CCArray | It 's a high performance array written in Objective-C | Database library
kandi X-RAY | CCArray Summary
kandi X-RAY | CCArray Summary
CCArray A easy and faster Objective-C array. /***CREATE A CCArray ****/ CCArray *array = [CCArray arrayWithCapacity:10];. /*** ADD OBJECTS****/ [array addObject:YOUR_OBJECT]; //or [array insertObject:YOUR_OBJECT atIndex:0];. //*** READ THE ARRAY ****/. /** NSFastEnumeration (slow way) **/ for(id object in array) { [object doSomething]; }. /** Ultra fast way **/. id object; CCARRAY_FOREACH(array, object) { [object doSomething]; }. /** manual way to read the array **/. ccArray *arrayData = array->data; for(int i=0; i num; i++) { id object = arrayData->arr[i]; [object doSomething]; }.
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I use PhpMailer library in codeigniter for send an email, email sending process are working fine, i use summernote for write my email content, summernote generate HTML format what i edit in summernote, but while i send an email, recieved mail have just plain text, i don't know why it's happen..
Here i attach PhpMailer function,
Answered 2020-Jun-18 at 12:38You are removing all your HTML tags with the strip_tags function.
For post method in android I have to send array of objects. I am retrieving elements from an arrayList and putting that retrieved element in JSONObject and than putting that in JSONobject in JSONArray.
Answered 2018-Nov-07 at 08:36Change code like this
my camel application is under security review. they are pointing out that camel email is subject to malicious attack on system by providing a bad malicious script as attachment that can be run after removing attachment from email.
how can camel email sanitize attachmets?
here is what they are saying.
This is a security issue because anyone can run code on the server as root simply by sending an email to a monitored mailbox. The script in my previous message is something I ran --on my own computer--, not on the server itself, and it leads to rewriting /root/.bashrc on the server - which equals command execution once any "legitimate" user runs bash as root(because that will automatically execute the commands in /root/.bashrc). If it makes more sense to you, this can also be used to change any configuration file on the server to facilitate further attacks, for example sending a mail with an attachment named '../../../../../../../../app/PassThruMultiTenantMT1/latest/etc/' one can add a new admin user to fuse(and then login with it and obtain root access).
You don't need to inject a value into the route creation process, the path traversal component is part of the"camelFileName"(which is extracted from the file names of the email attachments, returned from a call to "getAttachments()").
I was wondering less about whether it's a security issue or not(it is^^), and more about whether it's an issue in your code or in Apache Camel's code. And this is something I was hoping you could give your opinion on.
here is my code for email
Answered 2018-Jul-04 at 18:25Well, I think it is quite possibly an unintentional oversight on camel mail. accordging to this.
However I do think this might be related to Camel itself, looking at the relevant RFC:
" The receiving MUA SHOULD NOT respect any directory path information that may seem to be present in the filename parameter. The filename should be treated as a terminal component only. Portable specification of directory paths might possibly be done in the future via a separate Content-Disposition parameter, but no provision is made for it in this draft. "
So the fact getAttachments() even returns filenames with path information to start with seems questionable at best. Also their example of how to consume mails at has vulnerable code as an example of usage, which further strengthens my suspicion that it might be unintended on their part.
I have created a macro, in Excel, to send mail.
I want to set the importance as high. I have tried
Answered 2017-Oct-09 at 11:39The "MailEnvelope" property of a worksheet returns an MsoEnvelope object. "Importance" is a property of the MailItem object so you need:
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