SDK-Samples | repository includes several sample projects | SDK library

 by   yotadevices Java Version: Current License: Apache-2.0

kandi X-RAY | SDK-Samples Summary

kandi X-RAY | SDK-Samples Summary

SDK-Samples is a Java library typically used in Utilities, SDK applications. SDK-Samples has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has a Permissive License and it has low support. However SDK-Samples build file is not available. You can download it from GitHub.

The repository includes several sample projects which show how to create apps for YotaPhone

            kandi-support Support

              SDK-Samples has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 11 star(s) with 2 fork(s). There are 4 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 6 months.
              SDK-Samples has no issues reported. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of SDK-Samples is current.

            kandi-Quality Quality

              SDK-Samples has no bugs reported.

            kandi-Security Security

              SDK-Samples has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.

            kandi-License License

              SDK-Samples is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License. This license is Permissive.
              Permissive licenses have the least restrictions, and you can use them in most projects.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              SDK-Samples releases are not available. You will need to build from source code and install.
              SDK-Samples has no build file. You will be need to create the build yourself to build the component from source.
              Installation instructions are not available. Examples and code snippets are available.

            Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA

            kandi has reviewed SDK-Samples and discovered the below as its top functions. This is intended to give you an instant insight into SDK-Samples implemented functionality, and help decide if they suit your requirements.
            • Initialize the epd activity
            • Called when the activity is created
            Get all kandi verified functions for this library.

            SDK-Samples Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for SDK-Samples.

            SDK-Samples Examples and Code Snippets

            No Code Snippets are available at this moment for SDK-Samples.

            Community Discussions


            Operation returned an invalid status code 'unauthorized' on azure cognitive
            Asked 2021-May-06 at 10:27

            I have download this code from official microsoft cognitive github repository:




            Answered 2021-May-06 at 10:27

            Pls make sure that you have created a current type of cognitive service, I recommend you to create All Cognitive Services just as below:

            You can follow this doc to create it(Multi-service resource).

            I did some test on my side by this service and everything works for me as expected :

            My local test image:




            Why can't Visual Studio find my main function once I add an hlsl/fx file?
            Asked 2020-Nov-17 at 09:46

            Sidenode: I'm not asking anyone to help me with a directx tutorial. I think this error is a normal Visual Studio win32 API error.

            Hey guys and girls, I'm trying to learn some DirectX 11 for fun and I found those directx11 examples on github. Now I'm trying to understand each function and see how everything works together. I created a new VS project just to play around with stuff. I copy-pasted all of the code in Tutorial02.cpp into my own project, created a new filter called "Shaders" and changed the properties of my VS solution. At that point I don't have any problems to compile my code. Once I add the Tutorial02.fx, Tutorial02_VS.hlsl and Tutorial02_PS.hlsl to the solution VS can't compile and gives me the following error code:



            Answered 2020-Nov-17 at 09:46

            With the help of github demo, I can reproduce this problem. You can refer to the screenshots below to modify:

            Tutorial02.fx properties:

            Tutorial02_PS.hlsl properties:

            Tutorial02_VS.hlsl properties:

            You can also refer HLSL Property Pages to learn how individual HLSL shader files are built.



            On click of app icon full screen the picture in picture content
            Asked 2020-Oct-28 at 06:46

            I am using jitsi-android-sdk in which when I go click home screen it takes me to the picture in picture mode and when I click on the app takes me back to the first form page. How should full screen the picture in picture mode when I click on the app?

            what should I put in onResume() so I can full-screen picture in picture on click of the app.

            For example, When we are using Netflix and watching a movie on mobile when we press the home button it enters the picture in picture mode and when we click on the app icon it fullscreen the picture in picture mode (return to the movie in fullscreen which we are watching)

            I want to implement the same behavior in my android app.



            Answered 2020-Oct-28 at 06:46

            The first check which activity is going to paused state when the app goes picture in picture on that activity onResume() method add this code.



            How to rotate an object always tangent to a circular path?
            Asked 2020-Oct-18 at 10:23

            I recently started to learn computer graphics and I need some help.

            I'm trying to reproduce a rotation of a "stick" around a circular path in a way that the stick is always tangent to the path. I provided an image to help to illustrate the desired behaviour:

            I tried some approaches but never in a successful way. Below a gif with my most recent test, where the small cube represents the circular path that the stick should rotate around but being tangent to the path.

            The transformations that I applied to the object world matrices:



            Answered 2020-Oct-18 at 10:22

            I could reproduce the behaviour I wanted by translating the Z coordinate of the stick instead of the X:



            Authenticating a user via proactive private message in MS Teams Bot
            Asked 2020-Jun-29 at 18:13

            I need a consultation regarding developing authentication feature in MS teams Bot. The Bot is meant to be used in MS Teams Channels primarily, and in order to secure the api/messages endpoint, I am using OAuth

            Now if the user is not authenticated an OAuthPrompt is created for the user to login and continue participating in the channel's thread conversation, however, the login prompt is sent in the channel thread, which does not provide a good user experience.

            Instead, I would like to send the OAuthPrompt to the user as a private message.

            How could go about implementing this? I am referring this documentation and this example core-proactiveMessages could someone please help me in figuring this out or pointing to correct resources, examples. Thanks



            Answered 2020-Jun-29 at 18:13

            It sounds like you want to restrict the bot to specific tenants just like in this question: What is the botframework security model?

            If you're sure you want to restrict the bot to specific users instead of specific tenants, you can still use the middleware from that answer and just adapt it slightly to check the user ID instead of the tenant ID.



            Decode an H264 stream using the VideoToolbox API (kVTVideoDecoderBadDataErr)
            Asked 2020-Jun-24 at 15:46

            my goal is to encode the main framebuffer of my Windows machine using nvenc and stream its content to my iPad using the VideoToolbox API

            The code I use to encode the h264 stream is basically a copy/paste of the only change is that instead of writing to a file, I do send the data

            For the decoding I do use

            The encoding work perfectly when I write all the contents to a file, I am able to use a h264->mp4 online converter without issue, the problem is that the decoder gives me the error kVTVideoDecoderBadDataErr in the function decompressionSessionDecodeFrameCallback

            So for what I tried:

            • Firsly using an h264 analyzer I found that the frame order are: 7/8/5/5/5/5/1...
            • I found that nvenc does encode the frames 7/8/5/5/5/5 in only one packet
            • I did try to separate this packet into multiple ones using the sequence (0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01), it gave me the frames 7/8/5 separately
            • As you can see I only got one 5 frame which is around 100KB, the H264 analyzer said that there are four 5 frames (which are something like 40KB, 20KB, 30KB, 10KB)
            • Using a hex file viewer I saw that the sequence separating those 5 frames were (0x00 0x00 0x01) instead, tried to also separate them but I got the exact same VideoToolbox error while decompressing

            here is the code I use to separate and send the frames: The protocol is simply PACKET_SIZE->PACKET_DATA The swift code is able to read the NALU types so I am confident that this is not the issue



            Answered 2020-Jun-24 at 15:46

            Alright so as weird as it sounds, my code does work on the simulator but not on my iPad pro. In the end it does work so I'll still mark it as the correct answer



            Modify rotation of the camera instance of the "Skype for Business SDK"
            Asked 2020-May-25 at 14:24

            I'm looking for developing a video conferencing application for Android with the Skype for Business SDK (SfbSDK).

            Too see if I'm able to do some needs, I cloned the git repository of the sample application with the SfbSDK dispensed by the Office Developer Team and available here

            If the sample application allow me to broadcast the front facing camera and/or the back camera, I don't find any parameters that allow me to modify the camera instance except of changing target camera (front, back ...).

            What I want (at least) is to modify the rotation when you turn your phone to landscape mode (modify other parameters would be great too, like Camera.Parameters).

            Because if you try it with the sample application, the preview (on the phone) and the outgoing video are both turned like below.

            So I've tried to create an instance of android.hardware.Camera and set it to active camera by casting it like this :


            But It doesn't work ... Or I'm doing it the wrong way ...!

            Is this even possible !?

            Any suggestion is welcomed.



            Answered 2018-Aug-25 at 05:10

            I have the same issue and didn't find a setDisplayRotation function either in the Camera object used by Skype. If you go to the declaration of the interface of the camera you can see that not many options are available. But if you go in the SkypeForBusinessNative.aar, in dl-video you can see the class RealCameraImpl in the following package -> and it has a setDisplayRotation function. Unfortunatly, they use the other Camera object that doesn't have this function. Maybe this will help you find something new



            Amazon Pay Authorization Reference ID
            Asked 2020-Mar-26 at 09:14

            I integrated amazon pay into my website and i followed the instructions from Amazon Pay SDK Simple Checkout. Its all working so far, but in the last step the code example shows that i need an authorization reference id.



            Answered 2020-Feb-12 at 20:14

            authorization_reference_id is given by you. It should be unique.

            You can used the uniqid builtin function in PHP to generate that. It must be unique for every request.



            Nuget upgrade Azure webjobs SDK 2.3 to 3.0 when using serviceBus
            Asked 2020-Jan-30 at 11:52

            Webjobs version 3 has been out since around September so I want to upgrade from 2.3.0 to the latest version, currently 3.0.4.

            The Microsoft.Azure.Webjobs.servicebus package is, however, blocking me from doing so. I tried looking at webjobs sdk samples but they had the exact same issue with the servicebus package blocking the upgrade.


            1. What is the correct way to upgrade the webjobs nuget package?
            2. Am I mistaken that version 3 is ready for production yet?


            Answered 2019-Mar-06 at 18:36

            At the time I'm writing this, the newest release version of Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.ServiceBus is 2.3.0. Looking at the package on and expanding the dependencies, I see this:



            Color conversion from DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM to NV12 in GPU using DirectX11 pixel shaders
            Asked 2019-Dec-05 at 08:17

            I'm working on a code to capture the desktop using Desktop duplication and encode the same to h264 using Intel hardwareMFT. The encoder only accepts NV12 format as input. I have got a DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM to NV12 converter( that works fine, and is based on DirectX VideoProcessor.

            The problem is that the VideoProcessor on certain intel graphics hardware supports conversions only from DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM to YUY2 but not NV12, I have confirmed the same by enumerating the supported formats through GetVideoProcessorOutputFormats. Though the VideoProcessor Blt succeeded without any errors, and I could see that the frames in the output video are pixelated a bit, I could notice it if I look at it closely.

            I guess, the VideoProcessor has simply failed over to the next supported output format (YUY2) and I'm unknowingly feeding it to the encoder that thinks that the input is in NV12 as configured. There is no failure or major corruption of frames due to the fact that there is little difference like byte order and subsampling between NV12 and YUY2. Also, I don't have pixelating problems on hardware that supports NV12 conversion.

            So I decided to do the color conversion using pixel shaders which is based on this code( I'm able make the pixel shaders work, I have also uploaded my code here( for reference (simplified it as much as possible).

            Now, I'm left with two channels, chroma, and luma respectively (ID3D11Texture2D textures). And I'm really confused about efficiently packing the two separate channels into one ID3D11Texture2D texture so that I may feed the same to the encoder. Is there a way to efficiently pack the Y and UV channels into a single ID3D11Texture2D in GPU? I'm really tired of CPU based approaches due to the fact that it's costly, and doesn't offer the best possible frame rates. In fact, I'm reluctant to even copy the textures to CPU. I'm thinking of a way to do it in GPU without any back and forth copies between CPU and GPU.

            I have been researching this for quite some time without any progress, any help would be appreciated.



            Answered 2019-Dec-05 at 08:17

            I am experimenting this RGBA conversion to NV12 in the GPU only, using DirectX11.

            This is a good challenge. I'm not familiar with Directx11, so this is my first experimentation.

            Check this project for updates : D3D11ShaderNV12

            In my current implementation (may not be the last), here is what I do:

            • Step 1: use a DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM as input texture
            • Step 2: make a 1st pass shader to get 3 textures (Y:Luma, U:ChromaCb and V:ChromaCr): see YCbCrPS2.hlsl
            • Step 3: Y is DXGI_FORMAT_R8_UNORM, and is ready for final NV12 texture
            • Step 4: UV needs to be downsampled in a 2nd pass shader: see ScreenPS2.hlsl (using linear filtering)
            • Step 5: a third pass shader to sample Y texture
            • Step 6: a fourth pass shader to sample UV texture using a shift texture (I think other technique could be use)

            My final texture is not DXGI_FORMAT_NV12, but a similar DXGI_FORMAT_R8_UNORM texture. My computer is Windows7, so DXGI_FORMAT_NV12 is not handled. I will try later on a another computer.

            The process with pictures:


            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

            Install SDK-Samples

            You can download it from GitHub.
            You can use SDK-Samples like any standard Java library. Please include the the jar files in your classpath. You can also use any IDE and you can run and debug the SDK-Samples component as you would do with any other Java program. Best practice is to use a build tool that supports dependency management such as Maven or Gradle. For Maven installation, please refer For Gradle installation, please refer .


            For any new features, suggestions and bugs create an issue on GitHub. If you have any questions check and ask questions on community page Stack Overflow .
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