Respawn | Intelligent database cleaner for integration tests | Database library
kandi X-RAY | Respawn Summary
kandi X-RAY | Respawn Summary
Respawn is a small utility to help in resetting test databases to a clean state. Instead of deleting data at the end of a test or rolling back a transaction, Respawn resets the database back to a clean checkpoint by intelligently deleting data from tables.
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I want to migrate a SQlite database:
Answered 2022-Apr-17 at 14:39The immediate issue here is that you're trying use TypeScript at runtime, but you've defined @types/node
as a development dependency. By default, Heroku strips devDependencies
from your project after building it.
One option is to skip the pruning step, which will leave your devDependencies
in place, but that likely isn't the right choice. Normally you'll want these dependencies to be stripped. Among other reasons, this reduces the size of your application slug.
Another option is to move @types/node
from devDependencies
to dependencies
. But I don't think that's the right move here, either. My gut says you shouldn't be using TypeScript at all in production.
Since your build
script simply runs tsc
, I wonder if it has already compiled your knexfile.ts
to knexfile.js
. If it did, you can try running the JavaScript file directly:
I have created a class which defines and creates a snake using pygame. When I make one instance of the snake class, one snake will be correctly created, but when I try to make two instances, my code will not make the second snake. I'm not sure if this is because I used pygame wrongly, or because I'm doing something wrong in the classes.
Here's my code; it's a little bit long, but I've included it all because I don't know where the problem is. I'm quite sure that I'm handling all the variables and arguments correctly, and handling the keypresses is correct as well. If you copy and paste this code into the interpreter, it works fine if you say you want one snake, but doesn't work when you want to create two snakes.
Answered 2022-Mar-21 at 17:34The issue here is that you did not set up a dedicated game loop for this game. The "game loop" for your game right now rests within an individual snake object. Your Snake.start_moving function is the thing that keeps on running and where you see your snake move etc. In the case where you create one snake, you are running that's snake's start_moving function, so everything looks fine on the surface.
If you are running with 2 snakes, the first snake's start_moving function is called and you are stuck there. The second snake is not yet created at all. To convince yourself, try adding a if event.key is q, return out of the function. Then you will see that when you ask for two snakes, the first snake will run, then you press q, the first snake will disappear and the second snake will appear.
The way to solve your issue is to make a dedicated game loop in your project, and delegate all of your game updats to there. There are a few different ways to do that so I'll leave that to you to design. But in broad strokes this is what I recommend in pseudocode:
For this project, I have a monorepo with 2 workspaces (api and frontEnd). I have upgraded node from V10 to V16 recently and the migration is almost complete. I can run it locally, but building is not possible anymore.
When I run yarn workspace api start:dev
, defined in api/package.json as "start:dev": "cross-env NODE_ENV=development npx ts-node-dev -r dotenv/config -r tsconfig-paths/register --respawn --transpile-only src/index.ts"
, it runs smoothly on localhost.
When I run yarn workspace api build:ts
, defined in api/package.json as yarn run tsc
, I get errors of the following type (I kept only 1 error per file to respect the question character limit, but there are over 2000 lines):
Answered 2022-Mar-21 at 17:59I have found the culprit. It was the "tspath" dependency.
To remove it, I did "yarn workspace api remove tspath".
I'm really new to Unity 3d and I'm trying to make a respawn with my character. It seems that the answer is really easy but I cannot see why my code is not working. If this is a duplicate, let me know.
Answered 2021-Sep-28 at 02:30Just so the answer to the question is not in the comments:
The original problem is that the assignment gameObject.transform.position = PointSpawn
appeared to do nothing. As the line is written properly, the position of this gameObject
, must have been getting overwritten elsewhere.
With the addition of OP's movement script, the position of the player was getting overwritten in the movement's Update
function. As the other assignment was being done in Update
, the call order was not guaranteed to work as intended. The fix is either to assure that the movement Update
is run not the frame of the new position assignment or to move the conditional and the assignment to a function that always runs after Update
regardless of script execution order, LateUpdate
Thank you for your help on my last question, i managed to fix my error.
So i am continuing my small game and i would like the player to see how many points they get (briefly) when they defeat an enemy.
Answered 2022-Feb-27 at 20:05You need to draw the text in the application loop. Use pygame.time.get_ticks
to measure time in milliseconds. Calculate the time when the text must vanish and display the text until the time is reached:
I'm trying to change collision for my game and I saw pygame has mask collision so I tried to use it, but collision is registered all the time and I dont know how to fix it
Here's my code
Class Enemy for fishes spawning in from both sides of the screen and Respawning after hit
Answered 2022-Jan-28 at 13:18For the collision detection functions like pygame.sprite.spritecollide
the rect
attribute of the pygame.sprtie.Sprite
objects is used. Therefore you need to make sure that the position of the sprite is set in the rect
attribute of the Enemy
self.rect = img[i].get_rect()
var config = {
type: Phaser.AUTO,
width: 1900,
height: 1000,
physics: {
default: 'arcade',
arcade: {
gravity: { y: 300 },
debug: false
scene: {
preload: preload,
create: create,
update: update
var main = document.getElementById("startBtn")
var gameOver
score = 0;
function start() {
game = new Phaser.Game(config);
main.innerHTML = ''
score = 0;
function preload() {
this.load.image('Background', 'assets/Background.jpg');
this.load.image('ground', 'assets/platform.png');
this.load.image('coin', 'assets/coin.png');
this.load.image('redCoin', 'assets/redCoin.png');
{ frameWidth: 600, frameHeight: 720 }
var platforms;
var score = 0;
var scoreText;
function create() {
this.add.image(500, 275, 'Background').setScale(3);
this.w = this.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Input.Keyboard.KeyCodes.W)
this.a = this.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Input.Keyboard.KeyCodes.A)
this.s = this.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Input.Keyboard.KeyCodes.S)
this.d = this.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Input.Keyboard.KeyCodes.D)
platforms = this.physics.add.staticGroup();
platforms.create(200, 650, 'ground').setScale(0.15).refreshBody();
platforms.create(600, 400, 'ground').setScale(0.15).refreshBody();
platforms.create(1600, 650, 'ground').setScale(0.15).refreshBody();
platforms.create(750, 100, 'ground').setScale(0.15).refreshBody();
platforms.create(850, 750, 'ground').setScale(0.15).refreshBody();
platforms.create(100, 950, 'ground').setScale(0.15).refreshBody();
platforms.create(400, 950, 'ground').setScale(0.15).refreshBody();
platforms.create(700, 950, 'ground').setScale(0.15).refreshBody();
platforms.create(1000, 950, 'ground').setScale(0.15).refreshBody();
platforms.create(1300, 950, 'ground').setScale(0.15).refreshBody();
platforms.create(1600, 950, 'ground').setScale(0.15).refreshBody();
platforms.create(1900, 950, 'ground').setScale(0.15).refreshBody();
platforms.create(1800, 800, 'ground').setScale(0.15).refreshBody();
platforms.create(250, 250, 'ground').setScale(0.15).refreshBody();
platforms.create(1000, 500, 'ground').setScale(0.15).refreshBody();
platforms.create(1150, 220, 'ground').setScale(0.15).refreshBody();
player = this.physics.add.sprite(100, 450, 'monkey').setScale(0.075);
this.physics.add.collider(player, platforms);
key: 'left',
frames: this.anims.generateFrameNumbers('monkey', { start: 0, end: 3 }),
frameRate: 10,
repeat: -1
key: 'turn',
frames: [{ key: 'monkey', frame: 4 }],
frameRate: 20
key: 'right',
frames: this.anims.generateFrameNumbers('monkey', { start: 5, end: 8 }),
frameRate: 10,
repeat: -1
coins ={
key: 'coin',
repeat: 10,
setXY: { x: 12, y: 0, stepX: 150 }
coins.children.iterate(function (child) {
child.setBounceY(Phaser.Math.FloatBetween(0.4, 0.8));
this.physics.add.collider(coins, platforms);
this.physics.add.overlap(player, coins, collectCoin, null, this);
redCoins =;
this.physics.add.collider(redCoins, platforms);
this.physics.add.collider(player, redCoins, hitredCoin, null, this);
scoreText = this.add.text(16, 16, 'score: 0', { fontSize: '64px', fill: 'rgb(85, 1, 1)' });
function update() {
cursors = this.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys();
if (cursors.left.isDown) {
player.setVelocityX(-160);'left', true);
else if (cursors.right.isDown) {
player.setVelocityX(160);'right', true);
else {
if (cursors.up.isDown && player.body.touching.down) {
function collectCoin(player, coin) {
coin.disableBody(true, true);
score += 1;
scoreText.setText('Score: ' + score);
if (coins.countActive(true) === 0) {
coins.children.iterate(function (child) {
child.enableBody(true, child.x, 0, true, true);
var x = (player.x < 400) ? Phaser.Math.Between(400, 800) : Phaser.Math.Between(0, 400);
var redCoin = redCoins.create(x, 16, 'redCoin').setScale(0.05);
redCoin.setVelocity(Phaser.Math.Between(-200, 200), 20);
function hitredCoin(player, redCoin) {
gameOver = true;
window.setTimeout(restart, 3000);
function restart () {
Answered 2022-Jan-11 at 18:37The problem is that the this
context is not set.
you can do this simply with the bind
function. Here is the link to the documentation (
Just change the line to this:
I am coding a space invaders game in pygame, and wanted to make it so that when the player reaches 50 points, the game increases the number of invaders from 6 to 10. In the game, the enemies respawn near the top half of the screen immediately after dying. The game functions perfectly normally until you reach 50 points, at which it immediately crashes. How do I make it so that the variable storing the number of enemies (num_of_enemies) increases, while the game is still running?
In the code I have put here, I removed my attempt to change the num_of_enemies variable, but fyi, I placed it just above "pygame.display.update()". my crappy attempt to resolve the issue boiled down to:
if score_value >= 50: num_of_enemies += 10
I have also tried this code while assigning num_of_enemies a global value, but it simply defects the game, and messes up again.
Answered 2021-Dec-25 at 09:30IT is not enough just to change num_of_enemies
you also need to add new items in the lists.
Write a function that crates the enemies:
I'm trying to make a snake game in which if the snake eats the first fruit and in 2 seconds eats the second fruit then it's score multiplied by 2. If the snake eats the second fruit in 1 second then the score is multiplied by 3. If the snake eats the second fruit in 3 seconds then the score is increased just by 1 and so on ... But after the snake eats about 5-6 fruits the 7th fruit respawns outside of the boundaries. This the "drawing" function
Answered 2021-Dec-04 at 17:57Remember that
I'm creating a plugin for an event, this event is just: when you stop moving, you loose. I created everything, but my check to know if a player moves or not doesn't work:
I tried to make an array and when a player move event it's added, but it doesn't work,
Answered 2021-Nov-21 at 11:28The first don't work because you just check if the player already move a time, which will always be true.
The second about velocity check only if player get knockbacked for example.
First solutionSave last time of move, and check each few time if it stop move.
In this example, I will force player to move each seconds.
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