Odin | Odin Programming Language | Functional Programming library
kandi X-RAY | Odin Summary
kandi X-RAY | Odin Summary
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I'm trying to complete The Odin Project's Etch-a-Sketch challenge and am currently stuck with trying to resize the divs that make up the sketchpad. The app creates a 16x16 grid by default, and when pressing the erase button it asks for a number. It should then recreate the grid based on that number. However, after giving a number the size of the sketchpad is reduced. I have noticed that the number of empty divs created is always 256. Link to codepen for clarification: https://codepen.io/eerolli/pen/abELQbp
Any help as to how I could get the size of the pad to stay the same regardless of the number of divs inside it is greatly appreciated.
Edit: It should probably be noted, that the app works fine when I enter a number equal to or lower than 16.
Answered 2022-Apr-03 at 05:59You were super close ... you just need to call the create grid function again after the input prompt, and pass the new size/number the user entered as the argument ;D
Edit: Ah yeah, I didn't notice it got stuck in a loop. I've refactored a little and added a couple of comments, hopefully helps.
I am trying to complete the Odin Project's "Sign-Up Form" but I am having trouble with layering the text over the image.
If I use position:absolute;
the text does not respect the container's width.
If I use position:relative;
I get a white background under the text.
I am in dire need of guidance.
Thank you.
Answered 2022-Apr-02 at 19:33Try it like this:
I want to Show the field in UnityInspector based on specific enum field.
Lets say this is the enum class
Answered 2022-Feb-11 at 15:43Afaik you can simply do something like
I'm going through the Odin Project and the Ruby on Rails.org guides and still can't figure out how to make a link that updates a boolean from true to false. I'm seriously going insane over this.
I want to make a webpage that everyone puts in their name and it assigns each person a role in the game (like Innocent/Traitor roles in games like One night werewolf/ spyfall / trouble in terrorist town). Each player has a boolean called alive that stores if they are still in the game.
I'm still testing and learning stuff so right now I just want to add a link that when you click it, it changes that player's alive status from true to false. Way simpler than anything I've been able to find people asking about anywhere online. Here's my repo: https://github.com/esimunds/nerf_app
I just have a Player model, players controller, and player related views. The link in question is the last link in the index.html.erb view.
Answered 2022-Mar-20 at 21:49Add a new route
I am doing the Odin Project course. I'm on the flex box section and a little confused. I am not sure what I am doing wrong with aligning along the cross axis in Flex, left to right.
So in the code, I need the "one two three" and "four five six" to be centered on the cross access.
I tried align-content/items, though I think I am suppose to be using items. I have tried center, flex-start / flex-end to see if it moves, it does not move on the cross at all.
I have googled quite a bit, trying for about an hour while I am working to try different things. Nothing seems to work. I was having trouble spacing them, however I was able to fix that and the margin to get them off the sides.
My assumption; I think I might be missing something about height? Does the container not have enough positive space to move around in? Is it so tight vertically that I AM centering but do not see it as the top and bottom are against the content / links as I took away padding and margin?
Answered 2022-Mar-17 at 17:54Add height: 100%;
to ul
to make the centering you already have effective for the full height of its parent:
The empty space (you'll see when you put in the code) is where the cards should be stacked in a column like orientation like this
I am trying to fill that white space with the cards in that fashion but the sidebar keeps pushing it down and I've tried merging them and creating different divs to separate but no matter what it stays below and I do not know why.
Answered 2022-Mar-19 at 18:17This can be easily done using Grid
Layout. Just changed the contents
container to flex
and used grid
for Cards container.
first time posting, basically doing the Odin project Exercise 04 - removeFromArray excercise:
I have got the first test to pass, however, i have no idea on how to write the program to deal with multiple optional arguments. I know i need to use the ...arg, but do not really understand how to start or what to do, or the general construction of the function, please can someone help me to understand how to go about this? Below is a very poor attempt by me which doesnt work (not even sure if my logic is correct to get the desired output):
Answered 2022-Mar-15 at 14:59args
is an array of arguments. So you just need to filter the original array
and filter out those elements that are in array args
I am totally stuck.
I am working on the Library project from The Odin Project's JavaScript course, and I am trying to use localStorage so that the user can save their "library" to, well, their local storage.
I've never been able to 100% successfully use localStorage before. It seems simple enough, but for some reason, there was some kind of block in my brain about how to utilize it correctly. This time, however, I was able to get my program to be able to 1) save the user's data (via a button click), 2) load it correctly into the individual "cards" on the page, and 3) delete the entire storage (via another button click). I am extremely excited about this... it feels so good to not know how to do something and then get it to work.
The one thing that has me totally confused is being able to delete a unique item from the localStorage array. When you click the "New Book" button on my page, a modal comes up, and you're required to enter a book's title, author, # of pages, and whether or not you have read it. There's also an option to set the background color. Clicking Submit will then generate a "card" with the book's information on it.
Each card has an X button in the corner. When the X button is clicked, the card is deleted from the page. I want it so that it (meaning that card's book's object) is also deleted from the local storage array (preferably without the user having to press the "Save to local storage" button again, although it isn't a dealbreaker).
Each time the user creates a new book, the book's details are saved as an object into an array called libraryBooks (which I then stringify so I can use localStorage). From my understanding, in order to be able to delete individual parts of the array, I need to use code that is something like this:
Answered 2022-Mar-05 at 13:03I checked out your demo , and what I think you can do is, while saving a book object you can pass in an property called id to identify the exact book from the collection.
So when you click on the x button you will get the details of that book which now has an id and you can filter it out.
Something as follows -
I'm quite new to coding. I'm coding an Etch-a-sketch (via the Odin Project). Basically, it consists of a grid, which when hovered over, the boxes of the grid will change to a random color. (the container is supposed to keep the same dimensions) Upon loading the page, it starts with a basic grid of 16x16 boxes.
The user also has the option to create a custom grid (for example, if the user enters 50, the container will be filled with 50x50 boxes, with their height and width adapted to fill the container)
I seem to be stuck at this stage, when the button is clicked and you enter an amount of boxes, the grid will update. But then, when hovering over this 'custom' grid, the box size resets to the original width/height defined in the CSS.
The boxes should keep their custom size when hovered over. (and when the color is changed)
Below a codepen which will show the issue clearly, (enter a custom grid size(max 100 for performance) and hit enter).
Codepen here with the full HTML/CSS/JS + example: Codepen
Answered 2022-Feb-17 at 19:02I thought I would update my initial question;
after a few days of searching and updating the code, I found out that when using setAttribute
to set the width and height of an element, and afterwards you use setAttribute
to change only a style setting on the same element, it resets the width and height specified earlier via setAttribute. A way around this would be to specify the width and height again in the latest setAttribute call. Or instead of using setAttribute to set styling, you could do it via element.style.backgroundColor = 'color';
So if anyone else runs into the same issue, hope it helps. :)
I am trying to make Rock, Paper, Scissors via The Odin Project, and I'm stuck in the last step. I don't seem to have trouble getting the prompt to work, just can't seem to either tally up points, or I'm having trouble ending the game when either the player or computer gets to 5 points. I did include some console.logs at the bottom, but I'm unable to actually see the score due to the endless prompts. What am I doing wrong? I just need the game to end when either the player or computer gets to 5 points.
Answered 2022-Feb-11 at 05:21function game() {
while (playerScore < 5 && computerScore < 5) {
const playerSelection = prompt("Would you like to choose Rock, Paper or Scissors?")
const computerSelection = computerPlay();
alert(playRound(playerSelection, computerSelection));
function playRound(playerSelection, computerSelection) {
if (playerSelection === computerSelection) {
return "Tie game!"
} else if (playerSelection === "Rock" && computerSelection === "Scissors") {
playerScore += 1;
return `You win! ${playerSelection} beats ${computerSelection}!`
} else if (playerSelection === "Paper" && computerSelection === "Rock") {
playerScore += 1;
return `You win! ${playerSelection} beats ${computerSelection}!`
} else if (playerSelection === "Scissors" && computerSelection === "Paper") {
playerScore += 1;
return `You win! ${playerSelection} beats ${computerSelection}!`
} else {
computerScore += 1;
return `You lose! ${computerSelection} beats ${playerSelection}`
Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network
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Install Odin
Windows Have Visual Studio installed (MSVC 2010 or later, for the linker) Open a valid command prompt: Basic: run the x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS2017 shortcut bundled with VS 2017, or Advanced: run vcvarsall.bat x64 from a blank cmd session
MacOS Have LLVM explicitly installed (brew install llvm) Have XCode installed (version X.X or later, for linking) Make sure the LLVM binaries and the linker are added to your $PATH environmental variable
GNU/Linux Have LLVM installed (opt/llc) Have Clang installed (version X.X or later, for linking) Make sure the LLVM binaries and the linker are added to your $PATH environmental variable
Please read the Getting Started Guide. Other platforms may be supported but are experimental for the time being.
Windows x86-64/amd64 MSVC 2010 installed (C++11 support) Requires MSVC's link.exe as the linker run vcvarsall.bat to setup the path
MacOS x86-64/amd64 LLVM explicitly installed (brew install llvm) XCode installed (for the linker)
GNU/Linux x86-64/amd64 Build tools (ld) LLVM installed Clang installed (temporary - this is Calling the linker for now)
FreeBSD x86-64/amd64 Build tools (ld) LLVM installed Clang installed (temporary - this is Calling the linker for now)
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