ColourPicker | colour picker app for Ubuntu and Linux which allows picking

 by   stuartlangridge Python Version: 1.5.0 License: MIT

kandi X-RAY | ColourPicker Summary

kandi X-RAY | ColourPicker Summary

ColourPicker is a Python library. ColourPicker has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has build file available, it has a Permissive License and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

A colour picker app for Ubuntu and Linux which allows picking any colour on the screen

            kandi-support Support

              ColourPicker has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 268 star(s) with 25 fork(s). There are 8 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 12 months.
              There are 28 open issues and 43 have been closed. On average issues are closed in 379 days. There are 6 open pull requests and 0 closed requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of ColourPicker is 1.5.0

            kandi-Quality Quality

              ColourPicker has 0 bugs and 28 code smells.

            kandi-Security Security

              ColourPicker has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.
              ColourPicker code analysis shows 0 unresolved vulnerabilities.
              There are 0 security hotspots that need review.

            kandi-License License

              ColourPicker is licensed under the MIT License. This license is Permissive.
              Permissive licenses have the least restrictions, and you can use them in most projects.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              ColourPicker releases are available to install and integrate.
              Build file is available. You can build the component from source.
              Installation instructions are not available. Examples and code snippets are available.
              ColourPicker saves you 555 person hours of effort in developing the same functionality from scratch.
              It has 1298 lines of code, 39 functions and 4 files.
              It has high code complexity. Code complexity directly impacts maintainability of the code.

            Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA

            kandi has reviewed ColourPicker and discovered the below as its top functions. This is intended to give you an instant insight into ColourPicker implemented functionality, and help decide if they suit your requirements.
            • Finish loading history
            • Add a history item
            • Convert an RGB color to Labels
            • Set colour label text
            • Play a sound
            • Handle the magnifier scroll wheel
            • Get colour from pb
            • Set the cursor position of the magnifier
            • Grab the mouse button
            • Handle a commandline
            • Show the info dialog
            • Create the desktop menu
            • Start the game
            • Mouse button clicked
            • Ungrab the button
            • Draw a rectangle
            • Draws a rounded rectangle
            • Save metrics after resize_timeout
            • Save the window dimensions
            • Clears the history
            • Serialise the history to disk
            • Handle keypress event
            • Convert from RGB to Labels
            • Changes the format of the colour
            • Draw the surface
            • Moves the magnifier cursor
            Get all kandi verified functions for this library.

            ColourPicker Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for ColourPicker.

            ColourPicker Examples and Code Snippets

            No Code Snippets are available at this moment for ColourPicker.

            Community Discussions


            R Shiny | evaluating user textInput with dynamic UI
            Asked 2021-Feb-03 at 11:18

            I want to safely allow my app users to be able to manipulate the dataset in my shiny app - by passing code to a data %>% mutate (input$textInput1), and then updating a reactive value containing the manipulated data, v$data.

            There are answers for how to use a single, pre-named input and parse it, but I can't extrapolate to how to define this for several text inputs. e.g. 'input$textinput1','input$textinput2'..

            Pressing the recode button with an activated input field causes the error:

            Warning: Error in : Problem with `mutate()` input `..1`. x :1:1: unexpected '[[' 1: [[ ^ ℹ Input `..1` is ` = paste0("[[input$recode_call", >i, "]]")))`. 94:



            Answered 2021-Feb-03 at 11:18

            The following code captures a dynamic number of textInputs and converts them to code matching: 'Variable name' 'Code call'. These must be handled separately by rlang evaluation since anything left of := must be a symbol. The chain of functions transform a textInput to actionable code.

            I have tried to understand why this works (edits welcome by those who understand rlang/tidyeval!):

            For each of the additional textInput boxes created, a counter allows an anonymous function to loop over and create and paste together valid input name, e.g. input$recode_call1. This is then evaluated as text, parsed into an expression, where it is evaluated and interpreted, and then turned into an expression.

            Unanswered questions about this answer:

            • Error possibilities. Can certain inputs create bugs?
            • Security concerns. Can / should rlang::eval_tidy() be swapped out for, e.g.
            • Is there an easier / more secure way to handle the dynamic input?



            Why does winapi insist on using PCSTR instead of PCWSTR when used for window class from within class constructor?
            Asked 2020-Nov-16 at 18:21

            I am programming a simple UI using WINAPI. I have a problem with compilation insisting on using the A version of the functions despite my UNICODE definition. I have two version of a code one working but not ideal for what I wished, and other packed into the constructor of a class. The code provided has compiler error and does not build.

            Sorry if the question is long and full of code,didn't know how to explain it without examples but I hope too much is better than too little.

            Compiling on default Visual Studio 2017 compiler.

            MainWindow class is inheriting from BaseWindow template class. The working version with default constructor being as follow:



            Answered 2020-Nov-16 at 18:21

            It appears the main problem is you defined UNICODE in only one of your source files instead of all of them. One way to avoid this problem in Visual Studio is to define UNICODE as a preprocessor definition in your project settings.

            The setting is Project Properties -> C/C++ -> Preprocessor -> Preprocessor Definitions

            Make sure to add this setting for all configurations instead of only the current.



            Dynamically building a render function in React
            Asked 2020-Oct-22 at 06:59

            I have a render function as below. I am taking an open-source library from our current site and building it into react, and it creates a colour picker (when we get it working), Demo 1. We wish to continue using this as it's a nice simple colour picker.

            The only issue I am trying to move the dynamic building of the picker into the render() function. I'm reasonably new to React, and I've searched high and low for an answer... but it renders the tags and so on like so in the browser.



            Answered 2020-Oct-19 at 08:12

            Looks like you missed opening

            . You can add it in the output declaration




            styling checkboxGroupButtons in Shiny using css
            Asked 2020-Sep-10 at 19:44

            Following on from this question can someone please tell me how to change the background colour of checkbox items according to the dynamic colour picker (as per the below example) in shiny using css please?




            Answered 2020-Aug-06 at 16:00
            CSS <- function(colors){
              template <- "
            .checkboxGroupButtons div.btn-group:nth-child(%s) button {
              background: %s !important;
              color: white !important;
                apply(cbind(seq_along(colors), colors), 1, function(vc){
                  sprintf(template, vc[1], vc[2])
                collapse = "\n"
            output$css <- renderUI({



            How to dynamically style a pickerInput menu in Shiny
            Asked 2020-Aug-05 at 18:15

            I would like to update the colours of my pickerInput based on input from the colourInput in the below example.

            This questions follows on from this question and replicating this with pickerInput instead of selectizeInput.

            This works great with selectizeInput:



            Answered 2020-Aug-05 at 18:15
            CSS <- function(colors){
              template <- "
            .dropdown-menu ul li:nth-child(%s) a {
              background: %s !important;
              color: white !important;
                apply(cbind(seq_along(colors), colors), 1, function(vc){
                  sprintf(template, vc[1], vc[2])
                collapse = "\n"



            Selectinput doesn't recognize names with hyphen
            Asked 2020-Jul-31 at 08:17

            I am having a problem with shiny Select input and I would appreciate it if sb could help. I was trying to create a plot where the user could change the colour of the chart upon his request. It seems that somehow if the names of the inputs in Selectinput are with hyphens then the renderplot will return nothing. When I remove the hyphen from the name(e.x. A2019 instead of A-2019) the renderplot returns the correct plot and everything works fine. I have been trying for hours to fix it without any success. What am I doing wrong in my syntax?



            Answered 2020-Jul-31 at 08:17

            The issue is not related to SelectInput not accepting names with hyphens. In general, if you want to name a variable or list elements or dataframe columns uisng hypthens or spaces or ... you have to put the name in backticks "`".

            Hence, adding backticks to the paste statement inside renderPlot solves the problem. Try this:



            Shiny renderplot returns blank
            Asked 2020-Jul-29 at 21:31

            I am having problems with generating an output in shiny where I want the client to manually change the colour upon their request and the data is reactive. I simply get a blank page and nothing shown into it apart from the selectInput filter, and the dropdown item, but not the plot.

            My attempt consisted of a combination of lapply with colourpicker function and created a dropdown item where the user can pick the colour he likes. Unfortunately, I could not provide a reproducible example or the dataset because there is data that could not be shared and I apologise in advance. I hope that someone might recognize the problem by looking at the code in case it is very obvious. In summary the data that has been used for this example consists of three columns: title, partner, quantity(e.x. a title of a book, the partner that prints it and the number of copies printed).

            I believe that it has to do sth with the 3 lines of code for the 'cols' before I generate the plot inside the renderPlot. I would greatly appreciate if sb could lead me in the right direction. Thanks a lot in advance.



            Answered 2020-Jul-29 at 21:31

            Your app works fine. I added the following lines at the very top of your code to simulate your input data, and it works great.



            missing aesthetics with shiny and ggtern
            Asked 2020-Jul-10 at 18:16

            I would like to create a ternary plot dashboard using Shiny. But I am stuck in this error. This code takes a CSV file and updates the three drop-down input. Then the ternary plot created has upon these three drop-down values.

            The problem is when adding "geom_point()" to obj I get this error -> CoordTern requires the following missing aesthetics (tlr->xy) : z

            The same but different problem when want to add stat_density_tern I get this error -> stat_density_tern requires the following missing aesthetics: z



            Answered 2020-Jul-10 at 18:16

            To make your app work you can simplify your code by getting rid of your reavtive expressions Tx and pass the selected columns directly to ggtern via aes_string. Also to make ggtern work with the geom_point or geom_density we have to name the aesthetics. Try this:



            Conditional css styling in R shiny app on selectizeInput (based on input from colourInput)
            Asked 2020-May-12 at 11:14

            Following on from this example can anyone please tell me if it's possible to update the colours of my selectizeInput based on input from the colourInput.



            Answered 2020-May-12 at 11:14


            Error while "Building wxWidgets" for FileZilla compilation: configure: error: X11 not found, please use --x-includes and/or --x-libraries options
            Asked 2020-Mar-25 at 01:46

            I am trying to compile FileZilla3 in my Windows system by exactly following this.

            In the MSys2 terminal, everything works fine till "Building SQLite"

            In "Building wxWidgets", the steps mentioned are:



            Answered 2020-Mar-25 at 01:46

            You seem to be running configure from "msys" subsystem of MSYS2 which is a POSIX-like system not meant to be used for compilation.

            You should launch mingw64.exe or mingw32.exe instead to build native MSW software using MinGW and then configure should work just fine there.


            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

            Install ColourPicker

            You can download it from GitHub.
            You can use ColourPicker like any standard Python library. You will need to make sure that you have a development environment consisting of a Python distribution including header files, a compiler, pip, and git installed. Make sure that your pip, setuptools, and wheel are up to date. When using pip it is generally recommended to install packages in a virtual environment to avoid changes to the system.


            For any new features, suggestions and bugs create an issue on GitHub. If you have any questions check and ask questions on community page Stack Overflow .
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