7 best C# Assertion libraries in 2025
by marketing.admin@openweaver.com Updated: Mar 13, 2023
Guide Kit
C# Assertion is a construct that signals to the calling code that an unexpected event has taken place. It allows programmers to build in sanity checks into their programs, which can then be used to detect when the program is behaving in an unexpected fashion. Assertion libraries are an essential part of a tester's arsenal. They help us to check if our assumptions about the code we write/test are true. They facilitate evaluating the expected and actual results that are intended to be equal. Here are 7 best C# Assertion Open Source libraries that we recommend, shouldly - Should testing for .NET the way Asserting Should be; Verify - snapshot too; fido2-net-lib - NET library for FIDO2 / WebAuthn Attestation and Assertion.
shouldlyby shouldly
Should testing for .NET—the way assertions should be!
shouldlyby shouldly
C# 1876 Version:4.2.1 License: Others (Non-SPDX)
Verifyby VerifyTests
Verify is a snapshot tool that simplifies the assertion of complex data models and documents.
Verifyby VerifyTests
C# 1944 Version:20.2.0 License: Permissive (MIT)
fido2-net-libby passwordless-lib
FIDO2 .NET library for FIDO2 / WebAuthn Attestation and Assertion using .NET
fido2-net-libby passwordless-lib
C# 852 Version:v3.0.1 License: Permissive (MIT)
NFluentby tpierrain
Smooth your .NET TDD experience with NFluent! NFluent is an ergonomic assertion library which aims to fluent your .NET TDD experience (based on simple Check.That() assertion statements). NFluent aims your tests to be fluent to write (with a super-duper-happy 'dot' auto-completion experience), fluent to read (i.e. as close as possible to plain English expression), but also fluent to troubleshoot, in a less-error-prone way comparing to the classical .NET test frameworks. NFluent is also directly inspired by the awesome Java FEST Fluent assertion/reflection library (http://fest.easytesting.org/)
NFluentby tpierrain
C# 300 Version:v1.2 License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)
ArchUnitNETby TNG
A C# architecture test library to specify and assert architecture rules in C# for automated testing.
ArchUnitNETby TNG
C# 530 Version:0.10.5 License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)
fluentassertions.analyzersby fluentassertions
Analyzers based on the FluentAssertions best practices docs
fluentassertions.analyzersby fluentassertions
C# 88 Version:v0.19.1 License: Permissive (MIT)