heartbeat | simple heartbeat script that checks to see if a server | SMS library
kandi X-RAY | heartbeat Summary
kandi X-RAY | heartbeat Summary
a simple heartbeat script that checks to see if a server is online every five minutes. if it's not, it sends a text message using the twilio-sms api or an email using mailutils.
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I have Zookeeper and Apache Kafka servers running on my Windows computer. The problem is with a Spring Boot application: it reads the same messages from Kafka whenever I start it. It means the offset is not being saved. How do I fix it?
Versions are: kafka_2.12-2.4.0
, Spring Boot 2.5.0
In Kafka listener bean, I have
Answered 2021-Jun-10 at 15:19Your issue is here enable.auto.commit = false
. If you are not manually committing offset after consuming messages, You should configure this to true
If this is set to false, after consuming messages from Kafka, there is no feedback to Kafka whether you read or not. Then after you restart your consumer it will send messages from the start. If you enable this, your consumer make sure it will automatically send your last read offset to Kafka. Then Kafka saved that offset in __consumer_offsets topic with your consumer group_id
, topic
you consumed and partition
Then after you restart the consumer, Kafka read your last position from __consumer_offsets
topic and send from there.
I'm developing an api that communicates with other services from an event architecture using RabbitMQ Topics. Several routes from my API will publish events and I would like to have a single live connection at all times in my API. That way, at every new request I just create a new channel, and keep only one connection (I decided to do this after reading about how expensive an amqp 0-9-2 connection is).
For now I have something like this:
Answered 2021-Jun-11 at 07:52form the official pika documentation
Is Pika thread safe?
Pika does not have any notion of threading in the code. If you want to use Pika with threading, make sure you have a Pika connection per thread, created in that thread. It is not safe to share one Pika connection across threads, with one exception: you may call the connection method add_callback_threadsafe from another thread to schedule a callback within an active pika connection.
so your solution can work with a single thread
I have a database of phone communcations which send their location every 30s to 1m, i need to get a sumarry of their location history. as i have their communication every 30s, for only 3 days i have more than 500 results. how can i query to get only 1 result per day based on a hour?
Answered 2021-Jun-09 at 12:15If you want one result per day, then use DISTINCT ON
. Assuming the "day" is based on datetime
We really tried a lot but it still can not get the Symfony RabbitMQ bundle (https://github.com/php-amqplib/RabbitMqBundle) running in AWS (with Docker). AWS only allows AMQPS and port 5671 to be opened in the AWS managed service.
This is our current configuration in detail:
Answered 2021-Jun-09 at 09:33Finally solved - you have to define a custom AMQPChannel with a custom AMQPConnection with SSL options and then set this AMQPChannel to the producer:
In TTN they are no longer supporting large decoders.
I know what the decoder needs to be in TTN, it is in my DECODER function, but dont know how to execute it in the function node.
If you use inject Payload [1,2,3] RAW, it injects the raw payload that is msg.payload.payload.uplink_message.frm_payload into the decoder.
The DECODER needs to decode the raw payload and output it in msg.payload.uplink_message.decoded_payload
If you use inject Payload [1,2,3] Decoded in the flow you see how the end result needs to look like and the decoded msg.payload.uplink_message.decoded_payload
I am still learning JavaScript.
The code in the function node
Answered 2021-Jun-07 at 14:02The question still really isn't clear, but if you want to use that code in a function node then I suggest the following:
Put that code into the "On Start" tab of the function node, but change the first line to the following:
I have a vaadin14 application that I want to enable different types of authentication mechanisms on different url paths. One is a test url, where authentication should use DB, and the other is the production url that uses keycloak.
I was able to get each authentication mechanism to work separately, but once I try to put both, I get unexpected results.
In both cases, I get login page, but the authentication doesn't work correctly. Here's my security configuration, what am I doing wrong?
Answered 2021-Jun-06 at 08:12Navigating within a Vaadin UI will change the URL in your browser, but it will not necessarily create a browser request to that exact URL, effectively bypassing the access control defined by Spring security for that URL. As such, Vaadin is really not suited for the request URL-based security approach that Spring provides. For this issue alone you could take a look at my add-on Spring Boot Security for Vaadin which I specifically created to close the gap between Spring security and Vaadin.
But while creating two distinct Spring security contexts based on the URL is fairly easy, this - for the same reason - will not work well or at all with Vaadin. And that's something even my add-on couldn't help with.
Update: As combining both security contexts is an option for you, I can offer the following solution (using my add-on): Starting from the Keycloak example, you would have to do the following:
- Change
to also add your DB-basedAuthenticationProvider
. Adding yourUserDetailsService
should still be enough. Make sure to give every user a suitable role. - You have to remove this line from
:codecamp.vaadin.security.standard-auth.enabled = false
This will re-enable the standard login without Keycloak via a Vaadin view. - Adapt the
to ignore all test views that shouldn't be protected by Keycloak.
I already prepared all this in Gitlab repo and removed everything not important for the main point of this solution. See the individual commits and their diffs to also help focus in on the important bits.
Currently I am using stomp protocol to send messages to activeMQ and to listen to messages. This is done in Nodejs using stompit library.
When the application is having high CPU or Memory usage, it stops sending heartbeat to broker. So the broker redelivers the message which is currently being processed, leading to repetitive processing of the same message
On disabling heartbeat, the application seems to work fine but I am unsure of the further issues disabling heartbeat might cause. Even when the broker is stopped while sending messages, behaviour seems to be same with or without heartbeat
I have read that it is an optional parameter but I am unable to find out it's exact use cases
Can anyone mention scenarios where no heart beat can cause issues to the application?
Answered 2021-Jun-03 at 15:07Regarding the purpose of heart-beating the STOMP 1.2 specification just says:
Heart-beating can optionally be used to test the healthiness of the underlying TCP connection and to make sure that the remote end is alive and kicking.
Heart-beats potentially flow both from the client to the server and from the server to the client so the "remote end" referenced in the spec here could be the client or the server.
For the server, heart-beating is useful to ensure that server-side resources are cleaned up in a timely manner to avoid excessive strain. Server-side resources are maintained for all client connections and it helps the broker to be able to detect quickly when those connections fail (i.e. heart-beats aren't received) so it can clean up those resources. If heart-beating is disabled then it's possible that a dead connection would not be detected and the server would have to maintain its resources for that dead connection in vain.
For a client, heart-beating is useful to avoid message loss when performing asynchronous sends. Messages are often sent asynchronously by clients (i.e. fire and forget). If there was no mechanism to detect connection loss the client could continue sending messages async on a dead connection. Those messages would be lost since they would never reach the broker. Heart-beating mitigates this situation.
I am using XE2 and trying to parse a JSON file sent by a robot to a URL. I've looked at several solutions, but most don't apply due to my version of Delphi. I tried to apply the solution I found here: How to parse nested JSON object in Delphi XE2?, but I can't seem to figure out how to get the information I need.
JSON string:
Answered 2021-Jun-02 at 19:39Well, for starters, you don't need to convert your downloaded string
to an ASCII encoded TBytes
. TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue()
has an overload that takes a string
as input.
Second, LJsonObj.Get('ATTITUDE').JsonValue
will return a TJSONObject
, which you are incorrectly type-casting to a TJSONPair
. But that doesn't matter, since you are then ignoring that TJSONPair
and instead incorrectly type-casting the input parameter sVALUE
from a string
to a TJSONPair
and then trying to access its children. That is why you are getting the Access Violation.
But even if you were able to find the TJSONPair
for the roll
value, you are returning the string value of its JsonString
(name) property, not the string value of its JsonValue
(value) property.
Try this instead:
I'm trying to train a CoreML sound classifier on device, on iOS, and I have been struggling to find learning resources on the topic. The sound classifier is used to determine whether a snippet of music is similar to a collection of other songs. Hence the output of the classifier is just a label of either "match" / "no match".
It is so simple to train with the CreateML app workflow. I am simply trying to get the same kind of training on device in iOS, but as far as I know (please correct me if I'm wrong) iOS doesn't support createML.
I have been trying to adapt code from various source to get this to work in an iOS playground. I can only find resources on training image classifiers, these two have been the most helpful (1, 2).
Please see the code that I have come up with so far below.
Answered 2021-Jun-02 at 18:52I have managed to solve the error related to the mlUpdate task, the issue was that I was referencing the .mlmodel instead of the compiled version, which is .mlmodelc . When building the iOS app from Xcode this file is automatically generated.
I now get the following error:
I have a log file I am trying to get some info out of. The information I need is on the line prior to last line and also the very last line is/could be blank. So it is actually line before last line or two before last line if last line is blank.
I know how to get to last line of the file using:
Answered 2021-Jun-02 at 15:55Something like this might do it for you
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