CSAPP | Computer Systems : A Programmer 's Perspective | Text Editor library

 by   zhenglu0 C Version: Current License: No License

kandi X-RAY | CSAPP Summary

kandi X-RAY | CSAPP Summary

CSAPP is a C library typically used in Editor, Text Editor applications. CSAPP has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective

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            Community Discussions


            Properties of pthread_exit function : which one is right?
            Asked 2021-May-22 at 18:09

            In the CSAPP book Section 12.3, They said..

            The thread terminates explicitly by calling the pthread_exit function. If the main thread calls pthread_exit, it waits for all other peer threads to terminate and then terminates main thread and the entire process with a return value of thread_return.

            However in the man page of pthread_exit : https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/pthread_exit.3.html

            Performing a return from the start function of any thread other than the main thread results in an implicit call to pthread_exit(), using the function's return value as the thread's exit status.

            To allow other threads to continue execution, the main thread should terminate by calling pthread_exit() rather than exit(3).

            Two descriptions about pthread_exit are different. First one said main thread will wait for peer but not on second.

            Therefore I write a code to ensure correct property.

            (I borrow some code lines from When the main thread exits, do other threads also exit?)

            (Thanks to https://stackoverflow.com/users/959183/laifjei)

            Since pthread_cancel is called before pthread_exit, main thread cancel t1 thread successfully and the result is like,,

            However, when I modify a code as '42 line -> add //' and '44 line -> delete //', main thread cannot cancel t1 since it was already terminated. Therefore the following result is looks like,,

            Finally, I conclude that man page's property is correct. Am I right?

            Why does CSAPP book said that "it waits for all other peer threads to terminate"?



            Answered 2021-May-22 at 18:09

            Two descriptions about pthread_exit are different. First one said main thread will wait for peer but not on second.

            Not very different, and not in a way that you can easily distinguish by most means.

            In particular, regardless of whether the main thread terminates immediately or waits for other threads to terminate before doing so, the pthread_exit() function is like the exit() function in that it does not return. Observing that statements inserted into your test program between the pthread_exit() call and the end of main are not executed does yield any information that helps you determine the relative sequence of thread terminations.

            For that reason, the question is also largely moot. Although there indeed are ways in which the difference can be observed, it is rarely significant.

            Nevertheless, here's a better example:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67646121


            what is the different between const char *m = "mnopqr" and const char m = "mnopqr", and why the latter causes segment error
            Asked 2021-May-20 at 01:01

            here is the code from CSAPP



            Answered 2021-May-20 at 00:55

            const char m declares m to be a single character.

            The initializer "mnopq" is a string literal. When used to initialize a variable other than a char array, it's converted to the address of its first character.

            So this is initializing the character m to contain an address. But char only contains 1 byte, while addresses are likely 4 or 8 bytes. So most of the bytes of the address are being discarded when initializing m.

            When you then cast this to byte_pointer, this 1-byte address is expanded 4 or 8 bytes. This will be very low-numbered addresses, which is probably reserved by the operating system. So you get a segmentation violation.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67612590


            Confused about the output message (about signal handler and sigsuspend)
            Asked 2021-Apr-12 at 07:23

            To better understand the concept of sigsuspend I made two modifications as following, and got different output messages, which confused me.

            The code is from csapp Chapter8 figure 8-42 about sigsuspend.

            1. Add line 10 printf("Reap child %d\n", pid);


            Answered 2021-Apr-12 at 07:23

            The issue with the dots is a buffering issue.

            When stdout is connected to an interactive terminal (i.e. a shell) the it's by default line buffered, meaning that the output is actually written (flushed) on newline.

            Since you print

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67053580


            Using setpgid in a mini-shell breaks interactive commands
            Asked 2021-Mar-14 at 22:02

            I'm trying to write a mini-shell in C using this template. But whenever I try to use interactive commands such as less and vi, the shell gets stuck on waitpid (with WUNTRACED enabled these commands return immediately because they are stopped by a job control signal as indicated by ps) . Other commands that don't require input such as ls are fine. The root cause is setpgid, which seems to puts the forked child process (such as less and vi) into a different process group which no longer shares a terminal. The child process is therefore stopped by a job control signal. Deleting setpgid will make the mini-shell work again, but it can't be removed since the mini-shell needs to control its foreground processes as a group (e.g. if the foreground process P forks additional processes P1 and P2, the shell, upon receiving a SIGTSTP from the user, should stop P, P1, and P2. This can be conveniently done if P, P1, P2 are in the same process group whose pgid is the same as P's pid. We can just send SIGTSTP to the entire process group).

            I have tried to use tcsetpgrp to fix my shell. Although it'll make commands such as vi functional again, the mini-shell will automatically exit upon completion of the forked child, presumably because the parent shell mistakenly views the completion of the forked child as also the completion of the mini-shell.

            Is there a fix which will still allow me to keep setpgid?



            Answered 2021-Mar-14 at 22:02

            The solution is to relinquish control of the tty to the other process group using tcsetpgrp, and when the child is done, take back the control of the tty using tcsetpgrp again. Note that tcsetpgrp sends SIGTTOU to its caller if the calling process belongs to a background process group, so SIGTTOU and SIGTTIN must be blocked.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66627808


            tk.h looks for tcl.h in /usr/include but tcl.h is in /usr/include/tcl. I don't have write tk.h privilege to fix code
            Asked 2021-Feb-22 at 13:26

            I am using Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS via VMWare on macOS BigSur. I have the latest versions of tcl, tcl-dev, tk and tk-dev installed - version 8.6. I want to compile the source code for the Architecture lab project. The source code is from 2016 and located in the self-study handout. Compilation fails [with error messages detailed below], possibly due to the source code relying of tcl8.5 instead of the latest version. Would installing versions 8.5 of these packages solve the problem?

            To make the GUIs work, in the project Makefile I need to assign one variable [which I have done] and update two more so that gcc can find the relevant libraries [libtcl.so and libtk.so] and header files [tcl.h and tk.h].



            Answered 2021-Feb-22 at 13:26

            Direct access to the Tcl_Interp struct has for long been deprecated. Given that this is a single source file (psim.c), you might want to patch it to properly use:

            • Tcl_SetResult(), for example: Change interp->result = "No arguments allowed"; to Tcl_SetResult(interp, "No arguments allowed", TCL_STATIC);
            • Tcl_GetStringResult(), for example: Change fprintf(stderr, "Error Message was '%s'\n", sim_interp->result); to fprintf(stderr, "Error Message was '%s'\n", Tcl_GetStringResult(sim_interp));

            This is backwards compatible.

            Not recommended, but doable: Set the macro

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66291922


            Why this little program output True? Is GCC's overflow protection?
            Asked 2020-Dec-17 at 16:09
            void main(){
                int x = 0x80000000;


            Answered 2020-Dec-17 at 16:04

            Assuming an int is 32 bit, the constant 0x80000000 is outside the range of an int and has type unsigned int. When used to initialize an int it is converted in an implementation defined manner. For gcc, that conversion results in x having the value -231 (whose representation happens to be 0x80000000) which is the smallest value it can hold.

            Then when you attempt to calcuate x-1, it causes signed integer overflow which is undefined behavior. As an example of this, if I compile this code under gcc 4.8.5 with -O0 or -O1 I get "False" as output, and if I compile with -O2 or -O3 it outputs "True".

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65343714


            Library interpositioning
            Asked 2020-Dec-13 at 14:28

            I have been trying to intercept calls to malloc and free, following our textbook (CSAPP book). I have followed their exact code, and nearly the same code that I found online and I keep getting a segmentation fault. I heard our professor saying something about printf that mallocs and frees memory so I think that this happens because I am intercepting a malloc and since I am using a printf function inside the intercepting function, it will call itself recursively. However I can't seem to find a solution to solving this problem? Our professor demonstrated that intercepting worked ( he didn't show us the code) and prints our information every time a malloc occurs, so I do know that it's possible. Can anyone suggest a working method??

            Here is the code that I used and get nothing: mymalloc.c



            Answered 2020-Dec-13 at 14:28

            One way to deal with this is to turn off the printf when your return is called recursively:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65275140


            printf not printing from basic C program on mac
            Asked 2020-Nov-27 at 19:17

            I'm not too familiar with C, I'm just working through CSAPP, using a Mac Big Sur, and I've tried this with the VSCode terminal, ITerm, and the native mac terminal:



            Answered 2020-Nov-27 at 19:17

            When you run gcc thatfile.c, this compiles your C code. This creates another file, normally called a.out, which you have to execute. You can do this by ./a.out.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65042514


            How to understand the result of adding a big float to a small double?
            Asked 2020-Oct-15 at 14:28

            when I write some C code like:



            Answered 2020-Oct-15 at 14:25

            The scale of float…

            The scale is irrelevant. The number of digits used in the significand matters.

            A floating-point representation of a number has the form ±d.ddddddbe, where b is a fixed base, e is an exponent that scales the number, and d.dddddd is a numeral in base b with a fixed number of digits.

            In the format commonly used for float, b is 2 and d.dddddd has 24 digits (which are bits because the numeral is in base 2).

            In this format, 1e20 cannot be represented, because it would be +1.0101101011110001110101111000101101011000110001•266, and that has 51 bits. When you write float f = 1.0e20; in source code, f typically ends up with the value +1.01011010111100011101100•266, which has been rounded to 24 bits. (In decimal, this is 100000002004087734272.)

            When you add one to this using real-number arithmetic, the result would be +1.010110101111000111011000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001•266, which again has too many bits. So the result is rounded. In float, this produces +1.01011010111100011101100•266, which is the same value f started with. However, you used f + d, which uses a double, so f is also converted to double, and double arithmetic is used for the multiplication. But, even in double, +1.010110101111000111011000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001•266 has too many bits. The format commonly used for double has 53 bits in the d.dddddd part. So it is also rounded, to +1.01011010111100011101100000000000000000000000000000000•266, which is the same value as +1.01011010111100011101100•266.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64372728


            process catch SIGINT signal using sigint_handler
            Asked 2020-May-26 at 00:06

            I encountered this problem when doing shell lab from the book CSAPP, the lab ask you to implement your own version of shell with some specification,one of them is

            Typing ctrl-c (ctrl-z) should cause a SIGINT (SIGTSTP) signal to be sent to the current foreground job, as well as any descendents of that job (e.g., any child processes that it forked). If there is no foreground job, then the signal should have no effect.

            so you should complete one of the given functions called sigint_handler which supposed to catch SIGINT signal and send it along to the foreground job. below is a piece of code I find online(the code passed the correctness check)



            Answered 2020-May-26 at 00:06

            Once a child process calls execve(), the child's (usually short-lived) initial address space is freed/released and replaced with space for the specified executable image; now the child no longer has a copy or access to the parent's data or text, like signal handlers.

            Now consider a process-group associated with the control-terminal (tty). When a user types a CTRL-C (or CTRL-\ or CTRL-Z), the tty driver posts a signal to 1+ processes as members of the associated process-group. The result of delivering a signal would be the system default action unless a process established a different signal disposition (signal(), sigaction(), or related).

            The posted code excerpt indicates a relayed event: user types a CTRL-C, tty driver posts a SIGINT to the shell, shell's handler looks for a foreground job, calls kill() with a negative pid to post a signal to members of that process-group.

            For related info see these man pages:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61997284

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