monster | Full or incremental static site generator for Ghost | Theme library
kandi X-RAY | monster Summary
kandi X-RAY | monster Summary
[Paraments for generate mode] #paraments-for-generate-mode). [Paraments for update mode] #paraments-for-update-mode). [Paraments for preview mode] #paraments-for-preview-mode). [Configuration items in \.monster] #configuration-items-in-monster). [About configuration file \.sqlitedb] #about-configuration-file-sqlitedb).
Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA
Currently covering the most popular Java, JavaScript and Python libraries. See a Sample of monster
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## Github domain or 3rd domain without protocol, ex:
# - "", Or ""
# - prefix "xxxx" only when input from console by command 'monster update --init'
## Ghost .db file path
# - 'update' mode depend
# Switch paraments
# ex: --paramName=true/false
# use --paramName will set to 'true'
## Four main steps
# - GENERATE: full site generate
# - RESET_DOMAIN: reset DOMAIN in static pages, default is true
# - SHORT_PATH: sh
2018.08.30 v1.0.8 released, Update for homebrew repo
2017.10.16 v1.0.7 released, Support list long userId
2017.10.15 v1.0.6 released, Ghost 1.x and multi-author supported
2017.10.08 v1.0.5 released, kick off buster, and add fast commands
2017.09.24 h
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I am currently creating class diagrams in UML for a movie test domain. I would like to know if I am doing it right. Well, I have two alternatives (the first version in the first picture, the second in the second - I think the first one is better). I'm wondering if I've established the so-called "relationship owner" correctly, that is, from which class to which direction the relationships go. I also don't know if I didn't get multiplicity wrong (one to one, one to many etc.).
So on my domain I would like to have movies of course, the actors starring in those movies and directors. I wonder if the class name "Character" is good in this case, because I mean all the characters that take part in a movie - it can be director, actor but also for example "Batman". Maybe I should make a distinction here between "Movie Character" and then "Human", "Monster", whatever. But I don't know how to do it elegantly, will I then inherit from the Character class? I'm also wondering if I shouldn't put classes like City or Country together in one class called Address - but I wanted the classes to take attributes like in this case, that one is Master and the other is detail - and the relationship set in the right direction. I use only relations such as Inheritance and Dependency, I do not know if I should change something in this case.
Version 1
Version 2
Thanks in advance for any suggestions or advice!
Answered 2021-Jun-15 at 11:58Use inheritance very carefully. Prefer association over inheritance whenever your inheritance is not a permanent truth from the birth to the death of an object. ANd keep in mind that dependencies between classes do not make any promises about objects of those classes.
Some more explanationsSome clarifications on the UML syntax:
- I understand that your plain thick lines ended with a small hollow triangle represent a specialization/generalization relationship (aka inheritance). If this is correct, the triangle should be larger to avoid visual confusion. Moreover multiplicity makes no sense with inheritance and should be removed.
- I understand that with the dotted line you intend to represent an association with multiplicity. If this is correct:
- the association should be plain lines, because dotted lines are for dependencies, and multiplicity would make no sense.
- the meaning you give to the arrow head would be unclear. Do you use them to document navigability? In case of doubt, remove them. If you want to document ownership of the association end, use the dot notation instead. (we cannot say if it’s right or wrong, since it’s a decision on how your model sees the associations)
In view of your comments and the third model linked therein, there are some key UML semantics you need to keep in mind:
- Inheritance is an ultra-strong relationship which means "is (always) a". In your example, you may say that an
is always aPerson
, and hence, everything you say about aPerson
is also true for anActor
. By the way, you should avoid repeating inherited properties or methods, since it could create some ambiguity. - Inheritance is not a substitute for aggregation, composition or association. You can for example not say that a
(one person) is always aCrew
(a group of persons). ACrewMember
belongs to aCrew
but there are things that the crew can do together that the individual member can't. - Inheritance is not suitable if it's not always true. A
for example may often be aPerson
. But not always;: you can have ghost characters, comic characters, robot characters, or animals. - Association means that there is some structural relation between some instances of the associated classes. For example, that one ore several persons live in one city, seems a very relevant assocaition.
- Dependency means that a class is dependent on another, i.e. without the other class it would not work or something would be missing. It's a statement about the classes and not the objects. I.e. If you meant to say that
is dependent onCity
you just say that the class Person would not work without knowing about City (for example, because the operationsendPostCardFrom(city: City)
needs an argument of that type) but you do not say anything about persons X, Y and Z. If you want that X, Y and Z are related to city a, b, and c, you need an association.
About the model content, I'll not decide for you and there is no single truth. I therefore prefer to draw your attention at potential issues. I raise them in form of a question, up-to you to adjust the model based on your own answer:
Common issues between the both variants:
- Are
? In this case, what with the Persons that are Actors and Directors at the same time (g.g. Clint Eastwood) ? Or areActor
just roles that aPersons
takes for a givenMovie
? - Is a
really related only to 1Movie
? What to do with Indiana Jones, where the same character appears in several movies? - In a similar way, I wonder if there's really a single
who lives in aCity
or if this should not be a many-to-many association?
- Are
Issues regarding the differences: `
- Is a
in version 1 aCharacter
(inheritance) ? Or is aCharacter
a representation of aPerson
(association: represents) ? - Is a
in version 2 really anActor
and by transitivity also aPerson
(inheritance)? Or is theCharacter
only associated with anActor
(association: plays) ?
- Is a
It's up to you to decide, but wherever I asked a question about association or inheritance, you should better think twice before using inheritance (i.e. prefer association/composition over inheritance)
I am currently on the path of learning C++ and this is an example program I wrote for the course I'm taking. I know that there are things in here that probably makes your skin crawl if you're experienced in C/C++, heck the program isn't even finished, but I mainly need to know why I keep receiving this error after I enter my name: Exception thrown at 0x79FE395E (vcruntime140d.dll) in Learn.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xCCCCCCCC.
I know there is something wrong with the constructors and initializations of the member variables of the classes but I cannot pinpoint the problem, even with the debugger. I am running this in Visual Studio and it does initially run, but I realized it does not compile with GCC. Feel free to leave some code suggestions, but my main goal is to figure out the program-breaking issue.
Answered 2021-Jun-13 at 00:59The problem is here:
In my game I want to have a floating monster that's attack throws a grenade at the player. My problem is that the grenade only spawns in 0, 0, 0
. In my script I make it so that the zombies spawns in on its own location but for some reason that doesn't work. I tried making it spawn by having the spawn location equal new Vector3(100, 100, 100)
but it still spawned at 0, 0, 0
. I know that the co-routine runs because I put a Debug.Log
. Thanks for the help!
Edit #2: I can't have a rigidbody on the script. I have edited the movement script and I have found that no mater what if a rigidbody is added then it will go to 0, 0, 0
Edit #3: I updated the scripts
Here is my script: (Sorry if the code is bad)
Answered 2021-Jun-11 at 20:12You could set its position in the Instantiate line. Instantiate has several arguments. You can set its position in Instantiate, as well as its rotation and parent.
Set it to this:
I'm new to react and I'm trying to using makestyles and this is how :
in Header.jsx :
Answered 2021-Jun-08 at 13:49When you place your Header
component in the return or render of a parent component make sure you use
additionally if that's not the problem you can check this link which is the official react thread on that error.
Also posting how you render the component that is throwing the error would be very helpful.
Edit* Additionally you don't need to call makeStyles with a function. Since you are not using the theme, you can just call makeStyles with an object like this
Hello i make my 2d game with unity and i feel confuse about oop design. There is a 4 class in my game.
StageView : The view(scene) where the game logic run.
ObjectPool : The object pool that can manage the gameobjects, and it is the member field of stage view. (It is not a singleton)
Projectile : The projectile class that can attack the monster.
Monster : The monster class that could be attacked by projectile.
Answered 2021-Jun-07 at 05:16I think it's a good idea to make one more layer between ObjectPool and Monster classes that will manage what you want. It will complete Single responsibility principle of SOLID.
So both classes ObjectPool and Monster will not depend on each other and every class will be making their jobs.
I'm searching on multiple columns I want to determine which column matched my search text on the results.
For example, I have a table like this:
Answered 2021-Jun-04 at 09:40Try this:
#Code Project : Shooting game.
You are creating a shooting game!
The game has two types of enemies, aliens and monsters. You shoot the aliens using your laser, and monsters using your gun. Each hit decreases the lives of the enemies by 1. The given code declares a generic Enemy class, as well as the Alien and Monster classes, with their corresponding lives count. It also defines the hit() method for the Enemy class.
You need to do the following to complete the program:
1. Inherit the Alien and Monster classes from the Enemy class.
2. Complete the while loop that continuously takes the weapon of choice from user input and call the corresponding object's hit() method.
Sample Input:
Answered 2021-Jun-02 at 18:43Please follow the community guidelines while asking any question on stackoverflow. Please check out this link How do I ask and answer homework questions?
Check out this code :
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
/// Tapet:
// Följande ska användaren kunna mata in:
// 1. Väggens mått: Längd och bredd.
// 2. Jämförelse av upp till 8 st tapeter.
// Programmet ska även kunna skriva ut en lista av alla tapet där man tydligt ser namn, antal rullar och pris.
// Användaren ska kunna mata in golvets bredd och längd.
// Användaren ska sedan kunna mata in olika areor på mattor tills det täcker golvets yta.
// Vi ska bestämma när antalet mattor har täckt golvet, samt hur många mattor det tog.
// Variabeln menyKörs sätts till true så vi kan skapa en While-loop som hela tiden körs om. Detta avbryter vi genom att sätta den till
// false ifall användaren väljer att avsluta programmet.
bool menyKörs = true;
while (menyKörs)
//Ett programm som hjälper anändaren att tappetsera en vägg eller lägga mattor på användarens golv
Console.WriteLine("Hej! Välkommen till programmet som hjälper dig med att tappetsera och lägga golvmattor ");
// Menyval för användaren att välja väg i programmet. Beroende på val skickas användaren till olika metoder som utreder specifika uppgifter.
Console.WriteLine("Meny: ");
Console.WriteLine("Välj V för att tappetsera en vägg, M för att lägga mattor eller A för att avsluta programmet! ");
Console.WriteLine("Tappetsera vägg (V)");
Console.WriteLine("Lägga mattor (M)");
Console.WriteLine("Avsluta programm (A)");
string val = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();
//Anänver mig av en "switch" för att gå olika vägar beroende på användarens val i menyn.
switch (val)
//Tar in värdena bredd och längd och skickar in detta i metoden "tapeter".
case "V":
Console.WriteLine("Vad är måtten på väggen du ska tappetsera? (Skriv i meter) ");
Console.WriteLine("Bredden: ");
double måttBredd = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("Längden: ");
double måttLängd = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine($"Din area på väggen blir: {måttBredd * måttLängd}m^2 ");
Tapeter(måttBredd, måttLängd);
//Skickas direkt till metoden "mattor" som sedan returnar hur många mattor det krävdens
case "M":
Console.WriteLine($"Det krävdes {Mattor()} antal mattor för att täcka golvets yta! ");
case "A":
menyKörs = false;
//Avbryter koden genom att skickas till metoden "Felmeddelande"
/// En metod som berättar för användaren att ett felaktigt värde blivit angivet. Detta görs i en metod då vi minskar upprepning.
private static void Felmeddelande()
Console.WriteLine("Du skrev in ett felaktigt värde, testa igen! ");
/// Räknar ut antal tapeter för en vägg och skriver ut dem
/// Den bredd väggen har
/// Den längd som väggen har
private static void Tapeter(double måttBredd, double måttLängd)
//Olika lister där inmatning utav olika värden från användaren sparas för senare utskrivning
List listaTapet = new List();
List listaNamn = new List();
List listaPris = new List();
List listaPrisTotal = new List();
int a = 0;
bool tapetVäg = true;
while (a <= 9 && tapetVäg)
//Menyval där användaren kan välja att lägga till en tapet för jämförelse, skriva ut tapeterna eller avsluta programmet.
Console.WriteLine("Vad vill du göra? Klicka 1, 2, respektive 3 för att välja: ");
Console.WriteLine("Tänk på att du enbart kan jämföra !MAX! 8 st olika tapeter. ");
Console.WriteLine("1: Lägga till en tapet");
Console.WriteLine("2: Skriva ut listorna av tapeterna");
Console.WriteLine("3: Avsluta programm");
int valdVäg = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
switch (valdVäg)
case 1:
Console.WriteLine("Vad heter din tapet? ");
string namnTapet = Console.ReadLine();
/*Räknar ut det antal rullar som användaren behöver. Detta görs utan hänsyn till mönster eller att tapeten ska sitta rätt.
Uträkningen görs genom att först dividera väggens bredd, (måttBredd), med tapetens bredd (tapetBredd),
vilket ger oss antalet rullar vi behöver för att täcka väggens bredd med tapeter (antalRullar bredd).
Detta värde avrundas uppåt då vi inte kan köpa halva tapetrullar.
Sedan multipliceras det antal tapeter som behövs för att täcka väggens bredd, (antalRullar bredd), med väggens längd, (måttLängd). Slutligen divideras detta med
tapetens längd, (tapetLängd), vilket ger oss totala antalet rullar vi behöver för att täcka hela väggen, (antalRullarVägg).
Även detta värde, (antalRullarVägg), avrundas uppåt av samma anledning som innan.
Console.WriteLine("Hur bred är tapeten? (meter) ");
double tapetBredd = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("Hur lång är tapeten? (meter) ");
double tapetLängd = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
double antalRullarBredd = (måttBredd / tapetBredd);
int kolumnRullar = Convert.ToInt32((Math.Ceiling(antalRullarBredd)));
int antalRullarVägg = Convert.ToInt32((Math.Ceiling((antalRullarBredd * måttLängd) / tapetLängd)));
Console.WriteLine($"Totala antal rullar du behöver blir {antalRullarVägg} st");
//Det totala priset blir antalet rullar tapet multiplicerat med vad en rulle tapet kostar.
Console.WriteLine("vad kostar tapeten? (kr/rulle) ");
double tapetPris = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
double prisTotal = antalRullarVägg * tapetPris;
Console.WriteLine($"Det totala priset för din tapet blir därmet: {prisTotal} kr ");
Console.WriteLine("Tryck Enter för att fortsätta: ");
case 2:
Console.WriteLine("Här kommer dina tapeter som en lista: ");
//Räknar upp listorna i ordning med hjälp av en "foreach" där loopen körs tills det inte finns något mer i listan "listaNamn".
//Då listan "listaNamn" och alla andra listor är lika stora så kommer loopen skriva ut allt i listorna.
for (int i = 0; i < listaNamn.Count; i++)
Console.Write("Namn: ");
Console.Write("Antal tapetrullar: ");
Console.Write("Kr/Rulle: ");
Console.Write("Totalt pris för tapet: ");
case 3:
tapetVäg = false;
/// Metod som körs för att täcka golvet med mattor
static int Mattor()
//Skapar två lister för mattornas längd och bredd. Detta för att jag sedan ska kunna skriva ut mattorna som användaren har använt.
List listaMattaBredd = new List();
List listaMattaLängd = new List();
int b = 0;
bool mattaVäg = true;
while (mattaVäg)
Console.WriteLine("Meny: ");
Console.WriteLine("1: Lägga till mattor");
Console.WriteLine("2: Skriva ut mattorna");
Console.WriteLine("3: Avsluta programm");
int mattaVal = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
switch (mattaVal)
case 1:
Console.WriteLine("Du ska täcka ditt golv med golvmattor. Jag behöver följande: ");
Console.WriteLine("Golvets bredd: ");
double golvBredd = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("Golvets längd: ");
double golvLängd = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine($"Din area blir: {golvBredd * golvLängd} m^2 ");
double golvArea = golvLängd * golvBredd;
// "täcktGolv" sätts till noll och adderas varje gång anvädnaren valt att lägga till en matta på golvet.
double täcktGolv = 0;
//Använder do-while för att se om mattorna tänker golvarean. Använder även en variabel som räknas efter varje gång loopen utförs för att bestämma antal mattor man behöver.
Console.WriteLine("Ta en matta och mata in mattans mått: ");
Console.WriteLine("Matta bredd: ");
int mattaBredd = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("Matta längd: ");
int mattaLängd = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
täcktGolv = täcktGolv + (mattaBredd * mattaLängd);
Console.WriteLine($"Täckt golv blir: {täcktGolv} m^2");
} while (täcktGolv < golvArea);
return b;
case 2:
Console.WriteLine("Här kommer dina tapeter som en lista: ");
//Räknar upp listorna i ordning med hjälp av en "foreach" där loopen körs tills det inte finns något mer i listan "listaMattaBredd".
//Då listan "listaMattaBredd" är lika stor som listan "listaMattaLängd" så kommer loopen skriva ut allt i listorna.
for (int i = 0; i < listaMattaBredd.Count; i++)
Console.Write("Matta Bredd: ");
Console.Write("Matta Längd: ");
return b;
case 3:
mattaVäg = false;
return b;
return b;
Answered 2021-Jun-01 at 20:57Because all of your returns
are in the while loop.
From msdn: msdn
- The while statement: conditionally executes its body zero or more times.
Meaning that is not guaranteed that the code inside the while
loop will be executed at all. It might just skip the whole, but no returns
after it, that's why you are getting an error: "Not all code paths return a value"
, although multiple paths returns
a value, NOT all path.
You specified that the mattaVag
variable is true
at the beginning but the compiler doesn't know it. If this loop will be executed at least one time anyway, change it to do...while
Or place the return b;
outside your loop
With Vue 2 (and Nuxt), on click of a button I want to show a little animation of a "-1" moving up a few pixels from the button and disappearing after a second. Each time a button is clicked a new -1 should appear while the old ones are still in motion. That's where my problem is, I can create an animation of just one -1, but I fail to make multiple at the same time.
In old jQuery based project I have this, which works as expected:
Answered 2021-May-31 at 18:16You're not far from the right structure. The first issue to fix is that your key
s cannot be array indexes here. When you remove an item from the array, the won't be able to distinguish old item
from new item 0
and apply the correct effect. I've expanded each wound into an object with a (notional) unique ID like so, but of course you could take various approaches:
Am building a movies App where i have list of posters loaded using TMDB using infinite_scroll_pagination 3.0.1+1 library. First set of data loads good but after scrolling and before loading second set of data i get the following Exception.
Answered 2021-May-30 at 10:18In Result
object with ID 385687 you have a property backdrop_path
being null. Adjust your Result
object and make the property nullable:
String? backdropPath;
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