fragview | disk fragmentation visualizer based on FIEMAP and FIBMAP

 by   i-rinat C++ Version: Current License: Non-SPDX

kandi X-RAY | fragview Summary

kandi X-RAY | fragview Summary

fragview is a C++ library. fragview has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities and it has low support. However fragview has a Non-SPDX License. You can download it from GitHub.

Files stored on disk usually divided into small chunks called blocks, which can reside anywhere on disk partition. When file blocks are not adjacent, one can say it's fragmented. There is nothing bad in fragmentation, it helps filesystem to use disk space more efficiently instead. But if file divided in too many fragments its read speed can decrease dramatically, especially if fragments located far one from another. Fragview's main purpose is to visualize disk content by displaying its map. It displays bunch of small colored squares (called clusters), each representing a number of blocks. Square's color is white for unoccupied blocks and colored for occupied ones. If cluster contains part of fragmented file its color will be red, and for non-fragmented -- blue. Fragview uses its own metric to determine fragmented file or not. It is based on estimation of worst read speed. Files whose read speed more than two times lower than read speed of continuous ones will be considered fragmented.

            kandi-support Support

              fragview has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 55 star(s) with 5 fork(s). There are 9 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 6 months.
              There are 3 open issues and 6 have been closed. On average issues are closed in 30 days. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of fragview is current.

            kandi-Quality Quality

              fragview has 0 bugs and 0 code smells.

            kandi-Security Security

              fragview has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.
              fragview code analysis shows 0 unresolved vulnerabilities.
              There are 0 security hotspots that need review.

            kandi-License License

              fragview has a Non-SPDX License.
              Non-SPDX licenses can be open source with a non SPDX compliant license, or non open source licenses, and you need to review them closely before use.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              fragview releases are not available. You will need to build from source code and install.
              Installation instructions, examples and code snippets are available.

            Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA

            kandi's functional review helps you automatically verify the functionalities of the libraries and avoid rework.
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            fragview Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for fragview.

            fragview Examples and Code Snippets

            No Code Snippets are available at this moment for fragview.

            Community Discussions


            UnsupportedOperationException: Alert dialogcrashing when positive button clicked
            Asked 2019-Aug-16 at 10:09

            So i have this recycler view in which the last item is supposed to show a dialog on its click. the dialog is further comprising of 2 buttons, positive and negetive( the default ones).
            On the press of Positive button, the dialog is supposed to trigger a callback which will add a new entry in the recycler view. On the press of the negetive button, the dialog simply dismisses.

            Everything is working fine until when the user clicks positive button. the app crashes with the following log:



            Answered 2019-Aug-16 at 10:09

            Didn't read through your Dialog source too much, but I don't expect any issue with it.

            I guess the issue is adpButtons.addItemInCentre(data);, which you don't show in the question, but the addItemInCentre implementation is calling List.add on some list instance which is missing the add implementation.

            Maybe it's some deserialized list, or some immutable one, can't recall from head any example, but I think there's some which can be created from Strings in XML, etc...

            To have add available, you need list instance similar to ArrayList, etc...

            So without showing this part of source, how the list (you try to add to) is defined and instantiated, it's difficult to tell precisely, what is the issue.

            Edit: it's not clear from OP responses what precisely helped, but among the ways already mentioned above (deserialization, reflection), one can get the List<> instance with fixed size also by using the Arrays.asList(..) utility, which does NOT produce ArrayList, but specialized implementation of List<> which does bridge the original array with List<> interface (you can modify the original array through List<>.set(index, value) call), and thus it does refuse to do add/remove like operations, because underlying classic Type[] array is fixed size and the add/remove then would require new array, invalidating the original reference = makes no sense for asList functionality.

            I.e. if you need implementation of java.util.List interface which supports also add and remove like functionality of List, you must make sure the instance of your List<> is provided by class capable of these operations, like java.util.ArrayList or java.util.Vector, and avoid other implementations which do not support add/remove (like the one produced by Arrays.asList(..) call).

            Also if you are writing Adapter, where you know you will need add/remove features of List<>, you may sometimes want to enforce particular List implementation, like ArrayList, on the API level, so when you later try to use that adapter with other implementation, it will fail at compile time. (then again having such specific API also prevents usage of other implementations which do support add/remove, and unfortunately the List interface doesn't have direct interface derivative, which would ensure the add/remove are mandatory (they are optional in original List interface), and could be used to narrow the API like that.



            EditText locks up my app whenever OnTextChanged activates
            Asked 2018-Nov-09 at 20:14

            So, I am trying to get an edit text to put a dollar sign ($) in front of the input text after a user enters it using the following code. Whenever I try to enter anything into the edittext it locks the whole app. I have tried removing the code and the box works fine. What should I change? Or should I use an entirely different solution?




            Answered 2018-Nov-09 at 20:14

            Your app freezes because you enter an infinite loop. Calling setText inside afterTextChanged will call afterTextChanged. The solution is :



            Android update tab content
            Asked 2018-Oct-25 at 08:44

            Following a codelabs tutorial, I'm trying to implement an activity in which I'd display content from a room database. It requires an access to the textview (the content of the tab) in order to update it. But the best I can do is to update the title of the tab, even though I the textview set for content.

            In a nutshell, I have a tablayout to which I add tab, I set a layout to the newly added tab. I then access the textview of the view of the tab, to update the content. The id of the textview is the right one, but it changes the title of the tab instead. Did I get the customview concept wrong?

            [UPDATE] After a few modifications, it seems that the issue is that the fragments created and the ones I'm trying to update are not the same: the first are created with a view, while the others don't. Therefore I can't access their view to update their content.

            A little bit of code now, to illustrate:

            I have a main activity



            Answered 2018-Oct-23 at 10:58

            tab.getCustomView() will return you the custom view used for this tab.

            You are confusing between tab's own view and fragment's (contained in viewPager) view.

            You have set the same layout for both your tab and TabFragment




            How to override OnItemSelected method in Fragment
            Asked 2018-Oct-10 at 03:45

            I'm trying to override the OnItemSelected method of a Spinner in my Fragment, the same way I did with OnClick on Button, but it's not responding anymore

            Inside the OnCreate, the commented block works perfectly, but I want to clean it because I have more than one spinner in this layout and this way it is getting very polluted.

            Another question: If possible , how this OnNothingSelected method works and how to use it more effectively?

            In the expression "if (itemSelected! =" ... ")" is because the first element of my spinner is a string with "....", so as not to have any item selected at the beginning, I'm using this wonderfull technique... How could I improve this?

            My code is as follows:




            Answered 2018-Oct-10 at 03:45

            As the doc says, if you have multiple spinners, you should judge the id of parent like below, sorry,I just know java.



            How to get value in a fragment method from OkHttp3 response callback interface
            Asked 2018-Jan-23 at 08:20

            Here is my Singleton class where I've implemented the OkHttp post request. In the post request I've used a callback interface so that I can get response value in my fragment from where I've called the post request.I wish to call a fragments method from the interface's call back response.

            Singleton class:



            Answered 2018-Jan-23 at 08:20
            getActivity().runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
                                            public void run() {


            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

            Install fragview

            There are three binaries you can run:. fragview is a GTK+ GUI application which enables you to browse by clicking and scrolling. fragdb is a command-line utility whose purpose is to collect number of fragments of files in specified directory recursively while storing its result in sqlite3 database. Then it is possible to make some simple reports like displaying ten most fragmented files or files having more than 100 fragments. fileseverity is similar to filefrag utility from e2fsprogs, but displays severity metric rather than fragment count. A few words about this metric can be found in file.


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