tungsten | language platform for building compilers | Compiler library
kandi X-RAY | tungsten Summary
kandi X-RAY | tungsten Summary
tungsten is a framework for building compilers. it is currently under active development by jay conrod. tungsten provides a high level intermediate language, which a compiler can use to represent code. a compiler writer can write a front-end which translates source code into tungsten. tungsten files can then be translated to lower level representations, such as llvm or jvm bytecode, using a backend. +---------------------+ |int f(int x, int y) {| source code | return x + y; | |} | +---------------------+ | | c front-end v +--------------------------------------+ |function unit @f(int64 %x, int64 %y) {| | block %entry { | | int64 %sum = int64 %x + int64 %y | | return int64 %sum | | } | |} } +--------------------------------------+ | | llvm back-end v +-------------------------------+ |define i64 @f(i64 %x, i64 %y) {| |
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I am very new to c# , and learning to make data entry application, in my entry form when the user clicks save all the data text boxes are refreshed and saved to database and the text box appears empty to enter gain. This is a continuous process. Now i want my textbox1 to retain the same value where the user first entered till the form is closed. Please help me how to achieve this? i tried this code but the textbox is still empty:
Answered 2021-Jan-22 at 05:22Use a data reader to get the values from database and then populate values in textbox using those values.
I would like to confirm some aspects that from reading all blogs and Databricks sources and the experts Holden, Warren et al, seem still poorly explained. I also note some unanswered questions out there in the net regarding this topic.
The following then:
My understanding is that for RDD's we have the DAG Scheduler that creates the Stages in a simple manner.
My understanding based
on reading elsewhere to-date
is that for DF's and DS's that we:- Use Catalyst instead of the DAG Scheduler. But I am not convinced.
- Have Tungsten.
As DAG applies to DF's and DS's as well (obviously), I am left with 1 question - just to be sure:
- Is it Catalyst that creates the Stages as well?
- This may seem a silly question, but I noted a question on Disable Spark Catalyst Optimizer here on SO. That would imply no.
- In addition, as the Spark paradigm is Stage based (shuffle boundaries), it seems to me that deciding Stages is not a Catalyst thing.
Therefore my conclusion is that the DAG Scheduler is still used for Stages with DF's and DS's, but I am looking for confirmation.
Moreover, this picture implies that there is still a DAG Scheduler.
This picture from the Databricks 2019 summit seems in contrast to the statement found on a blog:
An important element helping Dataset to perform better is Catalyst Optimizer (CO), an internal query optimizer. It "translates" transformations used to build the Dataset to physical plan of execution. Thus, it's similar to DAG scheduler used to create physical plan of execution of RDD. ...
I see many unanswered questions on SO on the DAGs with DF's etc. and a lot of stuff is out-of-date as it RDD related. So, as a consequence I asked a round a few of my connection with Spark knowledge on this and noted they were remiss in providing a suitable answer.
Answered 2021-Jan-03 at 20:23Well, I searched a bit more and found a 'definitive' source from the Spark Summit 2019 slide from David Vrba. It is about Spark SQL and shows the DAG Scheduler. So we can conclude that Catalyst does not decide anything on Stages. Or is this wrong and is the above answer correct and the below statement correct? The picture implies differently is my take, so no.
The statement I read elsewhere on Catalyst: ...
An important element helping Dataset to perform better is Catalyst Optimizer (CO), an internal query optimizer. It "translates" transformations used to build the Dataset to physical plan of execution. Thus, it's similar to DAG scheduler used to create physical plan of execution of RDD.
was a little misleading. That said, checking to be sure, elsewhere revealed no clear statements until this.
so I've coded a questionnaire and I'm running into an issue. When a user clicks submit the questionnaire the results are displayed near the submit button I was hoping for them to be redirected to a new page (where results are displayed) by using the CSS hidden property, but I don't understand how I can do that and also for some reason after submitting there is an 'undefined' option displaying under the choices, how can I get rid of that? I'd really appreciate it if someone can help me solve my issues, thank you!
I linked the IDE for my project if that's easier: https://repl.it/@AS11RA/Forest-Firefighters-Website#start%20questionnaire.js
Heres the startquestionnaire.Js file:
Answered 2020-Nov-05 at 23:55If we store your results in its own variable, we then have 2 options right off the bat.
so I've coded a questionnaire/survey for my website but for some reason when a user clicks start questionnaire the questions show but the choices aren't displayed. I'm really confused as to why this isn't working I would really appreciate if anyone can help me solve my problem, thank you!
Here's a link to my IDE as I figured it would be easier to go through it to identify any mistakes I'm making: https://repl.it/@AS11RA/Forest-Firefighters-Website#index.html
Here's the start questionnaire.js file:
Answered 2020-Nov-05 at 20:46I ran it on jsfiddle and got the following error:
"ReferenceError: buttonClicked is not defined"
You have some formatting issues in your code, I believe. I moved your button up in the page and it started working. Check out the fiddle.
I'm trying to build a really simple survey on Javascript but I keep getting this error "TypeError: startSurvey is not a function at HTMLButtonElement.onclick (/:2:54)" I would really appreciate if anybody can help me solve this error or provide any further feedback and suggestions.
Here's my HTML code:
Answered 2020-Nov-03 at 20:51Looks like your id and function are the same name, below I changed the function name to start();
. - This alone will probably fix your problem.
Additionally it looks like i is not defined here:
I wanted to return the name of elements based on two conditions; even protons number and odd neutrons number. I've tried to print both tests and it turns out well. However, when I try to print the elements using 'and' logical, an error has occurred due to different broadcasting. I can't figure out how do I reshape it. Help me out.
The elements, protons and neutrons.
I've already converted elements, protons and neutrons into arrays.
The input;
Answered 2020-Oct-16 at 15:26Apply the &
to the boolean tests, before indexing:
In previous versions, there is a configuration called spark.shuffle.manage which is used to determine the type of shuffle algorithm in Spark. Since Spark 2.0, this configuration is deleted. The default shuffle algorithm is the sort-based. As my understanding, the Tungsten shuffle will be enabled only if all the requirements are satisfied. How can I know whether the current job uses the original sort-based shuffle or Tungsten sort?
Thank you very much.
Answered 2020-Apr-15 at 08:32SortShuffleManager is the one and only ShuffleManager in Apache Spark.
In other words, there's no way you could use any other ShuffleManager but SortShuffleManager (unless you enabled one using spark.shuffle.manager
I just started programming for my job and I am stuck on something. I looked online before but none of the answers seemed to work. I am using BeautifulSoup but Im open to using something else. Thank you so much!
I am trying to extract the names in
So far I have
Answered 2020-Apr-07 at 21:10You can find the div and then get the text:
i am trying to read the password from file and passing into SAP connection. Since i have 50+ scripts using same password, where if password gets chnaged i no need to go in each script and change instead i can simply change in one file.
Answered 2019-Nov-29 at 08:51from pyspark.context import SparkContext
from pyspark.sql import HiveContext
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
from pyspark.sql.types import *
sc = SparkContext()
sqlContext = HiveContext(sc)
sqlContext.setConf("spark.sql.tungsten.enabled", "false")
ZTGLINT011_query = """ (select * from ZTGLINT011) a """
passwfile = open("/root/Documents/pwd.txt", "r")
for passwd in passwfile:
ZTGLINT011 = sqlContext.read.format("jdbc").options(url="jdbc:sap://myIP:30015",currentschema="SAPABAP1",user="loginName",password=passwd,dbtable=ZTGLINT011_query).load()
I thought that with the integration of project Tungesten, spark would automatically use off heap memory.
What for are spark.memory.offheap.size and spark.memory.offheap.enabled? Do I manually need to specify the amount of off heap memory for Tungsten here?
Answered 2017-Apr-26 at 11:49Spark/Tungsten use Encoders/Decoders to represent JVM objects as a highly specialized Spark SQL Types objects which then can be serialized and operated on in a highly performant way. Internal format representation is highly efficient and friendly to GC memory utilization.
Thus, even operating in the default on-heap mode Tungsten alleviates the great overhead of JVM objects memory layout and the GC operating time. Tungsten in that mode does allocate objects on heap for its internal purposes and the allocation memory chunks might be huge but it happens much less frequently and survives GC generation transitions smoothly. This almost eliminates the need to consider moving this internal structure off-heap.
In our experiments with this mode on and off we did not see a considerable run time improvements. But what you get with off-heap mode on is that one need to carefully design for the memory allocation outside of you JVM process. This might impose some difficulties within container managers like YARN, Mesos etc when you will need to allow and plan for additional memory chunks besides your JVM process configuration.
Also in off-heap mode Tungsten uses sun.misc.Unsafe which might not be a desired or even possible in your deployment scenarios (with restrictive java security manager configuration for example).
I am also sharing a time tagged video conference talk from Josh Rosen when he is being asked the similar question.
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