unik | Generate approximately sortable IDs | Identity Management library
kandi X-RAY | unik Summary
kandi X-RAY | unik Summary
[Snowflake] 64-bit IDs. Uses a custom epoch start, the .unique option along with an internal counter for generating up to 8191 ids/ms. Input Size Time (milliseconds) 41 bits Counter sequence 13 bits (*8192) Process ID / unique 10 bits (*1024) . Due to javascript’s 53-bit integer limit, the ID is split in two parts, time-counter|pid. .flake can generate a total of 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 values.
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(function () {
'use strict';
.module('your module app name')
.factory('guidservice', guidservice);
guidservice.$inject = ['$rootScope'];
function partenairesservice($rootScope) {
var servi
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void merr_liber()
FILE *fp_merr_liber;
FILE *fp_librat;
struct merr_liber input;
struct librat liber;
char isbn[13];
int zgjedhja;
fp_merr_liber = fopen("librat_e_marre.txt", "ab+");
fp_librat = fopen("librat.txt", "r");
if (fp_merr_liber == NULL)
printf("\nError merr_librat.txt nuk mund te hapet\n\n");
if (fp_librat == NULL)
printf("\nError librat.txt nuk mund te hapet\n\n");
while (!feof(fp_librat))
printf("\nISBN: ");
scanf("%s", isbn);
fscanf(fp_librat, "%s", liber.isbn);
if (unike(isbn, 13) && valide(isbn, 13) && !strcmp(isbn, liber.isbn))
strcpy(input.isbn, isbn);
fprintf(fp_merr_liber, "%s\n", input.isbn);
if (strcmp(isbn, liber.isbn) != 0)
printf("Nuk ekziston nje liber me kete isbn.\n");
printf("Deshironi te vazhdoni ? (1- vazhdo 0- kthehu ne menune kryesore): ");
scanf("%d", &zgjedhja);
if (zgjedhja == 1)
printf("Gabim ne formatin e isbn, isbn ka 13 karaktere, te cilat jane unike.");
Answered 2021-Jun-14 at 18:46You're trying to get a new string as an input in every iteration of the while
loop which is probably not what you want.
One thing you can do is create a different while
loop and use fscanf()
until the end of file is reached and compare each string gotten from the file with the string that you want to find, also don't forget to move the file position pointer to the beginning of the file after the end of file is reached.
I have an issue with deleting notifications that was previously sent when a user liked a post.
First I have a Like button related to a post which is working fine.
My issue is I have a Post model and a Like Model (many to many relation) and I have created signal from notification model where when a user clicks to like on a post a signal is sent and a notification is created, but I am struggling with the logic that if the same user Unlike
the post (clicking the like button for the second time), I want a signal to be sent to delete the created notification from the very same user.
So currently here is what is happening:
- A User clicks the Like button. The value of the Like button is
- Notification sent to the Author of the Post
- The same user clicks the Like button again. The value of the Like button is
- Nothing happens
Required outcome:
- The previously sent notification to the Author that a post was liked to be deleted
What I want is the previously sent notification to be deleted when the post is unliked
Here is my Models.py related to the Post Model:
Answered 2020-Nov-28 at 05:57You can create a function delete_notification
like following.
I have added a notification where every time a user submits a Like button to a post, the owner of the liked post receives a notification.
I have set Value options for each Like button to be Like or Unlike I have restricted the notification to be sent only if the Value of the like clicked is Like only.
So, now in the Like Model I have added signal and a condition that if the Like.value== Like the signal activates but for some reason it is sent twice only when a new post is created and a new user clicks like for the very first time, afterwards if he unike and likes again it is sent once.
My question is:
Why is the signal duplicated everytime a new user clicks the Like button? How to fix it?
Here is the post models.py:
Answered 2020-Nov-24 at 04:26You can try this way:
so as you can see from the title my @JsonPropertyOrder is not ordering how I want... this is my class(see code bellow) and everything is ordered good except the zpp attribute, it goes between "spravce" and "ziskatele". I tried to rename it reorder it and its totally ignored.Thank you for all the answers :)
(JacksonXML ver 2.9.8)
Answered 2020-Sep-11 at 15:18Use the Java field names, instead of the XML element names.
For example, using a simplified version of your ContractDetail
Using this:
myjson is :
Answered 2020-Jul-08 at 16:14
support: {{i.support}}
title: {{ item.title }}
price: {{ item.price }}
description: {{ item.description }}
Hello everyone. i just learn laravel this month, and i get some problem that haven't solved since yesterday.
So i want to make a feature where i input a token and submit it, and the page will redirect to view page. the token will used by the controller to find row of data that match the token and will return the data to view page. i already (seems) succeed made the feature. the value of input is (should be) the token, initialized with {$kodeunik}, but what's confused me is when i input the form with {$id} the feature works, but if i inputted with {$kodeunik}, it didn't works. (shows 404) any solution? what should i do? Thanks
For info: ({$id} is the primary key and {$kodeunik} is the unique key)
this is the Controller.
Answered 2020-Jan-20 at 03:51Note: Eloquent will also assume that each table has a primary key column named id. You may define a primaryKey property to override this convention. Likewise, you may define a connection property to override the name of the database connection that should be used when utilizing the model.
In your case, when you pass id it works because laravel know's that its the default primary key in your table. Now when you pass kodeunik, laravel will still find kodeunik in id field of your table.
So here are some solution how to solve this.
first : change the primary key of your table by putting this code in your model
This is my datas :
Answered 2019-Sep-20 at 09:22It would suggest to get your data tidy in the sense of https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/tidyr/vignettes/tidy-data.html. Then plotting with ggplot is quite simple - otherwise you fight against ggplot thereby creating difficult to maintain code. Something like
On this data frame DTA
Answered 2019-Sep-18 at 13:01You can use the dplyr
there is a mutate_at
function which allows you to manipulate several columns at once.
In this case I use mutate_at(-1, ...)
because I want to manipulate every column except the first (you can also reference columns by name or regular expression).
Got status codes in column H (BE, BK, TR, MO) and Serial numbers in column N. My aim is to find rows with duplicate Serial numbers, and mark them out With "unik" on 1 of them and "duplikate" on similar cells/rows BUT at the same time do this only when status codes in H is either "BK" or "BE".
This is my attempt so far:
Answered 2019-Jun-14 at 08:38Try this to match serial numbers in column N when either "BK" or "BE" is in the same row in column H.
I have this data frame:
Answered 2018-Nov-06 at 14:15In data.table
there is a variable .I
, which is the row number, so you can just subset .I
. Indices
in my output should be the same as rowname
in the output from the code in @kath's comment.
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