rebalance | Python code to aid in Exchange-Traded Funds | Cryptocurrency library

 by   jordao76 Python Version: Current License: MIT

kandi X-RAY | rebalance Summary

kandi X-RAY | rebalance Summary

rebalance is a Python library typically used in Blockchain, Cryptocurrency applications. rebalance has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has build file available, it has a Permissive License and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

Python code to aid in Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) portfolio rebalancing.

            kandi-support Support

              rebalance has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 12 star(s) with 11 fork(s). There are 3 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 6 months.
              There are 1 open issues and 0 have been closed. On average issues are closed in 1029 days. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of rebalance is current.

            kandi-Quality Quality

              rebalance has 0 bugs and 0 code smells.

            kandi-Security Security

              rebalance has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.
              rebalance code analysis shows 0 unresolved vulnerabilities.
              There are 0 security hotspots that need review.

            kandi-License License

              rebalance is licensed under the MIT License. This license is Permissive.
              Permissive licenses have the least restrictions, and you can use them in most projects.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              rebalance releases are not available. You will need to build from source code and install.
              Build file is available. You can build the component from source.
              Installation instructions are not available. Examples and code snippets are available.
              It has 527 lines of code, 63 functions and 16 files.
              It has low code complexity. Code complexity directly impacts maintainability of the code.

            Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA

            kandi has reviewed rebalance and discovered the below as its top functions. This is intended to give you an instant insight into rebalance implemented functionality, and help decide if they suit your requirements.
            • Plot the chart
            • Rebalance a model portfolio
            • Calculates the difference between the target allocations
            • Resolve the target allocations
            • Check if the model is balanced
            • Get prices for a given year
            • Return a list of dates until a given date
            • Plot a plotter
            • Plot prices
            • Gets the returns of the portfolio
            • Given a set of dates and a list of dates fill them with the price gap
            • Adds cash
            • Return all dates between two dates
            • Plot market returns
            • Calculates returns and returns market returns
            • Creates plotter
            • Get prices for the ticker
            • Show the plot
            Get all kandi verified functions for this library.

            rebalance Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for rebalance.

            rebalance Examples and Code Snippets

            No Code Snippets are available at this moment for rebalance.

            Community Discussions


            In boost::multi_index, will modifying a field, which is a key in another index, cause that index to reshuffle?
            Asked 2022-Mar-25 at 07:51

            The situation is as follows: I'm having a bmi, indexed by hashed_unique over a name field of the struct and ordered_non_unique, over the status field of the same struct. The question is: if I invoke modify() on the hashed_unique index and modify a status field with it, will this cause a rebalance on the ordered_non_unique index? Or should I explicitly use modify() on the ordered_non_unique index while altering status in order to keep it updated?



            Answered 2022-Mar-25 at 07:51

            modify will cause all indices to reorder as necessary regardless of which index it is called on.



            How to add the missing numbers with this code and only doing it when a variable is 0 in angular 7
            Asked 2022-Mar-11 at 03:45

            What this functionality does is that for each priority it will rebalance the percentage (Participacion) in equal parts. The problem occurs in odd cases, for example when there are 3 priorities(Prioridad), you must divide 100 / 3, which gives a result of 33 (and 33 + 33 + 33 = 99 )

            What should I add to my code, so that when the result of the division is not 100, the missing numbers are added to the last position, completing the 100.

            Example problem 1 : Example gif : The idea is that the last 33 that you see in the gif is automatically transformed into a 34.Tthis is the code i have so far:



            Answered 2022-Mar-11 at 03:45

            I fixed your algorithm. Really just needed a slightly different approach. I changed it to use Math.floor() for participation and then got the diff (100 % length) needed to make the value 100% and added that to the last value. Here is the updated stackblitz.


            PS: never make method calls in the template due to the overhead the this add each time change detection runs; instead use pure pipes or calculate their value for presentation when the data changes. There was a decimal formatting method being called that I removed.



            The Kafka topic is here, a Java consumer program finds it, but lists none of its content, while a kafka-console-consumer is able to
            Asked 2022-Feb-16 at 13:23

            It's my first Kafka program.

            From a kafka_2.13-3.1.0 instance, I created a Kafka topic poids_garmin_brut and filled it with this csv:



            Answered 2022-Feb-15 at 14:36

            Following should work.



            kafka + what chould be the root cause for Consumer group is rebalancing
            Asked 2021-Dec-23 at 19:47

            Kafka machines are installed as part of hortonworks packages , kafka version is 0.1X

            We run the deeg_data applications, consuming data from kafka topics

            On last days we saw that our application – deeg_data are failed and we start to find the root cause

            On kafka cluster we see the following behavior



            Answered 2021-Dec-23 at 19:39

            The rebalance in Kafka is a protocol and is used by various components (Kafka connect, Kafka streams, Schema registry etc.) for various purposes.

            In the most simplest form, a rebalance is triggered whenever there is any change in the metadata.

            Now, the word metadata can have many meanings - for example:

            • In the case of a topic, it's metadata could be the topic partitions and/or replicas and where (which broker) they are stored
            • In the case of a consumer group, it could be the number of consumers that are a part of the group and the partitions they are consuming the messages from etc.

            The above examples are by no means exhaustive i.e. there is more metadata for topics and consumer groups but I wouldn't go into more details here.

            So, if there is any change in:

            • The number of partitions or replicas of a topic such as addition, removal or unavailability
            • The number of consumers in a consumer group such as addition or removal
            • Other similar changes...

            A rebalance will be triggered. In the case of consumer group rebalancing, consumer applications need to be robust enough to cater for such scenarios.

            So rebalances are a feature. However, in your case it appears that it is happening very frequently so you may need to investigate the logs on your client application and the cluster.

            Following are a couple of references that might help:

            1. Rebalance protocol - A very good article on medium on this subject
            2. Consumer rebalancing - Another post on SO focusing on consumer rebalancing



            How can isolate Keycloak Infinispan between namespaces in one Kubernetes cluster to prevent KC pod from discovering and synchronizing from one other
            Asked 2021-Dec-14 at 07:34

            Currently, I have one Kubernetes with 2 namespaces: NS1 and NS2. I’m using jboss/keycloak Docker image.

            I am operating 2 Keycloak instances in those 2 namespaces and I expect that will run independently. But it is not true for Infinispan caching inside Keycloak. I got a problem that all sessions of KC in NS1 will be invalidated many times when the KC pod in NS2 is being stated “Crash Loopback”.

            The logs said as following whenever the “Crash Loopback” KC pod in NS2 tries to restart:



            Answered 2021-Dec-14 at 07:34

            Posting comment as the community wiki answer for better visibility

            I would use JDBC_PING for discovery, so only nodes which are using the same DB will be able to discover each other



            Apache flink: Dynamically change the consumer topic
            Asked 2021-Dec-08 at 11:33

            We are building a flink application which will be deployed to AWS Kinesis data analytics(KDA). This application will consume from Kafka and write to S3. Our setup is as follows:

            1. We have a Kafka bootstrap server (MSK) with several topics.
            2. We are planning to have multiple Flink applications deployed on KDA. All these applications will be part of the same consumer group.

            We want to do the following:

            1. Assume we have 10 kafka topics (topic 1 through topic 10).
            2. Assume we have 5 Flink application (app 1 through app 5).
            3. Initially we will assign applications to topics (ex: app 1 will consume from topic 1 and 2, app 2 will consume from topic 3 and 4 and so on).
            4. We will store this in a config system (say CRUD application) and each Flink app when it comes alive, should be able to see which topic it should consume from based on its name. (This part we are able to do).
            5. Assume, suddenly there is a huge surge in the number of messages coming through topic 4 for example. We will update the config system to point App 4 which is consuming from topic 7 and topic 8 to instead consume from topic 7 and topic 4.
            6. We want the Flink app to stop consuming from the old topic and start consuming from the new topic without re-deploying the Flink app. We will have a poller which can inform the Flink app that it should consume from a different topic. The issue is making the Flink app stop consuming from the old topic and start consuming from the new topic without re-deployment.

            Is there any way to do this? As far my research goes, the only way to make the Flink app to read from a new topic is to redeploy it. But want to check if there is some way some one has figured out.

            Conversely: Will this situation be automatically handled if we make all the 5 Flink applications to listen to all the 10 topics? I mean, if there is a sudden surge in one of the topics, will the flink applications rebalance themselves to dedicate more resources to read from the hot topic since they are all part of the same consumer group?



            Answered 2021-Dec-08 at 11:33

            Flink's Kafka consumer does not support stopping consumption from a topic (without a restart), but it does support dynamic topic and partition discovery. See for details.



            kafka issue while connecting to zookeeper (kubernetes-kafka:1.0-10.2.1)
            Asked 2021-Oct-19 at 09:03

            I have used this document for creating kafka

            able to create zookeeper, facing issue with the creation of kafka.getting error to connect with the zookeeper.

            this is the manifest i have used for creating for kafka:

   for Zookeeper


            The logs of the kafka



            Answered 2021-Oct-19 at 09:03

            Your Kafka and Zookeeper deployments are running in the kaf namespace according to your screenshots, presumably you have set this up manually and applied the configurations while in that namespace? Neither the Kafka or Zookeeper YAML files explicitly state a namespace in metadata, so will be deployed to the active namespace when created.

            Anyway, the Kafka deployment YAML you have is hardcoded to assume Zookeeper is setup in the default namespace, with the following line:



            How to retry failed ConsumerRecord in reactor-kafka
            Asked 2021-Oct-02 at 11:11

            I am trying on reactor-kafka for consuming messages. Everything else work fine, but I want to add a retry(2) for failing messages. spring-kafka already retries failed record 3 times by default, I want to achieve the same using reactor-kafka.

            I am using spring-kafka as a wrapper for reactive-kafka. Below is my consumer template:



            Answered 2021-Oct-01 at 09:40

            Previously while retrying I was using the below approach:



            Does new Cassandra node should be fully data-populated and cluster be rebalanced before accepting user based read/write queues?
            Asked 2021-Jul-28 at 20:33

            We have a stable Cassandra cluster with heavy nodes of 4TB each. What will happen when another 4TB node is added - will it start to accept requests immediately, or only when the full cluster rebalance will finally finish?



            Answered 2021-Jul-28 at 20:33

            If you are adding nodes to a cluster following the proper steps, the new node will not accept client requests until the join/streaming operations are complete.

            The only time that would happen, is if auto_bootstrap was set to false on the new node. Then, the node would join without streaming data, and attempt to service requests before the data could be successfully streamed (via repair/rebuild).



            ActiveMQ Artemis cluster does not redistribute messages after one instance crash
            Asked 2021-Jun-02 at 01:56

            I have a cluster of Artemis in Kubernetes with 3 group of master/slave:



            Answered 2021-Jun-02 at 01:56

            I've taken your simplified configured with just 2 nodes using a non-wildcard queue with redistribution-delay of 0, and I reproduced the behavior you're seeing on my local machine (i.e. without Kubernetes). I believe I see why the behavior is such, but in order to understand the current behavior you first must understand how redistribution works in the first place.

            In a cluster every time a consumer is created the node on which the consumer is created notifies every other node in the cluster about the consumer. If other nodes in the cluster have messages in their corresponding queue but don't have any consumers then those other nodes redistribute their messages to the node with the consumer (assuming the message-load-balancing is ON_DEMAND and the redistribution-delay is >= 0).

            In your case however, the node with the messages is actually down when the consumer is created on the other node so it never actually receives the notification about the consumer. Therefore, once that node restarts it doesn't know about the other consumer and does not redistribute its messages.

            I see you've opened ARTEMIS-3321 to enhance the broker to deal with this situation. However, that will take time to develop and release (assuming the change is approved). My recommendation to you in the mean-time would be to configure your client reconnection which is discussed in the documentation, e.g.:


            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

            Install rebalance

            You can download it from GitHub.
            You can use rebalance like any standard Python library. You will need to make sure that you have a development environment consisting of a Python distribution including header files, a compiler, pip, and git installed. Make sure that your pip, setuptools, and wheel are up to date. When using pip it is generally recommended to install packages in a virtual environment to avoid changes to the system.


            For any new features, suggestions and bugs create an issue on GitHub. If you have any questions check and ask questions on community page Stack Overflow .
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