sequent | Built with React Native | State Container library

 by   sobstel JavaScript Version: Current License: ISC

kandi X-RAY | sequent Summary

kandi X-RAY | sequent Summary

sequent is a JavaScript library typically used in User Interface, State Container, React Native applications. sequent has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has a Permissive License and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

Short-term memory training game. Remember the sequential order of numbers displaying on your screen. Free, no ads, open source. Created in React Native as a learning experiment.

            kandi-support Support

              sequent has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 74 star(s) with 24 fork(s). There are 4 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 6 months.
              sequent has no issues reported. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of sequent is current.

            kandi-Quality Quality

              sequent has 0 bugs and 0 code smells.

            kandi-Security Security

              sequent has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.
              sequent code analysis shows 0 unresolved vulnerabilities.
              There are 0 security hotspots that need review.

            kandi-License License

              sequent is licensed under the ISC License. This license is Permissive.
              Permissive licenses have the least restrictions, and you can use them in most projects.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              sequent releases are not available. You will need to build from source code and install.

            Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA

            kandi's functional review helps you automatically verify the functionalities of the libraries and avoid rework.
            Currently covering the most popular Java, JavaScript and Python libraries. See a Sample of sequent
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            sequent Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for sequent.

            sequent Examples and Code Snippets

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            Community Discussions


            Should I disable lambda retry when using SQS and DLQ?
            Asked 2021-Apr-15 at 03:46

            I deployed a lambda, SQS standard queue and Dead letter queue on AWS. And I configured maxReceiveCount in the queue to retry before putting events to DLQ. Lambda pulls events from SQS queue in batch and process each event sequently. My question is about how retry works in case of error. There are two retries, one is on lambda maximumRetryAttempts, the other is on SQS and DLQ. Should I disable the lambda one?

            In function, when it processes one event it calls deleteMessage on sqs to delete it. If there is any event that throws exception, the function throws it to lambda to make the retry happen so that it won't retry the success events.

            But lambda itself has a maximumRetryAttempts and should I set it to 0? otherwise, will it retry before return to SQS? If I don't disable it, will the retry to process the whole batch of events including the success one?



            Answered 2021-Apr-15 at 03:39

            Not sure which maximumRetryAttempts on lambda you are referring to. But When you use SQS with Lambda through event source mapping, as its done by default, there is no any retry parameter on lambda.

            The only retry that applies is set at SQS, not lambda.

            The retry option for lambda I can think of, and maybe you are thinning off as well, is for asynchronous invocation. This does not apply for SQS, as your lambda is invoked synchronously with SQS:

            Lambda polls the queue and invokes your Lambda function synchronously with an event that contains queue messages.



            Combine multiple row into single row if index are sequentially
            Asked 2021-Apr-11 at 08:55

            It,s look like i want to convert multiple row to single row in animal column. But, it only conditional if they met sequential number and lowercase alphabet. after that, it restart an index to become sequent

            So, i have a dataframe like :



            Answered 2021-Apr-11 at 08:39

            We can identify the sequential blocks by first creating a boolean mask using str.contains then taking cumulative sum on the mask. then group the column Animal on these sequential blocks and aggregate using join



            Best practise for creating database objects from .csv file
            Asked 2021-Mar-24 at 04:08

            My situation is: having .csv file with some columns e.g. name, surname, age, activity, and others I want to create objects in my relational database with row from this file being single object. Column names correspond to model fields and with others being multiple columns defined by user who creates .csv (those others land in model's filed comment separated with commas). Having relational db, base on model_1's object I create model_2 and model_3, all with the info from this .csv file.

            My project is based on django rest framework and react.

            Up till now my solution for this was to analize .csv file on with react using FileReader and readAsArrayBuffer which did it's job most of the time.

            With react I not only have to analyze the file, but for every row make at least 3 x POSTing with axios. Sequentional posting is not ideal all the time.

            My question is: > should files be analyzed on front- or back-end side ?

            Heaving it done on the backend side with python seems a lot easier, but there might be a better solution of which I can't think of.

            EDIT: The database I use is postgresql.

            Csv file size could go up to a 6000 rows. With this many rows I could just completely ram up on posts from react. Also making a single post with file to handle the work to django could also result in a overtime for response from server.


            Example .csv file, might be a 6k rows long or more.



            Answered 2021-Mar-24 at 04:08

            I would use pandas, as it's easiest to deal with CSV files quickly



            'Undefined constant: "eq" simpdata.ML' while trying to load Imperative_Quicksort theory in scala-isabelle of Isabelle/HOL
            Asked 2021-Mar-05 at 23:46

            I am trying to use for loading and parsing - Imperative_Quicksort.thy. I am using scala-isabelle code from IntelliJ (path to source is C:\Workspace-IntelliJ\scala-isabelle):



            Answered 2021-Mar-05 at 23:46

            It appeared that 2 theory files (pair.thy and FOL.thy - that I have copied to my IntelliJ workspace) used their respective simpdata.ML includes from their respective directories. So - I have copied simpdata.ML for pair.thy as simpdata_pair.ML and modified include command in pair.thy as:



            Why does karate configure headers behave differently to setting headers directly in the background?
            Asked 2021-Feb-18 at 15:30

            I wrote a test that calls an api endpoint once and retrieves an etag in the response. After that I do a second call and I am setting the etag value to the if-none-match header. The test looks like the following:



            Answered 2021-Feb-18 at 15:30

            Yes, the rule is configure is to "persist" for multiple HTTP calls. So just make this change in the Background:



            Plotting a interactive plot using dropdown and matplotlib
            Asked 2021-Jan-19 at 22:35

            Consider the excel file as given:

            I want to plot an interactive line plot using the Normalize_Nifty Values for a particular date based on a particular symbol. For this I am using the ipywidgets. I have successfully created a dropdown containing a list of Symbol. Here is the code for the same:



            Answered 2021-Jan-05 at 03:59

            While I was not able to accomplish my task using matplotlib I came across a tutorial for plotly and dash while searching for the answer. There is one such wonderful tutorial here:

            Plotly Line Graph Tutorial



            build two Sequential lstm networks
            Asked 2020-Dec-15 at 18:45

            I have the following model, I want to build the same sequentional network and finally concate the outputs of the two network. Here is my model:



            Answered 2020-Dec-15 at 18:45

            it is better to use the Functionnal API to handle multiple inputs :



            create dataframe for each value in a list
            Asked 2020-Dec-10 at 12:30

            I am writing a code for downloading the historical data for multiple stocks. The code is as given:



            Answered 2020-Dec-10 at 12:30

            You would better create a dictionary with stocks as keys. See below:



            Does Apache Ignite supports PartitionAwareness in scaling cluster?
            Asked 2020-Nov-27 at 18:15

            I am testing Apache Ignite cluster using .NET thin client. I've launched 3 ignite instances on local machine using dotnet launcher ("platforms\dotnet\bin\Apache.Ignite.exe"). The instances found each other and took 10800, 10801, 10802 ports automatically. In my test application I create 100 caches with 1000 records in each cache and then try to get elements from caches sequentally. The problem is that client makes requests to different nodes only if I specify 3 adresses manually "".



            Answered 2020-Jul-10 at 14:15

            Right now it's required to list all addresses for your connection string.

            There is an upcoming Thin client discovery feature, that will track the topology changes and save the snapshot on a client-side. Implementation details:

            According to the ticket, the target release is 2.9. I think, the target date is somewhere in September.



            How to sort a map-of-maps (hierarchy) with D3.js
            Asked 2020-Oct-20 at 03:00

            I am learning how to handle data through D3.js and D3's hierarchy at the moment but can't get my head around sorting a map of maps structure.

            Given the following dataset



            Answered 2020-Oct-20 at 03:00

            Since d3.sort :

            sorts the children of this node, if any, and each of this node’s descendants’ children

            In order to sort each level independently, one has to compare and sort nodes on equal levels like the following example:


            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


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