psf | Point Spread Function calculations for fluorescence

 by   cgohlke C Version: 2024.5.24 License: BSD-3-Clause

kandi X-RAY | psf Summary

kandi X-RAY | psf Summary

psf is a C library. psf has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has a Permissive License and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

Point Spread Function calculations for fluorescence microscopy. Forked from

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              The latest version of psf is 2024.5.24

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            differences in bitmap or rasterized font bitmaps and text display on 3.5" TFT LCD
            Asked 2021-Jun-12 at 16:19

            I am using a 3.5: TFT LCD display with an Arduino Uno and the library from the manufacturer, the KeDei TFT library. The library came with a bitmap font table that is huge for the small amount of memory of an Arduino Uno so I've been looking for alternatives.

            What I am running into is that there doesn't seem to be a standard representation and some of the bitmap font tables I've found work fine and others display as strange doodles and marks or they display upside down or they display with letters flipped. After writing a simple application to display some of the characters, I finally realized that different bitmaps use different character orientations.

            My question

            What are the rules or standards or expected representations for the bit data for bitmap fonts? Why do there seem to be several different text character orientations used with bitmap fonts?

            Thoughts about the question

            Are these due to different target devices such as a Windows display driver or a Linux display driver versus a bare metal Arduino TFT LCD display driver?

            What is the criteria used to determine a particular bitmap font representation as a series of unsigned char values? Are different types of raster devices such as a TFT LCD display and its controller have a different sequence of bits when drawing on the display surface by setting pixel colors?

            What other possible bitmap font representations requiring a transformation which my version of the library currently doesn't offer, are there?

            Is there some method other than the approach I'm using to determine what transformation is needed? I currently plug the bitmap font table into a test program and print out a set of characters to see how it looks and then fine tune the transformation by testing with the Arduino and the TFT LCD screen.

            My experience thus far

            The KeDei TFT library came with an a bitmap font table that was defined as



            Answered 2021-Jun-12 at 16:19

            Raster or bitmap fonts are represented in a number of different ways and there are bitmap font file standards that have been developed for both Linux and Windows. However raw data representation of bitmap fonts in programming language source code seems to vary depending on:

            • the memory architecture of the target computer,
            • the architecture and communication pathways to the display controller,
            • character glyph height and width in pixels and
            • the amount of memory for bitmap storage and what measures are taken to make that as small as possible.

            A brief overview of bitmap fonts

            A generic bitmap is a block of data in which individual bits are used to indicate a state of either on or off. One use of a bitmap is to store image data. Character glyphs can be created and stored as a collection of images, one for each character in the character set, so using a bitmap to encode and store each character image is a natural fit.

            Bitmap fonts are bitmaps used to indicate how to display or print characters by turning on or off pixels or printing or not printing dots on a page. See Wikipedia Bitmap fonts

            A bitmap font is one that stores each glyph as an array of pixels (that is, a bitmap). It is less commonly known as a raster font or a pixel font. Bitmap fonts are simply collections of raster images of glyphs. For each variant of the font, there is a complete set of glyph images, with each set containing an image for each character. For example, if a font has three sizes, and any combination of bold and italic, then there must be 12 complete sets of images.

            A brief history of using bitmap fonts

            The earliest user interface terminals such as teletype terminals used dot matrix printer mechanisms to print on rolls of paper. With the development of Cathode Ray Tube terminals bitmap fonts were readily transferable to that technology as dots of luminescence turned on and off by a scanning electron gun.

            Earliest bitmap fonts were of a fixed height and width with the bitmap acting as a kind of stamp or pattern to print characters on the output medium, paper or display tube, with a fixed line height and a fixed line width such as the 80 columns and 24 lines of the DEC VT-100 terminal.

            With increasing processing power, a more sophisticated typographical approach became available with vector fonts used to improve displayed text quality and provide improved scaling while also reducing memory required to describe the character glyphs.

            In addition, while a matrix of dots or pixels worked fairly well for languages such as English, written languages with complex glyph forms were poorly served by bitmap fonts.

            Representation of bitmap fonts in source code

            There are a number of bitmap font file formats which provide a way to represent a bitmap font in a device independent description. For an example see Wikipedia topic - Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format

            The Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format (BDF) by Adobe is a file format for storing bitmap fonts. The content takes the form of a text file intended to be human- and computer-readable. BDF is typically used in Unix X Window environments. It has largely been replaced by the PCF font format which is somewhat more efficient, and by scalable fonts such as OpenType and TrueType fonts.

            Other bitmap standards such as XBM, Wikipedia topic - X BitMap, or XPM, Wikipedia topic - X PixMap, are source code components that describe bitmaps however many of these are not meant for bitmap fonts specifically but rather other graphical images such as icons, cursors, etc.

            As bitmap fonts are an older format many times bitmap fonts are wrapped within another font standard such as TrueType in order to be compatible with the standard font subsystems of modern operating systems such as Linux and Windows.

            However embedded systems that are running on the bare metal or using an RTOS will normally need the raw bitmap character image data in the form similar to the XBM format. See Encyclopedia of Graphics File Formats which has this example:

            Following is an example of a 16x16 bitmap stored using both its X10 and X11 variations. Note that each array contains exactly the same data, but is stored using different data word types:



            Can't install, requires Rust?
            Asked 2021-May-24 at 18:59

            I tried to install the package, but installation failed because it claims that Rust is required to install:

            This package requires Rust >=1.41.0.

            How can I install this? Do I need to install Rust?

            Full output is here:



            Answered 2021-May-24 at 18:59

            The issue is that your pip version is too old to install one of this project's subdependencies, cryptography, which is using newer features.

            Upgrading pip with the following will make it possible to install this package:



            PyCharm: Run `black -S` on region
            Asked 2021-May-19 at 15:26

            We are not ready to automatically format the whole source code with black.

            But from time to time I would like to execute black -S on a region via PyCharm.

            There is a hint in the docs how to run black (or black -S (what I like)) on the whole file. But ...

            How to run black only on a selected region?



            Answered 2021-Feb-08 at 14:43

            I have researched about this because it actually looks interesting, and I've came to the conclusion that you can maybe use:



            Why are Java HTTP requests so slow (in comparison to Python), and how can I make them faster?
            Asked 2021-May-07 at 05:28

            Java is a beautiful language, and is also supposedly very efficient. Coming from a background of having used Python, I wanted to see the difference between the 2 languages- and from the start I was very impressed by the explicitness and clarity of Java's OOP based syntax. However, I also wanted to test out the performance differences between the languages.

            I started off by trying to test the performance difference between the 2 languages by computation speed. For this, I wrote some code in each language- the program attempted to calculate a mathematical problem, and would iterate many times. I won't be adding this code here, but I will say the results- Python was almost 2 times slower (measured by time) than Java. Interesting, but it was expected. After all, the whole reason I wanted to try using Java is due to the amount of people bragging about the computation speed.

            Following that, I proceeded to my second test- making HTTP connections to websites, in order to download web pages. For this test, I wrote another test program which would do the same as the last test, except instead of computing a math equation, it would download a web page using an HTTP library.

            I ended up writing the following script in Python. It is very straightforward, it iterates 10 times over downloading a web page, then prints the average.



            Answered 2021-May-07 at 05:28

            I was really skeptical about the results you got, so I gave it a try with the exact same Python code and main Java method (that uses https) as yours.
            Here is the Java run method that reads the entire JSON content of the response:



            c++ code not giving output (topic : recursion and 2D vector)
            Asked 2021-May-01 at 14:40
            1. You are given a number n, representing the number of rows.
            2. You are given a number m, representing the number of columns.
            3. You are given n*m numbers, representing elements of 2d array a. The numbers can be 1 or 0 only.
            4. You are standing in the top-left corner and have to reach the bottom-right corner. Only four moves are allowed 't' (1-step up), 'l' (1-step left), 'd' (1-step down) 'r' (1-step right). You can only move to cells which have 0 value in them. You can't move out of the boundaries or in the cells which have value 1 in them (1 means obstacle)
            5. Complete the body of floodfill function - without changing signature - to print all paths that can be used to move from top-left to bottom-right.

            this is the question and here is the link for reference

            i used the following code and checked it many times i dont find any error in it please help me figure out whats wrong, i am coding in c++



            Answered 2021-May-01 at 14:40

            You need to add references to your vectors. C and C++ are pass by value languages you need to explicitly tell C++ that you are passing by reference.



            How to upgrade pip in a dockerfile?
            Asked 2021-Apr-30 at 08:32

            In a Dockerfile where we build an image for our python projects , we have a line like this to upgrade pip to latest version:



            Answered 2021-Apr-30 at 08:32

            As you noticed, upgrading pip to the latest revision on each build of your Docker image doesn't guarantee a reproduciple build in the future. That is not a good idea.

            The strategy to adopt depends on your needs. But you may consider the default pip version released with a specific Python version is a reasonable one. But to choose that, you may ensure your major Python release (3.6) is enough up-to-date. This is not your case here, since 3.6.1 is a very old release. The latest 3.6 is 3.6.13 and has been released 2 months ago (3.6 is still supported)


            • Python 3.6.13: Feb. 15, 2021
            • Python 3.6.2: July 17, 2017
            • Python 3.6.1: March 21, 2017

            The reason behind updating pip on docker build is often the warning displayed by Pip when it is not the latest release



            Max Workers in `multiprocessing` vs `concurrent.futures`
            Asked 2021-Apr-24 at 18:52

            In Python 3.8, concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor has been updated to limit the max number of workers (processes) able to be used on Windows to 61. For the reasons why, see this and this, but to my understanding:

            • On Windows, multiprocessing calls the Windows API function WaitForMultipleObjects, which is used to wait for processes to finish. It can wait on, at most, 63 objects, less the result queue reader and thread wakeup reader, hence the 61 limit. (i.e. Windows uses a thread per process to track processes).

            (see also this SO issue)

            multiprocessing, however, still uses os.cpu_count(). It throws a Value Error at first, but then continues on and uses 100% of my CPU cores. For example,



            Answered 2021-Apr-24 at 18:52

            Yours is an excellent question. Looking at the code it would appear that this would be an unrecoverable error. But it seems to me incomprehensible that there would be code in the ThreadPoolExecutor to limit the pool size to 61 under Windows and not enforce that for the the multiprocessing.Pool class. Anyway, it should be easy enough to check with the following program. If it does not print Done! and hangs, I would say there is definitely a problem and you should explicitly limit the pool size if you are using multiprocessing.Pool:



            How to bypass AKAMAI bot detection for data scraping using requests_html, Beautiful Soup
            Asked 2021-Mar-09 at 18:56

            I am scraping data from the Rakuten Japanese e-commerce website. I am using requests-html and Beautiful soup. And the problem is when I request from my local pc ( it's working fine. But when I request from my ec2 server getting Reference # this message and no data or HTML page is found. And another case when I use wget and request from the server the page URL I get a full page. But my script doesn't work.

            Here is my code sample:



            Answered 2021-Mar-04 at 13:45

            I've tried your code on an EC2 in ap-northeast-1 (Tokyo) and I'm getting the sample output.

            So, here are few things to check:

            • make sure your EC2 has the right ports open
            • double check the headers (I've modified yours a bit - see code below)
            • check your query input; maybe some of them are malformed?
            • don't spray the rakuten server with too many requests from one EC2; maybe they're blocking you already

            Here's your code after some slight tuning:



            Pip requirements installation fails in Travis due to idna version conflict
            Asked 2021-Mar-04 at 22:45

            One of my Travis build tests have started to fail with the following error:



            Answered 2021-Mar-04 at 22:45

            Historically, pip didn't have a proper dependency resolver. So, if you asked it to install a package without any version flag, you’d be getting the newest version of the package, even if it conflicts with other packages that you had already installed.

            However, with pip 20.3, this changes, and now pip has a stricter dependency resolver. Pip will now complain if any of your sub-dependencies are incompatible.

            As a quick fix, you can pin your idna version in your requirements.txt to 2.05. As a longer-term solution, you can adopt a tool like pip-tools where you will be able to pin your top-level dependencies in a file and run a pip-compile command to generate the requirements.txt file. This way there will be an explicit delineation between the top-level dependencies and the sub-dependencies. Also, the tool will resolve the sub-dependency conflicts for you.



            How can i read two same name json data in Xamarin
            Asked 2021-Mar-02 at 01:32

            Guys its my json file But as you can see it have multiple Name - ID Or like that things. I have 2 Page in Xamarin. In first page i need to take datas from first part of json file. "ID"-"Name"-"Barcode".... etc. But in 2nd page i need take datas from CampaignList from Json file. But in campaignlist part have "Name"-"ID" too. So when i try take datas from CampaignList programm giving me datas from Root class. But i need take it from CampaignList. How can i take datas from CampaignList ? My Json file :



            Answered 2021-Mar-02 at 01:32

            both pages are deserializing the same data into two completely different models. This won't work. The 2nd page wants the CampaignList data, which is a sub element of the data from the Root object on the first page. There is no need to request the same data twice

            instead you can do something like this


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