fontname | A python lib for extract font name from font files | User Interface library

 by   Asvel Python Version: 1.0.0 License: MIT

kandi X-RAY | fontname Summary

kandi X-RAY | fontname Summary

fontname is a Python library typically used in User Interface applications. fontname has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has build file available, it has a Permissive License and it has low support. You can install using 'pip install fontname' or download it from GitHub, PyPI.

A python lib for extract font name from font files.

            kandi-support Support

              fontname has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 3 star(s) with 0 fork(s). There are 2 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 12 months.
              fontname has no issues reported. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of fontname is 1.0.0

            kandi-Quality Quality

              fontname has 0 bugs and 0 code smells.

            kandi-Security Security

              fontname has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.
              fontname code analysis shows 0 unresolved vulnerabilities.
              There are 0 security hotspots that need review.

            kandi-License License

              fontname is licensed under the MIT License. This license is Permissive.
              Permissive licenses have the least restrictions, and you can use them in most projects.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              fontname releases are not available. You will need to build from source code and install.
              Deployable package is available in PyPI.
              Build file is available. You can build the component from source.

            Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA

            kandi has reviewed fontname and discovered the below as its top functions. This is intended to give you an instant insight into fontname implemented functionality, and help decide if they suit your requirements.
            • Get the display name for a font
            • Decode a Name record
            • Get display name from font
            Get all kandi verified functions for this library.

            fontname Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for fontname.

            fontname Examples and Code Snippets

            No Code Snippets are available at this moment for fontname.

            Community Discussions


            How to customiza Seaborn/Matplotlib heatmap colorbars
            Asked 2022-Apr-04 at 13:08

            I need to costumize the labels and ticks of an heatmap colorbar obtained by using matplotlib with no success so far. My data have been already posted and can be found at:[1] [1]: Incomplete figure from pandas dataframe

            My working code:



            Answered 2022-Apr-04 at 13:08

            My understanding is that it consists of a heatmap and a color bar subplot, with the last subplot specifying the size of the label attribute.



            if slope is greater than some threshold, then color the line red in python
            Asked 2022-Mar-31 at 17:40

            I have a line graph that I'm plotting in python. The last thing that I need to do is add a line telling it to color a section of the graph red if the slope is greater that 25. How would I do this?

            Here's what I have so far.



            Answered 2022-Mar-25 at 19:59
            import pandas as pd
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            data = pd.read_csv('ReactorStartupTemps.csv')
            plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = [7, 5]
            plt.rcParams["figure.autolayout"] = True
            plt.xlabel('Time [min]', fontdict = {'fontname': 'Times New Roman', 
            'style': 'italic'})
            plt.ylabel('Temperature [C]', fontdict = {'fontname': 'Times New 
            'style': 'italic'})
            plt.title('Reactor Startup Temperatures', fontdict = {'fontname': 
            New Roman', 'style': 'italic'})    
            slope, intercept = np.polyfit(np.log(data.Time), np.log(data.Temp), 1)
            if slope > 25 :
                plt.plot(data.Time, data.Temp, color = "red",linewidth = 1.5)
                plt.plot(data.Time, data.Temp, color = "black",linewidth = 1.5)
            plt.grid(which = 'major', color = 'grey', linewidth = .8)
            plt.grid(which = 'minor', color = 'lightgrey', linewidth = .4, ls = 



            Pygame only updating when input is detected
            Asked 2022-Mar-01 at 23:06

            Pygame is not updating the screen until some sort of input is detected. It should update when a certain value equals a certain number, but only actually does this when a key is pressed. This happens with every key that is pressed, not just the ones that actually do something. Is there a way to have the screen update without needing the user to cause the update?

            I have looked at a previous post but no answer was ever approved by the original poster, and none work for me anyway. Screen only updates when I check for user input pygame

            I appreciate any help given :D

            The code detecting the value:



            Answered 2022-Mar-01 at 06:01

            You must run the code in the application loop not in the event loop. The event loop only is executed when there is an event in the queue. The application loop is executed in every frame.



            outputting flextables to .docx in for loop
            Asked 2022-Feb-14 at 21:16

            I am having trouble outputting formatted flextables to a word document using rmarkdown. I have a lot of tables that I need in word formatting that I am trying to output using a for loop, however they are don't appear when the code is knit. I've tried a number of combinations or using knit_print(), print(), and cat(). Can anyone advise solutions? Example code below.

            Dummy Data:



            Answered 2022-Feb-14 at 21:16

            You need to use flextable_to_rmd().



            Static CSS for Google fonts and serving them from your own website (and not from gstatic CDN)
            Asked 2022-Feb-05 at 05:07

            Instead of using a remote Google Font CSS:



            Answered 2022-Feb-03 at 19:02

            TTF should be enough, but WOFF(2) could save load time where supported.



            Show non-uniformly time-spaced samples from MySQL database on Google Line Chart by php query
            Asked 2022-Jan-28 at 16:22

            I'm using a Line Chart of Google, I take data from a database of MySQL, to show points of some variables at different datetime. The sample time is 1 minute, but ocationally some points are loss (dont worry about the reason), so when I create de chart, the distance between two point is the same for 1 minute or 1 hour. I want to the horizontal space between samples be consistent with the time jump.

            The Date selection and Query to generate chart are:



            Answered 2022-Jan-28 at 16:22

            the reason the axis labels aren't spaced properly is because they are being loaded into the chart as strings

            to get desired result, you will need to use actual date objects

            this may be as easy as making the following change...

            surround date string with new Date(), here...



            Google LineChart Displaying Nagative Value
            Asked 2021-Dec-20 at 15:37

            I am displaying Google Line chart using below code



            Answered 2021-Dec-20 at 15:37

            that looks like some sort of bug with the 'current' version.
            if we use version '45' it works properly.



            reportlab use for loop to create multiple tables
            Asked 2021-Dec-09 at 09:29

            I need through a for loop to create more tables, I think it works but I need to change the various coordinates, how can I do?

            2) Is it possible to change the width of a single row of a table? or in any case bring its text-align to the left but which starts from where the table starts?



            Answered 2021-Dec-09 at 09:29
            def genGroupTable(gruppo):
                groupElemTeble = None
                titleTable = Table([
                    [str(gruppo).upper(), str(gruppo.giorni_settimana).upper()]
                ], colWidths= 95*mm)
                titleTable_style = TableStyle([
                    ('TEXTCOLOR', (0,0),(-1,0), colors.HexColor("#9FFC0D")),
                    ('FONTNAME', (0,0), (0,0), 'bulk_bold'),
                    ('FONTSIZE', (0,0), (0,0), 6*mm),
                    ('BOTTOMPADDING', (0,0), (0,0), 6*mm),
                    ('LINEBELOW',(0,0),(-1,0), 1, colors.HexColor("#9FFC0D")),
                    ('LEFTPADDING',(0,0),(-1,-1), 0*mm),
                    ('RIGHTPADDING',(0,0),(-1,-1), 0*mm)
                thead = Table([
                ], colWidths= 47.5*mm)
                thead_style = TableStyle([
                    ('BACKGROUND', (0, 0), (-1, 0), colors.HexColor("#19212A")),
                    ('TEXTCOLOR', (0,0),(-1,0), colors.HexColor("#ffffff")),
                    ('FONTNAME', (0,0), (-1,0), 'bulk_testo'),
                    ('BOTTOMPADDING', (0,0), (-1,0), 1*mm)
                exercise = []
                elementi = []
                for esercizio in gruppo.gruppo_single.all():
                for es in range(len(exercise)):
                    tbody = Table([
                        [str(exercise[es]).upper(), str(exercise[es].serie).upper(), str(exercise[es].ripetizione).upper(), str(exercise[es].peso).upper()+'KG']
                    ], colWidths= 47.5*mm)
                    tbody_style = TableStyle([
                        ('TEXTCOLOR', (0,0),(-1,-1), colors.HexColor("#ffffff")),
                        ('FONTNAME', (0,0), (-1,-1), 'bulk_testo'),
                        ('BOTTOMPADDING', (0,0), (-1,-1), 1*mm),
                        ('LINEBELOW',(0,0),(-1,-1), .2, colors.HexColor("#ffffff"))
                #tab finale
                groupElemTeble = Table([
                ], colWidths = 190*mm)
                groupElemTeble_style = TableStyle([
                    #('BACKGROUND', (0, 0), (-1, -1), colors.HexColor("#202B38")),
                    ('LEFTPADDING',(0,0),(-1,-1), 0*mm),
                    ('RIGHTPADDING',(0,0),(-1,-1), 0*mm),
                    ('BOTTOMPADDING',(-1,-1),(-1,-1), 5*mm)
                return groupElemTeble
            def testPdfView(request, id):
                #dati init
                scheda = get_object_or_404(Schede, pk = id)
                filename = 'media/pdf/' + scheda.nome_scheda + '.pdf'
                titolo =  scheda.utente.username + ' - ' + scheda.nome_scheda
                #creazione file
                doc = SimpleDocTemplate(
                    pagesize = A4,
                    rightMargin = 10*mm,
                    leftMargin = 10*mm,
                    topMargin = 47*mm,
                    bottomMargin = 10*mm
                doc.title = titolo
                #passaggio scheda alla funzione pdfCanvas
                doc.scheda = scheda
                #elemento vuoto
                elems = []
                #lista gruppi
                group = []
                gruppi = DatiGruppi.objects.filter(gruppi_scheda = id)
                for gruppo in gruppi:
                for gr in range(len(group)):
                    main = genGroupTable(group[gr])
                doc.multiBuild(elems, onFirstPage = header)
                percorso = str(settings.BASE_DIR) +'/media/pdf/' + scheda.nome_scheda + '.pdf'
                return FileResponse(open(percorso, 'rb'), content_type='application/pdf')



            How to scale stacked google chart for mobile?
            Asked 2021-Dec-07 at 13:40

            I have a stacked chart which is responsive for most screen sizes based on the solution for responsiveness provided here: Google Charts - Responsive Issue - Dynamically Resize

            The problem is that despite none of the data values being higher than 5000, when viewed on mobile the scale goes up to 10,000 and the entire chart is rendered illegible. How can i scale the chart correctly for mobile?





            Answered 2021-Dec-07 at 13:40

            for starters, let's take a look at the options for the chart.



            changing pdf text encoding
            Asked 2021-Dec-06 at 04:28

            I have a PDF document (that is my schoolbook) and the problem is that although the text is printed normally, it is copied in the form of some random glyphs. I found, that it is because of text being encoded on cp1251 but trying to be decoded as cp1252 (or viceversa idk but copied glyphs belong to 1252). Pasting text to decoder from 1252 to 1251 I can get the original text (pic related)

            To solve my problem of text searching and copying I just used OCR, but maybe there is a way to change it's encoding in some pdf headers? Also I do need to copy some of the illustrations for school seminars, but Inkscape and AI still output theese glyphs in 1252.

            Opening the text in Adobe Acrobat DC, I saw that he was complaining about the font 1251 Times. In Npp i found such ones



            Answered 2021-Dec-06 at 04:28

            OGAHOK+1251Times (or similar six random characters and a nametag of a font)

            Very often indicates the source was recognised as OCR (One Character Relative to another) thus each letter or a line of letters or a page of letters can have its own font, that here look-likes Times Roman in, as you discovered, 1251 style lettering.

            So changing the name to 1252 would be like saying the Times is Verdana it can not change the raw data.

            I am surprised, but pleased for you, that you can get some readable 1251 to convert to 1252, however reasonable conversion within the potentially corrupted font metrics would be neigh on impossible to replace one symbol at a time to the other and maintain string shape see the varying /Widths.

            However without your base PDF file that is based on experience rather than a fail with your source.


            Wow! that file has 600 fonts ! something has processed those badly

            The problem seems to stem from the use of WinAnsiEncoding rather than some UTF-8 or compatible coding method. I am looking to see if there is any way to modify, but not sure if it could help or make things worse. Here I can try editing settings but in this screenshot from Tracker PDF X-change Editor making changes does not help, unless the text is cut, converted and pasted back.


            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

            Install fontname

            You can install using 'pip install fontname' or download it from GitHub, PyPI.
            You can use fontname like any standard Python library. You will need to make sure that you have a development environment consisting of a Python distribution including header files, a compiler, pip, and git installed. Make sure that your pip, setuptools, and wheel are up to date. When using pip it is generally recommended to install packages in a virtual environment to avoid changes to the system.


            For any new features, suggestions and bugs create an issue on GitHub. If you have any questions check and ask questions on community page Stack Overflow .
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