One of the most phenomenal online games ruling the young generation is Ping-pong, which is supposed to be the world's best brain game. Ping-pong is a Racquet sport, an indoor game, is highly organized as a competitive sport in most countries, especially in Europe and Asia. Ping-pong is also known as table tennis, similar in principle to lawn tennis. Playing ping-pong improves hand-eye coordination, burns calories, keeps our brain sharp. Python is preferable for building Ping-pong game; the reason behind that is python is free and open-source, with vast library support. Let's build your own Ping-pong game with the help of the bellow libraries. Following are the steps to be followed for building the 3D Tron Clone Game, 1. Development Environment For Creating Game 2. Control Ball And Create Panel 3. Track Result And Skill 4. Multiplayer Support 5. Background Music 6. Java Library For Creating Paddle, Ball, and Scoring System 7. C++ And java Libraries For Develop Ping Pong 8. Python Libraries For Develop Ping Pong 9. Typescript, JavaScript, PHP Libraries For Develop Ping Pong 10. Go Library For Develop Ping Pong
Development Environment For Creating Game
These reusable libraries are game development platform libraries. These libraries provide the 2D,3D game support.
Projectsby yevheniyc
Suit of projects to reinforce my self-study curriculum and other endeavors
Projectsby yevheniyc
Jupyter Notebook 2 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
OpenRAModSDKby OpenRA
Software Development Kit for building your own games using the OpenRA engine.
OpenRAModSDKby OpenRA
Shell 98 Version:20230225 License: Strong Copyleft (GPL-3.0)
Control Ball And Create Panel
The reusable libraries are used to 3D scene editor, animation, screenshot, background music, control a ball, create a panel, track the ball, and create the one-player mode.
konterballby madebywild
Konterball is a single or 2-player virtual reality game, built for the web as a Google VR Chrome Experiment.
konterballby madebywild
JavaScript 123 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
slack-pongbotby andrewvy
:computer: [DEPRECATED] Node.js Slack Bot for ping pong tracking.
slack-pongbotby andrewvy
JavaScript 79 Version:v0.9 License: Permissive (ISC)
Track Result And Skill
These libraries are used to track your game result and give an accurate skill rating.
slack-gamebotby dblock
Ping pong, chess, pool and other games bot for Slack.
slack-gamebotby dblock
Ruby 129 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
elovationby elovation
Simple rails app to track your game results with elo and trueskill ratings
elovationby elovation
Ruby 147 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
Multiplayer Support
These libraries are used for multiplayer in game.
Background Music
These libraries provide the background music, sound effects, animation for the game.
abapteachablemachineby albanleong
A basic flash card game developed in ABAP and Javascript and powered by SAP NetWeaver and Google's Teachable Machine
abapteachablemachineby albanleong
HTML 3 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
ShadowEditorby tengge1
Cross-platform 3D scene editor based on three.js, golang and mongodb for desktop and web.
ShadowEditorby tengge1
JavaScript 1414 Version:v0.6.0 License: Permissive (MIT)
java Library for Creating Paddle , Ball And Scoring System
This library is used to build the game window and initialize the game loop, creating the paddle with keyword, bouncing the ball back when it collides with the paddle, and also provide the scoring system for game.
Classic_Ping_Pongby AmitChoudhary1392
Classic Ping Pong Game using Python Turtle Library
Classic_Ping_Pongby AmitChoudhary1392
Python 1 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
C++ And java Libraries for Develop Ping Pong
The first two libraries are used for tuning and Ping-pong, usually fixed user-generated positions. Also able to combine positions.
traderby tryphe
a ping pong and maker/taker order bot for trading cryptocurrency on Waves Exchange, Poloniex, Bittrex, and Binance
traderby tryphe
C++ 17 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
ping pong mutliplayer based game, with multiple users able to connect and play together
Software-Engineering-Final-Project-ping-pong-multi-by seiber
Java 0 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
VCOTunerby TheSlowGrowth
A JUCE based multi-platform tuner for VCOs, VCFs and other analog gear.
VCOTunerby TheSlowGrowth
C++ 45 Version:v0.3.0 License: Strong Copyleft (GPL-3.0)
Python Libraries For Develop Ping Pong
These libraries are used to move the ball from the two possible ways here up and down. And also, using these libraries create the ping pong game using python libraries.
pingpongAIby sushantPatrikar
Ping Pong game, but AI plays it :robot:
pingpongAIby sushantPatrikar
Python 4 Version:v1.0 License: Permissive (MIT)
Genetic-Pongby yugrocks
A ping-pong game agent, trained using Genetic Algorithm and Neural Network
Genetic-Pongby yugrocks
Python 6 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
pingpong-AIby nelsonwenner
:robot: Pingpong artificial intelligence.
pingpong-AIby nelsonwenner
Python 7 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
Go Library For Develop Ping Pong
These library is used to create the game using go language.
pong-commandby kurehajime
pong is not ping. pong is CLI game.
pong-commandby kurehajime
Go 166 Version:v2.0.8 License: Permissive (MIT)
Typescript , JavaScript , PHP Libraries For Develop Ping Pong
They have different libraries based on the language all these libraries also used to create the ping pong game.
retro-ping-pong-gameby klokt-valg
Javascript porting of retro ping-pong game
retro-ping-pong-gameby klokt-valg
JavaScript 4 Version:Current License: Permissive (Unlicense)
resilient-websocketby marchaos
A client WebSocket wrapper with support for reconnection and ping/pong with a familiar API. Written in TypeScript.
resilient-websocketby marchaos
TypeScript 12 Version:Current License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)
aseprite-atlasby oidoid
🗺️ Aseprite sprite sheet parser, animator, and toolset for the browser and Node.js.
aseprite-atlasby oidoid
TypeScript 10 Version:Current License: Strong Copyleft (GPL-3.0)
MondriPongby kmhcreative
A playable version of the Mondrian Pong animated GIF
MondriPongby kmhcreative
JavaScript 11 Version:1.6 License: Permissive (MIT)
ping-pongby HyperFlareMC
A vanilla Javascript-built Ping-Pong game!
ping-pongby HyperFlareMC
JavaScript 2 Version:Current License: Strong Copyleft (GPL-3.0)
pingpong_socketby faridfr
Ping Pong game with php socket and html canvas
pingpong_socketby faridfr
PHP 7 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
PingPongWebGLby MortimerGoro
WebGL Ping Pong game demo
PingPongWebGLby MortimerGoro
JavaScript 21 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)