material_icons | A simple Rails wrapper for Google Material Icons | Icon library

 by   Angelmmiguel HTML Version: v2.2.1 License: Non-SPDX

kandi X-RAY | material_icons Summary

kandi X-RAY | material_icons Summary

material_icons is a HTML library typically used in User Interface, Icon, Ruby On Rails applications. material_icons has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities and it has low support. However material_icons has a Non-SPDX License. You can download it from GitHub.

Material Design Icons is a +900 set of icons based on Material Design guidelines. You can check all the icons in the official site. This gem helps you to add this fantastic icon collection to your Rails projects easily. I keep the gem updated so you always will have the latest icons in your project.

            kandi-support Support

              material_icons has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 270 star(s) with 60 fork(s). There are 10 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 12 months.
              There are 6 open issues and 16 have been closed. On average issues are closed in 38 days. There are 2 open pull requests and 0 closed requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of material_icons is v2.2.1

            kandi-Quality Quality

              material_icons has no bugs reported.

            kandi-Security Security

              material_icons has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.

            kandi-License License

              material_icons has a Non-SPDX License.
              Non-SPDX licenses can be open source with a non SPDX compliant license, or non open source licenses, and you need to review them closely before use.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              material_icons releases are available to install and integrate.
              Installation instructions, examples and code snippets are available.

            Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA

            kandi's functional review helps you automatically verify the functionalities of the libraries and avoid rework.
            Currently covering the most popular Java, JavaScript and Python libraries. See a Sample of material_icons
            Get all kandi verified functions for this library.

            material_icons Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for material_icons.

            material_icons Examples and Code Snippets

            No Code Snippets are available at this moment for material_icons.

            Community Discussions


            Can't override the angular material theme with my css properties
            Asked 2019-Oct-25 at 12:07

            I am using Angular 6.0.8 with Angular Material theme version 6.4.0

            Whenever I try to slightly modify the material theme, it never works, as I always find the material theme properties to overwrite my CSS properties as follows:



            Answered 2018-Sep-10 at 09:01

            Usually when I have worked with Material styling libraries they are styled with very high specificity. If you inspect the elements in your browser you will see the order of when the styles are applied. Like here, you will see that some properties are being overwritten because of the more specified properties above.

            See if your styles are too far back in the priority queue. If they are not there at all, there is something wrong with the import.



            How to fix 404 not found for assets from gem after assets:precompile
            Asked 2019-Feb-12 at 19:44

            When I run rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production, the assets used from gems is not being included, my website shows a lot of 404 not found for these assets.



            Answered 2019-Feb-12 at 19:44

            The problem was the config.assets.debug options, it was true on production server, and theres is no files in CDN.

            Simple like that.



            Using Materialize `chip` and `autocomplete` in Ruby on Rails Form with Associated Models
            Asked 2018-Dec-30 at 14:32

            I am trying to create a form so a user can save a setting which has their default teams (multiple) and their professions (single). I can do this using simple_form and the lines of code below, but I am trying to use autocomplete as the dropdown lists do not work well with my design.

            • <%= f.association :profession %>
            • <%= f.association :team, input_html: { multiple: true } %>

            I am loading the JSON from a collection into an attribute data-autocomplete-source within my inputs, a short bit of jquery then cycles through each of these and then initialises the materialize .autocomplete, I also need to do this with .chips for many associations.

            The UI element is working as I would like, but I cannot work out how to save a new record. I have two problems:

            1. Unpermitted parameters: :team_name, :profession_name - I've been trying to adapt this tutorial and believed that Step 11 would effectively translate this within the model, but am clearly not understanding something...
            2. "setting"=>{"team_name"=>"", "profession_name"=>"Consultant Doctor"} - the team_name values (i.e. the chips) are not being recognised when attempting to save the record. I've got some nasty jquery that transfers the id from the div to the generated input which I was hoping would work...

            I've also checked many previous questions on Stack Overflow (some of which seem to be similar to this question, generally using jqueryui) but cannot work out how to adapt the answers.

            How can I use the names from a model in a materialize chip and autocomplete input and save the selections by their associated id into a record?

            Any help or guidance would be much appreciated.




            Answered 2018-Dec-30 at 14:32

            This is almost certainly not the best way of doing this, but it does work. Please offer suggestions and I will update this, or if someone adds a better answer I will happily mark it as correct. This solution doesn't require much in the way of controller/model changes and is largely done with a (comparatively) short bit of jquery/JS so can be easily repeated within a project.

            I've managed to get both autocomplete and chips working with Ruby on Rails, utilising simple_form form helpers where possible.

            Effectively I am storing the JSON into a custom attribute for each case and then parsing this with some jquery/javascript when the view is loaded before using this to initialise either autocomplete or chips.

            Autocomplete values are translated from name to id within the controller.

            Chip values are recognised client side with some JS, and inputs created with the correct name and id for simpleform to automatically save the values as an array to the hash.

            Full explaination and code is below.

            Thank you to Tom for his helpful comments and input.


            Requires you to create an input under variable_name and then add additional functions in the model to translate the name into an id for saving. Effectively following this tutorial.



            Wicked_PDF not rendering bootstrap 4 styles
            Asked 2018-Oct-16 at 23:03

            Following my previous wicked_pdf question, now that I am rendering the correct template I cannot get the pdf to render the bootstrap styling of the application.

            I am using bootstrap 4, ruby '2.4.2' and gem 'rails', '~> 5.2.1'




            Answered 2018-Oct-16 at 23:03

            In your head of the pdf.html.erb, you need to reference the bootstrap css file.



            material icon ligatures not working with Pug
            Asked 2018-Jul-04 at 13:08

            I am using Pug and angular / angular material to work on a project of mine. Since it will use the material design styles it will need the material icons. It is supposed to work like this:


            But for some reason the 'icons' just show up as italic text. (the text being "chevron_left" or whatever ofcourse)

            Here is my nav.pug:



            Answered 2017-Mar-22 at 11:36

            I have found a workaround for this. Since I couldn't seem to get it to work this way I used the md-icon with a SVG path. I just downloaded the SVG files from and placed them in a folder and then used this HTML:



            how to toggle class to a single element inside a v-for
            Asked 2018-Apr-13 at 21:48

            I'm new to vueJs and I'm trying to toggle a class "active" to a single element once you clicked on it. Here is my code witch toggle all element with the class material_icons. How to do it to toggle only the element clicked ? thanks. My hmtl :



            Answered 2018-Apr-13 at 21:40

            The thing is you currently have only one color flag and multiple artist elements.

            To make it work, you have to find a way of having, instead, multiple colors flags, one for each artist.

            You could do it in basically two forms:

            • You can declare color as an auxiliary object and use id as key (demo 1 below).
              • The same would be achieved by making color an array and using index (of the v-for) instead of id.
              • The advantage of this approach is not to add any properties to your current artist elements.
            • You could also declare a color property in each artist and use it instead (demo 2 below).
              • This is somewhat cleaner, but does require the addition of the color property.
            Demo 1 (using color as a separated object or array)



            Unable upgrade rails from 5.0.6 to 5.1.4
            Asked 2017-Oct-17 at 13:00

            I'm using ruby 2.4.2 and rails 5.0.6(system running well), and I'm trying to upgrade to rails 5.1.4, I changed Gemfiles from from gem 'rails', '5.0.6' to gem 'rails', '5.1.4', and run bundle update,

            my question is when I did bundle update, Why redis-namespace downgraded to version 0.4.3 and resque downgraded to version 1.8.2 see trace console below.



            Answered 2017-Oct-17 at 10:59

            This is the issue with fixing gem dependencies to a patch/minor version.

            You should try using gem redis only in your Gemfile and then run bundle update. This should fix the issue. Some tests may break though especially if the public api of redis has been updated since the older version of redis. You may need to find the newer API to have everything working normally.



            Angular hybrid application is not working
            Asked 2017-Oct-06 at 12:38

            I am migrating from angular 1 to angular 2. I want to run angular 1 from angular 2. I tried to apply debugger ngDoBootstrap(). But it never came. That means angular 1 code is not getting execute. I think i am missing something. Do i need to call ngDoBootstrap() method manually ??

            I am not getting any console errors. Do i need to create angular 2 component to run hybrid application.

            I am referring Upgrading from AngularJS




            Answered 2017-Oct-06 at 12:38

            I did some cleanup in my code and my code is started working.

            Here is a solution,

            These files are reomved from index.html .



            How to disable Turbolinks on Heroku?
            Asked 2017-Oct-03 at 22:44

            First, I removed gem 'turbolinks' and removed the code requiring Turbolinks in the application.js file. So, I successfully disabled Turbolinks in my local machine. Then, I pushed my changes to Heroku, but Turbolinks is still working in production.

            How can I disable Turbolinks in Heroku?

            When I ran this code:



            Answered 2017-May-20 at 06:31

            Basically straight from here. It's for Rails 4, but I believe the steps are the same.

            1) Remove the gem 'turbolinks' line from your Gemfile.

            2) Remove the //= require turbolinks from your app/assets/javascripts/application.js .

            3) Remove the two "data-turbolinks-track" => true hash key/value pairs from your app/views/layouts/application.html.erb .



            How to make an element move up with the keyboard on android (HTML 5 app)
            Asked 2017-Jun-05 at 12:17

            I want to make my text field that I've fixed to the bottom of the screen move up with the keyboard, basically making it stick to the keyboard. This is how it looks without the keyboard, the element I want to move up with the keyboard is the footer. When the keyboard pops-up it now goes over the input field, so you can't see what your typing. How could I fix this? Thanks in advace!

            The html for this part:



            Answered 2017-Jun-02 at 07:18

            with jQuery, get the <input> tag's offset().top value then set document scroll position using scrollTop()


            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

            Install material_icons

            To install the gem, add this line to your Gemfile:. Then, execute bundle install.


            For any new features, suggestions and bugs create an issue on GitHub. If you have any questions check and ask questions on community page Stack Overflow .
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