identity | SpaceONE Identity Service | Identity Management library

 by   spaceone-dev Python Version: 1.2.2 License: Apache-2.0

kandi X-RAY | identity Summary

kandi X-RAY | identity Summary

identity is a Python library typically used in Security, Identity Management applications. identity has no bugs, it has a Permissive License and it has low support. However identity has 2 vulnerabilities and it build file is not available. You can download it from GitHub.

SpaceONE Identity Service

            kandi-support Support

              identity has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 10 star(s) with 6 fork(s). There are 5 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 12 months.
              There are 4 open issues and 2 have been closed. On average issues are closed in 31 days. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of identity is 1.2.2

            kandi-Quality Quality

              identity has 0 bugs and 0 code smells.

            kandi-Security Security

              identity has 2 vulnerability issues reported (0 critical, 0 high, 2 medium, 0 low).
              identity code analysis shows 0 unresolved vulnerabilities.
              There are 0 security hotspots that need review.

            kandi-License License

              identity is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License. This license is Permissive.
              Permissive licenses have the least restrictions, and you can use them in most projects.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              identity releases are available to install and integrate.
              identity has no build file. You will be need to create the build yourself to build the component from source.
              It has 8248 lines of code, 742 functions and 115 files.
              It has medium code complexity. Code complexity directly impacts maintainability of the code.

            Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA

            kandi has reviewed identity and discovered the below as its top functions. This is intended to give you an instant insight into identity implemented functionality, and help decide if they suit your requirements.
            • Update an auth plugin
            • Create a secret
            • Gets the auth plugin endpoint
            • Update secret data
            • Return a dict representation of a Project Group
            • Return a dict of project group info
            • Return a dictionary representation of a role binding
            • Return a dictionary representation of a role
            • Returns a dict representation of a Project
            • Return information about a page permission
            • Authenticate a user
            • Get the auth plugin endpoint
            • Authenticate with the given credentials
            • Upgrade an auth plugin
            • Constructs a ProjectGroupRoleBinding
            • Creates a project role binding
            • Convert a DomainInfo into a DomainInfo object
            • Create a plugin_pb2 PluginInfo object
            • Checks if a service account exists
            • List secrets
            • Deletes a domain
            • Update the domain
            • Refreshes a user token
            • Issue an access token
            • Update a service account
            • Refresh a user
            Get all kandi verified functions for this library.

            identity Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for identity.

            identity Examples and Code Snippets

            No Code Snippets are available at this moment for identity.

            Community Discussions


            Google OAuth 2.0 failing with Error 400: invalid_request for some client_id, but works well for others in the same project
            Asked 2022-Mar-30 at 14:21

            We have some apps (or maybe we should call them a handful of scripts) that use Google APIs to facilitate some administrative tasks. Recently, after making another client_id in the same project, I started getting an error message similar to the one described in localhost redirect_uri does not work for Google Oauth2 (results in 400: invalid_request error). I.e.,

            Error 400: invalid_request

            You can't sign in to this app because it doesn't comply with Google's OAuth 2.0 policy for keeping apps secure.

            You can let the app developer know that this app doesn't comply with one or more Google validation rules.

            Request details:

            The content in this section has been provided by the app developer. This content has not been reviewed or verified by Google.

            If you’re the app developer, make sure that these request details comply with Google policies.

            redirect_uri: urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob

            How do I get through this error? It is important to note that:

            • The OAuth consent screen for this project is marked as "Internal". Therefore any mentions of Google review of the project, or publishing status are irrelevant
            • I do have "Trust internal, domain-owned apps" enabled for the domain
            • Another client id in the same project works and there are no obvious differences between the client IDs - they are both "Desktop" type which only gives me a Client ID and Client secret that are different
            • This is a command line script, so I use the "copy/paste" verification method as documented here hence the urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob redirect URI (copy/paste is the only friendly way to run this on a headless machine which has no browser).
            • I was able to reproduce the same problem in a dev domain. I have three client ids. The oldest one is from January 2021, another one from December 2021, and one I created today - March 2022. Of those, only the December 2021 works and lets me choose which account to authenticate with before it either accepts it or rejects it with "Error 403: org_internal" (this is expected). The other two give me an "Error 400: invalid_request" and do not even let me choose the "internal" account. Here are the URLs generated by my app (I use the ruby google client APIs) and the only difference between them is the client_id - January 2021, December 2021, March 2022.

            Here is the part of the code around the authorization flow, and the URLs for the different client IDs are what was produced on the $stderr.puts url line. It is pretty much the same thing as documented in the official example here (version as of this writing).



            Answered 2022-Mar-02 at 07:56

            steps.oauth.v2.invalid_request 400 This error name is used for multiple different kinds of errors, typically for missing or incorrect parameters sent in the request. If is set to false, use fault variables (described below) to retrieve details about the error, such as the fault name and cause.

            • GenerateAccessToken GenerateAuthorizationCode
            • GenerateAccessTokenImplicitGrant
            • RefreshAccessToken

            Google Oauth Policy



            How to fix? "kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer"
            Asked 2022-Mar-30 at 10:07

            I want to copy data with scp in GitLab pipeline using PRIVATE_KEY error is :



            Answered 2021-Sep-30 at 19:40
            kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer



            Is there an identity index value in JavaScript?
            Asked 2022-Feb-13 at 18:48

            In JavaScript, values of objects and arrays can be indexed like the following: objOrArray[index]. Is there an identity "index" value?

            In other words:

            Is there a value of x that makes the following always true?



            Answered 2021-Oct-05 at 01:31

            The indexing operation doesn't have an identity element. The domain and range of indexing is not necessarily the same -- the domain is arrays and objects, but the range is any type of object, since array elements and object properties can hold any type. If you have an array of integers, the domain is Array, while the range is Integer, so it's not possible for there to be an identity. a[x] will always be an integer, which can never be equal to the array itself.

            And even if you have an array of arrays, there's no reason to expect any of the elements to be a reference to the array itself. It's possible to create self-referential arrays like this, but most are not. And even if it is, the self-reference could be in any index, so there's no unique identity value.



            How to automate legends for a new geom in ggplot2?
            Asked 2022-Jan-30 at 18:08

            I've built this new ggplot2 geom layer I'm calling geom_triangles (see that plots isosceles triangles given aesthetics including x, y, z where z is the height of the triangle and the base of the isosceles triangle has midpoint (x,y) on the graph.

            What I want is for the geom_triangles() layer to automatically provide legend components for the height and width of the triangles, but I am not sure how to do that.

            I understand based on this reference that I may need to adjust the draw_key argument in the ggproto StatTriangles object, but I'm not sure how I would do that and can't seem to find examples online of how to do it. I've been looking at the source code in ggplot2 for the draw_key functions, but I'm not sure how I would introduce multiple legend components (one for each of height and width) in a single draw_key argument in the StatTriangles ggproto.



            Answered 2022-Jan-30 at 18:08

            I think you might be slightly overcomplicating things. Ideally, you'd just want a single key drawing method for the whole layer. However, because you're using a Stat to do the majority of calculations, this becomes hairy to implement. In my answer, I'm avoiding this.

            Let's say I'd want to use a geom-only implementation of such a layer. I can make the following (simplified) class/constructor pair. Below, I haven't bothered width_scale or height_scale parameters, just for simplicity.




            Paramiko authentication fails with "Agreed upon 'rsa-sha2-512' pubkey algorithm" (and "unsupported public key algorithm: rsa-sha2-512" in sshd log)
            Asked 2022-Jan-13 at 14:49

            I have a Python 3 application running on CentOS Linux 7.7 executing SSH commands against remote hosts. It works properly but today I encountered an odd error executing a command against a "new" remote server (server based on RHEL 6.10):

            encountered RSA key, expected OPENSSH key

            Executing the same command from the system shell (using the same private key of course) works perfectly fine.

            On the remote server I discovered in /var/log/secure that when SSH connection and commands are issued from the source server with Python (using Paramiko) sshd complains about unsupported public key algorithm:

            userauth_pubkey: unsupported public key algorithm: rsa-sha2-512

            Note that target servers with higher RHEL/CentOS like 7.x don't encounter the issue.

            It seems like Paramiko picks/offers the wrong algorithm when negotiating with the remote server when on the contrary SSH shell performs the negotiation properly in the context of this "old" target server. How to get the Python program to work as expected?

            Python code



            Answered 2022-Jan-13 at 14:49

            Imo, it's a bug in Paramiko. It does not handle correctly absence of server-sig-algs extension on the server side.

            Try disabling rsa-sha2-* on Paramiko side altogether:



            Transform Identity Matrix
            Asked 2021-Dec-23 at 18:17

            I have identity matrix which can be generated via diag(5)



            Answered 2021-Dec-23 at 13:06

            Try the code below (given m <- diag(5))



            Working with data types parameterized by a functor
            Asked 2021-Dec-08 at 15:37

            I recently defined a type whose fields I might fail to compute:



            Answered 2021-Dec-08 at 15:37

            Such data types are called "Higher-Kinded Data" (HKD). Manipulating them is often done with Generics or Template Haskell.

            There are libraries like higgledy which provide built-in functionality for HKD. I believe construct is the function you are looking for:



            Azure App Service .net6 Deploy - Error: EISDIR: illegal operation on a directory, open '/home/site/wwwroot/wwwroot/Identity/lib/bootstrap/LICENSE'
            Asked 2021-Nov-28 at 13:03

            I updated my core Blazor WebAssembly app to .net 6. Everything is fine, but the deploy from github actions doesn't work and throws this error:



            Answered 2021-Nov-15 at 05:26
            • On Linux, it's important that any bash deployment scripts that get run have Unix line endings (LF) and not Windows line endings (CRLF).

            • Kuduscript will generate scripts with platform-appropriate line endings, but if those scripts are modified, or if you provide your own custom deployment scripts, it's important to make sure that your editor doesn't change the line endings.

            • If something seems off with your deployment script, you can always use the Kudu console to delete the contents of /home/site/deployments/tools.

            • This is the directory where Kudu caches kuduscript-generated deployment scripts. On the next deployment, the script will be regenerated.

            • The error you're currently seeing is a Kudu issue with running node/npm for deployments.

            • The easiest and fastest resolution for what you are currently seeing is to specify engines.node in your package.json.

            Error: EISDIR: illegal operation on a directory, open '/home/site/wwwroot/wwwroot/Identity/lib/bootstrap/LICENSE'

            EISDIR stands for "Error, Is Directory". This means that NPM is trying to do something to a file but it is a directory. In your case, NPM is trying to "read" a file which is a directory. Since the operation cannot be done the error is thrown.

            Three things to make sure here

            1. Make sure the file exists. If it does not, you need to create it. (If NPM depends on any specific information in the file, you will need to have that information there).
            2. Make sure it is in fact a file and not a directory.
            3. It has the right permissions. You can change the file to have all permissions with "sudo chmod 777 FILE_NAME".

            Note: You are giving Read, Write and Execute permissions to every one on that file.



            "Could not retrieve credential from local cache for service principal" when using Azure CLI 2.30.0 credentials in Python SDK on Azure Devops MS agent
            Asked 2021-Nov-27 at 06:57

            I an Azure Pipeline on a self-hosted agent I use this task



            Answered 2021-Nov-27 at 06:57

            This issue is caused by Azure CLI version 2.30.0 which seemed to be rolled out MS hosted agents recently.

            Hence I adapted all my Python scripts running on (MS and self) hosted agents to this model:



            Why is replicateM (length xs) m way more efficient than sequenceA (fmap (const m) xs)?
            Asked 2021-Nov-10 at 04:17

            My two submissions for a programming problem differ in just one expression (where anchors is a nonempty list and (getIntegrals n) is a state monad):

            Submission 1. replicateM (length anchors - 1) (getIntegrals n)

            Submission 2. sequenceA $ const (getIntegrals n) <$> tail anchors

            The two expressions' equivalence should be easy to see at compile time itself, I guess. And yet, comparatively the sequenceA one is slower, and more importantly, takes up >10x memory:

            Code Time Memory replicateM one 732 ms 22200 KB sequenceA one 1435 ms 262100 KB

            (with "Memory limit exceeded on test 4" error for the second entry, so it might be even worse).

            Why is it so?

            It is becoming quite hard to predict which optimizations are automatic and which are not!

            EDIT: As suggested, pasting Submission 1 code below. In this interactive problem, the 'server' has a hidden tree of size n. Our code's job is to find out that tree, with minimal number of queries of the form ? k. Loosely speaking, the server's response to ? k is the row corresponding to node k in the adjacency distance matrix of the tree. Our choices of k are: initially 1, and then a bunch of nodes obtained from getAnchors.



            Answered 2021-Nov-09 at 22:52

            The problem here is related to inlining. I do not understand it completly, but here is what I understand.


            First we find that copy&pasting the definition of replicateM into the Submission 1 yields the same bad performance as Submission 2 (submission). However if we replace the INLINABLE pragma of replicateM with a NOINLINE pragma things work again (submission).

            The INLINABLE pragma on replicateM is different from an INLINE pragma, the latter leading to more inlining than the former. Specifically here if we define replicateM in the same file Haskells heuristic for inlining decides to inline, but with replicateM from base it decides against inlining in this case even in the presence of the INLINABLE pragma.

            sequenceA and traverse on the other hand both have INLINE pragmas leading to inlining. Taking a hint from the above experiment we can define a non-inlinable sequenceA and indead this makes Solution 2 work (submission).


            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

            Install identity

            You can download it from GitHub.
            You can use identity like any standard Python library. You will need to make sure that you have a development environment consisting of a Python distribution including header files, a compiler, pip, and git installed. Make sure that your pip, setuptools, and wheel are up to date. When using pip it is generally recommended to install packages in a virtual environment to avoid changes to the system.


            For any new features, suggestions and bugs create an issue on GitHub. If you have any questions check and ask questions on community page Stack Overflow .
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