ter | Text Expression Runner – Readable and easy to use text | Regex library

 by   schulke-214 Rust Version: Current License: MIT

kandi X-RAY | ter Summary

kandi X-RAY | ter Summary

ter is a Rust library typically used in Utilities, Regex applications. ter has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has a Permissive License and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

ter is a cli to run text expressions and perform basic text operations such as filtering, ignoring and replacing on the command line. There are many great tools that do this job. But most other tools have one in common: They are hard to memorize if you dont use them regularly. ter tries to solve this issue by providing a super simple cli & expression language which can be easily memorized and is well documented.

            kandi-support Support

              ter has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 71 star(s) with 0 fork(s). There are 1 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 6 months.
              ter has no issues reported. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of ter is current.

            kandi-Quality Quality

              ter has 0 bugs and 0 code smells.

            kandi-Security Security

              ter has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.
              ter code analysis shows 0 unresolved vulnerabilities.
              There are 0 security hotspots that need review.

            kandi-License License

              ter is licensed under the MIT License. This license is Permissive.
              Permissive licenses have the least restrictions, and you can use them in most projects.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              ter releases are not available. You will need to build from source code and install.
              Installation instructions are not available. Examples and code snippets are available.

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            kandi's functional review helps you automatically verify the functionalities of the libraries and avoid rework.
            Currently covering the most popular Java, JavaScript and Python libraries. See a Sample of ter
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            ter Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for ter.

            ter Examples and Code Snippets

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            Community Discussions


            Compare a file with two separate lookup files using awk
            Asked 2022-Apr-11 at 14:38

            Basically, I want to check if strings present in lookup_1 & lookup_2 exists in my xyz.txt file then perform action & redirect output to an output file. Also, my code is currently substituting all occurrences of the strings in lookup_1 even as substring, but I need it to only substitute if there's a whole word match. Can you please help in tweaking the code to achieve the same?




            Answered 2022-Apr-11 at 14:38

            We can make a couple changes to the current code:

            • feed the results of cat lookup_1 lookup_2 into awk such that it looks like a single file to awk (see last line of new code)
            • use word boundary flags (\< and \>) to build regexes with which to perform the replacements (see 2nd half of new code)

            The new code:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71825437


            Class sorting JSON by ID instead of highest value
            Asked 2022-Mar-18 at 04:44

            I'm doing a vote counting system, the winner is the one who has more than 3 votes, however, I'm facing the following problem. When there is more than one place with 3 votes, instead of my JSON returning the one with the most votes, it always returns the one with more than 3 votes ordered by ID. That is, if the restaurant with ID 1 has 3 votes, and the restaurant with ID 2 has 10 votes, the restaurant with ID 1 ends up appearing on the route /restaurants/winner despite not being the most voted, is there any way I can make the most voted show up?

            e.g: return from /restaurants/winner route



            Answered 2022-Mar-18 at 04:44

            You have to check the top value as well. So You need to add your own query for that. Here is the code

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71522210


            Filename in the output of FOR /f looping through command
            Asked 2022-Mar-06 at 12:48

            Here is a bit from one file named "filename1.aof" :



            Answered 2022-Mar-06 at 12:48
            Batch file for the data collection task

            The batch file for searching in all *.aof files for the strings SIP Rx and SIP Tx and write the data of interest into a CSV file with name SIP Rx_Tx.csv in wanted format is:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71175355


            where to store alias for terraform for particular workspace in vscode?
            Asked 2022-Feb-15 at 07:37

            I have a separate folder "terraform_lab2" where i run my terraform scripts. I'd like to have terraform aliased to "t" or "ter" whenever i startup only that specific workspace in vscode.

            I tried to create temp alias, typed in intergrated bash terminal:



            Answered 2022-Feb-15 at 07:37

            you need to add this to .bashrc

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71117446


            XPath for paragraph following a header?
            Asked 2022-Feb-09 at 13:25

            This is the Page Code



            Answered 2022-Feb-09 at 13:08


            Bootstrap and Rails' collection_check_boxes
            Asked 2022-Jan-22 at 23:56

            Per the Bootstrap 5 documentation, the label needs to be after the checkbox tag to create button-like checkboxes or radios. Taken directly from the documentation here:



            Answered 2022-Jan-22 at 23:56

            I belive you copied the example from the documentation which is intended to show how you would place the checkbox inside the label element. If thats not what you want then don't put the checkbox inside the block:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70810983


            Withdraw function send is only available for objects of type "address payable"
            Asked 2022-Jan-11 at 18:44
            pragma solidity >=0.6.0 <0.9.0;
            //import "@chainlink/contracts/src/v0.8/interfaces/AggregatorV3Interface.sol"; ao importar este contracto o debaixo nao seria necessario mas usamos para ter um melhor entendimento do contrato
            interface AggregatorV3Interface {
              function decimals() external view returns (uint8);
              function description() external view returns (string memory);
              function version() external view returns (uint256);
              // getRoundData and latestRoundData should both raise "No data present"
              // if they do not have data to report, instead of returning unset values
              // which could be misinterpreted as actual reported values.
              function getRoundData(uint80 _roundId)
                returns (
                  uint80 roundId,
                  int256 answer,
                  uint256 startedAt,
                  uint256 updatedAt,
                  uint80 answeredInRound
              function latestRoundData()
                returns (
                  uint80 roundId,
                  int256 answer,
                  uint256 startedAt,
                  uint256 updatedAt,
                  uint80 answeredInRound
            contract FundMe {
                //track de todos os endereços que interagiram com o contracto
                mapping(address => uint256) public addressToAmmountFunded;
                address public owner;
                //tudo o que é feito nos constructor() é automaticamente aplicado na criaçao do smart contract 
                constructor() {
                //como o primeiro msg.sender é o criador do smart contract fica automaticamente como owner
                  owner = msg.sender;
                function fund() public payable {
                    uint256 minimunUSD = 500 * 10 ** 18; //define que minimunUSD tem de ser 50 mas é preciso multiplicar por 10^18 por estarmos a usar WEI
                    require(getConversionRate(msg.value) >= minimunUSD, "You need to invest more than 500USD in xxx tokens!"); // Se valor enviado nao for suficiente o ele reverte a transacçao
                    addressToAmmountFunded[msg.sender] += msg.value;
                    //contrato que so aceita ETH por isso é necessario fazer uma conversao para um USD conversion rate
                function getVersion() public view returns (uint256){
                    AggregatorV3Interface priceFeed = AggregatorV3Interface(0x8A753747A1Fa494EC906cE90E9f37563A8AF630e); // contrato definido encontrado em https://docs.chain.link/docs/ethereum-addresses/ que é ETH/USD
                    return priceFeed.version();
                function getPrice() public view returns(uint256){
                    AggregatorV3Interface priceFeed = AggregatorV3Interface(0x8A753747A1Fa494EC906cE90E9f37563A8AF630e);
                    (,int256 answer,,,) = priceFeed.latestRoundData(); // O numero de virgulas representam as variaves em latest round data que nao estao a ser usadas
                     return uint256(answer * 10000000000);
                function getLatestUpdate() public view returns(uint256){
                    AggregatorV3Interface priceFeed = AggregatorV3Interface(0x8A753747A1Fa494EC906cE90E9f37563A8AF630e);
                    (,,,uint256 updatedAt,) = priceFeed.latestRoundData(); // O numero de virgulas representam as variaves em latest round data que nao estao a ser usadas
                     return updatedAt;
                // 1000000000
                function getConversionRate(uint256 ethAmount) public view returns(uint256){
                    uint256 ethPrice = getPrice();
                    uint256 ethAmountInUsd = (ethPrice * ethAmount) / 1000000000000000000 ; //divisao por 10^18 casas decimais do ethereum
                    return ethAmountInUsd;
                //este modificador faz com que o codigo de withdraw() só corra depois de executar o require
                modifier onlyOwner {
                  require(msg.sender == owner);
                function withdraw() payable onlyOwner public {


            Answered 2022-Jan-11 at 18:43

            Since you have modified it with onlyOwner, only the owner can call it. So msg.sender is actually owner. the owner should be payable. If there is no other bug in your code, this should solve it:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70671804




            with left alignment?
            Asked 2021-Dec-10 at 15:13




            Answered 2021-Dec-10 at 15:13

            Use flex with justify-content: center like below (for single child)

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70306147


            React Native - React Hook Forms Validation
            Asked 2021-Nov-22 at 22:06

            I'm building a simple register form usin react-hook-form following the documentation and I'm not really sure about how to use yup and validations

            First, I had defined object with some rules, but then when I added Controller component I have a prop called rules. Controller errors are working, but not the ones from yup schema.

            Is yup necessary? Can someone explain too me a little better the proper way to use it? Also, I'm not really sure about how to define rules at Controller component



            Answered 2021-Nov-22 at 22:06

            You can access it using the message for every property inside errors. For example:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70069735


            Python how to process complex nested dictionaries efficiently
            Asked 2021-Nov-06 at 09:10

            I have a complex nested dictionary structured like this:



            Answered 2021-Nov-05 at 09:13

            I was able to get about 25 % faster by combining the three processes.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69849956

            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

            Install ter

            You can download it from GitHub.
            Rust is installed and managed by the rustup tool. Rust has a 6-week rapid release process and supports a great number of platforms, so there are many builds of Rust available at any time. Please refer rust-lang.org for more information.


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