tbb | Intel Threading Building Blocks with local modifications

 by   jckarter C++ Version: Current License: GPL-2.0

kandi X-RAY | tbb Summary

kandi X-RAY | tbb Summary

tbb is a C++ library. tbb has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has a Strong Copyleft License and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

Threading Building Blocks - README. See index.html for directions and documentation. If source is present (./Makefile and src/ directories), type 'gmake' in this directory to build and test. See examples/index.html for runnable examples and directions. See for full documentation and software information.

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              tbb is licensed under the GPL-2.0 License. This license is Strong Copyleft.
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            Community Discussions


            How to extract lines containing blank in a specific column with Linux command
            Asked 2022-Apr-05 at 04:20




            Answered 2022-Apr-05 at 04:10

            You can use cut and use "" as delimiter and check the field 4 if it is not empty. Then use the grep -v to check if a trailing "" exists or not. in an If statement you can get the result.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71745601


            `ld` undefined reference error, but libraries are linked to by CMake and symbols exist
            Asked 2022-Feb-24 at 13:51

            I have a CMake file like this:



            Answered 2022-Feb-24 at 13:51
            Fix 🔧

            The cause of the linker errors was this statement:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71233059


            Linking to TBB libraries with CMake
            Asked 2022-Feb-22 at 09:52

            I have tbb downloaded and placed in my repository directory:



            Answered 2021-Sep-22 at 11:59

            This post helped me solved the problem:


            The errors got resolved by:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69282407


            Why does isolating tasks in task arenas to NUMA nodes for memory locality slow down my embarassingly parallel TBB application?
            Asked 2022-Feb-15 at 11:46

            I have this self-contained example of a TBB application that I run on a 2-NUMA-node CPU that performs a simple vector addition repeatedly on dynamic arrays. It recreates an issue that I am having with a bit more complicated example. I am trying to divide the computations cleanly between the available NUMA nodes by initializing the data in parallel with 2 task_arenas that are linked to separate NUMA nodes through TBB's NUMA API. The subsequent parallel execution should then be conducted so that that memory accesses are performed on data that is local to the cpu that computes its task. A control example uses a simple parallel_for with a static_partitioner to perform the computation while my intended example invokes per task_arena a task which invokes a parallel_for to compute the vector addition of the designated region, i.e. the half of the dynamic arena that was initialized before in the corresponding NUMA node. This example always takes twice as much time to perform the vector addition compared to the control example. It cannot be the overhead of creating the tasks for the task_arenas that will invoke the parallel_for algorithms, because the performance degradation only occurs when the tbb::task_arena::constraints are applied. Could anyone explain to me what happens and why this performance penalty is so harsh. A direction to resources would also be helpful as I am doing this for a university project.



            Answered 2022-Feb-15 at 11:46

            Part of the provided example where the work with arenas happens is not one-to-one match to the example from the docs, "Setting the preferred NUMA node" section.

            Looking further into the specification of the task_arena::execute() method, we can find out that the task_arena::execute() is a blocking API, i.e. it does not return until the passed lambda completes.

            On the other hand, the specification of the task_group::run() method reveals that its method is asynchronous, i.e. returns immediately, not waiting for the passed functor to complete.

            That is where the problem lies, I guess. The code executes two parallel loops within arenas one by one, in a serial manner so to say. Consider following the example from the docs carefully.

            BTW, the oneTBB project, which is the revamped version of the TBB, can be found here.

            EDIT answer for the EDITED question:

            1. See the comment to the question.
            2. The waiting should happen after work is submitted, not before it. Also, no need to go to another arena's task group to do the wait within the loop, just submit the work in the NUMA loop via arena[i].execute( [i, &] { task_group[i].run( [i, &] { /*...*/ } ); } ), then, in another loop, wait for each task_group within corresponding task_arena.

            Please note how I capture the NUMA loop iteration by copy. Otherwise, the code might be referring the wrong data inside the lambda body.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71104099


            How to write a simple CMAKELISTS for OpenViNO to my C++ programme in Linux
            Asked 2022-Feb-13 at 18:38

            I have been trying very hard to set up OpenVINO for my C++ programme. But the official guide was very unclear to me (partially because I am a very beginner). I was struggling to understand how it finds "InferenceEngine_LIBRARIES" (or "OpenCV_LIBS") without even defining it.

            I have tried to understand some examples in GitHub but sadly many of them are for older versions. I was wondering if I could have a minimum demo of the CMakeLists.txt to use the OpenVINO. Thank you very much.

            --- Updates ---

            Thanks for the comments. I understand some things were handled by CMake behind the scene. Going to the point, here is my CMakeLists file



            Answered 2022-Feb-13 at 18:38

            The linker error shows that it cannot find the TBB symbols. The TBB library should be pointed to by the TBB_DIR variable. You don't have to set those variables manually using cmake's set() function. Instead - in the shell where you compile your own app - you can source OpenVINO's setupvars.sh script. Just run something like: source /opt/intel/openvino_2021/bin/setupvars.sh and re-run the compiler. I can see you're using CLion, not the terminal directly. In that case you can try adding the variable manually. The TBB location might be slightly different between the OV versions but in general it should point to a subdirectory of /opt/intel/openvino_2021 - just browse the installation directory and try to find it or source setupvars.sh in the terminal and copy the TBB_DIR env var value to your IDE.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71080899


            How do I format the mask parameter for cv2.detail.BestOf2NearestMatcher apply2 function
            Asked 2022-Jan-28 at 22:52

            I am looking to speed up some bundle adjustment code by specifying which images are overlapping. I created a function that places a grid of points in each image and then tests the pairwise overlap. Basically, it approximates the intersection area of the photos from the initial homography. Here is an example these 4 overlapping photos:

            Ive been working off of this example https://github.com/amdecker/ir/blob/master/Stitcher.py



            Answered 2022-Jan-28 at 22:52

            It looks like mask needs to be a NxN uint8 (boolean) matrix, N being the number of images, i.e. len(features).

            If docs are unclear/vague/lacking, feel free to open an issue on the github about it. This function seems a good candidate for improvement.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70897908


            Do I need to downgrade my conda version in order to install a module?
            Asked 2022-Jan-18 at 22:43

            I install new modules via the following command in my miniconda



            Answered 2022-Jan-06 at 20:11

            Consider creating a separate environment, e.g.,

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70610324


            How to deserialize json inside a json to a string property
            Asked 2022-Jan-11 at 17:59

            I am reading a json-string from an API (in a script component i SSIS). The json looks something like the one below (this is only one record, the real string contains many more). When trying to deserialize into a class containing the needed properties, I would like to put the "value" for the "costCenters"-property into a string property in my table. How ever, since the costCenters-value in itself contains a JSON, the deserialization fails (because it encounters the objects inside it).

            If I exclude the property CostCenters from my class, it manages to deserialize the other properties just fine. I would think (hope) that it would be possible to force the inner JSON into a string property? Any suggestions?

            This is my class that is used for the deserilazing:



            Answered 2022-Jan-11 at 17:08

            One workaround is to add a field to Unit called CostCentersString in which the CostCenters list is re-serialized:

            In Unit class definition:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70669999


            Pre-schedule parallel tasks with Intel TBB
            Asked 2022-Jan-04 at 05:48

            I have multiple batches processed one by one in a serial fashion and each batch's elements are computed in parallel. As I repeat this operation dozens of times, it seems to introduce an little overhead with thread sheduling.

            I would like to know if it's possible to set those tasks in advance and then call them during the serial loop. The number of batches or the elements per batch doesn't change over time.



            Answered 2022-Jan-04 at 05:48

            For scheduling a TBB task, a rule of thumb is that a task should execute for at least 1 microsecond or 10,000 processor cycles in order to mitigate the overheads associated with task creation and scheduling.

            Pre-scheduling the tasks in advance will not help in overcoming the thread scheduling overhead.

            we are assuming a world where the slight additional overhead of dynamic task scheduling is the most effective at exposing the parallelism and exploiting it. This assumption has one fault: if we can program an application to perfectly match the hardware, without any dynamic adjustments, we may find a few percentage points gain in performance.

            tbb::pipeline has been deprecated. It was replaced by tbb::parallel_pipeline. For more information please refer to the below link: https://spec.oneapi.io/versions/1.0-rev-3/elements/oneTBB/source/algorithms/functions/parallel_pipeline_func.html

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70464155


            OpenVINO environment initialized automatically with PyQt5 could not work normally
            Asked 2021-Dec-29 at 02:06

            I have integrated OpenVINO and PyQt5 to do the inference job like this on Windows 11.

            Because we have to initialize OpenVINO environment by executing setupvars.bat first.

            I think that it is bothered for user to manually initialize OpenVINO environment before doing the inference job.

            Therefore, I try to build up the auto-initialized program with my PyQt5 code.



            Answered 2021-Dec-29 at 02:06

            First and foremost, please take a note that Windows 11 is not officially supported by OpenVINO. Hence, issues are expected. The same goes for PyQt5 integration with OpenVINO packages.

            You could automate the OpenVINO setupvars.bat initialization using batch file creation in Windows.

            Create a batch file that initializes OpenVINO environment and launch the software that you want (eg: VS2019)

            Write the script below in the .bat file:

            @echo on

            cd \bin

            CALL setupvars.bat

            cd \2019\Community\Common7\IDE

            CALL devenv.exe

            Run the .bat file as administrator

            Since the integration of OpenVINO and PyQt5 is not officially supported, there's no specific documentation to be followed as a guide.

            On another note, a similar kind of integration has been implemented in openvino-smart-library. You may refer to this repository for reference/workaround.

            In addition to that, you'll need to integrate the OpenVINO Inference Engine into your application (only C++ or Python is supported for this purpose). You may refer to this Integrate Inference Engine with Your Python Application.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70491435

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