macaw | Python module for experiments in mapping class groups | Machine Learning library

 by   b5strbal Python Version: Current License: No License

kandi X-RAY | macaw Summary

kandi X-RAY | macaw Summary

macaw is a Python library typically used in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning applications. macaw has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has build file available and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

Python module for experiments in mapping class groups.

            kandi-support Support

              macaw has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 4 star(s) with 6 fork(s). There are 8 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 6 months.
              macaw has no issues reported. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of macaw is current.

            kandi-Quality Quality

              macaw has no bugs reported.

            kandi-Security Security

              macaw has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.

            kandi-License License

              macaw does not have a standard license declared.
              Check the repository for any license declaration and review the terms closely.
              Without a license, all rights are reserved, and you cannot use the library in your applications.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              macaw releases are not available. You will need to build from source code and install.
              Build file is available. You can build the component from source.
              Installation instructions, examples and code snippets are available.

            Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA

            kandi has reviewed macaw and discovered the below as its top functions. This is intended to give you an instant insight into macaw implemented functionality, and help decide if they suit your requirements.
            • Creates a measure from the given coordinates
            • Returns a list of inner pants
            • Returns the list of pants and inner pants
            • Returns the list of pantss to pants
            • Split onto branch
            • Convert an ndarray to an index
            • Delete a branch
            • Pop the outgoing branch at pos
            • Return True if the branch is recurrent
            • List of complementary regions
            • Updates the edge after the first move
            • Create trivalent branches
            • Apply the half - twist
            • Fold trivalent to branch
            • Parses a branch in the given branch
            • Updates the edge after the given edge
            • Returns the stretch factor
            • Append branch list
            • Compute the encoding for a branch
            • Calculates the number of cosps of regions in the given region
            • Compute the identity map for a train track
            • Reduce the circuit
            • Return the dimensionality of the Teichlet space
            • Transform a pants curve into a pants curve
            • Generates a list of humphries for a given genus
            • Perform a fold in small branch
            Get all kandi verified functions for this library.

            macaw Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for macaw.

            macaw Examples and Code Snippets

            No Code Snippets are available at this moment for macaw.

            Community Discussions


            Foreign Key Constraint based upon specific values in other table
            Asked 2021-May-23 at 20:38

            In my database, I've created the following table:



            Answered 2021-May-23 at 15:43

            What I ended up doing to achieve this was I created a function that returned a BIT based upon the CategoryId provided being a child of a parent CategoryId:



            Read a specific line or character from a text file, not recognizing the text
            Asked 2021-Jan-21 at 19:27

            veriftype works, but veriftype2 doesn't. Is it because my method to read the second line isn't accurate? The text file it's reading from has one character on each line, either an x or an o on each. I tried using just but it seems like neither one does the trick. I can't seem to find any other source of problem, since when I print the variable that should be the value of the line, it gives me the correct value, but the if statement doesn't run, and it just skips to the else part.



            Answered 2021-Jan-21 at 19:27

            Your code works, but it cannot recognize the characters because readlines() also includes a newline character, so it reads 'x\n' rather than 'x'. Therefore there is no literal match. Replace .readlines() with .read().splitlines() to solve this.



            Value changed but the chart doesn't Swift
            Asked 2020-Aug-04 at 10:10

            I'm using the Macaw framework for my charts. There's only one problem that if it the first time shows the "X" chart, it will always(until closing app) show the "X" chart. But the data is changing(I saw it in the debugger).

            Here is the snippet of my "DahlichViewController".



            Answered 2020-Aug-02 at 15:20

            Try calling setNeedsLayout() at the end of your updateDisplay() function.



            How do I increase font size in Dart
            Asked 2020-May-19 at 09:52

            I'm new in Flutter+Dart and trying to increase font size but hard to understand documentation + implement to my work. Here is the file. How can I solve my problem?



            Answered 2018-Oct-08 at 21:23

            At the begging hard to understand and implement. But once you understand you are fall in love with flutter framework. Here is the solution :



            How to Test Void Method With No Arguments That Prints Line to Console
            Asked 2020-Feb-21 at 06:37

            For a homework assignment, I have created a Class called Bird, that contains a method:



            Answered 2020-Feb-21 at 06:26

            You can use System.setOut(PrintStream) to temporarily replace standard out with an in memory PrintStream backed by a ByteArrayOutputStream and use that to get the output. Something like,



            AngularJS Filter: Checkbox active by default based on attribute value
            Asked 2019-Dec-19 at 14:03

            I am working on a prototype that uses AngularJS to filter JSON data. A working sandbox is here:


            I need your help to solve 2 Problems:

            1. How to use the "Check All" and "Uncheck All" button to activate/deactivate all of the checkbox filters?
            2. Filter by default: How to make the webpage only show gray bird when the page is initialized?

            Thank you





            Answered 2019-Dec-19 at 14:03

            I achieve what you are asking for adding the following two $scope functions.

            $scope.checkAll iterates all pets FilteredAttributes and their values and set them at true into $scopeFilter.

            $scope.uncheckAll simply reset the $scopeFilter object.

            For the default filter, I removed ng-init="filter[prop]={}" to initiliaze $scopeFilter in the .js file as follows :



            Notice: Undefined variable: twig
            Asked 2019-Apr-09 at 08:42

            i dont kown twig how use in composer Controllers.

            1 composer.json :



            Answered 2019-Apr-09 at 08:42

            This is a scoping issue. You're currently just storing the twig instance in a local variable that's only accessible within that methods scope. You need to add it as a class property:



            Vuex update array as value of object
            Asked 2019-Feb-22 at 23:10

            I'm running into a problem updating data in the Vuex store within a slightly nested data structure.

            My full project is a bit more complex than what is below, but the issue I'm running into now is simplified and set up so that for each project page there will be a landing page that houses the table visibility, as well as the individual table component, within which there is a Vuetify v-data-table element that simply takes in the headers and items as props and displays them. It can be visualized in the following form:



            Answered 2019-Feb-22 at 07:23

            My suggestion for you is to start thinking about normalizing your data. Some big issues are:

            • Page and Table names are totally hard-code as string in your state. It causes trouble if you need to expand the number of pages/tables. Same goes for tableVisibility.
            • Your state is deeply nested while you don't have any getter methods, which force you to expose the state structure to your Vue component, which make updating Vuex store very difficult.

            First, write getter methods and mutation methods; make them generic enough so that you can reuse anywhere in Vue components, and force all your Vue components use them instead of directly accessing state




            mp3 stream decoding in browser
            Asked 2019-Jan-22 at 22:08

            I am trying to set up an mp3 stream receiver in browser using emscripten and libmad.
            I managed to decode mp3 file with low-level api loading it completely to the memory. My next step was to load it in chunks.
            In given example I emulate fragmented packages with allocated buffers of random size (from 20 to 40 kbyte) and copy file part by part to those buffers.

            My algorithm of decoding correlate with an answer in this question but it is a bit different. The main object is Decoder, it receives fragments by addFragment method. Decoder has a pull of pending fragments and a glue buffer. When user adds first fragment its tail is copied in the first half of the glue buffer. When the second fragment is added it's beginning being copied to the second half of the glue. When decoder reaches the end of active buffer end it switches to glue, and vice versa when glue finishes. I make sure all those buffers parts are consistent and mad_stream points to the same logical byte it was pointing before switching.

            Significant fragments from decoder.cpp



            Answered 2019-Jan-22 at 22:08

            I've found it! MAD works perfectly, just because of my inner counter I kept skipping first decoded frames in output.



            Convert SVG Node (Macaw) to NSImage Swift4 / Cocoa
            Asked 2018-Oct-10 at 20:15

            I'm trying to convert from a Macaw SVG (Node) into an NSImage. I was able to find sample code for IOS on the Macaw forum but not able to make it work in Cocoa.

            There are references in the Macaw libraries for all the missing functions (UIGraphicsBeginImageContext, etc) as MGraphicsBeginImageContext but have not been able to access them yet (Use of unresolved identifier 'UIGraphicsBeginImageContext')

            Here's the sample code from the original article



            Answered 2018-Oct-10 at 19:54

            Here is tweaked code provided by the makers of Macaw which seems to solve the problem. I needed to add an inverter as the image was drawing upside down and their original suggestion of NSGraphicsContext.current?.graphicsPort did not seem stable/reliable and I ended up using NSGraphicsContext.current?.cgContext instead:


            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

            Install macaw

            Download the project and run. from the directory containing the file. Without root access you can run python install --user.


            For any new features, suggestions and bugs create an issue on GitHub. If you have any questions check and ask questions on community page Stack Overflow .
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