Maxwell | statically typed , duck | Interpreter library
kandi X-RAY | Maxwell Summary
kandi X-RAY | Maxwell Summary
Maxwell is a modern, high-level programming language that aims to combine the comfort and expressiveness of scripting languages with the power and efficiency of a compiled language. It aims to achieve the following goals:. Maxwell uses Semantic Versioning.
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I have a Flink job that runs well locally but fails when I try to flink run the job on cluster. The error happens when trying to load data from Kafka via 'connector' = 'kafka'. I am using Flink-Table API and confluent-avro format for reading data from Kafka.
So basically i created a table which reads data from kafka topic:
Answered 2021-Oct-26 at 17:47I was able to fix this problem using following approach:
In my build.sbt, there was the following mergeStrategy:
import tkinter
from tkinter import StringVar
adfl = ['Alan Alexander Milne', 'Alice Hoffman', 'Alicia Bay Laurel', 'Alison Weir', 'Alistair Cooke','Alycea Ungaro', 'Amanda Quick', 'Ann Durell', 'Anne De Courcy', 'Anne Kent Rush', 'Anne McCaffrey','Anne Purdy', 'Anne Rice', 'Anon', 'Antoine de Saint-Exupery', 'Anya Seton', 'Arthur Conan Doyle','Ashida Kim', 'Aubrey Beardsley', 'BBC', 'Barbara Ann Brennan', 'Barbara Walker', 'Bertrice Small','Betsy Bruce', 'C. S. Lewis', 'Caitlin Matthews', 'Carl Sagan', 'Carol Belanger Grafton', 'Carol Blackman','Carol Kisner', 'Caroline Foley', 'Carolyn Kisner', 'Catherine Coulter', 'Charles Greenstreet Addison','Charlotte Bronte', 'Chic Tabatha Cicero', 'Christina Dodd', 'Christopher Paolini', 'Clare Maxwell-Hudson','Clarissa Pinkola Estés', 'Co Spinhoven', 'D. J. Conway', 'D.H. Lawrence', 'Dan Brown','Daniel M. Mendelowitz', 'Deborah E. Harkness', 'Denise Dumars', 'Denys Hay', 'Diana Gabaldon','Diana L. Paxson', 'Dinah Lovett', 'Dion Fortune', 'Donald M. Anderson']
def update_list(*args):
frame1_lb.delete(0, 'end')
search_term = ent_var.get()
for item in adfl:
if search_term.lower() in item.lower():
frame1_lb.insert('end', item)
def author_list():
# Clear entry box
# Set up trace for list update, only need this one instance to make work
ent_var.trace("w", update_list)
frame1_lb.bind('<>', sauthor_list)
def sauthor_list(self):
caut = frame1_lb.curselection()
saut = adfl[caut[0]]
window = tkinter.Tk()
window.resizable(width=False, height=False)
window.wm_title("My Book Library")
# Gets the requested values of the height and widht.
windowWidth = window.winfo_width()
windowHeight = window.winfo_height()
# Gets both half the screen width/height and window width/height
positionRight = int((window.winfo_screenwidth() / 2) - windowWidth / 2)
positionDown = int((window.winfo_screenheight() / 2) - windowHeight / 2)
# Positions the window in the center of the page.
window.geometry("+{}+{}".format(positionRight, positionDown))
# Layout of frames
frame1 = tkinter.LabelFrame(window, text='', bg='lightblue'), rely=0.10, relheight=0.890, relwidth=0.500)
frame1_list = StringVar()
frame1_lb = tkinter.Listbox(frame1, listvariable=frame1_list, width=40, height=44), y=0.30)
frame1_sb = tkinter.Scrollbar(frame1, orient=tkinter.VERTICAL)
frame1_lb.config(yscrollcommand=frame1_sb.set, bg='white')
frame1_sb.pack(side=tkinter.RIGHT, fill=tkinter.Y)
frame1a = tkinter.LabelFrame(window, text="Enter letters - for search")
frame1a.configure(border=2, relief='groove'), rely=0.05, relheight=0.05, relwidth=0.500)
ent_var = StringVar()
frame1_ent = tkinter.Entry(frame1a, textvariable=ent_var, width=40, bg='white'), rely=0.0)
search_term = ent_var.get()
Answered 2022-Feb-22 at 01:46You use the wrong source for showing the selected item. As the shortened list is not the same as adfl
, you should not use adfl
inside sauthor_list()
. You need to get the selected item using frame1_lb.get()
I have two CSV files, CSV_A and CSV_B.csv. I must insert the column (Category) from CSV_B into CSV_A.
The two CSVs share a common column: StockID, and I must add the correct category onto each row by matching the StockID columns.
This can be done using merge, like this:
Answered 2022-Feb-20 at 19:37While creating the question I discovered the solution, so decided to post it rather than just deleting the question.
I am learning the book Redis Essentials by Maxwell Dayvson Da Silva and Hugo Lopes Tavares. It tells redis in node.js. The node.js in this book is very old, i.e. v0.12.4. And my node.js on my Ubuntu 20.04 is v10.19.0. I am working in python now. But I am familiar with JS in browsers, and with the hope that I can go through it, I decided to try the node.js. Could you tell me why the below code has not any output when I can ping-pong in redis-cli. Like below:
Answered 2022-Feb-18 at 09:16It is because the implementation of the redis client
in nodejs
is using Asyc/Await
So, you may need to do something like the below instead.
I have a list of positive and negative values and a single temperature. I am trying to plot the Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution using the equation for particles moving in only one direction.
Answered 2022-Feb-14 at 05:33If you print the normalization term on its own:
I want to assign records or cells for 3 sections ["Managers","Accountants","Receptionist"] where key "authority" has the validation of which section it belongs to ..
Swift code:
Answered 2022-Jan-24 at 07:43Forget SwiftyJSON
, it's a great library but it's outdated.
And forget also a struct with static properties as data source.
Decode the JSON with Decodable
– AlamoFire does support it – and group the array with Dictionary(grouping:by:)
into sections.
First create two structs, a struct for the sections and one for the items (User
in the following example)
I am a beginner in the Django framework. I created my project created my app and test it, it work fine till I decided to add a template. I don't know where the error is coming from because I follow what Django docs say by creating folder name templates in your app folder creating a folder with your app name and lastly creating the HTML file in the folder.
NOTE: other routes are working fine except the template
Please view the screenshot of my file structure and error below. File Structure
Answered 2022-Jan-23 at 12:31It seems that you render the template with Blog/index
, but you need to specify the entire file name, so Blog/index.html
and without a leading (or trailing) space:
I'm solving the Maxwell Garnett equation with SymPy:
Answered 2022-Jan-19 at 09:55It is possible to call collect
and give it a function that should apply to the coefficients after collection and so we can use factor to factorise the coefficients:
May I know why my class "bold-header" styles didn't override to the first row of the table?
Answered 2022-Jan-15 at 17:14The background color is not working because we need to set background color on element of first row. In your code, you are not selected corresponding
The following changes are needed in second line of JS code:
I'm opening two links from links.txt and outputting to names.txt.
I'm trying to get rid of the word: "FEATURING" and add: ", " between the elements.
Current output:
Answered 2021-Dec-22 at 22:53I suppose you should try to get a
tags separately. Try
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