TumorSegmentation | Liver Tumor Semantic Segmentation based on PyTorch | SMS library
kandi X-RAY | TumorSegmentation Summary
kandi X-RAY | TumorSegmentation Summary
实验流程: 数据预处理 -> 模型训练 -> 模型评估 在我的毕业论文中,有整个实验的详细介绍,可阅读论文中实验环节,进行了解。. 可能存在的坑: 1.模型训练代码中,当时为了实验方便,继承configuration.py类之后,修改了默认配置文件中的参数 如在train.py中,opt = DefaultConfig(),设置 opt.device = 1,就修改了模型训练的GPU编号. 个人建议: 1.如果对PyTorch不是特别了解的话,对此项目的架构理解起来较有难度,可先尝试 以及我个人根据书中代码实现的猫狗识别:
Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA
- Train the model
- Save the state of the checkpoint
- Log a time
- Preprocess training images
- Generate an image block
- Returns a list of train volumes
- Cascade validation
- Loads state from file
- Valuate the tensornet
- Plot two line
- Plot multiple values
- Forward computation
- Forward computation
- Creates a classification loss
- Add multiple images
- 3d convolution block
- Calculates the log - likelihood loss of the logits
- 2D convolution block
- Lossz_softmax
- Split train and valumes
- Calculate the weighted mean intersection between preds and labels
- Calculate the weighted sum of the cross - correlation
- Compute the log - likelihood
- Train a TUMOR network
- Train liver network
- Liver network
TumorSegmentation Key Features
TumorSegmentation Examples and Code Snippets
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Trending Discussions on SMS
I am getting this error, what should i do? Can't really find what I miss.
Undefined function App\Console\Commands\Notify
Here is the command:
Answered 2022-Apr-08 at 15:59notify
is a method of the Notifiable
trait, also you cant call notify from the DB query you should use your Eloquent Model, also
you need to add Notifiable
to your User
Example :
We have a multi-account setup on AWS. There is a master account and separated accounts for dev, staging and prod. We have enabled sending SMS messages on the master account (exited the SMS sandbox).
I would like now to send sms message through the master account from the dev one. In a standard case, I would just publish a message to the correct ARN (and make sure earlier that proper permissions exist). However, while sending SMS messages, there is no ARN, so I am stuck. Is there a way to achieve it?
For the reference, this is how I can send a message on dev (with the sandbox mode on):
Answered 2022-Apr-08 at 11:48You should:
- Create an IAM Role in the master account that has permissions to send the SMS message, and a trust policy that allows the IAM Role to be 'assumed' from the child account
- Grant permission to the appropriate IAM User or IAM Role in the child account to assume the IAM Role in the master account
- The code would then call
to assume the IAM Role from the master account and then use the returned credentials to send the SMS message
I'm facing some issue in the firebase phone authentication OTP sender name means when the user receives the Firebase OTP the Sender Name shows as CloudOTP. More details please check the screenshot.
Current User Receive OTP with name
I want to show number like below screenshot.
Question: How to change sender name?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Answered 2021-Nov-17 at 15:07The name or number that is shown with the text message that contains the OTP is determined by the provider and your phone. As far as I know there is no way for you to control that.
Is it possible admin of app can see the firebase sms verification code As we are developing an application used by farmers mostly in remote places around globe, There is an issue in login using OTP if it is possible that admin can see the OTP(mostly not receiving OTP due to network issues), we will be login at the other end(admin) and make it possible for the users to use the app.
Answered 2022-Mar-28 at 08:42No, Firebase Authentication doesn't let you see the code. You'll have to build a custom solution for it.
I've been having this issue for months and I've finally made some headway. I'm writing an app the sends me a message at specific times, 9 am and 9 pm eastern time. When I ran it locally it worked perfectly but when I deploy it, I get nothing. I was messing around and then I saw this Heroku Logs. My guess is that my app is located on a server that is in a different time zone and when this code below runs. The conditions are never met and nothing gets sent. My question now is, is there a way I can get the current time of and compare regardless of what time zone the server is located?
Answered 2021-Jul-24 at 08:04When working with different timezones, it is better to work in UTC and then offset it according to required timezone.
Get the time in UTC and then offset it according to required timezone.
You can also use dedicated libraries like moment-timezone
I set up an account with microsoft azure communications and provisioned a phone number. I would like to send SMS messages from my PHP application, but the only code snippets are available for JS, Python, C# and Java.
I set up an endpoint (i.e. https://scotttestingsms.communication.azure.com) and have an application key, but I can't figure out how to authenticate with a bearer token. I find the docs to be relatively opaque on this.
Answered 2022-Mar-09 at 12:05As of now Azure Communication Services supports sending an SMS message only through C#, JavaScript, java and python.
It' s Not supported for php at this moment.
Alternatively, you can use the Twilio's REST API to send SMS using PHP.
You can raise a request here with MSFT for support.
Amazon provides the php example code below to subscribe a number to a topic. However, that only adds one number at a time.
How can I add multiple numbers ($endpoint) to the same topic? What would the code need to be at the end?
PHP Example Code:
Answered 2022-Mar-20 at 00:49The solution was actually pretty simple. I just needed to add a list of numbers (through an array) and create a foreach loop:
New to ACS and I simply want to send a SMS message. The official MS example doesn't work. I get a 401 unauthorized error. I have tried to build the client with connection string just like the example and I've tried using the DefaultAzureCredential. Going that direction it causes an unknown error. Does anyone have any advice how to get the ACS SMS SendAsync call to work or let me know what I am doing wrong?
Answered 2022-Mar-18 at 13:41Make sure that the is set to a phone number that you've registered earlier with the phone number capability
I would like to know how I can send a message to different numbers. I mean, send SMS as notifications to different numbers in the same String Array. Something like:
Answered 2022-Mar-17 at 02:13It looks like you are trying to send these messages via a post request to an Express application. The issue is that you are not extracting the data from the body of the request correctly.
If your POST
request body is a JSON object that looks like this:
I encountered a problem when trying to send sms using the SMSC service in Django project.
My Celery task for sending email and sms:
Answered 2021-Dec-20 at 10:06to solve this problem, I started investigating the functions that were giving out the error.
It turned out that I was passing an incorrect value. the function was expecting a string. And it took me a long time to figure out why editing didn't help.
It turns out that you have to RESET CELERY every time you make an edit.
Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network
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Install TumorSegmentation
You can use TumorSegmentation like any standard Python library. You will need to make sure that you have a development environment consisting of a Python distribution including header files, a compiler, pip, and git installed. Make sure that your pip, setuptools, and wheel are up to date. When using pip it is generally recommended to install packages in a virtual environment to avoid changes to the system.
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