maryamyriameliamurphies.js | style morphisms ported to ES2015 JavaScript using Babel | Functional Programming library

 by   sjsyrek JavaScript Version: Current License: Non-SPDX

kandi X-RAY | maryamyriameliamurphies.js Summary

kandi X-RAY | maryamyriameliamurphies.js Summary

maryamyriameliamurphies.js is a JavaScript library typically used in Programming Style, Functional Programming applications. maryamyriameliamurphies.js has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities and it has low support. However maryamyriameliamurphies.js has a Non-SPDX License. You can install using 'npm i maryamyriameliamurphies' or download it from GitHub, npm.

Since the average explanation of functional programming terminology makes about as much sense to the average reader as the average page of Finnegans Wake, I gave this library a whimsical, literary name. Also, I'm an English literature Ph.D. student, and functional code strikes me as poetic (as "composed" in multiple senses) even though the technical explanations are impenetrably obtuse. All you need to know—in fact, all I understand—is that a pure function (or a morphism in general) simply describes how one thing can predictably transform into another. So a functional program, much like Joyce's final work, is an extended description of how things change. These functions are experimental, as Haskell's type system translates only awkwardly to a JavaScript idiom, but I'd be delighted if any of them turn out to be useful. I tried hard to make them as pure as possible, which is why most (but not all) of them accept as arguments and return as values single values, and very few are defined as methods on prototypes. I also followed Haskell code patterns as closely as I could for each implementation (as much as it made sense to do so), resulting in a style that is sometimes extremely straightforward and sometimes bewilderingly terse. There are two Haskell concepts that I use in the code that do not perfectly fit into the JavaScript way of doing things: the type class and the data type. In Haskell, a type class is similar to a protocol or trait in other programming languages. It describes an interface that objects conforming to it must implement. A type class is a way of making fully parameterized types more useful by placing constraints on them. For example, the Eq type class in this library provides functionality for comparing whether the objects that implement it are equal. Objects that provide their own isEq() function will perform this test and return a boolean. Note that Haskell type classes are in no way comparable to "classes" in OOP. A data type, on the other hand, is much closer to an OO class definition, as it does describe a custom type. The Tuple type is an example of a data type, as it represents a container for other, more basic values. As is often the case with objects in classical languages, instances of Haskell data types are created with special constructor functions that initialize them based on the arguments to those functions. A data type does not inherit (in the usual way) from other data types, however. Instead, it describes how constructor functions convert values passed in as arguments to those functions into the values that comprise that particular type. As mentioned above, data types can be constrained (or not) by type classes, so as to provide additional functionality—Eq is an example of this, as is Ord, a type class that allows objects to be compared (greater than, less than, etc.). Tuple implements both of these type classes, as one may rightly want to compare tuples or test them for equality, for example. Since JavaScript is not a strongly typed language by nature, it seemed unnecessary to me (and, for better or worse, antithetical to the JS spirit) to recreate the entirety of Haskell's static type system, though I do provide a limited amount of type checking. Anyone interested in better type safety should probably be using something like PureScript or GHCJS. Instead, I use the new ES2015 class pattern for data types with static methods defined on those classes to provide the functionality of type classes. Since the classes and their constructors are not exposed in the API this library provides, instances of data types must be created using specialized functions provided for this purpose. This keeps the static "type class" methods private and affords some degree of namespace protection for the data types. ES2015 specifies tail call optimization, which will ensure that all the nifty Haskell-esque recursions this library uses won't blow up your call stack (when it's actually implemented).

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              maryamyriameliamurphies.js has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 177 star(s) with 12 fork(s). There are 8 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 6 months.
              There are 1 open issues and 1 have been closed. There are 18 open pull requests and 0 closed requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of maryamyriameliamurphies.js is current.

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              maryamyriameliamurphies.js has 0 bugs and 0 code smells.

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              maryamyriameliamurphies.js has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.
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              There are 0 security hotspots that need review.

            kandi-License License

              maryamyriameliamurphies.js has a Non-SPDX License.
              Non-SPDX licenses can be open source with a non SPDX compliant license, or non open source licenses, and you need to review them closely before use.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              maryamyriameliamurphies.js releases are not available. You will need to build from source code and install.
              Deployable package is available in npm.
              Installation instructions, examples and code snippets are available.

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            Community Discussions


            How do purely functional languages handle index-based algorithms?
            Asked 2022-Apr-05 at 12:51

            I have been trying to learn about functional programming, but I still struggle with thinking like a functional programmer. One such hangup is how one would implement index-heavy operations which rely strongly on loops/order-of-execution.

            For example, consider the following Java code:



            Answered 2022-Mar-07 at 21:17

            This is not an index-heavy operation, in fact you can do this with a one-liner with scanl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]:



            Haskell comparing two lists' lengths but one of them is infinite?
            Asked 2022-Mar-22 at 20:54

            I want to write a function that checks if the first list is longer than the second list and one of them can be infinite. However I can't find a working solution.



            Answered 2022-Mar-22 at 20:54

            Plain old natural numbers will not do the trick, because you can't calculate the natural number length of an infinite list in finite time. However, lazy natural numbers can do it.



            Why is `forever` in Haskell implemented this way?
            Asked 2022-Feb-05 at 20:34

            Haskell provides a convenient function forever that repeats a monadic effect indefinitely. It can be defined as follows:



            Answered 2022-Feb-05 at 20:34

            The execution engine starts off with a pointer to your loop, and lazily expands it as it needs to find out what IO action to execute next. With your definition of forever, here's what a few iterations of the loop like like in terms of "objects stored in memory":



            Memoize multi-dimensional recursive solutions in haskell
            Asked 2022-Jan-13 at 14:28

            I was solving a recursive problem in haskell, although I could get the solution I would like to cache outputs of sub problems since has over lapping sub-problem property.

            The question is, given a grid of dimension n*m, and an integer k, how many ways are there to reach the gird (n, m) from (1, 1) with not more than k change of direction?

            Here is the code without of memoization



            Answered 2021-Dec-16 at 16:23

            In Haskell these kinds of things aren't the most trivial ones, indeed. You would really like to have some in-place mutations going on to save up on memory and time, so I don't see any better way than equipping the frightening ST monad.

            This could be done over various data structures, arrays, vectors, repa tensors. I chose HashTable from hashtables because it is the simplest to use and is performant enough to make sense in my example.

            First of all, introduction:



            Why is my Haskell function argument required to be of type Bool?
            Asked 2021-Nov-30 at 09:42

            I have a function in Haskell that is defined as follows:



            Answered 2021-Nov-30 at 09:42

            Haskell values have types. Each value has a type. One type. It can't be two different types at the same time.

            Thus, since x is returned as the result of if's consequent, the type of the whole if ... then ... else ... expression is the same as x's type.

            An if expression has a type. Thus both its consequent and alternative expression must have that same type, since either of them can be returned, depending on the value of the test. Thus both must have the same type.

            Since x is also used in the test, it must be Bool. Then so must be y.



            Vector of functions in APL
            Asked 2021-Nov-30 at 09:31

            What is the syntax for a vector (array) of functions in APL?

            I have tried the following but these are interpreted as a 3-train and a 2-train, respectively:



            Answered 2021-Nov-28 at 23:26

            Dyalog APL does not officially support function arrays, you can awkwardly emulate them by creating an array of namespaces with identically named functions.



            What's the theoretical loophole that allows F# (or any functional language) to apply a function mulitple times on the same input
            Asked 2021-Nov-17 at 06:29

            In F# if I write



            Answered 2021-Nov-17 at 01:24

            To expand on the answer given in the comments, the first p is an immutable value, while the second p is a function. If you refer to an immutable value multiple times, then (obviously) its value doesn't change over time. But if you invoke a function multiple times, it executes each time, even if the arguments are the same each time.

            Note that this is true even for pure functional languages, such as Haskell. If you want to avoid this execution cost, there's a specific technique called memoization that can be used to return cached results when the same inputs occur again. However, memoization has its own costs, and I'm not aware of any mainstream functional language that automatically memoizes all function calls.



            Is Control.Monad.Reader.withReader actually Data.Functor.Contravariant.contramap?
            Asked 2021-Nov-03 at 06:39

            I'm working trough the book Haskell in depth and I noticed following code example:



            Answered 2021-Nov-03 at 06:39

            Reader's type parameters aren't in the right order for that to be contramap for it. A Contravariant functor always needs to be contravariant in its last type parameter, but Reader is contravariant in its first type parameter. But you can do this:



            Confused about evaluation of lazy sequences
            Asked 2021-Oct-20 at 15:49

            I am experimenting with clojure's lazy sequences. In order to see when the evaluation of an item would occur, I created a function called square that prints the result before returning it. I then apply this function to a vector using map.



            Answered 2021-Oct-20 at 15:49

            Laziness isn't all-or-nothing, but some implementations of seq operate on 'chunks' of the input sequence (see here for an explanation). This is the case for vector which you can test for with chunked-seq?:



            What is the relation between syntax sugar, laziness and list elements accessed by index in Haskell?
            Asked 2021-Aug-30 at 04:46

            Haskell lists are constructed by a sequence of calls to cons, after desugaring syntax:



            Answered 2021-Aug-30 at 04:46

            Lists in Haskell are special in syntax, but not fundamentally.

            Fundamentally, Haskell list is defined like this:


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            Copy and paste the code. Go nuts.
            git clone this repo and then execute npm install && npm run compile to compile the code.
            Install with npm npm install --save-dev maryamyriameliamurphies.


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