SparkLearning_NoData | SparkLearning_NoData , including code , pom

 by   xubo245 Scala Version: V1.0.1 License: No License

kandi X-RAY | SparkLearning_NoData Summary

kandi X-RAY | SparkLearning_NoData Summary

SparkLearning_NoData is a Scala library typically used in Big Data, Spark, Hadoop applications. SparkLearning_NoData has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

SparkLearning是在spark上运行的,spark搭建等请见spark官网或其他网站。 SparkLearning运行环境: Spark-1.5.2 eclipse-4.3.2 scala-2.10.4 jdk1.7 spark-assembly-1.5.2-hadoop2.6.0.jar(下载地址: idea 15.04. 具体博客目录: 1.Spark基本学习篇: spark学习1之examples运行:spark学习2之OutOfMemoryError错误的解决办法:spark学习3之examples中的SparkPi:spark学习4之集群上直接用scalac编译.scala出现的MissingRequirementError问题(已解决):spark学习5之sbt问题:spark学习6之scala版本不同的问题:details/50609476 spark学习7之IDEA下搭建SPark本地编译环境并上传到集群运行:spark学习8之eclipse安装scala2.10和spark编译环境并上传到集群运行:spark学习9之在window下进行源码编译打包:spark学习10之将spark的AppName设置为自动获取当前类名:spark学习11之在idea中将eclipse导入的java project改成maven project:2.Spark代码篇: Spark代码1之RDDparallelizeSaveAsFile:Spark代码2之Transformation:union,distinct,join:Spark代码3之Action:reduce,reduceByKey,sorted,lookup,take,saveAsTextFile:Spark代码4之Spark 文件API及其对搜狗数据的操作:3.Spark组件之Mllib学习篇 Spark中组件Mllib的学习1之Kmeans错误解决:Spark中组件Mllib的学习2之MovieLensALS学习(集群run-eaxmples运行):Spark中组件Mllib的学习3之用户相似度计算:Spark中组件Mllib的学习4之examples中的MovieLensALS修改本地运行:Spark中组件Mllib的学习5之ALS测试(apache spark):Spark中组件Mllib的学习6之ALS测试(apache spark 含隐式转换):Spark中组件Mllib的学习7之ALS隐式转换训练的model来预测数据:Spark中组件Mllib的学习8之ALS训练的model来预测数据:Spark中组件Mllib的学习9之ALS训练的model来预测数据的准确率研究:Spark中组件Mllib的学习10之修改MovieLens来对movieLen中的100k数据进行预测:Spark中组件Mllib的学习11之使用ALS对movieLens中一百万条(1M)数据集进行训练,并对输入的新用户数据进行电影推荐:更多请见:4.Spark组件之SparkSQL学习篇 Spark组件之SparkSQL学习1之问题报错No TypeTag available for Person:SparkSQL在代码库中还有不少,当时没写成博客. 5.Spark组件之SparkR学习篇 Spark组件之SparkR学习1--安装与测试:Spark组件之SparkR学习2--使用spark-submit向集群提交R代码文件dataframe.R:Spark组件之SparkR学习3--使用spark-submit向集群提交R代码文件data-manipulation.R:Spark组件之SparkR学习4--Eclipse下R语言环境搭建:Spark组件之SparkR学习5--R语言函数调用(跨文件调用):6.Spark组件之Spark Streaming学习篇 Spark组件之Spark Streaming学习1--NetworkWordCount学习:Spark组件之Spark Streaming学习2--StatefulNetworkWordCount 学习:Spark组件之Spark Streaming学习3--结合SparkSQL的使用(wordCount):Spark组件之Spark Streaming学习4--HdfsWordCount 学习:7. Spark组件之GraphX学习篇 Spark组件之GraphX学习1--入门实例Property Graph:Spark组件之GraphX学习2--triplets实践:Spark组件之GraphX学习3--Structural Operators:subgraph:Spark组件之GraphX学习4--Structural Operators:mask:Spark组件之GraphX学习5--随机图生成和消息发送aggregateMessages以及mapreduce操作(含源码分析):Spark组件之GraphX学习6--随机图生成和出度入度等信息显示:Spark组件之GraphX学习7--随机图生成和reduce最大或最小出度/入度/度:Spark组件之GraphX学习8--随机图生成和TopK最大入度:Spark组件之GraphX学习8--邻居集合:Spark组件之GraphX学习9--使用pregel函数求单源最短路径:Spark组件之GraphX学习10--PageRank学习和使用(From examples):Spark组件之GraphX学习11--PageRank例子(PageRankAboutBerkeleyWiki):Spark组件之GraphX学习12--GraphX常见操作汇总SimpleGraphX:Spark组件之GraphX学习13--ConnectedComponents操作:Spark组件之GraphX学习14--TriangleCount实例和分析:Spark组件之GraphX学习15--we-Google.txt大图分析:Spark组件之GraphX学习16--最短路径ShortestPaths:Spark组件之GraphX学习20--待学习部分:8.Spark-Avro学习篇 Spark-Avro学习1之使用SparkSQL读取AVRO文件:Spark-Avro学习2之使用byDatabricksSparkAvroL读取AVRO文件:Spark-Avro学习3之使用AvroCompression存储AVRO文件:Spark-Avro学习4之使用AvroWritePartitioned存储AVRO文件时进行划分:Spark-Avro学习5之使用AvroReadSpecifyName存储AVRO文件时指定name和namespace:Spark-Avro学习6之Ubuntu下安装:Spark-Avro学习7之Java Avro使用(生成code方式):Spark-Avro学习8之Java Avro使用(不生成code方式):Spark-Avro学习8之Java Avro使用(不生成code方式) Spark-Avro学习9之SCALA环境下Avro使用(不生成code方式):9.Spark生态之Tachyon学习篇 Spark生态之Tachyon学习1---单机版搭建和运行(Alluxio):Spark生态之Tachyon学习2---Spark从tachyon中读取文件(Alluxio):Spark生态之Tachyon学习3---机器重启后数据存储位置的变化:Spark生态之Tachyon学习4---下载源码通过maven install安装失败记录:Spark生态之Tachyon学习5--tachyon的几个问题(待解决):Spark生态之Tachyon学习6---集群版搭建和运行(Alluxio):Spark生态之Tachyon学习7--下载源码通过maven安装成功:Spark生态之Tachyon学习6---集群版搭建问题之集群无法全部启动:Spark生态之Tachyon学习7---Tachyon的优点:11.Spark疑问篇 Spark疑问1之如何查看sparkContext没有关闭的sc:Spark疑问2之spark 丢了executor会恢复吗?:

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              The latest version of SparkLearning_NoData is V1.0.1

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            Community Discussions


            How to group unassociated content
            Asked 2022-Apr-15 at 12:43

            I have a hive table that records user behavior

            like this

            userid behavior timestamp url 1 view 1650022601 url1 1 click 1650022602 url2 1 click 1650022614 url3 1 view 1650022617 url4 1 click 1650022622 url5 1 view 1650022626 url7 2 view 1650022628 url8 2 view 1650022631 url9

            About 400GB is added to the table every day.

            I want to order by timestamp asc, then one 'view' is in a group between another 'view' like this table, the first 3 lines belong to a same group , then subtract the timestamps, like 1650022614 - 1650022601 as the view time.

            How to do this?

            i try lag and lead function, or scala like this



            Answered 2022-Apr-15 at 12:43

            If you use dataframe, you can build partition by using window that sum a column whose value is 1 when you change partition and 0 if you don't change partition.

            You can transform a RDD to a dataframe with sparkSession.createDataframe() method as explained in this answer

            Back to your problem. In you case, you change partition every time column behavior is equal to "view". So we can start with this condition:



            Using Spark window with more than one partition when there is no obvious partitioning column
            Asked 2022-Apr-10 at 20:21

            Here is the scenario. Assuming I have the following table:

            identifier line 51169081604 2 00034886044 22 51168939455 52

            The challenge is to, for every single column line, select the next biggest column line, which I have accomplished by the following SQL:



            Answered 2022-Apr-10 at 20:21

            Using your "next" approach AND assuming the data is generated in ascending line order, the following does work in parallel, but if actually faster you can tell me; I do not know your volume of data. In any event you cannot solve just with SQL (%sql).

            Here goes:



            What is the best way to store +3 millions records in Firestore?
            Asked 2022-Apr-09 at 13:18

            I want to store +3 millions records in my Firestore database and I would like to know what is the best way, practice, to do that.

            In fact, I want to store every prices of 30 cryptos every 15 minutes since 01/01/2020.

            For example:

            • ETH price at 01/01/2020 at 00h00 = xxx
            • ETH price at 01/01/2020 at 00h15 = xxx
            • ETH price at 01/01/2020 at 00h30 = xxx
            • ...
            • ETH price at 09/04/2022 at 14h15 = xxx

            and this, for 30 cryptos (or more).

            So, 120 prices per day multiplied by 829 days multiplied by 30 cryptos ~= 3M records

            I thought of saving this like this:

            [Collection of Crypto] [Document of crypto] [Collection of dates] [Document of hour] [Price]

            I don't know if this is the right way, that's why I come here :)

            Of course, the goal of this database will be to retrieve ALL the historical prices of a currency that I would have selected. This will allow me to make statistics etc later.

            Thanks for your help



            Answered 2022-Apr-09 at 13:18

            For the current structure, instead of creating a document every 15 minutes you can just create a "prices" document and store an array of format { time: "00:00", price: 100 } which will cost only 1 read to fetch prices of a given currency on a day instead of 96.

            Alternatively, you can create a single collection "prices" and create a document everyday for each currency. A document in this collection can look like this:



            spark-shell throws java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException on running
            Asked 2022-Apr-01 at 19:53

            When I execute run-example SparkPi, for example, it works perfectly, but when I run spark-shell, it throws these exceptions:



            Answered 2022-Jan-07 at 15:11

            i face the same problem, i think Spark 3.2 is the problem itself

            switched to Spark 3.1.2, it works fine



            For function over multiple rows (i+1)?
            Asked 2022-Mar-30 at 08:31

            New to R, my apologies if there is an easy answer that I don't know of.

            I have a dataframe with 127.124 observations and 5 variables




            Answered 2022-Mar-30 at 08:31
            data <- tibble(x = c(1, 1, 2), y = "a")
            #> # A tibble: 3 × 2
            #>       x y    
            #> 1     1 a    
            #> 2     1 a    
            #> 3     2 a
            same_rows <-
              data %>%
              # consider all columns
              unite(col = "all") %>%
              transmute(same_as_next_row = all == lead(all))
            data %>%
            #> # A tibble: 3 × 3
            #>       x y     same_as_next_row
            #> 1     1 a     TRUE            
            #> 2     1 a     FALSE           
            #> 3     2 a     NA



            Filling up shuffle buffer (this may take a while)
            Asked 2022-Mar-28 at 20:44

            I have a dataset that includes video frames partially 1000 real videos and 1000 deep fake videos. each video after preprocessing phase converted to the 300 frames in other worlds I have a dataset with 300000 images with Real(0) label and 300000 images with Fake(1) label. I want to train MesoNet with this data. I used costum DataGenerator class to handle train, validation, test data with 0.8,0.1,0.1 ratios but when I run the project show this message:



            Answered 2021-Nov-10 at 14:23


            Designing Twitter Search - How to sort large datasets?
            Asked 2022-Mar-24 at 17:25

            I'm reading an article about how to design a Twitter Search. The basic idea is to map tweets based on their ids to servers where each server has the mapping

            English word -> A set of tweetIds having this word

            Now if we want to find all the tweets that have some word all we need is to query all servers and aggregate the results. The article casually suggests that we can also sort the results by some parameter like "popularity" but isn't that a heavy task, especially if the word is an hot word?

            What is done in practice in such search systems?

            Maybe some tradeoff are being used?




            Answered 2022-Mar-24 at 17:25

            First of all, there are two types of indexes: local and global.

            A local index is stored on the same computer as tweet data. For example, you may have 10 shards and each of these shards will have its own index; like word "car" -> sorted list of tweet ids.

            When search is run we will have to send the query to every server. As we don't know where the most popular tweets are. That query will ask every server to return their top results. All of these results will be collected on the same box - the one executing the user request - and that process will pick top 10 of of entire population.

            Since all results are already sorted in the index itself, it is a O(1) operation to pick top 10 results from all lists - as we will be doing simple heap/watermarking on set number of tweets.

            Second nice property, we can do pagination - the next query will be also sent to every box with additional data - give me top 10, with popularity below X, where X is the popularity of last tweet returned to customer.

            Global index is a different beast - it does not live on the same boxes as data (it could, but does not have to). In that case, when we search for a keyword, we know exactly where to look for. And the index itself is also sorted, hence it is fast to get top 10 most popular results (or get pagination).

            Since the global index returns only tweet Ids and not tweet itself, we will have to lookup tweets for every id - this is called N+1 problem - 1 query to get a list of ids and then one query for every id. There are several ways to solve this - caching and data duplication are by far most common approaches.



            Unnest Query optimisation for singular record
            Asked 2022-Mar-24 at 11:45

            I'm trying to optimise my query for when an internal customer only want to return one result *(and it's associated nested dataset). My aim is to reduce the query process size.

            However, it appears to be the exact same value regardless of whether I'm querying for 1 record (with unnested 48,000 length array) or the whole dataset (10,000 records with unnest total 514,048,748 in total length of arrays)!

            So my table results for one record query:



            Answered 2022-Mar-24 at 11:45

            This is happening because there is still need for a full table scan to find all the test IDs that are equal to the specified one.

            It is not clear from your example which columns are part of the timeseries record. In case test_id is not one of them, I would suggest to cluster the table on the test_id column. By clustering, the data will be automatically organized according to the contents of the test_id column.

            So, when you query with a filter on that column a full scan won't be needed to find all values.

            Read more about clustered tables here.



            handling million of rows for lookup operation using python
            Asked 2022-Mar-19 at 11:27

            I am new to data handling . I need to create python program to search a record from a samplefile1 in samplefile2. i am able to achieve it but for each record out of 200 rows in samplefile1 is looped over 200 rows in samplefile2 , it took 180 seconds complete execution time.

            I am looking for something to be more time efficient so that i can do this task in minimum time .

            My actual Dataset size is : 9million -> samplefile1 and 9million --> samplefile2.

            Here is my code using Pandas.

            sample1file1 rows:



            Answered 2022-Mar-19 at 11:27

            I don't think using Pandas is helping here as you are just comparing whole lines. An alternative approach would be to load the first file as a set of lines. Then enumerate over the lines in the second file testing if it is in the set. This will be much faster:



            split function does not return any observations with large dataset
            Asked 2022-Mar-12 at 22:29

            I have a dataframe like this:



            Answered 2022-Mar-12 at 22:29

            It is just that there are many unused levels as the column 'seqnames' is a factor. With split, there is an option to drop (drop = TRUE - by default it is FALSE) to remove those list elements. Otherwise, they will return as data.frame with 0 rows. If we want those elements to be replaced by NULL, then find those elements where the number of rows (nrow) are 0 and assign it to NULL


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