Explore all Advertising and Marketing related open source software, libraries, packages, source code, cloud functions and APIs.

The advertising industry is the global industry of public relation and marketing companies, media services and advertising agencies. They help sell products or services using one or more media of communications. Marketing is done through traditional media and newer media on the Internet.

These software components cover functions across Blog, Bot, Digital Marketing, Social Media, Public Relations, Search Engine Marketing, Search Engine Optimization areas.

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Release 3.9.65

Popular Libraries in Advertising and Marketing


by ytdl-org doticonpythondoticon

star image 108335 doticonUnlicense

Command-line program to download videos from YouTube.com and other video sites


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A professional front-end template for building fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites.


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star image 33065 doticonGPL-3.0

A cross-platform, customizable science fiction terminal emulator with advanced monitoring & touchscreen support.


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Ghidra is a software reverse engineering (SRE) framework


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The next open source file uploader for web browsers :dog:


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Launcher for Windows, an alternative to Alfred and Launchy.


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star image 20509 doticonMIT

đź”’ Consolidating and extending hosts files from several well-curated sources. Optionally pick extensions for porn, social media, and other categories.


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🍰 Everything is RSSible


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Personal CRM. Remember everything about your friends, family and business relationships.

Trending New libraries in Advertising and Marketing


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A self-hosted, ad-free, privacy-respecting metasearch engine


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Slick, declarative command line video editing & API


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A fork of youtube-dl, for archival purposes. | ORIGINAL REPO NOW REINSTATED


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🔥 The fastest and powerful Python library for Instagram Private API 2022


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Archai accelerates Neural Architecture Search (NAS) through fast, reproducible and modular research.


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13 Libraries

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star icon21



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4 Libraries

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5 Libraries

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5 Libraries

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Trending Kits in Advertising and Marketing

Mailchimp recently agreed to be acquired by Intuit for $12 billion. The company founded by Ben Chestnut and Dan Kurzius in 2001 hit possibly the highest sale amount ever of a privately bootstrapped company, and is an inspiration to all startups on building a company ground up. I found three interesting strategic decisions in Mailchimp’s journey. Mailchimp was one of the earliest providers to introduce micropayments of $5 a month in their early days. Freemium and micropayments have become a template for SaaS today. Secondly, they focused on small businesses, when most tech was geared towards the enterprise. Lastly, they pivoted the company away from just email into social media and marketing. Kudos to Ben and Dan on this fantastic journey. The $12 Billion valuation does indicate a massive potential in Email marketing! Did you know there are over 100,000 libraries in open source for email automation and marketing? You could look to build the next unicorn in email automation! kandi kit for Email Marketing Solutions showcases open source libraries across Email Marketing Automation, Core Email Platforms, Gathering and Processing Email Addresses, and engaging Email Templates.

Email Marketing Automation

Open source and public reusable libraries that automate most parts of Email marketing.

Gathering and Processing Email Addresses

Open source and public reusable libraries that gather and process Email addresses.

Email Platform Libraries

Platforms that implement core Email functions if you are looking to implement a bespoke solution.

Email Templates

Open source and public reusable libraries that provide Email templates to achieve meaningful engagement with customers.

Yes, you can improve digital marketing conversions while being privacy-first. Read on! With billions of dollars at stake, digital marketing has grown significantly dependent on user identification, tracking, and targeting. Digital advertising is getting a lot of attention lately, and for good reason. The digital advertising world has evolved to such an extent that it's now a multi-billion dollar industry, with mobile and video ads taking over traditional display ads as the most common form of digital marketing. While the rapid growth of this industry has been great for the economy, it's also raised some privacy concerns. One of the biggest areas of concern is GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), which was passed in 2016 to protect consumer data privacy rights within the EU. This law requires companies to obtain consent before using personal information for marketing purposes--and if you don't get consent, you could be fined up to 4% of your annual revenue by local regulators! Cookie consent is another topic that's been covered extensively in recent years. Consumers are increasingly wary about cookie tracking technologies used by websites and apps, so marketers have had to find ways around them--including using unique IDs instead of cookies or asking users for permission before installing cookies on their devices. The focus on privacy is considerably increasing among users and regulators and is being acknowledged by providers. We are seeing efforts on regulations, cohort-based solutions, 3rd party cookie elimination, specific device level opt-ins, and many other initiatives. A much-overlooked solution that does not depend on identifying the user as an individual but may work wonders in conversion is Contextual Marketing. Contextual Marketing does not depend on who the user is, but what they are looking for in your website as a primary driver for conversion. This means that context is more important than demographics when targeting consumers and selling them your product. It also means that you should focus on providing an engaging experience for every visitor to your site instead of just trying to sell them something right away. Contextual marketing works well with three key levers: 1. Have a detailed classification of your content on your website and what they mean for different segments of your customers. 2. Understand the user behavior across this classified content to predict the affinity to conversion. 3. Based on the prediction, have intelligent Call-To-Actions to convert the user. While user identification best practices will continue to evolve with privacy requirements and Web3, leverage Contextual Marketing to serve your users better. Here are a set of open source libraries that help you implement contextual marketing on your website.

Libraries for Content Classification

Libraries that Enable user Behavior Tracking to Drive Conversion

Use these libraries to track user behavior on your site and content. Understand behavior leading to conversion and implement smart Call-To-Actions to convert the user.

Have you ever woken up in the morning, picked up your phone, and scrolled to the end of your Twitter feed in a state of utter panic? You know—you reach the end, and you just can't help but think: "How did I get here?" Well, rest assured—you're not alone. Doomscrolling has been rising lately as people use social media to stay informed about the latest world news and political developments. As much as we all want to be informed and engaged citizens, doomscrolling comes with a hefty price tag. It spreads negativity and can profoundly negatively impact your mental health. If you're not sure what that is, it's when you scroll through your media feeds and only see negative news stories. It's like a downward spiral that's hard to break out of—and the end result is a bad mood and feeling hopeless about the state of the world. And we could all use less negativity in our lives, right? Some people are successfully curbing their doomscrolling by opting out of social media altogether, but this isn't a workable solution for everyone. Some people feel isolated if they don't have access to their social media friends, and some rely on social media for their jobs. Interestingly I came across Supernova, a social app that provides moderated content and donates 60% of its advertising revenues to charities of your choice. Inspired, I looked up reusable libraries on kandi to prevent doomscrolling and sharing this helpful list with you. There are libraries from simple use cases like preventing scrolling, gamifying your scrolling showing your health status deplete as you scroll more, giving you a to-do list instead of wasting time on doomscrolling, vibrating your fitness tracker if you are scrolling too much; to machine learning solutions that analyze your behavior; and private social networks that you can moderate in smaller groups. For everyone who wants to be more mindful about how much time they spend doomscrolling, try these libraries to prevent doomscrolling.

Libraries for Stand Alone Use Cases on DoomScrolling

Libraries that help build Private, Moderated Social Networks

Trending Discussions on Advertising and Marketing

How to get rid of "\n" and " ' ' " in my json file

How to check if array object value also exists in another object array value?


How to get rid of "\n" and " ' ' " in my json file

Asked 2021-Feb-16 at 10:18

thanks for reading I am creating a json file as a result of an API that I am using. My issue is that the outcome gets has \h and '' in it and a .json file does not process the \n but keeps them, so the file becomes faulty.

This is my code, it is python:

1json_arr = []
2for text in gtm_Q6_df['ANSWER']:
3    response = natural_language_understanding.analyze(
4        text=text,language = 'en',
5            features=Features(
6            categories=CategoriesOptions(limit=3),
7            )).get_result()
8    #print("Input text: ",text)
9    #print(json.dumps(response, indent=2))
11    json_data = (json.dumps(response, indent=2))
12    json_arr.append (json_data)
13    with open('data.json','w') as outline: #with open('data.json','w') as outline:
14        json.dump(json_arr,outline)

1json_arr = []
2for text in gtm_Q6_df['ANSWER']:
3    response = natural_language_understanding.analyze(
4        text=text,language = 'en',
5            features=Features(
6            categories=CategoriesOptions(limit=3),
7            )).get_result()
8    #print("Input text: ",text)
9    #print(json.dumps(response, indent=2))
11    json_data = (json.dumps(response, indent=2))
12    json_arr.append (json_data)
13    with open('data.json','w') as outline: #with open('data.json','w') as outline:
14        json.dump(json_arr,outline)
18['{\n  "usage": {\n    "text_units": 1,\n    "text_characters": 113,\n    "features": 1\n  },\n  "language": "en",\n  "categories": [\n    {\n      "score": 0.734718,\n      "label": "/business and industrial/advertising and marketing/marketing"\n    },\n    {\n      "score": 0.675452,\n      "label": "/business and industrial/business operations/management/business process"\n    },\n    {\n      "score": 0.620496,\n    
19  "label": "/business and industrial/advertising and marketing/brand management"\n    }\n  ]\n}', '{\n  "usage": {\n    "text_units": 1,\n    "text_characters": 215,\n    "features": 1\n  },\n  "language": "en",\n  "categories": [\n    {\n      "score": 0.913644,\n      "label": "/technology and computing/operating systems"\n    },\n    {\n      "score": 0.855434,\n      "label": "/technology and computing/hardware/computer"\n    },\n    {\n      "score": 0.842841,\n      "label": "/technology and computing/hardware/computer components/chips and processors"\n    }\n  ]\n}', '{\n  "usage": {\n    "text_units": 1,\n    "text_characters": 14,\n    "features": 1\n  },\n  "language": "en",\n  "categories": [\n    {\n      "score": 0.885687,\n      "label": "/automotive and vehicles/cars/hybrid"\n    },\n    {\n      "score": 0.821966,\n     
20 "label": "/automotive and vehicles/electric vehicles"\n    },\n    {\n      "score": 0.77387,\n      "label": "/shopping/retail"\n    }\n  ]\n}', '{\n  "usage": {\n    "text_units": 1,\n    "text_characters": 86,\n    "features": 1\n  },\n  "language": "en",\n  "categories": [\n    {\n      "score": 0.967686,\n      "label": "/education/homework and study tips"\n    }\n  ]\n}', '{\n  "usage": {\n    "text_units": 1,\n  
21  "text_characters": 80,\n    "features": 1\n  },\n  "language": "en",\n  "categories": [\n    {\n      "score": 0.822388,\n      "label": "/automotive and vehicles/cars/sedan"\n    },\n    {\n      "score": 0.754857,\n      "label": "/automotive and vehicles/cars/hybrid"\n    },\n    {\n      "score": 0.68194,\n      "label": "/automotive and vehicles/cars/car culture"\n    }\n  ]\n}', '{\n  "usage": {\n    "text_units": 1,\n    "text_characters": 13,\n    "features": 1\n  },\n  "language": "en",\n  "categories": [\n    {\n      "score": 0.921873,\n      "label": "/real estate/architects"\n    },\n    {\n      "score": 0.790383,\n      "label": "/business and industrial/construction"\n    }\n  ]\n}', '{\n  "usage": {\n    "text_units": 1,\n    "text_characters": 52,\n    "features": 1\n  },\n  "language": "en",\n  "categories": [\n    
22{\n      "score": 0.939684,\n      "label": "/technology and computing/computer reviews"\n    },\n    {\n      "score": 0.931032,\n      "label": "/technology and computing/tech news"\n    }\n  ]\n}', '{\n  "usage": {\n    "text_units": 1,\n    "text_characters": 14,\n    "features": 1\n  },\n  "language": "en",\n  "categories": [\n    {\n      "score": 0.979729,\n      "label": "/education/homework and study tips"\n    
23},\n    {\n      "score": 0.850809,\n      "label": "/real estate/architects"\n    }\n  ]\n}', '{\n  "usage": {\n    "text_units": 1,\n    "text_characters": 28,\n    "features": 1\n  },\n  "language": "en",\n  "categories": [\n    {\n      "score": 0.999484,\n      "label": "/education/teaching and classroom resources"\n    }\n  ]\n}', '{\n  "usage": {\n    "text_units": 1,\n    "text_characters": 113,\n    "features": 
241\n  },\n  "language": "en",\n  "categories": [\n    {\n      "score": 0.734718,\n      "label": "/business and industrial/advertising and marketing/marketing"\n    },\n    {\n      "score": 0.675452,\n      "label": "/business and industrial/business operations/management/business process"\n    },\n    {\n      "score": 0.620496,\n      "label": "/business and industrial/advertising and marketing/brand management"\n    
25}\n  ]\n}', '{\n  "usage": {\n    "text_units": 1,\n    "text_characters": 215,\n    "features": 1\n  },\n  "language": "en",\n  "categories": [\n    {\n      "score": 0.913644,\n      "label": "/technology and computing/operating systems"\n    },\n    {\n      "score": 0.855434,\n      "label": "/technology and computing/hardware/computer"\n    },\n    {\n      "score": 0.842841,\n      "label": "/technology and computing/hardware/computer components/chips and processors"\n    }\n  ]\n}']


Answered 2021-Feb-16 at 09:44

The fundamental issue is that you're creating multiple JSON strings (json_data = (json.dumps(response, indent=2))) and then adding them to an array (json_arr.append(json_data)), and then converting that array to JSON (json.dump(json_arr,outline)). So the result is a JSON array of strings (containing JSON).

You don't want to create a string before adding to the array, just include response in json_arr. Then it all gets converted together later by your existing json.dump(json_arr,outline) call:

1json_arr = []
2for text in gtm_Q6_df['ANSWER']:
3    response = natural_language_understanding.analyze(
4        text=text,language = 'en',
5            features=Features(
6            categories=CategoriesOptions(limit=3),
7            )).get_result()
8    #print("Input text: ",text)
9    #print(json.dumps(response, indent=2))
11    json_data = (json.dumps(response, indent=2))
12    json_arr.append (json_data)
13    with open('data.json','w') as outline: #with open('data.json','w') as outline:
14        json.dump(json_arr,outline)
18['{\n  "usage": {\n    "text_units": 1,\n    "text_characters": 113,\n    "features": 1\n  },\n  "language": "en",\n  "categories": [\n    {\n      "score": 0.734718,\n      "label": "/business and industrial/advertising and marketing/marketing"\n    },\n    {\n      "score": 0.675452,\n      "label": "/business and industrial/business operations/management/business process"\n    },\n    {\n      "score": 0.620496,\n    
19  "label": "/business and industrial/advertising and marketing/brand management"\n    }\n  ]\n}', '{\n  "usage": {\n    "text_units": 1,\n    "text_characters": 215,\n    "features": 1\n  },\n  "language": "en",\n  "categories": [\n    {\n      "score": 0.913644,\n      "label": "/technology and computing/operating systems"\n    },\n    {\n      "score": 0.855434,\n      "label": "/technology and computing/hardware/computer"\n    },\n    {\n      "score": 0.842841,\n      "label": "/technology and computing/hardware/computer components/chips and processors"\n    }\n  ]\n}', '{\n  "usage": {\n    "text_units": 1,\n    "text_characters": 14,\n    "features": 1\n  },\n  "language": "en",\n  "categories": [\n    {\n      "score": 0.885687,\n      "label": "/automotive and vehicles/cars/hybrid"\n    },\n    {\n      "score": 0.821966,\n     
20 "label": "/automotive and vehicles/electric vehicles"\n    },\n    {\n      "score": 0.77387,\n      "label": "/shopping/retail"\n    }\n  ]\n}', '{\n  "usage": {\n    "text_units": 1,\n    "text_characters": 86,\n    "features": 1\n  },\n  "language": "en",\n  "categories": [\n    {\n      "score": 0.967686,\n      "label": "/education/homework and study tips"\n    }\n  ]\n}', '{\n  "usage": {\n    "text_units": 1,\n  
21  "text_characters": 80,\n    "features": 1\n  },\n  "language": "en",\n  "categories": [\n    {\n      "score": 0.822388,\n      "label": "/automotive and vehicles/cars/sedan"\n    },\n    {\n      "score": 0.754857,\n      "label": "/automotive and vehicles/cars/hybrid"\n    },\n    {\n      "score": 0.68194,\n      "label": "/automotive and vehicles/cars/car culture"\n    }\n  ]\n}', '{\n  "usage": {\n    "text_units": 1,\n    "text_characters": 13,\n    "features": 1\n  },\n  "language": "en",\n  "categories": [\n    {\n      "score": 0.921873,\n      "label": "/real estate/architects"\n    },\n    {\n      "score": 0.790383,\n      "label": "/business and industrial/construction"\n    }\n  ]\n}', '{\n  "usage": {\n    "text_units": 1,\n    "text_characters": 52,\n    "features": 1\n  },\n  "language": "en",\n  "categories": [\n    
22{\n      "score": 0.939684,\n      "label": "/technology and computing/computer reviews"\n    },\n    {\n      "score": 0.931032,\n      "label": "/technology and computing/tech news"\n    }\n  ]\n}', '{\n  "usage": {\n    "text_units": 1,\n    "text_characters": 14,\n    "features": 1\n  },\n  "language": "en",\n  "categories": [\n    {\n      "score": 0.979729,\n      "label": "/education/homework and study tips"\n    
23},\n    {\n      "score": 0.850809,\n      "label": "/real estate/architects"\n    }\n  ]\n}', '{\n  "usage": {\n    "text_units": 1,\n    "text_characters": 28,\n    "features": 1\n  },\n  "language": "en",\n  "categories": [\n    {\n      "score": 0.999484,\n      "label": "/education/teaching and classroom resources"\n    }\n  ]\n}', '{\n  "usage": {\n    "text_units": 1,\n    "text_characters": 113,\n    "features": 
241\n  },\n  "language": "en",\n  "categories": [\n    {\n      "score": 0.734718,\n      "label": "/business and industrial/advertising and marketing/marketing"\n    },\n    {\n      "score": 0.675452,\n      "label": "/business and industrial/business operations/management/business process"\n    },\n    {\n      "score": 0.620496,\n      "label": "/business and industrial/advertising and marketing/brand management"\n    
25}\n  ]\n}', '{\n  "usage": {\n    "text_units": 1,\n    "text_characters": 215,\n    "features": 1\n  },\n  "language": "en",\n  "categories": [\n    {\n      "score": 0.913644,\n      "label": "/technology and computing/operating systems"\n    },\n    {\n      "score": 0.855434,\n      "label": "/technology and computing/hardware/computer"\n    },\n    {\n      "score": 0.842841,\n      "label": "/technology and computing/hardware/computer components/chips and processors"\n    }\n  ]\n}']json_arr = []
26for text in gtm_Q6_df['ANSWER']:
27    response = natural_language_understanding.analyze(
28        text=text,language = 'en',
29            features=Features(
30            categories=CategoriesOptions(limit=3),
31            )).get_result()
32    json_arr.append (response) # <==== change is here
33    with open('data.json','w') as outline: #with open('data.json','w') as outline:
34        json.dump(json_arr,outline)

You may need to tweak that slightly, I don't do much Python, but the fundamental issue is that you're converting the data in each reponse to JSON twice. Do it just once, all together, at the end.

Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66221934


How to check if array object value also exists in another object array value?

Asked 2020-May-21 at 20:52

How do I check whether the key value of any object within one given array matches the key value of any object within another array?

There are two arrays, $personorg_terms and $org_terms_in_latest_post.

I want to check whether the value of name in one exists in the name of another. If so, we should return that name.

In the below example, "S4 Capital" is a match and should be returned.

$personorg_terms contains:

3    [0] => WP_Term Object
4        (
5            [term_id] => 7436
6            [name] => WPP
7            [slug] => wpp
8            [term_group] => 0
9            [term_taxonomy_id] => 7436
10            [taxonomy] => company
11            [description] => WPP plc is a British multinational advertising and public relations company with its main management office in London, England, and its executive office in Dublin, Ireland.
12            [parent] => 0
13            [count] => 81
14            [filter] => raw
15            [term_order] => 0
16        )
18    [1] => WP_Term Object
19        (
20            [term_id] => 11814
21            [name] => S4 Capital
22            [slug] => s4-capital
23            [term_group] => 0
24            [term_taxonomy_id] => 11814
25            [taxonomy] => company
26            [description] => S4Capital is building a purely digital advertising and marketing services business for global, multi- national, regional, local and millennial-driven influencer brands.
27            [parent] => 0
28            [count] => 6
29            [filter] => raw
30            [term_order] => 0
31        )

$org_terms_in_latest_post contains:

3    [0] => WP_Term Object
4        (
5            [term_id] => 7436
6            [name] => WPP
7            [slug] => wpp
8            [term_group] => 0
9            [term_taxonomy_id] => 7436
10            [taxonomy] => company
11            [description] => WPP plc is a British multinational advertising and public relations company with its main management office in London, England, and its executive office in Dublin, Ireland.
12            [parent] => 0
13            [count] => 81
14            [filter] => raw
15            [term_order] => 0
16        )
18    [1] => WP_Term Object
19        (
20            [term_id] => 11814
21            [name] => S4 Capital
22            [slug] => s4-capital
23            [term_group] => 0
24            [term_taxonomy_id] => 11814
25            [taxonomy] => company
26            [description] => S4Capital is building a purely digital advertising and marketing services business for global, multi- national, regional, local and millennial-driven influencer brands.
27            [parent] => 0
28            [count] => 6
29            [filter] => raw
30            [term_order] => 0
31        )
36    [0] => WP_Term Object
37        (
38            [term_id] => 11814
39            [name] => S4 Capital
40            [slug] => s4-capital
41            [term_group] => 0
42            [term_taxonomy_id] => 11814
43            [taxonomy] => company
44            [description] => S4Capital is building a purely digital advertising and marketing services business for global, multi- national, regional, local and millennial-driven influencer brands.
45            [parent] => 0
46            [count] => 6
47            [filter] => raw
48            [term_order] => 0
49        )


Answered 2020-May-21 at 20:52

Try this by passing your two object arrays $personorg_terms and $org_terms_in_latest_post

3    [0] => WP_Term Object
4        (
5            [term_id] => 7436
6            [name] => WPP
7            [slug] => wpp
8            [term_group] => 0
9            [term_taxonomy_id] => 7436
10            [taxonomy] => company
11            [description] => WPP plc is a British multinational advertising and public relations company with its main management office in London, England, and its executive office in Dublin, Ireland.
12            [parent] => 0
13            [count] => 81
14            [filter] => raw
15            [term_order] => 0
16        )
18    [1] => WP_Term Object
19        (
20            [term_id] => 11814
21            [name] => S4 Capital
22            [slug] => s4-capital
23            [term_group] => 0
24            [term_taxonomy_id] => 11814
25            [taxonomy] => company
26            [description] => S4Capital is building a purely digital advertising and marketing services business for global, multi- national, regional, local and millennial-driven influencer brands.
27            [parent] => 0
28            [count] => 6
29            [filter] => raw
30            [term_order] => 0
31        )
36    [0] => WP_Term Object
37        (
38            [term_id] => 11814
39            [name] => S4 Capital
40            [slug] => s4-capital
41            [term_group] => 0
42            [term_taxonomy_id] => 11814
43            [taxonomy] => company
44            [description] => S4Capital is building a purely digital advertising and marketing services business for global, multi- national, regional, local and millennial-driven influencer brands.
45            [parent] => 0
46            [count] => 6
47            [filter] => raw
48            [term_order] => 0
49        )
52function getDuplicateObject($object_arr, $other_object_arr)
54    $duplicates = array(); 
55    foreach($object_arr as $ob1){
57        foreach($other_object_arr as $ob2){
58            if($ob1->name == $ob2->name)
59                array_push($duplicates, $ob1->name); 
60        }
62    }
63    return $duplicates;

Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61943416

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