gunter | Simple configuration system | File Utils library

 by   reconquest Go Version: Current License: No License

kandi X-RAY | gunter Summary

kandi X-RAY | gunter Summary

gunter is a Go library typically used in Utilities, File Utils applications. gunter has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

Gunter is a configuration system which was created with KISS (Keep It Short and Simple) principle in mind. Gunter takes a files and directories from the templates directory, takes a configuration data from the configuration file written in TOML language, and then create directories with the same names (without .template suffix, if exists), renders *.template files via Go template engine, and puts result to destination directory. Non-template files and directories will by just copied to destination directory. Of course, gunter will save file permissions including file owner uid/gid of the copied files and directories.

            kandi-support Support

              gunter has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 28 star(s) with 0 fork(s). There are 4 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 6 months.
              gunter has no issues reported. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of gunter is current.

            kandi-Quality Quality

              gunter has no bugs reported.

            kandi-Security Security

              gunter has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.

            kandi-License License

              gunter does not have a standard license declared.
              Check the repository for any license declaration and review the terms closely.
              Without a license, all rights are reserved, and you cannot use the library in your applications.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              gunter releases are not available. You will need to build from source code and install.
              Installation instructions, examples and code snippets are available.

            Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA

            kandi has reviewed gunter and discovered the below as its top functions. This is intended to give you an instant insight into gunter implemented functionality, and help decide if they suit your requirements.
            • compileTemplateFile reads a template file and writes it to destDir
            • main is the main entry point for testing .
            • compile templates
            • moveFiles moves the files from source directory to destinationDir .
            • compare compares two files
            • copyFile copies a file from sourcePath to destinationPath .
            • isEmpty returns true if path is empty .
            • removeDotTemplateDirectorySuffix removes the directory suffix from the relative path to the list of templates
            • applyPermissions changes the permissions of a file
            • copyTemplateFile copies the given template file to destDir .
            Get all kandi verified functions for this library.

            gunter Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for gunter.

            gunter Examples and Code Snippets

            No Code Snippets are available at this moment for gunter.

            Community Discussions


            "package or namespace load failed" error in loading R package from GitHub
            Asked 2021-Apr-05 at 19:12

            I am trying to load a package in RStudio from GitHub but I get an error. I have also updated all the packages in order to see if this was the problem but I still get the same error. I have a MAC pc (I don't know if this may cause some problems).

            The link of the package that I would like to load is:

            and there is written that in order to load it I need to run



            Answered 2021-Apr-05 at 19:12

            The package has no function named d_cmb, but it tries to export that function. That's what the error message says, and it's true.

            I think the reason for this error is that the author used Roxygen2 to generate his NAMESPACE file where the exports are declared, but that file is out of sync with the contents of the package.

            It's possible this happened because the author forgot to commit a new file containing the new code. In that case, the best solution is to contact the author, and point out the issue.

            Alternatively, it may have happened because at one time there was a d_cmb function, but the author removed it, without updating the NAMESPACE file. This one you might be able to fix yourself.

            To fix this, you'll need to run Roxygen2 yourself, which is a little more complicated than just installing what's on Github. Here are the steps:

            • Fork the package to your own Github account if you have one. (This step is optional, but it makes some later steps easier.)
            • Download the source for the package. In RStudio, the quickest way to do this is to create a new project using Version Control, Git, and give the URL of your forked copy, or the original URL if you skipped that.
            • Run Roxygen2 on the package. In RStudio, you do this by choosing "Document" in the "More" menu of the Build tab.
            • Try to build it. If you're lucky, it will now build properly. If not, fix the next problem.
            • This is very important: send your changes back to the original author. If you forked the package, this is easy; if not, figure out a way to do it.



            Update an ListView SwiftUI
            Asked 2021-Apr-01 at 18:02

            I have an View which contains an List-View and an Button. When the Button is pressed there will be added an new Item to an array. The List View displays all of the items in this array. But If I press the button, the List-View dont display the changes in the array.

            Here is my Code:



            Answered 2021-Apr-01 at 18:02

            myArray needs to be an @State and it needs to be inside the ContentView. I recommend you to read and watch some SwiftUI tutorials.



            Table already exists error when replacing yaml by XML
            Asked 2021-Feb-26 at 08:22

            I am trying to run some migrations on my MySQL database.While using db.changelog-master as a yaml file everything worked fine. I intend to use a xml file as db.changelog so I added spring.liquibase.change-log=classpath:/db/changelog/db.changelog-master.xml to my properties and created this two xml files

            db.changelog-master.xml ...


            Answered 2021-Feb-25 at 22:35

            Each changeset has its unique checksum calculated and stored in a dedicated liquibase metadata table. As the yaml file resulted in different checksum than the xml, liquibase doesn't recognise the first changeset as one that was already executed and tries to apply it again. You can try the clearChecksum command to remove the already calculated state and have it recalculated on next startup.

            Alternatively you can ask liquibase to calculate it for you and you can update the metadata table in the DB to match the one form the XML, so it won't try to run it again. calculateChecksum.

            The metadata table name is DATABASECHANGELOG by default.



            Having problem with character ü in php/mysql on updated php/apache
            Asked 2020-Oct-16 at 03:05

            I have an existing MySQL database from back in the PHP 4.x and 5.2 days where latin1_swedish_ci is the character set on the MySQL db/tables/columns (varchar) and php default_charset is blank. This resulted with foreign chars like Chinese being entered with the &#; format. For example entering 今井 in the form ends up & #28009;& #19968; (I had to add space after the & or it actually looked like the characters in here) in the database. Yes, using the encoded values use extra space but everything is already set that way.

            The new server has Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) OpenSSL/1.1.1g PHP/7.4.10 and at first you couldn't look up the Chinese type characters because the new PHP used UTF8 in default_charset (I also had MySQL Illegal mix of collations errors until changing database to utf8mb4_unicode_ci). So after finding the PHP default_charset was the problem, I changed default_charset to be blank and reverted the MySQL database to latin_swedish_ci. All those type of things are working fine but I still have a problem with characters like ü (%FC).

            For the ü (%FC) item, if I try to update the database, I can dump the variable right before the SQL update and it looks fine: UPDATE table_name SET userFName='Günter' ... but when it ends up in the database the ü becomes a ? (question mark) for some reason. On the old database/server, it updates correctly using the actual ü character. Now on the opposite end, if I pull up an existing entry in the database that has the correct ü in the database (was there by importing from the old one), it shows up as ü instead of the ü (looking it up in the database with phpMyAdmin it's the actual ü).

            Can someone give me an idea of where the problem is? I checked that the same character set is used on MySQL on both old and new (it's latin1_swedish_ci). The only PHP changes from the old to the new was converting from mysql_ versions to the mysqli-> object based functions.




            Answered 2020-Oct-16 at 03:05

            I found it!!

            That last part of my message, the only change was mysql_ to mysqli-> so I looked up character set support. I found and when checking what it reported, it reported utf8mb4 for some reason, so I added $mysqli->set_charset("latin1"); and now it's working like the old version was. So if you are converting and have same issues, that's what it all is.

            Maybe someday I'll create something to convert the &# format to actual UTF8.



            cannot read accented name in array with php
            Asked 2020-Sep-20 at 10:36

            I want to do a check if a name already exists in an array. I have an issue with a name which contains accented chars. Below is the code is use and when filling in the (french) name Charlène Rodriês and the (german) name Jürgen Günter; it outputs: NOT exists.

            How can i catch these names which contain accented characters?



            Answered 2020-Sep-20 at 10:36

            You're comparing apples and oranges.

            When you do htmlentities('Charlène Rodriês'), it changes the string and will encode it into: Charlène Rodriês, which obviously won't match Charlène Rodriês in your in_array().

            So remove the htmlentities() when you get the value from the $_POST-variable:



            Null-aware operator with Maps
            Asked 2020-May-26 at 08:43

            I had the same problem with lists, now it is Map.

            What I would like to do

            The following syntax is not Dart, as in it does not compile:



            Answered 2018-Jul-03 at 10:03


            After Flutter GIT project checkout, unable to run the project
            Asked 2020-May-11 at 04:37

            So I created a Flutter project in IntelliJ Idea Community Edition on machine A and then uploaded the whole project on GitHub. Now I cloned/checked out from GitHub in the same IDE on machine B, performed the following:

            • flutter packages get
            • flutter upgrade
            • Set up the dart path and all other prerequisites

            But, I am still unable to run the flutter project from IDE. I mean I can't even press the "Run" button.

            Where did I go wrong?

            You can try performing the same steps as I did. it if you want. Here's the Git repository code

            Edit I can run the same project via terminal.

            [Update] As requested by Günter Zöchbauer in the comment log, here's the logs for flutter doctor -v



            Answered 2019-May-11 at 10:54

            I've succeeded to run you project. When I've first open it showed me that it can't find the location for Dart SDK, once I've set the location of the flutter sdk as explained here:

            Dart SDK is not configured

            it automatically update the location of the Dart SDK, then I've had to run get dependencies, then it run.



            ggplot map legend does not display consistently
            Asked 2020-Apr-20 at 21:40

            I'll apologize in advance that the example below isn't "minimal" but I haven't been able to reproduce this behavior except in the particular instance of my full data set.

            I asked this question before here and thought I had found the answer, but the behavior has returned and is vexing me. Basically I have a script that reads daily COVID-19 case numbers and produces maps where the counties are color-coded by the percent of the population infected. The script produces five maps, a national one and one for each of the four official census regions: northeast, midwest, south and west. To cut down on size, the below is just the national and widwest maps.

            My original script actually produces animated gifs showing the spread of the disease, but they take a long time to render. The below version just gives a single plot of the most recent data and should run pretty quickly.

            I've used a dput in the below script to avoid you having to read a file and geocode locations (I commented out the code) but there is still a large csv file of county populations that has to be read in. I have posted it at pastebin here.



            Answered 2020-Apr-20 at 18:58

            Your issue is due to the presence of 0 values in your variable infRate which messed up with the log transformation in your scale_fill_gradient as observed by this Warning message:

            Warning message: Transformation introduced infinite values in discrete y-axis

            Here, you can find a way to circuwent that by setting limits and breaks argument using non-0 minimal value:



            Dart/Flutter DateTime difference inDays error for March 31 April 1
            Asked 2020-Mar-05 at 05:23

            I am trying to get the difference in Days between two dates picked from a DatePicker. This works fine except for ONE single date : March 31.

            The difference in Days between two DateTimes is wrong by 1 day when one of the dates is March 31. I know this is due to Light Saving and March is 30.9… days long and not 31, hence I am guessing, the error. But does anyone know how to fix this other than manually checking if a date is equal to March 31 and adding one day to the result ?

            Two very simple examples that can be run in the Dart Pad :



            Answered 2019-Apr-02 at 11:00

            Don't do Date comparison or operations with local dates. Convert it to UTC first. Otherwise daylight savings and other local DateTime related exceptions will cause all kinds of surprising effects.



            Calculate total time of each contributor's segments and sum of all duration attribute values of the elements pc:chapter
            Asked 2020-Feb-03 at 13:54

            I hope the question is clear. I want the sum of the "speech share" from guest and host seperatly and for each episode.

            Here is an example of my xml file:



            Answered 2020-Feb-03 at 12:57

            I want the sum of the "speech share"

            There is no "speech share" in the XML you show. I am assuming you meant the total time of each contributor's segments. This is not trivial to do in XSLT 1.0.

            First, you need to compute the individual pt:segment durations. For this, you need to convert the start and end times to seconds (or some other common unit) so that you can subtract them. And you need to convert the results to a node-set so that they can be summed.

            Try something like the following:

            XSLT 1.0 (+ EXSLT)


            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

            Install gunter

            There is PKGBUILD file for the Arch Linux users.


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