hookable | Laravel Eloquent hooks system | Database library

 by   jarektkaczyk PHP Version: v7.0.1 License: No License

kandi X-RAY | hookable Summary

kandi X-RAY | hookable Summary

hookable is a PHP library typically used in Database, Laravel applications. hookable has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

Hooks system for the Eloquent ORM (Laravel 5.2).

            kandi-support Support

              hookable has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 58 star(s) with 42 fork(s). There are 2 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 12 months.
              There are 3 open issues and 6 have been closed. On average issues are closed in 91 days. There are 4 open pull requests and 0 closed requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of hookable is v7.0.1

            kandi-Quality Quality

              hookable has no bugs reported.

            kandi-Security Security

              hookable has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.

            kandi-License License

              hookable does not have a standard license declared.
              Check the repository for any license declaration and review the terms closely.
              Without a license, all rights are reserved, and you cannot use the library in your applications.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              hookable releases are available to install and integrate.
              Installation instructions, examples and code snippets are available.

            Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA

            kandi's functional review helps you automatically verify the functionalities of the libraries and avoid rework.
            Currently covering the most popular Java, JavaScript and Python libraries. See a Sample of hookable
            Get all kandi verified functions for this library.

            hookable Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for hookable.

            hookable Examples and Code Snippets

            PHPdot img1Lines of Code : 17dot img1no licencesLicense : No License
            copy iconCopy
            function (Closure $next, mixed $payload, Sofa\Hookable\Contracts\ArgumentBag $args)
            // example hook on getAttribute method:
            function ($next, $value, $args)
                if (/* your condition */) {
                    // return early
                    return 'some value'; // or   
            PHPdot img2Lines of Code : 1dot img2no licencesLicense : No License
            copy iconCopy
            composer require sofa/hookable:~5.2

            Community Discussions


            How to create a requirements.txt file in Django project?
            Asked 2021-Mar-18 at 01:12

            I have been trying to create a requirements.txt file from the Pycharm terminal but it is adding all unnecessary packages as well. What should I do to show only used packages? Thanks, requirements.txt:

            aiohttp==3.7.3 aioredis==1.3.1 alabaster==0.7.12 anaconda-client==1.7.2 anaconda-navigator==1.9.12 anaconda-project==0.8.3 appdirs==1.4.4 appnope==0.1.0 argh==0.26.2 asgiref==3.3.1 asn1crypto==1.3.0 astroid==2.4.2 astropy==4.0.1.post1 async-timeout==3.0.1 atomicwrites==1.4.0 attrs==19.1.0 autobahn==21.2.1 Automat==20.2.0 autopep8 @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/autopep8_1592412889138/work Babel==2.8.0 backcall==0.1.0 backports.functools-lru-cache==1.6.1 backports.shutil-get-terminal-size==1.0.0 backports.tempfile==1.0 backports.weakref==1.0.post1 bcrypt==3.1.7 beautifulsoup4==4.9.1 bitarray @ file:///C:/ci/bitarray_1594751092677/work bkcharts==0.2 bleach==3.1.0 bokeh @ file:///C:/ci/bokeh_1593183652752/work boto==2.49.0 Bottleneck==1.3.2 brotlipy==0.7.0 bs4==0.0.1 certifi==2020.6.20 cffi==1.13.1 channels==3.0.3 channels-redis==3.2.0 chardet==3.0.4 cheroot==8.5.2 Click==7.0 cloudpickle @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/cloudpickle_1594141588948/work clyent==1.2.2 colorama==0.4.4 comtypes==1.1.7 conda==4.8.3 conda-build==3.18.11 conda-package-handling==1.7.0 conda-verify==3.4.2 constantly==15.1.0 contextlib2==0.6.0.post1 cryptography==3.4.6 cycler==0.10.0 Cython @ file:///C:/ci/cython_1594830140812/work cytoolz==0.10.1 daphne==3.0.1 dask @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/dask-core_1594156306305/work decorator==4.4.0 defusedxml==0.6.0 diff-match-patch @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/diff-match-patch_1594828741838/work distlib==0.3.1 distributed @ file:///C:/ci/distributed_1594747837674/work dj-database-url==0.5.0 dj-rest-auth==2.1.3 Django==3.1.5 django-admin-honeypot==1.1.0 django-allauth==0.44.0 django-bootstrap4==0.0.5 django-channels==0.7.0 django-crispy-forms==1.11.0 django-defender==0.8.0 django-heroku==0.3.1 django-honeypot==0.9.0 django-tastypie==0.14.3 djangorestframework==3.12.2 dnspython==1.15.0 docutils==0.16 entrypoints==0.3 et-xmlfile==1.0.1 Faker==0.8.13 fastcache==1.1.0 filelock==3.0.12 flake8==3.7.8 Flask==0.12.4 Flask-Bcrypt==0.7.1 Flask-Cors==3.0.3 Flask-JWT-Extended==3.7.0 Flask-Login==0.4.0 fsspec==0.7.4 future==0.18.2 gevent @ file:///C:/ci/gevent_1593010772244/work glob2==0.7 gmpy2==2.0.8 greenlet==0.4.16 gunicorn==20.0.4 h5py==2.10.0 HeapDict==1.0.1 hiredis==1.1.0 html5lib @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/html5lib_1593446221756/work hyperlink==21.0.0 idna @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/idna_1593446292537/work imageio @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/imageio_1594161405741/work imagesize==1.2.0 importlib-metadata==0.23 incremental==17.5.0 intervaltree @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/intervaltree_1594361675072/work ipykernel==5.1.3 ipython==7.8.0 ipython-genutils==0.2.0 ipywidgets==7.5.1 isort==5.7.0 itsdangerous==1.1.0 jaraco.functools==3.1.0 jdcal==1.4.1 jedi==0.15.1 Jinja2==2.10.3 joblib @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/joblib_1594236160679/work json5==0.9.5 jsonschema==3.1.1 jupyter==1.0.0 jupyter-client==5.3.1 jupyter-console==6.0.0 jupyter-core==4.4.0 jupyterlab==2.1.5 jupyterlab-server @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/jupyterlab_server_1594164409481/work keyring @ file:///C:/ci/keyring_1593109210108/work kiwisolver==1.2.0 lazy-object-proxy==1.4.3 libarchive-c==2.9 llvmlite==0.32.1 locket==0.2.0 lxml @ file:///C:/ci/lxml_1594826940903/work MarkupSafe==1.1.1 matplotlib @ file:///C:/ci/matplotlib-base_1592844891112/work mccabe==0.6.1 menuinst==1.4.16 mistune==0.8.4 mkl-fft==1.1.0 mkl-random==1.1.1 mkl-service==2.3.0 mock==4.0.2 more-itertools==7.2.0 mpmath==1.1.0 msgpack==1.0.0 multidict==5.0.2 multipledispatch==0.6.0 navigator-updater==0.2.1 nbconvert==5.6.0 nbformat==4.4.0 networkx @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/networkx_1594377231366/work nltk @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/nltk_1592496090529/work node==0.9.25 nose==1.3.7 notebook==6.0.1 numba==0.49.1 numexpr==2.7.1 numpy==1.18.5 numpydoc @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/numpydoc_1594166760263/work oauthlib==3.1.0 odict==1.7.0 olefile==0.46 openpyxl @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/openpyxl_1594167385094/work packaging==20.4 pandas @ file:///C:/ci/pandas_1592841744841/work pandocfilters==1.4.2 paramiko==2.7.1 parso==0.5.1 partd==1.1.0 path==13.1.0 pathlib2==2.3.5 pathtools==0.1.2 patsy==0.5.1 pep8==1.7.1 pexpect==4.7.0 pickleshare==0.7.5 Pillow @ file:///C:/ci/pillow_1594304973959/work pipenv==2020.11.15 pkginfo== pluggy==0.6.0 plumber==1.6 ply==3.11 prometheus-client==0.7.1 prompt-toolkit==2.0.10 psutil==5.7.0 psycopg2==2.8.6 ptyprocess==0.6.0 py==1.8.0 pyasn1==0.4.8 pyasn1-modules==0.2.8 pycodestyle==2.5.0 pycosat==0.6.3 pycparser==2.19 pycurl== pydocstyle @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/pydocstyle_1592848020240/work pyflakes==2.1.1 pygame==2.0.1 Pygments==2.4.2 PyHamcrest==2.0.2 PyJWT==1.7.1 pylint==2.6.0 pymongo==3.7.2 PyNaCl @ file:///C:/ci/pynacl_1595009196976/work pyodbc===4.0.0-unsupported pyOpenSSL @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/pyopenssl_1594392929924/work pyparsing==2.4.7 PyQt5==5.15.2 PyQt5-sip==12.8.1 pyreadline==2.1 pyrsistent==0.15.4 PySocks==1.7.1 pytest==3.3.0 pytest-flask==0.11.0 python-dateutil==2.8.0 python-decouple==3.4 python-jsonrpc-server @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/python-jsonrpc-server_1594397536060/work python-language-server @ file:///C:/ci/python-language-server_1594154480810/work python-mimeparse==1.6.0 python3-openid==3.2.0 pytz==2020.1 PyWavelets==1.1.1 pywin32==227 pywin32-ctypes==0.2.0 pywinpty==0.5.7 PyYAML==5.3.1 pyzmq @ file:///C:/Users/Rashidov/Desktop/mflix-python/pyzmq-22.0.3-cp38-cp38-win32.whl QDarkStyle==2.8.1 QtAwesome==0.7.2 qtconsole==4.5.5 QtPy==1.9.0 redis==3.5.3 regex @ file:///C:/ci/regex_1593435678736/work requests @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/requests_1592841827918/work requests-oauthlib==1.3.0 rope==0.17.0 Rtree==0.9.4 ruamel-yaml==0.15.87 scikit-image==0.16.2 scikit-learn @ file:///C:/ci/scikit-learn_1592863447244/work scipy @ file:///C:/ci/scipy_1592916961137/work seaborn==0.10.1 selenium==3.141.0 Send2Trash==1.5.0 service-identity==18.1.0 simplegeneric==0.8.1 simplejson==3.17.2 singledispatch== sip==4.19.13 six==1.12.0 snowballstemmer==2.0.0 sortedcollections==1.2.1 sortedcontainers==2.2.2 soupsieve==2.0.1 Sphinx @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/sphinx_1594223420021/work sphinxcontrib-applehelp==1.0.2 sphinxcontrib-devhelp==1.0.2 sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp==1.0.3 sphinxcontrib-jsmath==1.0.1 sphinxcontrib-qthelp==1.0.3 sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml==1.1.4 sphinxcontrib-websupport @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/sphinxcontrib-websupport_1593446360927/work spyder @ file:///C:/ci/spyder_1594820234642/work spyder-kernels @ file:///C:/ci/spyder-kernels_1594744028846/work SQLAlchemy @ file:///C:/ci/sqlalchemy_1593446777599/work sqlparse==0.4.1 statsmodels==0.11.1 sympy @ file:///C:/ci/sympy_1594234724630/work tables==3.6.1 tblib==1.6.0 telepot==12.7 terminado==0.8.3 testpath==0.4.2 text-unidecode==1.2 textblob==0.15.3 threadpoolctl @ file:///tmp/tmp9twdgx9k/threadpoolctl-2.1.0-py3-none-any.whl toml==0.10.2 toolz==0.10.0 tornado==6.0.3 tqdm @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/tqdm_1593446365756/work traitlets==4.3.3 Twisted @ file:///C:/Users/Rashidov/Desktop/chat_app/Twisted-20.3.0-cp38-cp38-win32.whl txaio==21.2.1 typing-extensions @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/typing_extensions_1592847887441/work ujson==1.35 unicodecsv==0.14.1 urllib3==1.25.9 virtualenv==20.3.0 virtualenv-clone==0.5.4 watchdog @ file:///C:/ci/watchdog_1593447396356/work wcwidth==0.1.7 web.py==0.62 webencodings==0.5.1 Werkzeug==0.16.0 whitenoise==5.2.0 widgetsnbextension==3.5.1 win-inet-pton==1.1.0 win-unicode-console==0.5 wincertstore==0.2 wrapt==1.12.1 xlrd==1.2.0 XlsxWriter==1.2.9 xlwings==0.19.5 xlwt==1.3.0 xmltodict==0.12.0 yapf @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/yapf_1593528177422/work yarl==1.6.3 zict==2.0.0 zipp==0.6.0 zope.component==4.6.2 zope.deferredimport==4.3.1 zope.deprecation==4.4.0 zope.event==4.4 zope.hookable==5.0.1 zope.interface==4.7.1 zope.lifecycleevent==4.3 zope.proxy==4.3.5



            Answered 2021-Mar-17 at 23:14

            Check out this Snakefood

            Especially the command sfood-imports which finds and lists import statements in python project

            So it is not depended on your env but rather on the code that you wrote

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66681708


            How to filter game objects based on a component's attribute?
            Asked 2019-Dec-23 at 16:03

            I currently have a player "sense ability" that would detect nearby enemies through Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll()

            Enemies have a component that carries general properties about them:



            Answered 2019-Dec-23 at 16:03

            You can use C# generics and Linq to make your life easier...

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59457321


            How to construct manual custom fields out of a foreach array loop?
            Asked 2018-Apr-12 at 03:52

            I have two custom fields which I hooked into the Ultimate Member - User Profile & Membership Plugin for Wordpress..



            Answered 2018-Apr-12 at 00:35

            So they way your code is now you'd need to fill it with IFs and ELSEs to cater for each value in the $custom_fields array which is looped. As you need to set numerous variables based on which thing you have, such as if is username then do this else if is license_key do this.

            This is a bad design and the answer to your question using that code would be a lot of changes.

            So instead I suggest a slight refactor.

            Adding another dimension to the $custom_fields array, so each initial key are your main items (license_key, username etc) then each value for those keys is a sub array containing all the values you need for each item.

            For example:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49785332


            for loop, element binding
            Asked 2017-Oct-05 at 18:47

            i have a question about a foor loop. Why is my output every time "C" ?



            Answered 2017-Oct-05 at 18:47

            You just need to make sure to declare your variables. "method" and "original" were never declared. See the working example below:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46592655


            Installed module on python cannot be detected by my project
            Asked 2017-May-11 at 22:29

            I've installed PyPDF2.



            Answered 2017-May-11 at 06:58

            I assume you created virtualenv as root . SO my suggestion is do this way:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43908294


            Is the PyObject* returned by PyModule_Create 'borrowed' or 'acquired'?
            Asked 2017-Feb-13 at 00:18

            The latest Python Doc only says this about PyModule_Create:

            The module initialization function may create and return the module object directly. This is referred to as “single-phase initialization”, and uses one of the following two module creation functions:

            PyObject* PyModule_Create(PyModuleDef *def)

            • Create a new module object, given the definition in def. This behaves like PyModule_Create2() with module_api_version set to PYTHON_API_VERSION.
            • ...

            Before it is returned from in the initialization function, the resulting module object is typically populated using functions like PyModule_AddObject().

            Also, PyModule_Create isn't on the list from this question. This would suggest the conventional behavior is being followed, namely the caller is expected to 'acquire' the reference to PyObject* being returned.

            But yet from this python3porting blog post, it has the following example:



            Answered 2017-Feb-13 at 00:18

            That code snippet simply isn't managing reference counts correctly. Aside from the leak you spotted, it also forgets to Py_INCREF(&hookabletype), despite the fact that PyModule_AddObject steals a reference to the value.

            As usual where not otherwise specified, PyModule_Create returns a new reference, not a borrowed reference.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42194780

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            No vulnerabilities reported

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