gform | Windows GUI framework for Go | User Interface library

 by   AllenDang Go Version: Current License: Non-SPDX

kandi X-RAY | gform Summary

kandi X-RAY | gform Summary

gform is a Go library typically used in User Interface applications. gform has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities and it has low support. However gform has a Non-SPDX License. You can download it from GitHub.

It provides two approaches to create UI.

            kandi-support Support

              gform has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 257 star(s) with 45 fork(s). There are 35 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 6 months.
              There are 8 open issues and 6 have been closed. On average issues are closed in 275 days. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of gform is current.

            kandi-Quality Quality

              gform has no bugs reported.

            kandi-Security Security

              gform has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.

            kandi-License License

              gform has a Non-SPDX License.
              Non-SPDX licenses can be open source with a non SPDX compliant license, or non open source licenses, and you need to review them closely before use.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              gform releases are not available. You will need to build from source code and install.
              Installation instructions, examples and code snippets are available.

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            gform Key Features

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            gform Examples and Code Snippets

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            Community Discussions


            Inject nuxt.config.js configuration into globally registered component using custom built Nuxt module
            Asked 2021-May-04 at 11:21

            So this question might be quite complicated, but I'll try to explain it as clear as I can.

            I am currently in the process of creating a Nuxt Module. If you're familiar with creating them you know it's possible to configure it in your nuxt.config.js. Which I have done right here:



            Answered 2021-May-04 at 11:21

            I answered my own question. If somebody every wonders how to do it, you can inject something into your component(s) by doing the following in plugin.js:



            Avoid repeated geom calls in ggplot function with facet grid and unknown number of groups?
            Asked 2021-Apr-11 at 14:03

            I am attempting to write a density function that will apply a normal curve as a reference for each facet (group). Below, I have attempted to simplify the core issue by avoiding to define the function directly.

            Attempt ...


            Answered 2021-Apr-11 at 03:42

            ggplot is behaving correctly. The data frame you are creating (dat_norm) is simply repeating the overall distribution 3 times. One small change to your summarise will make it respect the grouping:



            Input a search from the browser to an API get Request
            Asked 2020-Dec-05 at 00:31

            I am working on a homework project where I need to create a search, I need to take that search and plug it into an API request peram and have that API come back with a Gif URL relating to that search. I have the code for the search event listener, and I have the code for the API get request, where I am coming into trouble is getting them to work together. When I comment out one piece of code out the stand-alone works as intended. I am trying to get the search URL to print to the console just to test to make sure I am receiving a URL. In the end, I will be appending it to the DOM but right now I am just focused on getting the URL back from the API. Any input is appreciated.



            Answered 2020-Dec-05 at 00:31

            you are calling your getGif() function before the form was submitted. The event listener is not a synchronous event. To fix this, you can just move it into the event listener block:



            How do we declare multiple choice answers (from gform) in one cell (gsheet response) as separate values in an array? (GAS)
            Asked 2020-Sep-20 at 01:51

            Hi Helpful Contributors,

            I have a gform where user can select more than 1 answer. In response sheet, we will see the multiple answers will be printed in one cell of a column separated by comma. For that matter, I have some calculation to do on each answer. So, I was thinking to declare each input separated by comma as an array value so that I can then refer each value by it's index number in that array. Is this possible? Below is my code that I tried but when I tried to refer back to that array on index[0], the output is still all the values in that same cell, so I think all are still kept as 1 value of array.



            Answered 2020-Sep-20 at 01:51

            The issue with your code is that you push an array extraitem.split(',') into another array input=[]. As a result, input[0] is the full array extraitem.split(',').

            To get the first element of the extraitem.split(',') array you can do Logger.log(input[0][0]) or (preferably) simply ignore the push part:



            How to transpose values from certain columns in google form, [ignore those with blank values] into part of email htmlBody using GAS?
            Asked 2020-Sep-14 at 03:21

            Dear Helpful Contributors, I'm trying to fetch values from certain columns (column D to I as shown in screenshot below)) from a response gsheet.

            For each submission of google form, I need to fetch those values of Stocktake Item1 until Item 6, transpose them so that the values will be diplayed in htmlBody of an email like below screenshot :-

            Those Stocktake Item with zero values should not be displayed. So, each record may have different values for each Stocktake Item but only those with non-blanks or non-zero only should be displayed.

            Is there anyway to achieve this?

            At the moment, I only can achieve the goal on displaying them all regardless zeros or not. The way I'm doing this at the moment is by creating a table in another gsheet then using script to copy the values from each column of the Stocktake Item in the response sheet into that table accordingly. Then I created html template to convert that table into html. Please refer to the screenshot of my current table in sheet 'stocktake' below.

            My current code is as below:-



            Answered 2020-Sep-14 at 03:21
            Modification points:

            When stockdate sheet has the values of "A3:C10" like your 3rd image, in your script, tableRangeValues is the values from "A2:C9" which is stocksheet.getRange(2,1,lr-2,3).getDisplayValues(). By this, when I saw your 3rd image, the empty row and header row are included in tableRangeValues. So I think that your script might different from your actual situation. I'm worry about this.

            So it supposes that when at your actual situation, tableRangeValues is the following values,



            Why is my Sorting script works inconsistently?
            Asked 2020-Sep-12 at 01:13

            Hi helpful contributors,

            I have a response google sheet that has a set of datarange with different type of data values (screenshot) as below. Col2 Timestamp values are auto-generated upon user input in gform. I moved it as col2 (default is in col1) because I want to put the Quote ID as primary key col. Quote ID values are auto-generated based on google script that is triggered upon submission of gform:-
            gresponse sheet with inconsistent sort

            I supposed we would have the data range autosort by timestamp (and I need it significantly to sort by timestamp) but this is not happening consistently with mine. I already tried the below codes but still not working consistently too. But when I sort it manually in the sheet using the feature Filter to choose Timestamp column and then sort A->Z, it works fine. But that won't be effective for my requirements

            Method 1 :



            Answered 2020-Sep-11 at 13:20
            Potential Issues:
            • The first two methods in your question don't seem to define the sheet object.

            • Also I am not even sure if you execute multiSortColumns at all.

            • The third method will also sort the header as well.

            • Another potential issue would be when using:



            Regex in Google Apps Script practical issue. Forms doesn't read regex as it should
            Asked 2020-Jun-26 at 20:43

            I hope its just something i'm not doing right.

            I've been using a simple script to create a form out of a spreadsheet. The script seems to be working fine. The output form is going to get some inputs from third parties so i can analyze them in my consulting activity.

            Creating the form was not a big deal, the structure is good to go. However, after having the form creator script working, i've started working on its validations, and that's where i'm stuck at.

            For text validations, i will need to use specific Regexes. Many of the inputs my clients need to give me are going to be places' and/or people's names, therefore, i should only allow them usign A-Z, single spaces, apostrophes and dashes.

            My resulting regexes are:



            Answered 2020-Jun-06 at 17:01


            DB2 SQL Union Struggles
            Asked 2020-Apr-22 at 13:54

            Hi this is my first post on Stack Overflow. I've read a lot of posts where people were able to have their issues solved so here goes. I am having a hard time getting the following union to work. I am not sure what is wrong and the error message from SQL Developer is not helpful. Any help with this is greatly appreciated!

            The error message I am getting is:

            "Error report -

            DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-104, SQLSTATE=42601, SQLERRMC="";ECT 'IN' AS STATE ,;, DRIVER=4.7.112"

            This is the DDL I am trying to get to work:



            Answered 2020-Apr-22 at 13:54

            Double quote " is used for enclose identifiers (f ex column names)

            Single quote ' is used for string literals.

            Replace your "" with ''



            Save multiple images with different name in folder
            Asked 2020-Apr-04 at 21:16

            I am trying to read image from one folder and save new images in different folder with different names. I need all of them in different names because they are generated with different affine2d values. For example images in a1 folder will be aa1,aa2,aa3,aa4,aa5.... and images in a2 folder will be bb1,bb2,bb3.... is there any way for do that ?




            Answered 2020-Apr-04 at 13:58

            sounds like a perfect place to use a loop.



            Script worked on all sheest and stop working suddenly only on one sheet
            Asked 2020-Feb-17 at 15:06

            I have written script for Google sheets with offset when a forms is submitted. There are 2 sheets with 2 associated Gforms.

            Previously, the following script was working well on both sheets. Suddenly, the scripts were working only on one sheet. I have tried to launch manually the script on the active sheet I want (sheet activated obviously), the script is not running. However, the script is well running on the other sheet.

            To sum-up:

            The script is not running (manually neither with Gforms submission offset): sheetname "DemandeIntervention F-TEC-052" The script is running (manually or with Gforms submission offset): sheetname "RapportIntervention F-QUA-052"

            Hereafter the script:



            Answered 2020-Feb-17 at 15:06
            The difference between your two sheets is that the nonworking one has a value in cell B104.

            Thus SS.getLastRow(); retrieves 104 as the last row of the sheet, and consequently cell A104 is the one to be formatted during each script execution.

            You can avoid this problem by deleting all rows below the row with the last form response.

            If it is very important for you to have text i B104, then you have to replace getLastRow() through other methods, such as e.g. getNextDataCell(direction).


            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

            Install gform

            Make sure you have a working Go installation and build environment, see more for details from below page.
            Make sure you have a working Go installation and build environment, see more for details from below page.
            go get
            go install


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