OpenGLES | OpenGL ES | 3D Animation library
kandi X-RAY | OpenGLES Summary
kandi X-RAY | OpenGLES Summary
OpenGL ES (OpenGL for Embedded Systems) 是 OpenGL 三维图形API的子集。针对手机、PDA和游戏主机等嵌入式设备而设计。该API由Khronos集团定义推广,Khronos是一个图形软硬件行业协会,该协会主要关注图形和多媒体方面的开放标准。. 环境是 Xcode8.1+OpenGL ES 2.0,也有部分示例是基于OpenGL ES 3.0.
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I'm trying to deploy my project on the Web with WebAssembly and encountered some problems.
The project made a custom rendering with QSGRenderNode and ran on the web.
And I'm getting error "INVALID OPERATION insufficient buffer size".
Here's my code bellow.
Answered 2021-May-03 at 01:16I figure out the solution. First there is supposed to be three indices in my elements. The second argument of the function glDrawElements should be 3. Second there's a limitation in webgl that the type of element supposed to be GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT.
Why moving eye position, using setLookAtM, will clip the 3d view of my model? I am moving eye Z position using time. Please check video and code:
Answered 2021-Apr-28 at 08:30The clipping is related to the projection matrix. The projection matrix specifies a Viewing frustum. All the geometry which is not in the viewing volume (frustum) is clipped. Therefore, All the geometry which is not in between the near and far plane is clipped:
The distance between the geometry and the camera has to be stored in the depth buffer. The distances between the near and far plane (normalized device z coordinate) is mapped to the range of a value in the depth buffer.
In your case the distance to the near plane is 3 and the distance to the far plane is 7
I downloaded the release build without modifying ( I put all the classes in Eclipse. Some classes are not recognized
The codes that do not need these classes in error, work normally. As in
All the classes I put:
Answered 2021-Mar-27 at 09:20You are trying to compile LWJGL 2 code here. All the imports that it cannot find pertain to the verison 2 of LWJGL. The current version that you can get from the mentioned lwjgl site is 3 and version 3 is incompatible with version 2.
Either explicitly download LWJGL 2 from e.g. or rewrite your code to work with LWJGL 3.
If you go the LWJGL 2 route, though, please note that it hasn't been actively maintained anymore for more than 6 years now.
im having some troubles building an app in xcode but the build in Unity to android works just fine. I have searched all over and none of the other solutions helped me to get the build done. Im not using any pods just switch target to iOS, signing and trying to build. The error that xcode gives me is this:
Showing Recent Errors Only
Build target UnityFramework of project Unity-iPhone with configuration ReleaseForRunning warning: OpenGLES is deprecated. Consider migrating to Metal instead. (in target 'UnityFramework' from project 'Unity-iPhone')
Ld /Users/schrodingerlab/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Unity-iPhone-cznkgmrdhbgorsbwisensbubkxok/Build/Products/ReleaseForRunning-iphoneos/UnityFramework.framework/UnityFramework normal (in target 'UnityFramework' from project 'Unity-iPhone') cd /Users/schrodingerlab/Thermomix_40/buildenios6 /Applications/ -target arm64-apple-ios12.0 -dynamiclib -isysroot /Applications/ -L/Users/schrodingerlab/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Unity-iPhone-cznkgmrdhbgorsbwisensbubkxok/Build/Products/ReleaseForRunning-iphoneos -L/Users/schrodingerlab/Thermomix_40/buildenios6/Libraries -L/Users/schrodingerlab/Thermomix_40/buildenios6/Libraries/com.ptc.vuforia.engine/Vuforia/Plugins/iOS -L/Users/schrodingerlab/Thermomix_40/buildenios6/Libraries/Plugins/iOS/Firebase -F/Users/schrodingerlab/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Unity-iPhone-cznkgmrdhbgorsbwisensbubkxok/Build/Products/ReleaseForRunning-iphoneos -F/Users/schrodingerlab/Thermomix_40/buildenios6/Frameworks/ -F/Users/schrodingerlab/Thermomix_40/buildenios6/Frameworks/com.ptc.vuforia.engine/Vuforia/Plugins/iOS -filelist /Users/schrodingerlab/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Unity-iPhone-cznkgmrdhbgorsbwisensbubkxok/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -install_name @rpath/UnityFramework.framework/UnityFramework -Xlinker -rpath -Xlinker @executable_path/Frameworks -Xlinker -map -Xlinker /Users/schrodingerlab/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Unity-iPhone-cznkgmrdhbgorsbwisensbubkxok/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -dead_strip -Xlinker -object_path_lto -Xlinker /Users/schrodingerlab/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Unity-iPhone-cznkgmrdhbgorsbwisensbubkxok/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -fembed-bitcode-marker -stdlib=libc++ -fobjc-arc -fobjc-link-runtime -lc++ -weak_framework CoreMotion -weak-lSystem -liPhone-lib -framework Security -framework MediaToolbox -framework CoreText -framework AudioToolbox -weak_framework AVFoundation -framework AVKit -framework CFNetwork -framework CoreGraphics -framework CoreMedia -weak_framework CoreMotion -framework CoreVideo -framework Foundation -framework OpenAL -framework OpenGLES -framework QuartzCore -framework SystemConfiguration -framework UIKit -liconv.2 -lil2cpp -framework UnityAds -lVuforiaWrapper -framework Vuforia -lFirebaseCppMessaging -lFirebaseCppAnalytics -lFirebaseCppApp -framework AdSupport -framework CoreTelephony -framework StoreKit -framework CoreLocation -weak_framework Metal -weak_framework GameController -weak_framework UserNotifications -Xlinker -no_adhoc_codesign -Xlinker -dependency_info -Xlinker /Users/schrodingerlab/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Unity-iPhone-cznkgmrdhbgorsbwisensbubkxok/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -o /Users/schrodingerlab/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Unity-iPhone-cznkgmrdhbgorsbwisensbubkxok/Build/Products/ReleaseForRunning-iphoneos/UnityFramework.framework/UnityFramework
Undefined symbols for architecture arm64: "OBJC_CLASS$_FIRConfiguration", referenced from: objc-class-ref in libFirebaseCppApp.a(log_ios_dd26aec5b8537064a4c15d38b58b4640.o) "OBJC_CLASS$_FIRMessaging", referenced from: objc-class-ref in libFirebaseCppMessaging.a(messaging_231c52c311096cfce13e67fa91eb9ac5.o) "OBJC_CLASS$_FIRApp", referenced from: objc-class-ref in libFirebaseCppApp.a(app_ios_814e1620d4f88024cea4bade26623a67.o) "OBJC_CLASS$_FIROptions", referenced from: objc-class-ref in libFirebaseCppApp.a(app_ios_814e1620d4f88024cea4bade26623a67.o) "_MuskGetLocaleRegion", referenced from: _DeviceCountryProvider_Awake_mEE95CC492427159A08D423192B51472917D33011 in Assembly-CSharp2.o _DeviceCountryProvider_MuskGetLocaleRegion_mDEF69019B1CC4B23AAB2F05C013AAD759104CA9C in Assembly-CSharp2.o (maybe you meant: _DeviceCountryProvider_MuskGetLocaleRegion_mDEF69019B1CC4B23AAB2F05C013AAD759104CA9C) ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64 clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
Build failed 17/3/21, 19:41 151.1 seconds
I think i have an error with the arm64 library as the error sugest and i tried to include it manually but still got the MuskGetLocaleRegion.
Thank you for your time!
Answered 2021-Mar-22 at 16:27It does look like you're either skipping the CocoaPods step in Unity or you've disabled some core functionality of the Firebase Unity SDK. It's also possible that you've run into an issue mixing Firebase with another library. I'll give you some quick debugging tips and what to do to file a bug report if it is a bigger issue.
First, since this is a new project, make sure your Firebase Unity SDK is updated to the latest (currently 7.1.0).
Next, you need to make sure that CocoaPods is properly installed. This should happen automatically, but you might as well check. If you type pod
, you should see some output other than "command not found". If you don't have it, you can always navigate to "Assets>External Dependency Manager>iOS Resolver>Install Cocoapods" to do so:
External Dependency Manager>iOS Resolver"" />
You may also opt to install CocoaPods directly following this guide. Finally, we did find that sometimes CocoaPods required uninstalling/reinstalling across certain OS upgrades (notably moving onto Catalina). This likely doesn't apply, but you can try uninstalling if you run into continued issues.
The mechanism by which Firebase associates the proper Pod files with a built Unity game is called the "External Dependency Manager for Unity" (EDM4U). It may be worth opening the "iOS Resolver Settings" (in the same menu where you found "Install Cocoapods") and resetting to default. For convenience I've included a screenshot of my settings page:
Since you've been running into issues previously, now would be a good time to delete your previously generated project. Then you can click "Build And Run" from your "Build Settings" window. Unity should generate your xcodeproj, generate a Podfile, use the Podfile to generate an xcworkspace, then open the xcworkspace for you.
Building and running from here should work.
Sometimes folks still run into issues. There are some moving parts here: Unity version, Cocoapods version, Firebase version, and dependency manager version not to mention any other libraries either using EDM4U or doing their own custom work to integrate (notably we've seen that almost every tool to "make an iOS build from Windows" fails to work).
So in addition to just making sure your Podfile looks roughly like what you might expect from the iOS getting started guide, updating Cocoapods, and updating Firebase (do not follow the iOS guide, Unity is different enough that you should follow the Unity guide), you may want to follow up on the public issue tracker. When you do so, the first thing to do would be to verify that your setup works with the quickstart for the Firebase products you use (it looks like Messaging from your error log?).
I am trying to draw a triangle shape in Android Xamarin with C#. The triangle is a class with the method draw. In this draw method, there is an openGL20 method for coloring the triangle object we just created. Whenever the execution in the draw
method reaches this color object method, this exception is thrown Java.Lang.IllegalArgumentException Message=length - offset < count*4 < needed
I really can't understand what that error means but here is the code am using so far
Answered 2021-Mar-01 at 19:08You are using a 3 sized float array for a vec4 uniform. Add the alpha array to your color array like this Replace
I have built the FFmpeg with libx264 into static libs, here is my directory tree.
Answered 2021-Feb-22 at 07:15I made a mistake in the build script:
I am making an opengles application for android and I need to access files in the app. I recently learned that I could open files in the assets folder with the Activity.getAssets().open(); method. However this method requirers the mainActivity (extending Activity) by doing MainActivity.getAssets().open();.
Up to this point it was fine. However, in order for Opengles to work, I need to feed MainActivity.setRenderer(); with an implementation of GLSurfaceView.Renderer (that I call Renderer) which will house the main loop.
My problem is, whenever I try to do something with MainActivity in any method that is directly or indirectly declared in a method of Renderer, it seems not to work. If anyone can help me find a solution for this or knows a way to access files within the Renderer class without loading them all beforehand please help me!
P.S. it works when I feed MainActivity in a normal class
Answered 2021-Feb-11 at 15:35Turns out there is no problem here at all! See here for the new problem: GLES20.glShaderSource does nothing
This is a reformulation of my question here:How to access files form the Renderer class Opengles (android, java) ,but nobody answered, so I decided to ask in a different way.
I am building an Opengl es app for android and I want to access some local files. My main game loop is situated in the Renderer class which is an implementation of GLSurfaceView.Renderer and will be used to set the view in the MainActivity. The only way I know of getting kind of local files* is to do Activity.getAssets().open("file.something"); but then I need the MainActivity. The problem is, if I understood my researches correctly, the Renderer class is automaticaly run on a seperate thread than MainActivity, which results in MainActivity.getAssets().open(); to return nothing. Please help me find a workaround or just use threads, if thats the solution.
*I know that they are not called local files, but they still serve the purpose of beeing files that you don't access with an absolute path qnd that's what I want.
Edit #1:
Here's where I call :
Answered 2021-Feb-11 at 15:29Turns out that wasn't the problem at all! See here to get the new problem: GLES20.glShaderSource does nothing
Some apps and games can use multiple graphic APIs like OpenGLES or Vulkan, each at one time, like PUBG™ Mobile or CoD™ Mobile that using OpenGLES and Vulkan but you can choose which api use during process runtime.
I tried lsof -p | grep -i -e gles -e vulkan
and it gives me both *
which means they are not loaded at runtime but they are linked at compile time.
Question: How can I find out which API is the process using and calling its functions to renders the frames under the linux? (android is basically a linux based OS)
Answered 2021-Jan-29 at 18:13You would need to attach a debugger or insert an API layer to monitor which API's draw calls are being used. You could do the same with a sampling profiler. The Android UI framework which is present in all on-screen applications uses GLES also, so you'd need to watch out for that. (Though in a full-screen game the UI framework shouldn't be doing anything except maybe a few setup calls at launch.) All of that requires that the app be debuggable.
I am a newbie on openGLES, I just want to open an image serve my texture later.
Since most tutorial on the internet for openGL is based on development on laptop, they simply open image like:unsigned char *data = stbi_load("pic.jpg", &width, &height, &nrChannels, 0);
and put the picture under same folder. But I then realized for Android set a correct path is not that simple. If I put the picture under same folder with my cpp file, it will not be found during runtime since the app is now on the real phone.
So the question is, Is it possible to use stbi_load on Android? Or should I find another way? BTW I have to use JNI and write opengl logic with CPP.
Answered 2020-Dec-09 at 01:50I figure it out by myself in case someone encounter same issue.. Note in android you need to read from Sdcard not from drawable. Remember to grant permission.
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