBER ransomware. I refused to pay Ransome money to hacker.
I have all of my important data preserved in an external hard disk. After 4 years now, I am hoping that some solution is there to decrypt my data.
In these data, there are my childhood images which are once in a lifetime memories.
Please guys I'll appreciate any kinda help. If you are professional then any premium support would work too.
Can't wait to hear from you guys.
Thank you so much in advanced, Siddharth shah
Answered 2020-May-17 at 13:49If you are looking for some tool to decrypt your encrypted files and if your extension of those encrypted files is something like
{10 random characters}.cerber,
Well, you are in luck!. There's a decryptor tool available. Here's the direct link : Trend micro decryptor
Good luck!
I have a doubt with the solution of this question which is stated below -
Given an arbitrary ransom note string and another string containing letters from all the magazines, write a function that will return true if the ransom note can be constructed from the magazines ; otherwise, it will return false.
Each letter in the magazine string can only be used once in your ransom note. Strings["aa", "ab"] should return false and strings["aa", "aab"] should return true according to question.
Here is the code which I have attempted in the first place and I'm not getting a required output as mentioned above.
Answered 2020-May-03 at 18:52unordered_map::count
returns the number of items with specified key.
As you don't use multi_map
version, you only have 0 or 1.
Associated value doesn't change presence of key in map.
To use count
, you should remove key when value reaches 0:
All I did was to import libraries and read the data. This is what I get:
Answered 2020-Apr-16 at 18:01Probably you are just missing the separator.
I'm using Kivy for a user interface to a control application. As such, the UI is subsidiary to the essential functionality. For modularity/tidyness, I've been trying to place all the Kivy code in a separate source file and to call it as the last step in Main.
However, if I do this, I find that some things don't work properly (for example, creating labels programatically and updating their text by scheduled events).
Is this something which should be possible? Is there a 'trick' of which I should be aware?
If the detail of my question is not clear, I can put up some test code to illustrate.
Monolithic code, which works as expected:
Answered 2020-Apr-10 at 10:19You don't have any code that would change the text of your Label. Although you update self.random_number
, you don't update the Label's text property, therefore you don't see any change.
I have written a simple for loop meant to check if all of the words in one list are found in a larger list. It is a practice question found here.
I do not understand why my function does not execute properly - After running it, what is left in the sample list "note2" is ['one','today'], so it seems like the loop is somehow skipping over those words. Why is that?! I do not understand it conceptually.
Thank you for your help on this.
Example lists (two pairs of examples):
Answered 2019-Nov-16 at 18:34In the loop you remove elements from the list and then word
is looking at the elements of the reduced list.
Copy the lists in the for
loop line using note[:]
var word=[
"0. wordAng - wordPl 1. gap year - rok przerwy po ukonczeniu szkoly sredniej 2. safety course - kurs zasad bezpieczenstwa 3. increase - zwiekszac sie (o ilosci/jakosci)4. decrease - zmniejszac sie (o ilosci/jakosci) 5. within walking distance - w odleglosci, ktora mozna pokonac pieszo 6. mention - wspomniec o czyms 7. overland - droga ladowa / naziemny 8. memorable - niezapomniany/ godny zapamietania 9. sign up with - zapisac sie/zaangazowac/zwiazac sie z 10. deliverer - doreczyciel/dostawca 11. paragliding - paralotnia 12. placement - polozenie/lokalizacja 13. research - badania naukowe 14. expences - wydatki 15. cruise ship - statek rejsowy 16. on board - na pokladzie 17. off the coast - z daleka od brzegu 18. available - dostepne 19. working hours - godziny pracy 20. deal with - radzic sobie z 21. counsellor - doradca/opiekun 22. freelance - pracowac jako wolny strzelec 23. call back - oddzwonic pozniej 24. take on - zatrudniac 25. hold a certificate - posiadac dyplom 26. put through - polaczyc przez telefon 27. flood - powodz 28. volcanic eruption - wybuch wulkanu 29. drought - susza 30. pollution - zanieczyszczenie 31. earthquake - trzesienie ziemi 32. pump out - wypompowywac/emitowac 33. toward - w kierunku 34. grow - rosnac/uprawiac 35. canoe - kajak 36. fireworks - fajerwerki 37. light up - rozswietlic 38. sheke - trzasc sie 39. fall off - spadac/odpadac 40. twister - tornado/traba powietrzna 41. calm - spokojny/nieporuszony 42. weatherman - prezenter pogody 43. strike - uderzyc/nadejsc/dopasc 44. pray - modlic sie 45. prayer - modlitwa 46. put down - wpisywac/klasc 47. huge - ogromny/olbrzymi 48. directly - bezposrednio 49. unexpected - nieoczekiwany 50. expected - oczekiwany 51. chase - gonic/scigac 52. awake - obudzony/przebudzony/obudzic/przebudzic sie 53. prediction - przewidywanie 54. predict - przewidywac 55. spontaneous decision - decyzja spontaniczna 56. global warming - globalne ocieplenie 57. rising level - podnoszacy sie poziom 58. cover - przykrywac/pokrywac/przykrywa/pokrywa (czasownik i rzeczownik) 59. glacier - lodowiec 60. well - studnia 61. cause - powodowac 62. precious - drogocanny 63. collect donations - zbierac datki 64. fossil fuel - paliwo kopalne 65. ice cap - pokrywa lodowa 66. blanket - koc 67. shortage - brak/niedobor 68. leak - przeciekac/wyciek 69. dispose of - unieszkodliwic/uporac sie z 70. dump - sklad/zrzut 71. breed - rasa/gatunek 72. die out - wymrzec/wyginac 73. scarce - rzadki/malo spotykany 74. look for - szukac 75. look after - opiekowac sie 76. cub - kocie/mlode 77. cuddly - milutki 78. fierce-looking - wygladajacy groznie 79. habitat - srodowisko/miejsce wystepowania 80. in case of - w razie/jesli wystapi"
"0. wordAng - wordPl 1. alidi - alidi 2. at gunpoint - pod grozba uzycia broni 3. beat sb up - pobic 4. burglar - wlamywacz 5. commit a crime - popelnic przestepstwo 6. criminal - przestepca 7. escape - uciekac 8. force - sila 9. forger - falszerz 10. get out of - wyjsc 11. getaway - ucieczka 12. hand over - przekazywac 13. hand sth in - wreczyc 14. hide - ukryc 15. hold up - napad rabunkowy 16. illegal - nielegalny 17. mugger - bandyta 18. mugging - kradzierz z rozbojem 19. murder - morderstwo 20. murderer - morderca 21. pickpocket - kieszonkowiec 22. prisoner - wiezien 23. ransom - okup 24. rob - rabowac 25. robber - zlodziej 26. robbery - napad 27. shoplifter - zlodziej sklepowy 28. shoplifting - kradzierz sklepowa 29. suspect - podejrzany 30. suspicious - podejrzany 31. suspiciously - podejrzliwie 32. theft - kradziez 33. thieft - zlodziej 34. threaten - grozic 35. tick off - dawac reprymende 36. violence - przemoc 37. appear - pojawiac sie 38. appearence - wygląd 39. author - autor 40. carry out duties - wypelniac obowiazki 41. clever diagnosis - inteligentan diagnoza 42. come out - ukazac sie 43. cuff - mankiet 44. carved pipe - rzezbiona fajka 45. deduce - wnioskowac 46. diary - dziennik 47. edition - wydanie 48. fictional - fikcyjny 49. immediate success - natychmiastowy sukces 50. indicate - wskazywac 51. insult - zniewazac 52. magnifying glass - szklo powiekszajace 53. notice - zauwazyc 54. observation - obserwacja 55. plot - fabula 56. relationships - kontakty 57. shopkeeper - kupiec 58. smooth patch - gładka lata 59. solve mysteries - rozwiazywac zagadki 60. tattoo - tatuaz 61. tradesman - handlowiec 62. trai - szkolic 63. who is behind it - kto za tym stoi 64. accuse sb of sth - oskarzyc kogos o cos 65. accused of - oskarzony o 66. arrest - aresztowac 67. cctv - kamera przemyslowa 68. avidence - dowody 69. fill in a form - wypelniac formularz 70. fingerprint - odcisk palca 71. forensic - sadowy 72. murder case - sprawa o morderstwo 73. proof - dowod 74. prosecute - oskarzac 75. punish - karac kogos 76. report - raport 77. scene of crime - miejsce przestepstwa 78. traces - slady 79. confess guilt - przyznawac sie do winy 80. court -sad 81. defendant - oskarzony 82. end up in jail - trafic do wiezienia 83. go on trial - miec proces 84. guilty - winny 85. innocent - niewinny 86. judge - sedzia 87. jury - lawa przysieglych 88. lawer - prawnik 89. make statements under oath - zeznawac pod przysiega 90. minor - drobny 91. pass sentence - wydawac wyrok 92. sentence sombady to - skazywac kogos na 93. try - sadzic 94. under oath - pod przysiega 95. victim - ofiara 96. witness - slabosc"
Answered 2019-Oct-07 at 09:59I think you want to split by number and then split by hyphen. For example,
Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network
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Install Ransom
You can use Ransom like any standard Python library. You will need to make sure that you have a development environment consisting of a Python distribution including header files, a compiler, pip, and git installed. Make sure that your pip, setuptools, and wheel are up to date. When using pip it is generally recommended to install packages in a virtual environment to avoid changes to the system.
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