ome-types | native Python dataclasses for the OME data model

 by   tlambert03 Python Version: 0.5.1.post1 License: MIT

kandi X-RAY | ome-types Summary

kandi X-RAY | ome-types Summary

ome-types is a Python library typically used in Data Science, Pandas applications. ome-types has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has build file available, it has a Permissive License and it has low support. You can install using 'pip install ome-types' or download it from GitHub, PyPI.

native Python dataclasses for the OME data model

            kandi-support Support

              ome-types has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 33 star(s) with 8 fork(s). There are 7 watchers for this library.
              There were 2 major release(s) in the last 12 months.
              There are 13 open issues and 36 have been closed. On average issues are closed in 36 days. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of ome-types is 0.5.1.post1

            kandi-Quality Quality

              ome-types has no bugs reported.

            kandi-Security Security

              ome-types has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.

            kandi-License License

              ome-types is licensed under the MIT License. This license is Permissive.
              Permissive licenses have the least restrictions, and you can use them in most projects.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              ome-types releases are available to install and integrate.
              Deployable package is available in PyPI.
              Build file is available. You can build the component from source.
              Installation instructions are not available. Examples and code snippets are available.

            Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA

            kandi has reviewed ome-types and discovered the below as its top functions. This is intended to give you an instant insight into ome-types implemented functionality, and help decide if they suit your requirements.
            • Convert XML Schema to XML
            • Write to file
            • Determines if this parameter is complex
            • String representation of the class
            • Create OME from file
            • Create OME from XML
            • Convert TIFF file to XML
            • Convert an XML file to a dictionary
            • Load a layer
            • Fill tree item with given object
            • Update metadata about an OME object
            • Convert an XML Schema to a dictionary
            • Build an XML Schema object
            • Build XMLSchema from source
            • Convert lxml to a dictionary
            • Convert an ElementTree Element into a dictionary
            • Return a string representation of a type
            • Drop MIME data
            • Setup Sphinx extension
            • The identifier for this component
            • Returns the list of imported imports
            • Return full type string
            • Generate a list of local variables
            • Return the default value for the field
            • Return the string representation of the type
            • Validates the given XML document
            Get all kandi verified functions for this library.

            ome-types Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for ome-types.

            ome-types Examples and Code Snippets

            ome-types,Usage,manipulate the metadata via python objects
            Pythondot img1Lines of Code : 91dot img1License : Permissive (MIT)
            copy iconCopy
            In [2]: ome = from_xml('testing/data/hcs.ome.xml')
            In [3]: ome
                images=[<1 Images>],
                plates=[<1 Plates>],
            In [4]: ome.plates[0]
                name='Control Plate',
            ome-types,Code generation
            Pythondot img2Lines of Code : 45dot img2License : Permissive (MIT)
            copy iconCopy
            python src/
            from dataclasses import field
            from datetime import datetime
            from typing import List, Optional
            from ome_types.dataclasses import AUTO_SEQUENCE, ome_dataclass
            from .annotation_ref import AnnotationRef
            from .experiment_ref i  
            ome-types,Usage,export to an OME-XML string
            Pythondot img3Lines of Code : 22dot img3License : Permissive (MIT)
            copy iconCopy
            In [19]: from ome_types import to_xml
            In [20]: print(to_xml(ome))
                    This is the new description.

            Community Discussions


            Webpack fails to parse typescript files. Module parse failed: Unexpected token
            Asked 2021-Apr-12 at 02:42

            I was setting up Typescript and Webpack on an old project of mine and suddenly encountered this error:

            You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type, currently no loaders are configured to process this file. See

            Then I have created a new project from scratch that goes as follow:




            Answered 2021-Apr-12 at 02:42

            The root cause is that your Typescript rule isn't matching ("currently no loaders are configured to process this file"), so Webpack is reading your TS files as Javascript and getting thrown by the TypeScript-specific : on line 2 character 12. From your webpack.config.js:



            you may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type typescript
            Asked 2021-Mar-23 at 04:51

            I m trying to go this script

            $(document).ready(() => { $('.iqdropdown').iqDropdown({ [options] }); });

            this is a Jquery plugin item-quantity-dropdown jQuery plugin (, and this code was written on instruction to this Plugin

            but cmd write to me this

            ERROR in ./src/scripts/index.js 169:42 Module parse failed: Unexpected token (169:42) You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type, currently no loaders are configured to process this file. See htt://

            But i have TS-loader (my WebPack config)

            const { CheckerPlugin } = require('awesome-typescript-loader');



            Answered 2021-Mar-23 at 04:51

            Problem is done. Fred Stark ( helped me in comments:

            in docs it's a common convention to mark something as optional by wrapping it with square brackets. I'm guessing that's what they mean, since this is invalid syntax. Try the method call with no arguments: $('.iqdropdown').iqDropdown(); and see if that works – Fred Stark 13 hours ago

            It's unfortunate they used the convention in a code snippet instead of in comments or text. They really should only put valid working code in code snippets. – Fred Stark 13 hours ago

            ​God! $('.iqdropdown').iqDropdown(); works! Now please can you tell me how i need to write my options inside this function? – Void0000 13 hours ago

            you pass an object with the options as a parameter: $('.iqdropdown').iqDropdown({ maxItems: 10 }); – Fred Stark 13 hours ago



            Webpack is not detecting file changes
            Asked 2021-Feb-23 at 19:16

            I'm using Vue, with a .vue.html/.ts/.scss pattern. Each folder contains a .ts, a .vue.html and a .scss file which becomes a Vue component. Together with this I'm using Webpack.

            Today, when I started working, Webpack stopped detecting .vue.html files. It now only seems to detect .ts files. Here is my webpack config:



            Answered 2021-Feb-23 at 19:04

            It looks like you need to add '.vue.html', '.scss' to your resolve.extensions list, per the documentation.

            [resolve.extensions] is what enables users to leave off the extension when importing:



            Upgrade from Webpack 2 to Webpack 4 - How to build with errors
            Asked 2021-Feb-19 at 03:42

            I have a super old project and I want to upgrade it from Webpack 2 to Webpack 4. Even with Webpack 2, when doing npm run build I was getting build errors but they did not prevent me to generate build outputs in the \dist folder.

            As soon as I moved to Webpack 4, I continued seeing the same build errors, but the built outputs are not populated anymore. The errors that I am getting are errors I don't want to really fix, I simply want to have Webpack 4 to produce some outputs.

            Here is my package.json dependencies:



            Answered 2021-Feb-19 at 03:42

            I'm not sure what exactly is causing this problem, but what I notice is that the awesome-typescript-loader that you are using is not maintained anymore and claims to only support Webpack 2.

            For an up-to-date setup, better use ts-loader (or alternatively babel-loader with preset-typescript). If you want it to build despite type errors, use the transpileOnly option. If you want errors to be emitted anyways but not cause the build to fail, additionally use fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin.



            Ngx Quill Error on production mode: Uncaught (in promise): TypeError: n.e is not a function
            Asked 2021-Jan-26 at 10:24

            I receive an error after I run my angular 10 project and browse to the . The Quill text editor works great on debug mode, but on production mode it fails.

            Here is the error:



            Answered 2021-Jan-26 at 10:24

            I found the solution. Seems like I made an obvious rookie-mistake, but i had to import quill in my component.



            How to create typescript library with webworkers using worker-loader
            Asked 2020-Dec-14 at 15:43

            I try to create typescript library with web workers. When I test my code with webpack-dev-server everything looks good, all files are found, but when I make npm run build and try to use lib in another local project (npm install /local/path), I see GET http://localhost:8080/X.worker.js in browser console.




            Answered 2020-Dec-14 at 15:43

            I found myself in the exact same situation a few months back. I found a solution that worked for me, but first lets discuss why this is happening.

            The problem:

            There are 3 layers here.

            1. The development layer of your library
            2. The build layer of your library
            3. The application that consumes the build of your library

            Layer 1 is simple. In whatever file you want to create a new worker, say its index.ts, you do your import X from "worker-loader!./X". Your index.ts knows exactly where to find your worker file. That's why things work on your webpack-dev-server.

            Layer 2 is where things get weird. When you process the worker file with worker-loader, webpack outputs several files. Your config says filename: '[name].js', which would output a file for every file in your source folder, all on the same level in your _bundles folder. Webpack sees your import X from "worker-loader!./X", and it also sees your target name and location for the imported file, and the file doing the importing. It rewrites the location of the web worker file within the index.js output bundle to an absolute path relative to the rest of the bundle. You can control this more carefully by using the publicPath option in the worker-loader. But this doesn't really solve the issue, as you are only setting the publicPath as an absolute path, which leads us to step 3...

            Layer 3, where you try to consume your package, is where things go wrong. You could never anticipate where one might try to import { makeAWorker } from 'your-library' in their code. Regardless of where they import it, the build file (in the consumer app's node_modules) will be using the path that webpack wrote into the build of index.js to look for the worker file, but now the absolute path is relative to your consumer project (usually the home path, like where index.html lives), not to the node_modules folder of the build. So your consumer app has no idea where to find the worker file.

            My solution: a bit of a hack

            In my scenario, I decided that the content of my worker files was simple enough to create a worker from a string, and import it that way. For example, a worker file looked like this:



            Hot Module Replacement '[HMR] Waiting for update signal from WDS...' forever, how to enable Hot Module Replacement?
            Asked 2020-Nov-24 at 14:01

            Hot Module Replacement '[HMR] Waiting for update signal from WDS...' forever, how to enable Hot Module Replacement or send signal from Webpack Dev Server?

            I want Hot Module Replacement be enabled. Therefore, I set hot: true in webpack.config.js.

            I stuck at

            [HMR] Waiting for update signal from WDS...

            I expected to see

            [HMR] Waiting for update signal from WDS...
            [WDS] Hot Module Replacement enabled.

            I tried webpack serve --hot --inline command, but I got nothing...




            Answered 2020-Nov-24 at 14:01

            There's a bug when using browserslist with webpack-dev-server and webpack 5 at the moment, you can set target: 'web' to work around the issue until webpack-dev-server v4 is out.



            React not attaching event listeners
            Asked 2020-Nov-17 at 04:24

            UPDATE: Something about removing the output entry from the webpack configuration allows React event listeners to function properly.

            I'm working on a React/TypeScript app and hand-rolling the webpack configuration by hand for the first time.

            For some reason it appears that, while all the React rendering behavior is working as expected, none of the event listeners are being attached to the React components.

            I'm pretty stumped at this point, and searching around the web I'm not seeing anyone running into similar issues.

            My webpack setup is pretty simple and rudimentary and seems to follow guides laid out by both webpack, as well as what articles describe as being appropriate.

            The only semi-unusual behavior I have in my project is using the TsConfigPathsPlugin plugin to resolve path aliases.

            For reference, everything compiles successfully for both the build and dev server and renders correctly and as expected (similarly, the path alias resolution is clearly working). There are no errors or warnings thrown either at build-time or runtime.

            Small Possible Clue: I did notice that the webpack dev server logs out "Live Reloading enabled" twice, and the React dev tools for chrome identify two instances of the single component rendered to the page.

            Below, I've listed the components being included in the small app as well as the build configuration. Let me know if any other files would be useful to see.




            Answered 2020-Nov-17 at 04:24

            Okay the answer is silly, as expected. One tutorial I read at some point included in the root HTML file:



            React native web issue with react native vector icons in storybook
            Asked 2020-Oct-15 at 01:03

            I created a project using react native web and I got react native icons working for web and mobile except on storybook. I'm not sure how to tell storybooks webpack config to load FontAwesome fonts. I tried adding FontAwesome in the preview-head.html but Still not showing the icons just a rectangle as a placeholder. What I would like is to have my icons showing up in the storybook webpack server.




            Answered 2020-Oct-15 at 01:03

            For anyone having problems with this I needed to be specific on which file to be included for the url loader.

            This change fixed the error:



            How to resolve "Cannot read property 'map' of null" after npm start?
            Asked 2020-Sep-11 at 18:39

            I have an Angular 4.3.2 app that has been running for a few years. I need to fix some vulnerabilities that were found in the various packages (many of which were fixed with a npm audit fix). However after I fixed a bunch of vulnerabilities in the package.json (and upgrading some code in the package* files), I then do a 'npm start' and webpage does not load. After inspecting the page and checking the console, it prints this out:



            Answered 2020-Sep-11 at 18:39

            Looks like you changed too many packages at once. Revert your site back to when it worked, and only add one package update at a time, testing it after each update. Then you'll know what package is causing issues


            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

            Install ome-types

            You can install using 'pip install ome-types' or download it from GitHub, PyPI.
            You can use ome-types like any standard Python library. You will need to make sure that you have a development environment consisting of a Python distribution including header files, a compiler, pip, and git installed. Make sure that your pip, setuptools, and wheel are up to date. When using pip it is generally recommended to install packages in a virtual environment to avoid changes to the system.


            To clone and install this repository locally (this will also build the model at src/ome_types/model).
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