accelerate | simple way to train and use PyTorch models | Machine Learning library
kandi X-RAY | accelerate Summary
kandi X-RAY | accelerate Summary
Run your *raw* PyTorch training script on any kind of device.
Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA
- A training function .
- Prepare data loader .
- Get cluster input .
- Creates a command parser .
- Rewrite docstring .
- A wrapper for AcceleratorLauncher .
- Format a code example .
- Prepare DeepSpeed config .
- Configure the SageMaker environment .
- Prompts the SageMaker input .
accelerate Key Features
accelerate Examples and Code Snippets
"""Count the prime numbers in the range [1, n]
# Checks if a positive integer is a prime number
def is_prime(n: int):
result = True
# Traverses the range between 2 and sqrt(n)
# - Returns False if n can be divided by one of them;
import taichi as ti
import numpy as np
N = 15000
a_numpy = np.random.randint(0, 100, N, dtype=np.int32)
b_numpy = np.random.randint(0, 100, N, dtype=np.int32)
f = ti.field(dtype=ti.i32, shape=(N + 1, N + 1))
f[i, j] = max(f[i
def torch_pad(arr, tile, y):
# image_pixel_to_coord
arr[:, :, 0] = image_height - 1 + ph - arr[:, :, 0]
arr[:, :, 1] -= pw
arr1 = torch.flip(arr, (2, ))
# map_coord
v = torch.floor(arr1[:, :, 1] / tile_height).to(
def shared_embedding_columns_v2(categorical_columns,
def embedding_column_v2(categorical_column,
# Converted from S3_Bucket.template located at:
from troposphere import Output, Ref, Template
from troposphere.s3 import AccelerateConfiguration, Bucket, PublicRead
t = Template()
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed
def do_image(reference_image, image):
return(cv.matchTemplate(reference_image, image, cv.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED))
def myFunction():
values_for_each_image = []
with Thr
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
from threading import Thread
def update_a(input_queue, result_queue):
while True:
# Wait for next request:
x = input_queue.get()
if x is None:
# This is a
libraries = Accelerate, vecLib
extra_compile_args = ['-I/System/Library/Frameworks/vecLib.f
def test():
return np.finfo(np.float64).eps
test() # Returns 2.220446049250313e-16
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I have recently upgraded my Intel MacBook Pro 13" to a MacBook Pro 14" with M1 Pro. Been working hard on getting my software to compile and work again. No big issues fortunately, except for floating point problems in some obscure fortran code and in python. With regard to python/numpy I have the following question.
I have a large code base bur for simplicity will use this simple function that converts flight level to pressure to show the issue.
Answered 2022-Mar-29 at 13:23As per the issue I created at numpy's GitHub:
the differences you are experiencing seem to be all within a single "ULP" (unit in the last place), maybe 2? For special math functions, like exp, or sin, small errors are unfortunately expected and can be system dependend (both hardware and OS/math libraries).
One thing that could be would might have a slightly larger effect could be use of SVML that NumPy has on newer machines (i.e. only on the intel one). That can be disabled at build time using NPY_DISABLE_SVML=1 as an environment variable, but I don't think you can disable its use without building NumPy. (However, right now, it may well be that the M1 machine is the less precise one, or that they are both roughly the same, just different)
I haven't tried compiling numpy using NPY_DISABLE_SVML=1
and my plan now is to use a docker container that can run on all my platforms and use a single "truth" for my tests.
I'm using OpenCV to compare thousands of images to one reference image. The process is very lengthy and I'm considering multiprocessing as a way to accelerate it.
How should I make it so that it'll do the "cv.matchTemplate(...)" function for each image, and without looping re-doing the function on the same image?
Answered 2022-Mar-22 at 08:45You could use the Pool from python's multiprocessing library, instead of individual processes. The pool will take care of launching each process as necessary.
Seeing as your function does not have any parameters, I would say that you could get the best results by using the pool's apply or the apply_async functions.
I have many rectangles in 2D (or have many boxes in 3D).
The rectangle can be described by coordinate (xD,yD,xB,yB
Answered 2022-Mar-13 at 19:381) If box sizes are not equal:
- Sort boxes on X-axis
- Generate 1D adjacency list for each box, by comparing only within range (since it is 1D and sorted, you only compare the boxes within range) like [(1,2),(1,3),(1,5),....] for first box and [(2,1),(2,6),..] for second box, etc. (instead of starting from index=0, start from index=current and go both directions until it is out of box range)
- Iterate over 1D adjacency list and remove duplicates or just don't do the last step on backwards (only compare to greater indexed boxes to evade duplication)
- Group the adjacencies per box index like [(1,a),(1,b),..(2,c),(2,d)...]
- Sort the adjacencies within each group, on Y-axis of the second box per pair
- Within each group, create 2D adjacency list like [(1,f),(1,g),..]
- Remove duplicates
- Group by first box index again
- Sort (Z) of second box per pair in each group
- create 3D adjacency list
- remove duplicates
- group by first index in pairs
- result=current adjacency list (its a sparse matrix so not a full O(N*N) memory consumption unless all the boxes touch all others)
So in total, there are:
- 1 full sort (O(N*logN))
- 2 partial sorts with length depending on number of collisions
- 3 lumping pairs together (O(N) each)
- removing duplicates (or just not comparing against smaller index): O(N)
this should be faster than O(N^2).
2) If rectangles are equal sized, then you can do this:
scatter: put box index values in virtual cells of a grid (i.e. divide the computational volume into imaginary static cells & put your boxes into a cell that contains the center of selected box. O(N)
gather: Only once per box, using the grid cells around the selected box, check collisions using the index lists inside the cells. O(N) x average neighbor boxes within collision range
3) If rectangles are not equal sized, then you can still "build" them by multiple smaller square boxes and apply the second (2) method. This increases total computation time complexity by multiplication of k=number of square boxes per original box. This only requires an extra "parent" box pointer in each smaller square box to update original box condition.
This method and the (2) method are easily parallizable to get even more performance but I guess first(1) method should use less and less memory after each axis-scanning so you can go 4-dimension 5-dimension easily while the 2-3 methods need more data to scan due to increased number of cell-collisions. Both algorithms can become too slow if all boxes touch all boxes.
4) If there is "teapot in stadium" problem (all boxes in single cell of grid and still not touching or just few cells close to each other)
- build octree from box centers (or any nested structure)
- compute collisions on octree traversal, visiting only closest nodes by going up/down on the tree
1-revisited) If boxes are moving slowly (so you need to rebuild the adjacency list again in each new frame), then the method (1) gets a bit more tricky. With too small buffer zone, it needs re-computing on each frame, heavy computation. With too big buffer zone, it needs to maintain bigger collision lists with extra filtering to get real collisions.
2-revisited) If environment is infinitely periodic (like simulating Neo trapped in train station in the Matrix), then you can use grid of cells again, but this time using the wrapped-around borders as extra checking for collisions.
For all of methods (except first) above, you can accelerate the collision checking by first doing a spherical collision check (broad-collision-checking) to evade unnecessary box-collision-checks. (Spherical collision doesn't need square root since both sides have same computation, just squared sum of differences enough). This should give only linear speedup.
For method (2) with capped number of boxes per cell, you can use vectorization (SIMD) to further accelerate the checking. Again, this should give a linear speedup.
For all methods again, you can use multiple threads to accelerate some of their steps, for another a linear speedup.
Even without any methods above, the two for loops in the question could be modified to do tiled-computing, to stay in L1 cache for extra linear performance, then a second tiling but in registers (SSE/AVX) to have peak computing performance during the brute force time complexity. For low number of boxes, this can run faster than those acceleration structures and its simple:
very new to Vue and JS. I've setup a watcher for a timerCount
variable (initially set to 5) which makes a 5 second timer. When the variable hits 0, some code is executed, and I reset the timer to 5 to restart it. This works perfectly fine, however, I have a click event which calls a method, which will execute different code and then reset the timer to 5 as well, but now my timer is accelerated (twice as fast).
From what I could find from googling, it seems that there are multiple watcher/timer instances running at the same time, which is what causes the speed up. How do I fix this so my method simply reset the timer like normal?
Answered 2022-Mar-03 at 19:55In you code, you are watching timerCount. When you make a change on your timeCount means, when you run otherMethod, Vue watches it then run watcher again and handler for this watcher runs again. Everytime you change timerCount variable your watcher run and again and again.
Actually without watcher you can start your time inside your created event with setInterval (not setTimeout). setInterval run your code within givin interval but not strictly 1000ms. It may be 1005ms or less.
You can create some function inside setInterval and give it like 100ms and control the time if it is passed 5 seconds or not.
It is my understanding that NumPy dropped support for using the Accelerate BLAS and LAPACK at version 1.20.0. According to the release notes for NumPy 1.21.1, these bugs have been resolved and building NumPy from source using the Accelerate framework on MacOS >= 11.3 is now possible again:, but I cannot find any documentation on how to do so. This seems like it would be an interesting thing to try and do because the Accelerate framework is supposed to be highly-optimized for M-series processors. I imagine the process is something like this:
- Download numpy source code folder and navigate to this folder.
- Make a
file that looks something like:
Answered 2021-Nov-07 at 03:12I actually attempted this earlier today and these are the steps I used:
- In the
file, put
I was going through the player movement code for the source engine when I stumbled upon the following function:
Answered 2022-Feb-22 at 18:17I think author make wishspeed
simply act as scaler for accel
, so the speed of currentspeed
reach the wishspeed
linear correlated to magnitude of the wishspeed
, thus make sure the time required for currentspeed
reach the wishspeed
is approximately the same for different wishspeed
if other parameters stay the same.
And reason above that is because this could create some sort of urgent and relaxing effects which author desired for character's movement, i.e when speed we wish for character is big(small) then character's acceleration is also big(small), no matter sprint or jog, speed change well be finished in roughly same time period.
And player->m_surfaceFriction
is even more obvious, author just want an easy(linear) way to let surface friction value affect player's acceleration.
From my own experience, when trying to understand the math related mechanism inside the realm of game development, especially physics or shader, we should focus more on the end effect or user experience the author trying to create instead of the mathematical rigor of the formula.
We shouldn't trap ourselves with question like: is this formula real? or the formula make any physical sense?
Well, if you look and any source code of physics simulation engine, you'll find out most of them if not all of them does not using real life formula, instead they rely on bunch of mathematical tricks to create the end effect that mimic our expectation of real life physics.
E.g, PBD or XPBD one of the most widely used algorithm for cloth or softbody simulation, as name suggest, is position based dynamic, meaning they modify the particle's position explicitly, not as one may expected in a implicit way like in real life (force effect velocity then effect position), why do we using algorithm like this? because it create the visual effect match our expectation better.
I am running a Spring Boot app that uses WebClient for both non-blocking and blocking HTTP requests. After the app has run for some time, all outgoing HTTP requests seem to get stuck.
WebClient is used to send requests to multiple hosts, but as an example, here is how it is initialized and used to send requests to Telegram:
Answered 2021-Dec-20 at 14:25I would propose to take a look in the RateLimiter direction. Maybe it does not work as expected, depending on the number of requests your application does over time. From the Javadoc for Ratelimiter: "It is important to note that the number of permits requested never affects the throttling of the request itself ... but it affects the throttling of the next request. I.e., if an expensive task arrives at an idle RateLimiter, it will be granted immediately, but it is the next request that will experience extra throttling, thus paying for the cost of the expensive task." Also helpful might be this discussion: github or github
I could imaginge there is some throttling adding up or other effect in the RateLimiter, i would try to play around with it and make sure this thing really works the way you want. Alternatively, consider using Spring @Scheduled to read from your queue. You might want to spice it up using embedded JMS for further goodies (message persistence etc).
I want to create a program for multi-agent simulation and I am thinking about whether I should use NumPy or numba to accelerate the calculation. Basically, I would need a class to store the state of agents and I would have over a 1000 instances of this classes. In each time step, I will perform different calculation for all instances. There are two approaches that I am thinking of:
Numpy vectorization:
Having 1 class with multiple NumPy arrays for storing states of all agents. Hence, I will only have 1 class instance at all times during the simulation. With this approach, I can simply use NumPy vectorization to perform calculations. However, this will make running functions for specific agents difficult and I would need an extra class to store the index of each agent.
Answered 2022-Feb-13 at 16:53This problem is known as the "AoS VS SoA" where AoS means array of structures and SoA means structure of arrays. You can find some information about this here. SoA is less user-friendly than AoS but it is generally much more efficient. This is especially true when your code can benefit from using SIMD instructions. When you deal with many big array (eg. >=8 big arrays) or when you perform many scalar random memory accesses, then neither AoS nor SoA are efficient. In this case, the best solution is to use arrays of structure of small arrays (AoSoA) so to better use CPU caches while still being able benefit from SIMD. However, AoSoA is tedious as is complexity significantly the code for non trivial algorithms. Note that the number of fields that are accessed also matter in the choice of the best solution (eg. if only one field is frequently read, then SoA is perfect).
OOP is generally rather bad when it comes to performance partially because of this. Another reason is the frequent use of virtual calls and polymorphism while it is not always needed. OOP codes tends to cause a lot of cache misses and optimizing a large code that massively use OOP is often a mess (which sometimes results in rewriting a big part of the target software or the code being left very slow). To address this problem, data oriented design can be used. This approach has been successfully used to drastically speed up large code bases from video games (eg. Unity) to web browser renderers (eg. Chrome) and even relational databases. In high-performance computing (HPC), OOP is often barely used. Object-oriented design is quite related to the use of SoA rather than AoS so to better use cache and benefit from SIMD. For more information, please read this related post.
To conclude, I advise you to use the first code (SoA) in your case (since you only have two arrays and they are not so huge).
I have an AVPlayer that is playing a moderately large video (~150mb). When loading the video initially, I find that the player remains idle for upwards of 10-15 seconds in the AVPlayerWaitingWhileEvaluatingBufferingRateReason
state. My question is simple: how can I prevent AVPlayer from "evaluating the buffering rate reason" for this long and instead move to immediately playing the video?
I am using a custom resource loader (although this same behaviour is exhibited without using a custom resource loader). Here is the relevant code for creating the AVPlayer (all standard boilerplate):
Answered 2022-Feb-07 at 17:31Apple has confirmed that the issue is not the size of the video, but instead a malformed MP4 with too many moof+mdat atoms.
At this point in time, this has been determined to be working as intended. Although, I would like to see some way to avoid this initial buffering in the future, even if the MP4 is malformed.
I have a local python project called jive
that I would like to use in an another project. My current method of using jive
in other projects is to activate the conda env for the project, then move to my jive
directory and use python install
. This works fine, and when I use conda list
, I see everything installed in the env including jive
, with a note that jive
was installed using pip.
But what I really want is to do this with full conda. When I want to use jive
in another project, I want to just put jive
in that projects environment.yml
So I did the following:
- write a simple
so I could use conda-build to buildjive
locally - build jive with
conda build .
- I looked at the tarball that was produced and it does indeed contain the
source as expected - In my other project, add jive to the dependencies in
, and add 'local' to the list of channels. - create a conda env using that environment.yml.
When I activate the environment and use conda list
, it lists all the dependencies including jive
, as desired. But when I open python interpreter, I cannot import jive
, it says there is no such package. (If use python install
, I can import it.)
How can I fix the build/install so that this works?
Here is the meta.yaml, which lives in the jive
project top level directory:
Answered 2022-Feb-05 at 04:16The immediate error is that the build is generating a Python 3.10 version, but when testing Conda doesn't recognize any constraint on the Python version, and creates a Python 3.9 environment.
I think the main issue is that python >=3.5
is only a valid constraint when doing noarch
builds, which this is not. That is, once a package builds with a given Python version, the version must be constrained to exactly that version (up through minor). So, in this case, the package is built with Python 3.10, but it reports in its metadata that it is compatible with all versions of Python 3.5+, which simply isn't true because Conda Python packages install the modules into Python-version-specific site-packages
(e.g., lib/python-3.10/site-packages/jive
Typically, Python versions are controlled by either the --python
argument given to conda-build
or a matrix supplied by the conda_build_config.yaml
file (see documentation on "Build variants").
Try adjusting the meta.yaml
to something like
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