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kandi X-RAY | examples Summary
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def parse_example_v2(serialized, features, example_names=None, name=None):
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
"""Parses `Example` protos into a `dict` of tensors.
Parses a number of serialized [`Example`](https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflo
def examples_queue(data_sources, data_fields_to_features, training,
data_items_to_decoders=None, data_items_to_decode=None):
"""Contruct a queue of training or evaluation examples.
This function will create a reader from files
def test_on_batch(self, x, y=None, sample_weight=None, reset_metrics=True):
"""Test the model on a single batch of samples.
x: Input data. It could be:
- A Numpy array (or array-like), or a list of arrays
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haskell-language-server is giving me some hints on how to reduce code length, but while I'm learning I would like to disable this hints temporary so I can work on examples from books without the annoying hints polluting the editor. I still want error report, just disable the hints
Here is an example
Answered 2021-Jun-16 at 04:03EDIT: @JonPurdy mentioned (you should read the great comment bellow) that Hlint now supports plain comments like this too:
I am trying to define a subroutine in Raku
whose argument is, say, an Array of Ints (imposing that as a constraint, i.e. rejecting arguments that are not Array
s of Int
Question: What is the "best" (most idiomatic, or straightforward, or whatever you think 'best' should mean here) way to achieve that?
Examples run in the Raku
REPL follow.
What I was hoping would work
Answered 2021-Jun-15 at 06:40I think the main misunderstanding is that my Int @a = 1,2,3
and [1,2,3]
are somehow equivalent. They are not. The first case defines an array that will only take Int
values. The second case defines an array that will take anything, and just happens to have Int
values in it.
I'll try to cover all versions you tried, why they didn't work, and possibly how it would work. I'll be using a bare dd
as proof that the body of the function was reached.
I have been blocked on this problem for several days. I have bootstrap 3.3.7 in the project root folder. I am rendering some buttons in the django template that should open modal windows when clicked. But the modal functionality is not working. I am following the examples shown on this page: https://www.quackit.com/bootstrap/bootstrap_3/tutorial/bootstrap_modal.cfm
Here is the template code:
Answered 2021-Jun-15 at 21:53 {% load static %}
{% load static %}
// add this.
Sometimes I find myself needing to initialize an object with a property that matches the property of another object. When the property name is the same, I want to be able to use shorthand syntax.
(For the purposes of the examples in this question, I'll just keep the additional properties to a tag: 1
property, and I'll reuse message
in subsequent examples as the input/source of the information. I also indicate an extra unwanted
property of message
because I'm cherry-picking properties and do not intend to just use Object.assign
to assign all the properties of message
to the result
Answered 2021-Jun-15 at 16:26The best I have so far is
{ person: message.person, tag: 1 }
.Is there shorthand initializer syntax to achieve this?
No, this is still they way to go.
hoping that a property name would magically be inferred from
I have a given, unmodifiable table design which resembles:
Answered 2021-Jun-15 at 15:17One hacky solution would switch the sign of the second column:
Hey to all in the forum
I use JSF Mojarra implementation, version JSF 2.2
I need desperately a help on this.
- I have a snippet of my page.
- I have a custom component "example_result.xhtml" used in the page.
- I have my BackingBean.java Be aware please that this code is not the real code I made. If you run it, it will be very ugly maybe because I deleted all the css classes and I kept only the hot stuff I need to show you my problem.
Everything is inside 1 form.
The 5 "h:selectManyCheckbox" (in my code I have 8 or 9)
In the form I have 5 "h:selectManyCheckbox" which are using values in the "value" attribute for different cases (javaFrameworks2Values, javaFrameworks3Values,...), and the "f:selectItems" use arrays of "SelectItem" (javaFrameworksSelectItems2, javaFrameworksSelectItems3...) created for these different cases, just to make some examples for me to understand how all the selectOne and selectMany components work. The ideas for this, about different cases were taken from these links: "https://stackoverflow.com/tags/selectonemenu/info" and "https://mkyong.com/jsf2/jsf-2-checkboxes-example".
After I have 2 commandButtons
1 for submit, and 1 for reset the values.
Display the values
After I display the results of the values of the "h:selectManyCheckbox" via the "example_result.xhtml".
You can see the 4th "h:selectManyCheckbox" that is the only one different, because it has the attribute "required" with the attribute "requiredMessage". With it there is a "h:message" to display the validation error.
In the BackingBean (which is Spring Bean, but it works perfectly good - sorry I don't want ejbs 3.x), I have initialized:
- The values of the SelectItems and
- The values of the "value" attribute, where the values of the "h:selectManyCheckbox" will be stored to be displayed later. [The code is completely castrated, to make it readable snippet].
When the page is rendered, I select checkBoxes (e.g. the 2 last, because the 2 first are initials) from all the "h:selectManyCheckbox". When I say that select from all, I mean it. And from the 4th with the "required" attribute. I try in the buttons (see in the code) the "Effort 1", or "Effort 2", or "Effort 3" (in the "f:ajax" in the buttons) and the result outputs in the last part are displayed and updated like a candy. Without any problem. To achive this with the composite component I googled and tried a lot. But I made it.
Then it comes the time to try the 4th to see the validation error of the "required" attribute.
I select again from all as before, but not from all. NOT from the 4th "h:selectManyCheckbox" this time. I select nothing from the 4th "h:selectManyCheckbox" to ckeck the validator error message ("requiredMessage"). The result is: It displays the message of error (GOOD until now), BUT this time it does not update anything from the others "h:selectManyCheckbox" to the output results at the end, and it does not reset the values as well as it was doing before (when I selected from all and from the 4th as well).
I understand that it says: as long as in the form the 4th failed with validation error, all the other "h:selectManyCheckbox" will not update the output results (something like wanting to fail all the others too).
But what really happes here?
- It does not give the values to the "h:selectManyCheckbox", to be updated to the output?
- It gives the vales to the "h:selectManyCheckbox" normally, BUT it just not updates the output?
The other efforts in the "f:ajax" in the buttons, are just efforts maybe to solve the problem but in these cases they don't even display the error message in the 4th case and of cource they don't update the other output results as well (again). But no message error as well.
I don't know if the problem is clear to you. I can explain in the discussion better so I can clarify the situation better. [To be honnet it took me 1 and half hour to write all this thing]
Thanks a lot in advance
========== Snippet from my page ==========
Answered 2021-Jun-15 at 14:11After a lot of discussing with the only person who wanted to help to my issue here (and I thank him @WoAiNii for this a lot), I decided to post my solution:
I will make 5 different forms with 5 set of buttons (submit/reset), to make escalate this problem, for 5 so much related components in the form.
But my question is open: Why this is happening, what rule in JSF in this case is taking place and makes this situation. Anyone, comes with an explanation:
- Thomas: this is a rule in JSF, or
- is a JSF bug, or
- this happens in these cases, or... whatever...,
I will be glad to read it here so I will learn better, and others to will learn from these ideas of yours. Thanks a lot
The Question
How do I best execute memory-intensive pipelines in Apache Beam?
I've written a pipeline that takes the Naemura Bird dataset and converts the images and annotations to TF Records with TF Examples of the required format for the TF object detection API.
I tested the pipeline using DirectRunner with a small subset of images (4 or 5) and it worked fine.
The Problem
When running the pipeline with a bigger data set (day 1 of 3, ~21GB) it crashes after a while with a non-descriptive SIGKILL
I do see a memory peak before the crash and assume that the process is killed because of a too high memory load.
I ran the pipeline through strace
. These are the last lines in the trace:
Answered 2021-Jun-15 at 13:51Multiple things could cause this behaviour, because the pipeline runs fine with less Data, analysing what has changed could lead us to a resolution.
Option 1 : clean your input dataThe third line of the logs you provide might indicate that you're processing unclean data in your bigger pipeline mmap(NULL,
could mean that | "Get Content" >> beam.Map(lambda x: x.read_utf8())
is trying to read a null value.
Is there an empty file somewhere ? Are your files utf8 encoded ?
Option 2 : use smaller files as inputI'm guessing using the fileio.ReadMatches()
will try to load into memory the whole file, if your file is bigger than your memory, this could lead to errors. Can you split your data into smaller files ?
If files are too big for your current machine with a DirectRunner
you could try to use an on-demand infrastructure using another runner on the Cloud such as DataflowRunner
I am trying to run a simple parallel program on a SLURM cluster (4x raspberry Pi 3) but I have no success. I have been reading about it, but I just cannot get it to work. The problem is as follows:
I have a Python program named remove_duplicates_in_scraped_data.py. This program is executed on a single node (node=1xraspberry pi) and inside the program there is a multiprocessing loop section that looks something like:
Answered 2021-Jun-15 at 06:17Pythons multiprocessing package is limited to shared memory parallelization. It spawns new processes that all have access to the main memory of a single machine.
You cannot simply scale out such a software onto multiple nodes. As the different machines do not have a shared memory that they can access.
To run your program on multiple nodes at once, you should have a look into MPI (Message Passing Interface). There is also a python package for that.
Depending on your task, it may also be suitable to run the program 4 times (so one job per node) and have it work on a subset of the data. It is often the simpler approach, but not always possible.
Yet another question about the style and the good practices. The code, that I will show, works and do the functionality. But I'd like to know is it ok as solution or may be it's just too ugly?
As the question is a little bit obscure, I will give some points at the end.
So, the use case.
I have a site with the items. There is a functionality to add the item by user. Now I'd like a functionality to add several items via a csv-file.
How should it works?
- User go to special upload page.
- User choose a csv-file, click upload.
- Then he is redirected to the page that show the content of csv-file (as a table).
- If it's ok for user, he clicks "yes" (button with "confirm_items_upload" value) and the items from file are added to database (if they are ok).
I saw already examples for bulk upload for django, and they seem pretty clear. But I don't find an example with an intermediary "verify-confirm" page. So how I did it :
- in views.py : view for upload csv-file page
Answered 2021-May-28 at 09:27a) Even if obviously it could be better, is this solution is acceptable or not at all ?
I think it has some problems you want to address, but the general idea of using the filesystem and storing just filenames can be acceptable, depending on how many users you need to serve and what guarantees regarding data consistency and concurrent accesses you want to make.
I would consider the uploaded file temporary data that may be lost on system failure. If you want to provide any guarantees of not losing the data, you want to store it in a database instead of on the filesystem.
b) I pass 'uploaded_file' from one view to another using "request.session" is it a good practice? Is there another way to do it without using GET variables?
There are up- and downsides to using request.session.
- attackers can not change the filename and thus retrieve data of other users. This is also the reason why you should not use a GET parameter here: If you used one, attackers could simpy change that parameter and get access to files of other users.
- users can upload a file, go and do other stuff, and later come back to actually import the file, however:
- if users end their session, you lose the filename. Also, users can not upload the file on one device, change to another device, and then go on with the import, since the other device will have a different session.
The last point correlates with the leftover files problem: If you lose your information about which files are still needed, it makes cleaning up harder (although, in theory, you can retrieve which files are still needed from the session store).
If it is a problem that sessions might end or change because users clear their cookies or change devices, you could consider adding the filename to the UserProfile
in the database. This way, it is not bound to sessions.
c) At first my wish was to avoid to save the csv-file. But I could not figure out how to do it? Reading all the file to request.session seems not a good idea for me. Is there some possibility to upload the file into memory in Django?
You want to store state. The go-to ways of storing state are the database or a session store. You could load the whole CSVFile and put it into the database as text. Whether this is acceptable depends on your databases ability to handle large, unstructured data. Traditional databases were not originally built for that, however, most of them can handle small binary files pretty well nowadays. A database could give you advantages like ACID guarantees where concurrent writes to the same file on the file system will likely break the file. See this discussion on the dba stackexchange
Your database likely has documentation on the topic, e.g. there is this page about binary data in postgres.
d) If I have to use the tmp-file. How should I handle the situation if user abandon upload at the middle (for example, he sees the confirmation page, but does not click "yes" and decide to re-write his file). How to remove the tmp-file?
Some ideas:
- Limit the count of uploaded files per user to one by design. Currently, your filename is based on a timestamp. This breaks if two users simultaneously decide to upload a file: They will both get the same timestamp, and the file on disk may be corrupted. If you instead use the user's primary key, this guarantees that you have at most one file per user. If they later upload another file, their old file will be overwritten. If your user count is small enough that you can store one leftover file per user, you don't need additional cleaning. However, if the same user simultaneusly uploads two files, this still breaks.
- Use a unique identifier, like a UUID, and delete the old stored file whenever the user uploads a new file. This requires you to still have the old filename, so session storage can not be used with this. You will still always have the last file of the user in the filesystem.
- Use a unique identifier for the filename and set some arbitrary maximum storage duration. Set up a cronjob or similar that regularly goes through the files and deletes all files that have been stored longer than your specified maximum duration. If a user uploads a file, but does not do the actual import soon enough, their data is deleted, and they would have to do the upload again. Here, your code has to handle the case that the file with the stored filename does not exist anymore (and may even be deleted while you are reading the file).
You probably want to limit your server to one file stored per user so that attackers can not fill your filesystem.
e) Small additional question : what kind of checks there are in Django about uploaded file? For example, how could I check that the file is at least a text-file? Should I do it?
You definitely want to set up some maximum file size for the file, as described e.g. here. You could limit the allowed file extensions, but that would only be a usability thing. Attackers could also give you garbage data with any accepted extension.
Keep in mind: If you only store the csv as text data that you load and parse everytime a certain view is accessed, this can be an easy way for attackers to exhaust your servers, giving them an easy DoS attack.
Overall, it depends on what guarantees you want to make, how many users you have and how trustworthy they are. If users might be malicious, you want to keep all possible kinds of data extraction and resource exhaustion attacks in mind. The filesystem will not scale out (at least not as easily as a database).
I know of a similar setup in a project where only a handful of priviliged users are allowed to upload stuff, and we can tolerate deletion of all temporary files on failure. Users will simply have to reupload their files. This works fine.
I have a peculiar situation where I need to allow for external definitions of functions, and use them in a test suite. PHP is odd in allowing you to define global functions anywhere, but it seems to behave inconsistently.
If I run this as a standalone script, $a
is true
Answered 2021-Jun-15 at 11:35The most reasonable explanation is that your code is not in global namespace. Like below
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