mush | Mustache templates for bash

 by   jwerle Shell Version: Current License: MIT

kandi X-RAY | mush Summary

kandi X-RAY | mush Summary

mush is a Shell library typically used in Template Engine, Bootstrap applications. mush has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has a Permissive License and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

Mustache templates for bash.

            kandi-support Support

              mush has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 149 star(s) with 7 fork(s). There are 4 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 6 months.
              There are 3 open issues and 1 have been closed. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of mush is current.

            kandi-Quality Quality

              mush has no bugs reported.

            kandi-Security Security

              mush has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.

            kandi-License License

              mush is licensed under the MIT License. This license is Permissive.
              Permissive licenses have the least restrictions, and you can use them in most projects.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              mush releases are not available. You will need to build from source code and install.
              Installation instructions, examples and code snippets are available.

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            mush Key Features

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            mush Examples and Code Snippets

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            Community Discussions


            Using String Replace Only When Value Contains no Other Characters Besides White Space
            Asked 2021-Jun-03 at 19:34

            I am trying to return an array of objects where, for a particular property on each object, the value is not null and is not an empty string. Actually trimming the string in cases where it contains multiple white spaces is tricky. I've got it mostly going, but the only problem is that now my "good" string value is having it's whitespace removed as well, so two words get mushed into one.

            In my use case I only want to remove the white space if there are no other characters in the string. This is what I have:



            Answered 2021-Jun-03 at 19:32

            You can use array#filter and string#trim to remove the empty and null string. If optional chaining is supported then we can use below:



            Separating dataframe columns
            Asked 2021-May-17 at 02:21

            my current dilemma:

            When I downloaded a csv file, I thought it would be separated into three separate columns for the date, Nouveaux cas and Cumulatif de cas, however that is not the case and all three are mushed together into one column and only separated by a ";". I only want the data related to Nouveaux cas, which is in the middle.

            How do I proceed with this?

            I tried to convert it to a tsv file and changing the separated data parts but it takes too much time. Is there an easier way to do this?

            Code I used to read the file: df=pandas.DataFrame(pandas.read_csv("courbe.csv")) I manually downloaded the file.



            Answered 2021-May-17 at 02:21

            If you are using pandas, change the separator like this:



            partly closed worker in workgroup
            Asked 2021-Mar-27 at 19:14

            lets consider, when having multiple workgroups with multiple workers inside in OpenCL. In case we have as mush workers in a workgroup as "cores" on the GPU, the GPU will sequential work the workgroups where each worker in a workgroup in parallel (right?). After finishing one workgroup, the next workgroup will be executed. In case we have mush less worker in a workgroup than "cores" on the GPU, as far as I understood the GPU would execute multiple workgroups in parallel where of cause multiple workers are executed in parallel (right?). In this case, what would happen when this code will be executed?



            Answered 2021-Mar-27 at 19:14

            If you have branching in a kernel and within a work group some workers do branch A and some branch B, all workers have to compute both branches and discard the non-used branch result respectively. This negatively impacts execution time and is the reason why branching on GPUs should be avoided if possible. In your example with the empty return branch, if only one worker in the workgroup has to do the time consuming calculation, all the other workers have to wait, blocking hardware resources for other workgroups. If workgroups are small and you are lucky that all threads do the return branch, then that particular workgroup is executed very fast.

            The matching between physical GPU "cores" and work group size is irrelevant for the computation results, but can impact performance to some extent. Workgrouop size should be a multiple of 32 (the GPU subdivides its "cores" into groups of 32, so-called warps). So if workgroup size is 16, half of the GPU will always be idle. If the workgroup size is extraordinarily large on the other hand (like 1024) and you have branching in the kernel, then it is less likely that all workers do the same branch and you end up in the above scenario.

            Workgroup size is a bit of a tradeoff sometimes, if you need communication across the workgroup via local memory. Larger workgroup allows for more local communication, but increases "double-branch" likelyhood. If you don't use local memory, you can freely tune workgroup size for best performance (usually 64-256).

            Ideally you want to saturate the GPU with millions of threads to have no idle "cores" and best performance.



            maximum level of subdivisions of OpenCL Kernels
            Asked 2021-Mar-26 at 20:42

            I have a question for my understanding in general. For this question I build up a scenario to keep it as simple as possible.

            Lets say: I have a structure of 2 variables (x and y). And also I have thousands of objects of this structure in a buffer next to each other in an array. The initial values of these structure are different. But later always the same arithmetic operations should be applied to each of these structures. (So this is extremely good for the GPU because each worker is doing exactly the same operation only with different values without branching.) Additionally this structs are not needed on CPU at all. So only at the entire end of the program all values should be stored back to the CPU.

            The operations on these structs are limited as well! Lets say, we have 8 operations which can be applied:

            1. x + y, store result in x
            2. x + y, store result in y
            3. x + x, store result in x
            4. y + y, store result in y
            5. x * y, store result in x
            6. x * y, store result in y
            7. x * x, store result in x
            8. y * y, store result in y

            when creating one kernel program for one operation, the kernel program for operation 1 would look like the following:



            Answered 2021-Mar-26 at 20:42
            1. This is not possible. You cannot communicate data across kernels in "global variables" in private or local memory space. You need to use global kernel arguments to temporarily store results, and thus write the values to video memory temporarily and read from video memory in the next kernel. The only memory space allowed for "global variables" is constant: With it, you can create large look-up tables for example. These are read-only. constant variables are cached in L2 whenever possible.

            2. Potentially several thousand. When you finish one kernel and start another, you have a global synchronization point. All instances of kernel 1 need to be finished before kernel 2 can start.

            3. Yes. It depends on the global range, local (work group) range, number of operations (especially if-else branching, because one work group can take significantly longer than the other), but not on the number of kernel arguments / buffer bindings. The larger the global size, the longer the kernel takes, the smaller are relative time-vatiations between work groups and the smaller is the relative performance loss of the kernel change (synchronization point).

            4. Better question: How large should the global range be for a kernel to be performant? Answer: Very large, like 100 times the CUDA core / stream processor count.

            There are tricks to reduce the number of required global synchronization points. For example: If a kernel can combine multiple different tasks from different kernels, squash two kernels together into one. Example here: lattice Boltzmann method, two-step swap versus one-step swap.

            Another common trick is to allocate a buffer twice in video memory. In even steps, read from A and write to B and in odd steps the other way around. Avoid reading from A and at the same time writing to other elements of A (introduces race-conditions).



            javascript compare two multidimensional arrays for changes then update the second array with those changes
            Asked 2021-Feb-25 at 23:40

            I have a water monitoring web-page that shows which sprinklers in a list are running, and the amount of remaining time left until they stop/turn off.

            I am using an array as a simple state machine to remember data received via web socket from server-side nodejs code. I've got Vue.js on the client-side to reactively watch the list array for changes and update the page.

            For simplicity, the arrays looks something like this:



            Answered 2021-Feb-25 at 23:40

            I'll give you a few options. First, I'll answer your original question. Second, I'll give you a suggestion that will make it more performant. Third, I'll offer another option that changes how you store your state.

            Option 1

            I believe the main issue is that as you iterate over the source array you need to find the matching elements in the state machine array. There are many methods to doing that but the easiest is to simply "do it". Meaning as you find an element to compare, then find the matching element in the other array. Since you have nested data, you'll do that at two levels.

            This code will work (but is not performant):



            Call multiple `setState` hooks from multiple successive async calls in a for loop
            Asked 2021-Feb-10 at 06:53

            I have the following functional React component:



            Answered 2021-Feb-10 at 06:43

            You are enqueueing state updates in a loop using a standard update. This means each update uses the state from the render cycle the update is enqueued in. Each subsequent update overwrites the previous state update, so the net result is the last enqueued update is the one that sets state for the next render cycle.


            Use a functional state update. The difference here is that functional state updates updates from the previous state, not the state from the previous render cycle. It requires only a minor tweak from setDict({...dict, [x]: res.y}) to setDict(dict => ({...dict, [x]: res.y})).



            Is it possible to connect methods, like sort. shift, pop, push and unshift
            Asked 2021-Jan-29 at 17:26

            I'm wondering if those that sort, shit, pop, push, unshift cannot be used whilst connecting to other method.

            My current code is the following.



            Answered 2021-Jan-29 at 17:26

            You can't chain shift() and pop(), because shift() returns the element that was removed, not the updated array.

            For your needs you can use .slice() to get the sub-array without the first and last elements. And you can chain it from sort(), since it returns the array (in addition to modifying it in place).

            Since slice() doesn't modify the array, you need to subtract 2 from the length when calculating the average.



            How to put a method i @beforeTest
            Asked 2021-Jan-26 at 12:52

            A selenium/java rookie here. :) Trying to understand everything about Test annotations and how to use an method (is it called that) in all classes.

            I have this class below where i have a metod called in each @Test, but i would like to put as mush as possible in @BforeTest, or do it in another smart way.

            Does you have any smart i de how to do this in a smart way? Thanks in advance! Kind regards, Fred

            AS IS:



            Answered 2021-Jan-26 at 12:52

            You can make your local variable sheet an instance variable:



            how to close a Thread from Tkinter While the Thread is running Python selenium
            Asked 2021-Jan-07 at 06:05

            So, I made a small canvas window with tkinter which has 2 buttons, One is a start button, the other is a stop button. (I'll attach the GUI tkinter code down below. I wont add the Selenium part because I don't want to confuse anyone with mushed up code.) The start button calls a function thats threaded and that launches my "" which is a selenium/pyautogui bot that does a bunch of stuff. My problem is that the stop button does not stop the "". In the stop button function I've tried sys.exit() but the selenium and the GUI stay open (and running), I've tried daemons (which I might not have been using them correctly because that did nothing)I've tried setting the stop button function to a lambda (which just freezes the GUI, but not the selenium part) and I've tried setting up some kind of a killswitch as a last resort but honestly this thing wont die, its like Thanos fused with Majin Buu. It just keeps running. How do I make it so that the stop button works? I I'm hoping someone can help me with a solution and explanation. I am still new to coding but I am really loving it, if possible I would really like to understand what I am doing wrong. Thank you.

            enter code here import tkinter as tk from PIL import Image, ImageTk import time import os import threading import sys



            Answered 2021-Jan-07 at 06:05

            You cannot stop the task created by threading.Thread(). Use subprocess instead:



            Can I add non-capture groups with a list of optional characters?
            Asked 2021-Jan-06 at 11:01

            I need to match strings which have a-z, \? or \*, for example:



            Answered 2021-Jan-06 at 11:01

            will match Unicode character work? depending on your application it may have Unicode support


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