narwhal | JavaScript standard library , package manager | Parser library

 by   280north JavaScript Version: Current License: No License

kandi X-RAY | narwhal Summary

kandi X-RAY | narwhal Summary

narwhal is a JavaScript library typically used in Utilities, Parser, Framework applications. narwhal has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

system: args, env, stdin, stdout, stderr. io: ByteIO (read, write, toByteString, toString), StringIO (read, write, copy, flush, iterator, forEach, readLine, readLines, next, print, toString, substring, slice, substr), IO (read, write, copy, flush, close, isatty), TextInputStream (raw, readLine, next, iterator, forEach, close), TextOutputStream (write, writeLine, writeLines, print, flush, close). file: open, read, write, copy, link, symlink, rename, move, remove, mkdir, mkdirs, rmdir, rmtree, touch, chmod, chown, list, listTree, listDirectoryTree, copyTree, isAbsolute, isRelative, isDrive, isReadable, isWritable, glob, globPaths, fnmatch, match, cwd, cwdPath, join, split, resolve, relative, absolute, normal, canonical, root, dirname, basename, extension, path, new Path (to, from, …​). os: exit, sleep, popen (wait, stdin, stdout, stderr, communicate (status, stdin, stdout, stderr)), system, command, status, enquote. binary: Binary (toArray, toByteArray, toByteString, indexOf, lastIndexOf, valueOf), ByteString (length, toString, split, slice, substr, substring, toSource), ByteArray (toString, pop, push, extendRight, unshift, extendLeft, reverse, slice, splice, split, forEach, every, some, map, reduce, reduceRight, displace, toSource). assert: AssertionError, fail, ok, equal, notEqual, deepEqual, notDeepEqual, strictEqual, notStrictEqual, throws, Assert (pass, error, section). test: run, Log (flush, pass, fail, error, begin, end, report, print, section, Assert), Section (print). util: operator, no, object, array, string, apply, copy, deepCopy, repr, keys, values, items, len, has, get, set, getset, cut, put, first, last, update, deepUpdate, complete, deepComplete, remove, range, forEach, forEachApply, map, mapApply, every, some, all, any, reduce, reduceRight, zip, transpose, enumerate, is, eq, ne, lt, gt, le, ge, mul, by, compare, sort, sorted, reverse, reversed, hash, unique, escape, enquote, expand, trim, trimBegin, trimEnd, padBegin, padEnd, splitName, joinName, lower, upper, camel, title. sha, sha256, md5, md4, crc32: hash. utf8, base64, base16: encode, decode. logger: Logger (add, format). args: Parser (parse, option, (, _, name, displayName, getName, getDisplayName, action, set, push, inc, dec, choices, def, validate, input, output, number, oct, hex, integer, natural, whole, bool, todo, inverse, help, halt, hidden), group (option), def, reset, command, arg, args, act, action, helpful, usage, help, printHelp, printUsage, printCommands, printOption, printOptions, error, exit, print, check), UsageError, ConfigurationError. term: Stream (enable, disable, writeCode, print, printError, write, update, moveTo, moveBy, home, clear, clearUp, clearDown, clearLine, clearRight, error (print, write)), colors, stream. mime: bestMatch, parseMimeType, parseMediaRange, fitnessAndQualityParsed, qualityParsed, quality. ref-send, promise, events: when, defer (resolve, reject, promise),. printf: printf, fprintf, sprintf. querystring: unescape, escape, stringify, parseQuery. loader: Loader (resolve, resolvePkg, find, fetch, load, reload, isLoaded, hasChanged, paths, extensions), resolve, resolvePkg. interpreter: Context (eval, importScript, importScripts, Module, Function). zip: unzip, Unzip (iterator, forEach, close), Entry (getName, isDirectory, open, read, copy).

            kandi-support Support

              narwhal has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 175 star(s) with 76 fork(s). There are 14 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 6 months.
              There are 8 open issues and 10 have been closed. On average issues are closed in 414 days. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of narwhal is current.

            kandi-Quality Quality

              narwhal has no bugs reported.

            kandi-Security Security

              narwhal has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.

            kandi-License License

              narwhal does not have a standard license declared.
              Check the repository for any license declaration and review the terms closely.
              Without a license, all rights are reserved, and you cannot use the library in your applications.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              narwhal releases are not available. You will need to build from source code and install.
              Installation instructions, examples and code snippets are available.

            Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA

            kandi's functional review helps you automatically verify the functionalities of the libraries and avoid rework.
            Currently covering the most popular Java, JavaScript and Python libraries. See a Sample of narwhal
            Get all kandi verified functions for this library.

            narwhal Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for narwhal.

            narwhal Examples and Code Snippets

            No Code Snippets are available at this moment for narwhal.

            Community Discussions


            sending html directly from js file node.js
            Asked 2021-May-17 at 18:20

            I want to send html to my email receivers like this:



            Answered 2021-May-17 at 18:20

            You need to specify the full HTML and body tags, likeso:



            Why is tqdm only updating after multiple iterations?
            Asked 2021-Mar-23 at 21:25

            I'm using tqdm twice in my script, and the first time it works fine but the second time it only updates after 14 iterations. It's the same if I remove all other print statements. Any idea what might be going wrong?




            Answered 2021-Mar-23 at 21:25

            tqdm doesn't, by default, show every single update if the updates happen fast; by default it only updates 10 times per second. You can set the miniters parameter to 1 if you must have the output update on every iteration.

            The default is miniters=None, which means it'll dynamically adjust the iteration count based on mininterval, which is set to 0.1 seconds.

            You are also using print(), which replaces the bar output. Don't do that, updates will be overwritten and you get very messy output.

            The tqdm class has a dedicated tqdm.write() method, use that instead:



            I don't understand what is the purpose of .text in spacy code
            Asked 2021-Mar-04 at 23:17

            I have the following code:



            Answered 2021-Mar-04 at 23:17

            Note that doc[0] is a Token, not a string.

            Using .text is returning the string that your Token object holds. The Token can have plenty of other attributes, too.

            When Token objects are printed, the representation is just the text!—see the source code. That's why they look the same when you print first_token and first_token.text.

            Power user stuff; skip if you want: If you want to see why the behavior is different between Token and string objects, try concatenating two Tokens with +, or comparing them for equality. They don't have __eq__ implemented, so the comparison is just based on the Token's address in memory.



            The css effect does not work when scrolling in Microsoft Edge 88.0.705.50?
            Asked 2021-Jan-23 at 19:47

            I don’t know if Microsoft Edge was updated to version 88 today or yesterday. I have a css effect that requires 100vh or 100% and the page cannot be scrolled.

            CSS Parallax

            There is no problem displaying in codepen

            But this effect is difficult to scroll when the current Microsoft Edge version 88 tab is opened, which was possible before. Chrome everything is fine



            Answered 2021-Jan-23 at 19:47

            My chrome doesn't work either (88.0.4324.104). It should work, just add it to .overflow background-attachment: fixed;:



            Bootstrap col-12 on small screens and fixed length on larger screens
            Asked 2020-Oct-20 at 15:03

            I found this sidebar code snippet, how do I change it so that the sidebar stacks on top on small screens and have a fixed width or max width on large screens. I have tried limiting the aside element with max-width but it is not working.



            Answered 2020-Oct-20 at 15:03


            Vanilla Javascript, how to read local JSON file
            Asked 2020-Aug-24 at 17:05

            I am new to javascript and I am trying to read a JSON file using javascript, but I do not know how to access data from the promise result. I have my data in a .json file call Data.json and I am using fetch inside in a promise to load the JSON file and return the result. How can I get the data from the promise result?

            Data in JSON file



            Answered 2020-Aug-24 at 17:04

            fetch() returns a Promise, so you don't need to create one yourself. Promise returned by fetch fulfills with a Response object on which you need to call .json() method to get the actual data. This method also returns a Promise, so you need to chain another then() function.



            Rails server is not working when i try to run localhost:3000 in the browser
            Asked 2020-Aug-14 at 03:56

            I am a beginner into the ROR and I am making a project on ROR. The server is working perfectly but doesn't know it stops working from yesterday.

            When I am starting the server it is starting normally but if I access it in the browser by http://localhost:3000 the server stops working. If I again want to start it with rails s it shows that the port is used by some other process. When I run this again, the server is started but again it is not able to load the index file for me.

            Running the server by rails s command:



            Answered 2020-Jun-03 at 16:12

            The behavior you describe apears to be consistent with an issue described for the ruby-installer for Windows. The proposed solution is to

            Please try using "Command Prompt with Ruby and Rails" instead of Git Bash

            It apears that on Windows, you neded to make sure to use the correct command prompt to correctly load the Ruby environment.

            If this doesn't work, a different solution might be to use the Windows Subsystem for Linux on Windows 10 for your Rails app (which might also be deployed on Linux in the end).



            Removing or Hiding elments after the user change options in Javascript
            Asked 2020-Aug-10 at 07:19

            one of the features I have on my website is that the user can sort the images based on title and number of horns.

            I have made the logic and it works perfectly, but the issue is with the rendering on the DOM.

            IF I click on either sort with title or with horns, all images are being rendered.

            Not sure what is the mistake I have done.

            Below is my code for illustration:

            Please note, I added the local JSON file in the place of the CSS, so just in case if anyone of you wants that.



            Answered 2020-Aug-09 at 07:27

            you are creating the image elements but on selection change you are not removing them, so on selection change not only you need to create new but also remove the previous Images



            Show background-color in transition
            Asked 2020-Feb-23 at 00:43

            I'm trying to show the background-color with a bit of animation but it's appearing suddenly. I want the navbar background-color to appear with some sort of animation.

            JSFiddle DEMO:



            Answered 2020-Feb-22 at 18:47

            The transition rule belongs on the base class, .navbar, not the class you're appending after scroll threshold is reached. Also, separate multiple transition properties using a comma.



            How to tween from last svg animation state without the use of JavaScript?
            Asked 2019-Dec-23 at 22:03

            I'm learning to use SVG and/or css clip-path. I created something like this below:



            Answered 2019-Dec-23 at 21:01

            I know you have clearly mentioned that you don't want javascript in your code.. But if inline-javascript is fine than you can achieve it.

            See the Snippet below:


            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

            Install narwhal

            Put Narwhal on your PATH environment variable. Run narwhal or js (they are equivalent). Look at the options for Narwhal. And for Tusk, the package manager and virtual environment tool.
            download and extract the [zip]( or [tar]( archive, or
            git clone git://
            export PATH=$PATH:~/narwhal/bin, or
            source narwhal/bin/activate
            js narwhal/examples/hello
            js --help
            tusk help


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