readOthersTopics | forum permission for allowing the user to view topics | Collaboration library

 by   brunoais PHP Version: v.1.0.5 License: GPL-2.0

kandi X-RAY | readOthersTopics Summary

kandi X-RAY | readOthersTopics Summary

readOthersTopics is a PHP library typically used in Web Site, Collaboration, Vue applications. readOthersTopics has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has a Strong Copyleft License and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

An extension for phpBB that adds a forum permission for allowing the user to view topics not started by him

            kandi-support Support

              readOthersTopics has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 6 star(s) with 7 fork(s). There are 10 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 12 months.
              There are 1 open issues and 13 have been closed. On average issues are closed in 253 days. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of readOthersTopics is v.1.0.5

            kandi-Quality Quality

              readOthersTopics has no bugs reported.

            kandi-Security Security

              readOthersTopics has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.

            kandi-License License

              readOthersTopics is licensed under the GPL-2.0 License. This license is Strong Copyleft.
              Strong Copyleft licenses enforce sharing, and you can use them when creating open source projects.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              readOthersTopics releases are available to install and integrate.

            Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA

            kandi has reviewed readOthersTopics and discovered the below as its top functions. This is intended to give you an instant insight into readOthersTopics implemented functionality, and help decide if they suit your requirements.
            • Evaluate the user s permission .
            • Applies a permission to a list of groups .
            • Applies a permission to a list of users with their permissions
            • Applies a permission to all roles of the current roles .
            • Return an array of all the permissions
            • Checks whether the user can read the topic
            • Get the forum ID from a topic .
            • Get the forum ID from a post .
            • Get the poster and type from the topic_id
            Get all kandi verified functions for this library.

            readOthersTopics Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for readOthersTopics.

            readOthersTopics Examples and Code Snippets

            No Code Snippets are available at this moment for readOthersTopics.

            Community Discussions


            Back to Collaborate from Plastic SCM
            Asked 2022-Mar-10 at 08:58

            I want to turn off the Plastic SCM and start using Collaborate as it was before. We are get used to it and we don't need Plastic SCM. I turned off Plactic SCM in its preferences, turned on Collaborate and I get this error



            Answered 2022-Mar-10 at 08:58

            Collaborate is going to be deprecated very soon and I'm afraid once an organization is migrated to Plastic SCM, you cannot go back.



            Github allow all visitors to change one specific sub-directory
            Asked 2022-Feb-25 at 02:05

            I have a Github repository where I want to put ideas from Redditors into one big file. I want to be the only one who can edit the master file, but I do want the Redditors to create there own files and edit them inside of a subdirectory of the Github repository. How can I do this?



            Answered 2022-Feb-25 at 02:05

            You're going to need to have to accept pull requests from users' independent forks in order to do this. GitHub doesn't offer a way to let arbitrary people modify any part of your repository, since that is usually not what people want, and in any event, it would be prone to serious abuse and spam problems. GitHub also doesn't offer restrictions on only a part of a repository, because as a practical matter Git doesn't support that and it couldn't be effectively enforced.

            Accepting pull requests to files in that directory will allow people to contribute without letting them make arbitrary changes to the repository. You can, if you like, set up CI to allow people to only add files instead of modifying files or other similar kinds of policies.

            You can of course set up a wiki if you want and use that, and then you can take the ideas out of there and put them into the repository as you'd like them to be.



            Is there a package in R that mimics KEDRO as a modular collaborative framework for development?
            Asked 2021-Dec-15 at 15:15

            I currently work with Kedro (from quantum black as a framework for deployment oriented framework to code collaboratively. It is a great framework to develop machine learning in a team.

            I am looking for an R equivalent.

            My main issue is that I have teams of data scientists that develop in R, but each team is developing in different formats.

            I wanted to make them follow a common framework to develop deployment ready R code, easy to work on in 2 or 3-people teams.

            Any suggestions are welcome



            Answered 2021-Dec-15 at 15:10

            Not on a very prominent scale as kedro but i can think of the below :

            1. Local project of a R Expert :
            2. Pipeliner on Tidyverse :



            Is there an alternative for GIT or a fast workflow for small teams?
            Asked 2021-Aug-14 at 06:18

            We are a small team (2 Developers, 1 Graphist) working on android studio projects and we are using GitLab. The Thing is we found that classic approach of adding feature by Branching & then Merge request not ideal for our circumstance. We tend to make changes on a daily basis and do it fast.

            My colleague told me about a workflow which he had used in past, it's something like : you lock the part of code you want to work on, then no one can change it even if they don't know you have locked it and by the time they try to add/edit/delete something that is locked, they can't, and when you are finished, you can unlock it and now others can make changes.

            My question is :
            1. Is there any other option rather than git, which you have a kind of source controller and there is no ( / rarely) need to prune on daily basis?
            2. If git is the only way, Is there a fast workflow aside from Branch --> Add new feature --> merge?


            Answered 2021-Aug-14 at 06:18

            You can always directly push to your main branch (usually "master"), then there is no need to create branches. However, I strongly recommend to let the rest of the team review your changes before pushing them to "master". This means that you need to create branches and merge requests. It might seem inconvenient at first but maybe you just need the right workflow.

            Instead of checking out short-lived branches all the time you can always stay on the same local Git branch, committing early and often, but only push "good" commits.

            Let's say your local branch contains 10 commits.

            • 6 commits are ready for review / merge
            • the remaining 4 commits are WIP, you'd like to amend them before pushing them.

            Then you can use git rebase -i (or the faster alternative git revise -i) to reorder your branch so the "good" commits come first. Then you can use this command to push them to a new branch on GitLab, which allows you to create a merge request:



            Does anyone know how to easily collaborate in real time in Tableau?
            Asked 2021-May-07 at 01:33

            I'm working on a data viz project with a team of four. We're using the same merged data sets and regularly make modifications to them (e.g. delete invalid data, make data names consistent, and otherwise clean the data). Does anyone know a good way we effectively can work together remotely using the same data source?

            If the answer isn't Tableau, that's fine too. We're using it now, but are open to other tools.

            Thank you for your help!



            Answered 2021-May-03 at 19:53

            One way could be , Install Tableau Desktop on RDP/Remote Desktop and instead of making changes on local computer do the changes on it. In this way every one can login and see what have been implemented and deleted so far.



            Remote Pair Programming for IntelliJ
            Asked 2020-Nov-17 at 09:57

            Is there a free way to use IntelliJ when pair-programming?

            My question is similar to this question which is 10 years old with Remote Pair Programming in IntelliJ but I was hoping for a more updated answer since many links like screenhero on that question are now broken. I use special libraries that only exist in IntelliJ so using VSC Liveshare is out of the question and I have no where else to ask so please do not close this question for reputation points from closing a question, many people have this question and with COVID + transition to work online this is more important than ever.

            SO has a perfect audience to see questions and answers like this one. Questions on the SO are not only about code itself but also SO should be a place for: "a specific programming problem" or "software tools commonly used by programmers" or "a practical, answerable problem that is unique to software development" In other words, I strongly disagree with closing questions like this, especially that these tools evolve. – Sławomir Lenart



            Answered 2020-Nov-13 at 14:46


            R package for post js load webscraping without relying on an external headless browser
            Asked 2020-Jul-20 at 18:06

            I need to scrape content and sniff network activity from an asynchronous web page using R. The problem is that in my team we work both on Mac and Windows machines on a project directory shared via github.

            This creates quite some problem in using external headless browsers via RSelenium (mac/windows path differences, different locations of executables, dynamic number of collaborators).

            So an ideal solution would be to use some simple headless browser written directly in R and installed as a package, so that we don't have to take care of OS support, location, etc...

            Does such a package exist?



            Answered 2020-Jul-20 at 18:06

            Looks like there are now solutions to do this through packages like or without installing any headless browser since recently Chrome exposes an API for interacting with it.



            Live collaboration with another person on the same .py file?
            Asked 2020-Apr-24 at 12:19

            I am trying to work on the same .py file as my friend. I am looking for the Google Docs of coding (being able to see each other's changes live). How can I do it? Is there a plugin for PyCharm or Sublime Text 3 (preferably Sublime)? Thanks



            Answered 2020-Apr-24 at 12:19


            Basic Question About Collaboration and Tools for iOS App Development
            Asked 2020-Apr-14 at 17:57

            Hi I am trying to make an app on iOS with a few of my friends. None of us have any experience developing for iOS. I have three logistical questions:

            1. What are common tools used to collaborate on iOS development? (i.e. how can we work together even though we are all remote at the moment)
            2. What is a common way development teams break up app development?
            3. Is it necessary for all team members to have macs or is there a workaround?


            Answered 2020-Apr-14 at 17:57
            1. Github is the most popular versioning tool and quite handy to collaborate with so I would go for that. But you can pick whichever you want.
            2. You can use whatever methodology you want, Agile is good & popular so if you expand your team later on that's a good pick.
            3. Team members that do not use Xcode (designers for example) do not specially need macs. Otherwise, team developers do need macs since XCode runs only on OS X.



            How to elegantly collaborate in Apps Script?
            Asked 2020-Feb-26 at 20:01

            So I'm on a team of 2-3 developers who will be primarily working with Apps Script connected to Google Sheets.

            I've looked into various tools/workflows but there seems to be no elegant way for two people to work on the same Apps Script file at the same time:

            • If two people are both editing the same file on the online editor and save their changes, only one set of changes is carried over with the other being overwritten. This makes sense but I was hoping for a Google docs-like experience when multiple editors were working on the same file.
            • Developing locally and version controlling with git is also not a great option as to iteratively make changes and test those changes requires it to be on the cloud (because of our Google Sheets dependency). You can not make changes locally and test to see the effect of those changes without doing a clasp push call each time and then running the code in the native Apps Script GUI on the cloud.
            • I've read the Apps Script documentation pretty thoroughly (deployments, versionsing, collaboration, etc.) but nothing stands out as a elegant solution to this problem (seems to summarize "Use a shared Google Drive" and "Use git"...).

            I'd be curious as to whether anyone has had experience working on a team environment with App Script and what workflows ended up being used. How do teams have 2+ people work on the same file while also allowing rapid iteration without the friction of needing to call clasp pull/push every iteration? Or is this unavoidable?



            Answered 2020-Feb-26 at 20:01

            Long story short, you can't. There are many challenges and security issues. For example, if the script is tied to a trigger owned by an individual and uses certain copes like Gmail/Drive, you do not want to give others edit access to the script cause that will inadvertently give them access to the individuals other Google data (like Gmail/Drive).

            The current version of the online editor does not support collaboration like you're describing. There is a new version of the IDE coming but who knows when that will happen and if it'll address this functionality.

            You could use clasp run to run the code locally but that may not work elegantly with all use-cases. Plus, it still requires you to do clasp push first.

            You can have multiple folks edit/collaborate but not at the same time. :/ Not that I have seen. It's a huge struggle for me.


            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

            Install readOthersTopics

            You can download it from GitHub.
            PHP requires the Visual C runtime (CRT). The Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2019 is suitable for all these PHP versions, see You MUST download the x86 CRT for PHP x86 builds and the x64 CRT for PHP x64 builds. The CRT installer supports the /quiet and /norestart command-line switches, so you can also script it.


            For any new features, suggestions and bugs create an issue on GitHub. If you have any questions check and ask questions on community page Stack Overflow .
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