NICE | Network Interface Communication Emulator | Emulator library

 by   Azer0s C# Version: Current License: MIT

kandi X-RAY | NICE Summary

kandi X-RAY | NICE Summary

NICE is a C# library typically used in Utilities, Emulator applications. NICE has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has a Permissive License and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

Network Interface Communication Emulator

            kandi-support Support

              NICE has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 11 star(s) with 1 fork(s). There are 3 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 6 months.
              NICE has no issues reported. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of NICE is current.

            kandi-Quality Quality

              NICE has no bugs reported.

            kandi-Security Security

              NICE has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.

            kandi-License License

              NICE is licensed under the MIT License. This license is Permissive.
              Permissive licenses have the least restrictions, and you can use them in most projects.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              NICE releases are not available. You will need to build from source code and install.
              Installation instructions are not available. Examples and code snippets are available.

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            kandi's functional review helps you automatically verify the functionalities of the libraries and avoid rework.
            Currently covering the most popular Java, JavaScript and Python libraries. See a Sample of NICE
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            NICE Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for NICE.

            NICE Examples and Code Snippets

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            Community Discussions


            what's the simplest way to calculate the sum of values at the end of this jq command?
            Asked 2021-Jun-15 at 22:54

            I see that jq can calculate addition as simply as jq 'map(.duration) | add' but I've got a more complex command and I can't figure out how to perform this add at the end of it.

            I'm starting with data like this:



            Answered 2021-Jun-15 at 22:54

            If any of your output is going to be raw, you need to pass -r; it'll just be ignored for data items that aren't strings.

            Anyhow -- if you write (expr1, expr2), then your input will be passed through both expressions. Thus:



            maven multi-module project with two versions of protobuf
            Asked 2021-Jun-15 at 21:40

            We have a multi-module maven project. One of the modules has a bunch of .proto files, which we compile to java files. Pretty much every other module depends on this module. Most of them use Protobuf 2.4, but one needs to use 2.5.

            Is there any nice way to do this? (The not nice way is to edit the pom file to say "2.5", build a jar, manually copy that jar to wherever we need it, and then change the pom file back to 2.4.)



            Answered 2021-Jun-08 at 13:59

            Never used protobuf, but, as I understand it's a plugin that generate stuff.

            So I'm gonna give you generic pointer hoping it will help. I think you should either try to make 2 jar with different classifier from a single module, see For example classifier proto2.4 and proto2.5 then you can add the classifier when you define the dependency to that module.

            Other option I see is having 2 modules, the real one, you have now, and another one for 2.5 Generate a zip from the main one and the second module would be empty but have a dependency on the generated zip, unzip it and then compile with the plugin config for 2.5 Slower at execution, a bit dirtier imho, but can be needed if for example you need more customization than just the version.



            Combine values from duplicated rows into one based on condition (in R)
            Asked 2021-Jun-15 at 16:51

            I have a dataset with the name of Danish ministers and their position from 1990 to 2020 (data comes from dataset called WhoGovern; The dataset consists of the ministers name, the ministers position, the prestige of that position, and the year in which the minister had that given position.

            My problem is that some ministers are counted twice in the same year (i.e., the rows aren't unique in terms of name and year). See the example in the picture below, where "Bertel Haarder" was both Minister of Health and Minister of Interior Affairs in 2010 and 2021.

            I want to create a dataset, where all the rows are unique combinations of name and year. However, I do not want to remove any information from the dataset. Instead, I want to use the information in the prestige column to combine the duplicated rows into one. The observations with the highest prestige should be the main observations, where the other information should be added in a new column, e.g., position2 and prestige2. In the example with Bertel Haarder the data should look like this:

            (PS: Sorry for bad presenting of the tables, but didn't know how to create a nice looking table...)

            Here's the dataset for creating a reproducible example with observations from 2010-2020:



            Answered 2021-Jun-08 at 14:04

            Reshape the data to wide format twice, once for position and the other for prestige_1, and join the two results.



            I want to know if there is any way to add new tuple without disturbing the current sequence of the data in mysql?
            Asked 2021-Jun-15 at 15:23

            enter image description here

            I am saving data in my SQL for my school homework

            I don't want to update all that data one by one because it is too much would definitely end up finishing it up in the morning.

            So I want to automatically update the data when I will modify it

            as an example, if the sequence of the data is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, .... and so on.

            If add a data should on the place of 2nd position so the serial number of 2nd will automatically get updated to 3rd and 3rd to fourth and so on.

            Hope I defined well 😅😅.

            Thanks for your help.... have a nice day :)



            Answered 2021-Jun-15 at 15:23

            There's no way to insert and automatically push all the other sequence numbers up. You need to do that explicitly.



            Narrow down Union type of argument inside function
            Asked 2021-Jun-15 at 11:43

            I have a function that accepts an argument which can be either of type A or B. In case A is passed, it is converted to B for further processing internally.

            To keep it simple, consider the following example using int/float to illustrate the scenario:



            Answered 2021-Jun-15 at 11:41

            You should change your if statement to:



            How To dynamically generate an HTML Table using ngFor. in Angular
            Asked 2021-Jun-15 at 09:50

            I am trying to dynamically generate the following html table, as seen on the screenshot

            I was able to manually create the table using dummy data, but my problem is that I am trying to combine multiple data sources in order to achieve this HTML table structure.

            SEE STACKBLITZ for the full example.

            The Data looks like this (focus on the activities field):



            Answered 2021-Jun-13 at 13:28

            Oh, if you can change your data structure please do.



            Will I possibly loose any decimal digits (precision) when multiplying Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER by Math.random()?
            Asked 2021-Jun-15 at 09:12

            Will I possibly loose any decimal digits (precision) when multiplying Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER by Math.random() in JavaScript?

            I presume I won't but it'd be nice to have a credible explanation as to why 😎

            Edited, In layman terms, we're dealing with two IEEE 754 double-precision floating-point numbers, one is the maximal integer (for double-precision), the other one is fractional with quite a few digits after a decimal point. What if (say) I first converted them to quadruple-precision format, then multiplied, and then converted the product back to double-precision, would the result be any different?



            Answered 2021-Jun-15 at 02:48

            Your implementation should be safe - in theory, all numbers between 0 and MAX_SAFE_INTEGER should have a possibility of appearing, if the engine implementing Math.random uses a completely unbiased algorithm.

            But an absolutely unbiased algorithm is not guaranteed by the specification - the numbers chosen are meant to be psuedo random, not truly, completely random. (does such a thing even exist? it's debatable...) Modern versions V8 and some other implementations use an algorithm with a period on the order of 2 ** 128, larger than MAX_SAFE_INTEGER (2 ** 53 - 1) - but it'd be completely plausible for other implementations (especially older ones) to have a much smaller period, resulting in certain integers within the range being picked much more often than others.

            If this is important for your script (which is pretty unlikely in most situations, I'd think), you might consider using a higher-quality random generatior than Math.random - but it's almost certainly not worth worrying about.



            attribute error in Flask when I run (AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'run' )
            Asked 2021-Jun-15 at 08:54

            I'm Doing the tutorial ( it was working nicely since there was a problem I don't what.When I run the



            Answered 2021-Jun-15 at 08:54

            At the end of website/, you need to include



            How to put expression in ggplot title/label/legend from character vector?
            Asked 2021-Jun-15 at 08:21

            I want to generate legend labels with code and use them as expressions because they contain greek letters and subscripts. However the same problem occurs with the title, and it is much easier to show, so I will use that in my example.



            Answered 2021-Jun-15 at 08:05

            It might be preferable to create an expression instead of a character string.

            If you want to turn a character string into an expression, you need to parse it:



            Golang Concurrency Code Review of Codewalk
            Asked 2021-Jun-15 at 06:03

            I'm trying to understand best practices for Golang concurrency. I read O'Reilly's book on Go's concurrency and then came back to the Golang Codewalks, specifically this example:


            This is the code I was hoping to review with you in order to learn a little bit more about Go. My first impression is that this code is breaking some best practices. This is of course my (very) unexperienced opinion and I wanted to discuss and gain some insight on the process. This isn't about who's right or wrong, please be nice, I just want to share my views and get some feedback on them. Maybe this discussion will help other people see why I'm wrong and teach them something.

            I'm fully aware that the purpose of this code is to teach beginners, not to be perfect code.

            Issue 1 - No Goroutine cleanup logic



            Answered 2021-Jun-15 at 02:48
            1. It is the main method, so there is no need to cleanup. When main returns, the program exits. If this wasn't the main, then you would be correct.

            2. There is no best practice that fits all use cases. The code you show here is a very common pattern. The function creates a goroutine, and returns a channel so that others can communicate with that goroutine. There is no rule that governs how channels must be created. There is no way to terminate that goroutine though. One use case this pattern fits well is reading a large resultset from a database. The channel allows streaming data as it is read from the database. In that case usually there are other means of terminating the goroutine though, like passing a context.

            3. Again, there are no hard rules on how channels should be created/closed. A channel can be left open, and it will be garbage collected when it is no longer used. If the use case demands so, the channel can be left open indefinitely, and the scenario you worry about will never happen.


            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

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            You can download it from GitHub.


            The Network Interface Communication Emulator (or NICE) is a C# framework which allows you to emulate entire networks in code. NICE implements Ethernet and several layer 3 protocols. Furthermore, it offers several Ethernet devices like switches or routers.
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