Bitcoin, a cryptocurrency based on a blockchain database, can be managed over JavaScript-based applications that allow trading, such as wallets (for example, Bitcoin Core). These applications require JavaScript API to perform basic functions, such as trading, encryption, and decryption using public keys and private keys, storing transactions into blockchains, etc. 3rd party JavaScript components house readymade code to implement such functionalities into applications by using simple npm packages to install the Node.js components using the npm_install command, and fetch dependencies. Open-source libraries also provide code packages for public and private key cryptography in JavaScript.
Here is a comprehensive list of the 42 best open source libraries for Bitcoin in 2021. Ccxt library provides code flexibility for trading in cryptocurrencies across the world. Get access to storage, visualization, and analytics data using this 3rd party library. The Gekko library, coded in JavaScript and running on Node.js, provides the functionality of technical analysis mode of trading in Bitcoin. This library enables the developer to connect to many popular digital marketplaces for Bitcoin. Bitcore is the third-ranker in the list with a full-stack code package for Bitcoin and blockchain-related application development. BlueWallet is a great code package meant for use in iOS and Android-based applications - it is based on React Native.
ccxtby ccxt
A JavaScript / TypeScript / Python / C# / PHP cryptocurrency trading API with support for more than 100 bitcoin/altcoin exchanges
ccxtby ccxt
Python 28430 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
gekkoby askmike
A bitcoin trading bot written in node -
gekkoby askmike
JavaScript 9946 Version:v0.6.8 License: Permissive (MIT)
bitcoreby bitpay
A full stack for bitcoin and blockchain-based applications
bitcoreby bitpay
JavaScript 4588 Version:v8.22.2 License: Permissive (MIT)
Superalgosby Superalgos
Free, open-source crypto trading bot, automated bitcoin / cryptocurrency trading software, algorithmic trading bots. Visually design your crypto trading bot, leveraging an integrated charting system, data-mining, backtesting, paper trading, and multi-server crypto bot deployments.
Superalgosby Superalgos
JavaScript 3412 Version:1.5.0-20230610 License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)
bcoinby bcoin-org
Javascript bitcoin library for node.js and browsers
bcoinby bcoin-org
JavaScript 2842 Version:v2.2.0 License: Others (Non-SPDX)
BlueWalletby BlueWallet
Bitcoin wallet for iOS & Android. Built with React Native
BlueWalletby BlueWallet
JavaScript 2021 Version:v6.4.5 License: Permissive (MIT)
BitVisionby shobrook
Terminal dashboard for trading Bitcoin, predicting price movements, and losing all your money
BitVisionby shobrook
JavaScript 992 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
btc-rpc-explorerby janoside
Database-free, self-hosted Bitcoin explorer, via RPC to Bitcoin Core.
btc-rpc-explorerby janoside
JavaScript 1219 Version:v3.4.0 License: Permissive (MIT)
lightning-appby lightninglabs
An easy-to-use cross-platform Lightning wallet
lightning-appby lightninglabs
JavaScript 906 Version:v0.5.9-alpha License: Strong Copyleft (GPL-3.0)
cryptocurrency-arbitrageby manu354
A cryptocurrency arbitrage opportunity calculator. Over 800 currencies and 50 markets.
cryptocurrency-arbitrageby manu354
JavaScript 1075 Version:v1.5 License: Strong Copyleft (GPL-3.0)
node-binance-traderby jsappme
💰 Cryptocurrency Trading Strategy & Portfolio Management Development Framework for Binance. 🤖 Follow open NBT trading signals at
node-binance-traderby jsappme
JavaScript 823 Version:0.5.0 License: Permissive (MIT)
bip39by bitcoinjs
JavaScript implementation of Bitcoin BIP39: Mnemonic code for generating deterministic keys
bip39by bitcoinjs
JavaScript 959 Version:Current License: Permissive (ISC)
coinpunkby kyledrake
Open source, self-hosted DIY Bitcoin wallet service
coinpunkby kyledrake
JavaScript 766 Version:Current License: Others (Non-SPDX)
service-my-wallet-v3by blockchain
Blockchain Wallet API Service
service-my-wallet-v3by blockchain
JavaScript 858 Version:v0.22.0 License: Strong Copyleft (AGPL-3.0)
coinbinby OutCast3k
Javascript Bitcoin Wallet. Supports Multisig, Stealth, HD, SegWit, Bech32, Time Locked Addresses, RBF and more!
coinbinby OutCast3k
JavaScript 846 Version:1.6 License: Permissive (MIT)
specter-desktopby cryptoadvance
A desktop GUI for Bitcoin Core optimised to work with hardware wallets
specter-desktopby cryptoadvance
Python 743 Version:v2.0.2-pre2 License: Permissive (MIT)
bitcore-libby bitpay
A pure and powerful JavaScript Bitcoin library
bitcore-libby bitpay
JavaScript 582 Version:v0.16.0 License: Others (Non-SPDX)
bitcore-wallet-serviceby bitpay
A multisig, HD Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash wallet service. Used by Copay.
bitcore-wallet-serviceby bitpay
JavaScript 600 Version:v2.5.1 License: Permissive (MIT)
insight-apiby bitpay
The bitcoin blockchain API powering Insight
insight-apiby bitpay
JavaScript 577 Version:v0.4.3 License: No License
ledgerjsby LedgerHQ
⛔️ MOVED to monorepo "ledger-live"
ledgerjsby LedgerHQ
TypeScript 574 Version:v6.29.0 License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)
aschby AschPlatform
Asch is an efficient, flexible, safe and decentralized application platform, which was initially designed to lower the barrier to entry for developers.The services provided by the Asch platform include a public chain and a set of application SDKs.
aschby AschPlatform
JavaScript 485 Version:v1.5.0-beta+4 License: No License
termcoinby chjj
A bitcoin wallet and blockchain explorer for your terminal.
termcoinby chjj
JavaScript 478 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
blockchain-in-jsby nambrot
Build your own blockchain!
blockchain-in-jsby nambrot
JavaScript 897 Version:Current License: No License
bitfinex-api-nodeby bitfinexcom
BITFINEX NodeJS trading API - Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ether exchange
bitfinex-api-nodeby bitfinexcom
JavaScript 456 Version:4.0.15 License: Permissive (MIT)
streamiumby streamium
Decentralized trustless video streaming using bitcoin payment channels.
streamiumby streamium
JavaScript 416 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
edge-react-guiby EdgeApp
Edge React Native GUI for iOS and Android
edge-react-guiby EdgeApp
TypeScript 412 Version:v3.11.1 License: Permissive (BSD-3-Clause)
cryptofinance-google-sheets-add-onby cryptofinance-ai
CRYPTOFINANCE() — The easiest way to get cryptocurrencies prices and more in Google Sheets.
cryptofinance-google-sheets-add-onby cryptofinance-ai
JavaScript 352 Version:Current License: No License
bitstarter-leaderboardby startup-class
A more sophisticated Bitcoin-powered crowdfunder.
bitstarter-leaderboardby startup-class
JavaScript 337 Version:Current License: No License
api-v1-client-nodeby blockchain
Blockchain Bitcoin Developer APIs - NodeJS
api-v1-client-nodeby blockchain
JavaScript 305 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
ethatomicswapby AltCoinExchange
Ethereum atomic swap
ethatomicswapby AltCoinExchange
JavaScript 303 Version:Current License: Permissive (ISC)
lionshare-apiby lionsharecapital
Realtime cryptocurrency API
lionshare-apiby lionsharecapital
JavaScript 265 Version:Current License: No License
bitlistenby MaxLaumeister
Realtime Bitcoin transaction visualizer
bitlistenby MaxLaumeister
JavaScript 256 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
crypto-exchangeby passabilities
Pulls together list of crypto exchanges to interact with their API's in a uniform fashion.
crypto-exchangeby passabilities
JavaScript 240 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
spark-walletby shesek
⚡️ A minimalistic wallet GUI for c-lightning, accessible over the web or through mobile and desktop apps.
spark-walletby shesek
JavaScript 328 Version:v0.3.1 License: Permissive (MIT)
cryptocompareby ExodusMovement
CryptoCompare JavaScript API
cryptocompareby ExodusMovement
JavaScript 216 Version:Current License: Others (Non-SPDX)
bitcoin-minerby guerrerocarlos
Super-slow yet very educative Bitcoin miner in Javascript/NodeJS
bitcoin-minerby guerrerocarlos
JavaScript 239 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
golden-wallet-react-nativeby goldennetwork
Golden - Best Wallet Ever
golden-wallet-react-nativeby goldennetwork
JavaScript 212 Version:1.3 License: Strong Copyleft (GPL-3.0)
cryptocoinby cryptocoinjs
JavaScript library for crypto currencies like Bitcoin and Litecoin.
cryptocoinby cryptocoinjs
JavaScript 124 Version:Current License: No License