timetrack | Automatically track how you are spending your time
kandi X-RAY | timetrack Summary
kandi X-RAY | timetrack Summary
TimeTrack watches the file system to automatically track how much time you are spending on each of your projects.
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I am trying to update the data , but it is giving me the exception , i don't know what should i do cause i tried so many methods even adding the @Transactional -
Answered 2022-Mar-30 at 19:06Put @Modifying annotation on top of the @Query annotation
Because @Modifying annotation enhances the @Query annotation to execute INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and DDL queries
Here i am trying to make a new page with EventController and connect with thymeleaf
Answered 2022-Mar-28 at 09:04The default template directory for thymeleaf is src/main/resources/templates. Please make sure you have boom.html placed in this directory as there is no template resolver as per your question. Please take a look at this link I found online for details on custom template resolver. Spring Boot with Thymeleaf
I'm trying to write a UDP-client that listens to a port, and then display the incoming data in a textbox.
I have written a class; UDP_Receive() that starts a backgroundworker that listens to a specified port and receives the data. The code is based on this question; C# .Net receiving UDp packets in separater thread and application exit
I think I have solved the issues with the blocking .receive() by following the accepted answer in this question; How can I safely terminate UdpClient.receive() in case of timeout?
My question is how do I get the data I receive in the backgroundworkerthread (that I created in my class) back to the mainthread, so that I can display it in a textbox?
I thought of using Invoke, but I don't have any references to the textbox in my class.
Answered 2022-Feb-16 at 22:58You can write this kind of code to keep the UI separate from the UDP_Receive
I require to pull out the assignee,name of the issuetype,priority and the worklog values from a string within python.
Answered 2022-Jan-31 at 11:05This one-liner could be what you are looking for
{ key: json[key] for key in ['assignee', 'name', 'priority']}
I am currently learning swiftui and have the following problem:
My code contains a timer that counts up when the app is opened. This works fine so far. Now I want the previous time to be saved when the app is closed and when it is reopened, the value is loaded and counted up from there.
Is there a simple way to implement this?
Here my code:
Answered 2022-Jan-07 at 10:54struct TimeView: View {
@State private var timeTracker = 0
let timer = Timer.publish(every: 1, on: .main, in: .common).autoconnect()
@AppStorage("TIME") var time: Int = 0
var body: some View {
Text("\(timeTracker) s")
.onReceive(timer) { _ in timeTracker += 1 }
.onAppear(perform: { timeTracker = time })
.onReceive(NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: UIApplication.willEnterForegroundNotification)) { _ in time = timeTracker }
struct TimeView: View {
@AppStorage("TIME") var timeTracker: Int = 0
let timer = Timer.publish(every: 1, on: .main, in: .common).autoconnect()
var body: some View {
Text("\(timeTracker) s")
.onReceive(timer) { _ in timeTracker += 1 }
I have a web app built using node and express that uses a python script to generate an excel file. The issue is that although node is successfully handling the request to create the excel file, the handler is also trying to download the file just created but is giving the error: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory
. I'm assuming this is because it is trying to access the file before it is created but I thought that by using await
the file would be created first. Here is my code:
Answered 2021-Dec-06 at 16:49Get rid of the try / catch statement in the function and add the response.download()
to python.on(close)
. It should look like this:
Greetings for the day!
how to get "created" value if "toString" value is Code Review from below json code.
Json code:- ...ANSWER
Answered 2021-Jul-15 at 22:17..
| objects
| select(has("created") and any(.items[]; .toString == "Code Review"))
| .created
I'm using an MS Access database (I know...), so to capture the auto-generated primary key, I'm extending the table adapter class. I took me a while to figure this part out, so if that's your problem, future reader, right-click on your dataset file (*.xsd) and select View Code. This will create a partial class. The GetLastID()
method is just a query with SELECT @@IDENTITY
. The trick is that it has to be done when the row is updated, without closing and opening a new connection, so the RowUpdated
event needs to be handled. Here's the code for that:
Answered 2021-Jun-26 at 02:29I think you've got the optimal solution here. While you can add new constructors (with different signatures), there's no way in C# for partial classes to add additional steps to a constructor. The only way to do this is with a method.
So, I am creating this reaction time game that shows a blue ball and once you see that blue ball, you press up arrow key to get your reaction time once it turned blue. However, I am having trouble in creating a timer. I want the timer to start once the ball actually turns blue and want that timer to end once the user presses up arrow.'
Here's an image of what I want the game to look like before the ball turns blue
and this is what I want it to look like after it turns blue, with the reaction time
here is my code. As of right now, everything works fine its just the timer part I need help with. I want to create a timer as soon as the ball turns blue and want that timer to end once the user presses up arrow but I just dont know how...
Answered 2021-May-24 at 14:19There is no need for a Timer. A Timer is used to generate an event at a specified time interval. You don't know when the user will react so you can't use a Timer.
In your case all you need to do is:
set your "startTime" variable to the current time when the blue ball icon is set.
then you need to set the "stopTime" variable when the "Up" key is pressed. At this time you would then calculate your "reactionTime".
The issue is that your KeyListener doesn't work, because a KeyEvent is only dispatched to the component with focus and by default a JPanel doesn't have focus.
The solution is to use Key Bindings
, not a KeyListener. A Key Binding can be configured to receive the KeyEvent even when the panel doesn't have focus.
Read the section from the Swing tutorial on How to Use Key Bindings for more information. There are also plenty of example on this site that use key bindings.
Can I set onTap function later? Something like this:
Answered 2021-Apr-16 at 09:23You should have variable to indicate that user can tap in ontap event for e.g.
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