daml | The Daml smart contract language | Blockchain library

 by   digital-asset Scala Version: v2.7.0-snapshot.20230612.11864.0.v3514a4a0 License: Apache-2.0

kandi X-RAY | daml Summary

kandi X-RAY | daml Summary

daml is a Scala library typically used in Blockchain, Ethereum applications. daml has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has a Permissive License and it has medium support. You can download it from GitHub.

This repository hosts all code for the Daml smart contract language and SDK, originally created by Digital Asset. Daml is an open-source smart contract language for building future-proof distributed applications on a safe, privacy-aware runtime. The SDK is a set of tools to help you develop applications based on Daml.

            kandi-support Support

              daml has a medium active ecosystem.
              It has 764 star(s) with 192 fork(s). There are 35 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 12 months.
              There are 601 open issues and 2515 have been closed. On average issues are closed in 91 days. There are 95 open pull requests and 0 closed requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of daml is v2.7.0-snapshot.20230612.11864.0.v3514a4a0

            kandi-Quality Quality

              daml has 0 bugs and 0 code smells.

            kandi-Security Security

              daml has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.
              daml code analysis shows 0 unresolved vulnerabilities.
              There are 0 security hotspots that need review.

            kandi-License License

              daml is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License. This license is Permissive.
              Permissive licenses have the least restrictions, and you can use them in most projects.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              daml releases are available to install and integrate.
              Installation instructions, examples and code snippets are available.

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            daml Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for daml.

            daml Examples and Code Snippets

            No Code Snippets are available at this moment for daml.

            Community Discussions


            Facing issue while running Daml scenarios
            Asked 2022-Jan-07 at 15:42

            Recently installed Daml SDK v: 1.18.0 for Windows following all the steps given on [https://docs.daml.com/getting-started/installation.html][1] I have even set the environment variables as required. When I run daml build I'm able to create .dar successfully but while running the scenario in VS Code's output section getting an error:

            2022-01-07 05:22:59.01 [INFO] [LanguageServer] Flushed 0 logs damlc: ScenarioServiceException "Failed to run java: C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-\bin;C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-;C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_311\bin;C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_311;C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-\bin\;C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-\;C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_311\bin\;C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_311\;\bin\java: readCreateProcessWithExitCode: does not exist (No such file or directory)" [Error - 10:52:59 am] Connection to server got closed. Server will not be restarted.

            I have checked the environment variables and the path, both are correct but still unable to get the scenarios running and getting this error.



            Answered 2022-Jan-07 at 12:24

            It looks like you set JAVA_HOME but you set it to multiple paths separate by ;. Instead JAVA_HOME should only contain a single path to the JDK installation you want to use. So in your example, assuming you want to use JDK 11, set it to C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-

            You can take a look at https://confluence.atlassian.com/doc/setting-the-java_home-variable-in-windows-8895.html for example to see how you can change it.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70620083


            Running daml script on `daml start`
            Asked 2021-Aug-16 at 14:06

            I have a daml file with just one script



            Answered 2021-Aug-16 at 14:06

            Yes! This is explained in the documentation for Daml Script, specifically:

            You can use Daml script to initialize a ledger on startup. To do so, specify an init-script: ScriptExample:initializeFixed field in your daml.yaml. This will automatically be picked up by daml start and used to initialize sandbox.

            In your case, that would be:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68803880


            What means a Party being a ‘Witness’ of a contract and what are its implications?
            Asked 2021-Feb-24 at 18:48

            I'm making some exercises to get to know Daml and one of the exercises involves the transfer of an Asset from a Party to another Party. Everything works correctly, but I’ve noticed that the owner of the previous Asset contract is marked as ‘Witness’ of the new Asset contract (At Assets.Asset:Asset, the contract with ID #8:2 has Alice marked with a W, Witness).

            I was intrigued with that. What does it means a Party being a ‘Witness’ of a contract and what are its implications? I didn’t found an answer for it in the documentation…

            Here is some of the code I’ve used. I’ve applied the propose-accept pattern.



            Answered 2021-Feb-24 at 18:48

            This means that Alice saw the creation of the new contract (#8:2) because she was a party to the old contract (#6:2) at the time it was consumed by Bob exercising AcceptAssetTransfer on HolderRole. The implications are that Alice could see that Bob became the new owner of Asset but will not see any future events that involve Asset such as it being archived as a result of sending the asset to another Party.

            Additionally even though Alice saw/witnessed the creation of the new contract she cannot query for it after the one time event where she witnessed it.

            Sometimes the docs are a bit hard to search so here's some relevant links:

            As this question was also asked simultaneously on our forum further discussion may be located here.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66356143


            What is the '$' operator?
            Asked 2021-Feb-15 at 17:54

            I come across some examples in the Daml documentation where the operator '$' is being used, but cannot fully understand its purpose.




            Answered 2021-Feb-15 at 17:54

            The $ operator is a substitute for parenthesis. The example

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66212533


            Specifying a signatory from another contract
            Asked 2021-Jan-29 at 15:03

            In Daml, I have setup an Agent contract. This is its down Agent.daml file. I then have a proposal contract (Proposal.daml), in which I imported the Agent module. I wanted to specify agentname is the signatory for the proposal contract, but compiler tells me that no such party exists.

            There are no parties in my Proposal contract which is why I chose a party from another contract. I'm not sure how to solve this?

            This is the agent contract



            Answered 2021-Jan-29 at 15:03

            The signatories of a contract need to be computable from the contract arguments. You can't reference another contract by ContractId and get them from there. The reason is that that other contract might be archived, in which case you suddenly have a contract for which the signatories can't be read.

            So your Proposal must contain the agent that is making the proposal:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65954546


            daml test command is failed with: damlc: user error (Failed to start scenario service: BErrorClient
            Asked 2020-Oct-28 at 15:08

            I just created my first DAML project and wrote a basic template. When I try to test it, getting following error: damlc: user error (Failed to start scenario service: BErrorClient (ClientIOError (GRPCIOBadStatusCode StatusUnknown (StatusDetails {unStatusDetails = "Stream removed"}))))

            Below is my daml code (template)



            Answered 2020-Oct-28 at 15:08

            daml test opens a separate gRPC server and connects to that. Based on the error, it looks like this connection isn’t working properly. Do you have some kind of firewall enabled that could block this?

            Do you encounter the same issue in daml studio?

            I tried reproducing this in SDK 1.6.0 but was unable to do so. It would be great if you could provide the SDK version and the operating system you are running this on.

            gRPC will use the http_proxy and https_proxy environment variables. Try setting no_proxy= to disable it for the requests to localhost.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64471296


            What is the workflow on daml-sawtooth network?
            Asked 2020-Oct-01 at 20:47

            I am trying to understand the adoption of a DAML smart on sawtooth network. According to this tutorial https://github.com/blockchaintp/daml-on-sawtooth there is:

            1. Sawtooth network which contains:



              Transaction processor



            That are essential for the network.

            1. What is the role of daml-rpc and daml-tp? They act as connectors?

            For example, a daml user communicates with an api with the daml platform like this image https://docs.daml.com/getting-started/app-architecture.html and after that is adopted from sawtooth network?

            1. Finally, where is stored the xxx.dar file?


            Answered 2020-Oct-01 at 20:47

            DAML-on-Sawtooth is a specific DAML ledger implementation integrated using a full Sawtooth network deployment. leveraging Sawtooth's validation features for persistence.

            The rest-api you see in that repository is actually the Sawtooth REST api used for communicating to the Sawtooth network, and that validator an implementation of Sawtooth validation as part of the commit protocol, and the transaction processor to handle DAML transactions on the Sawtooth network.

            The sawtooth-daml-rpc is what implements the DAML Ledger API gRPC services, and this exposes the Ledger API that the application code interacts with. Postgres is used as an underlying index db service supporting the Ledger API.

            In the https://docs.daml.com/getting-started/app-architecture.html you can conceptually swap the "Sandbox" box with "Sawtooth Network", as in the DAML-on-Sawtooth case it is the full Sawtooth network which is able to consume and return DAML that is the ledger implementation.

            As with all DAML ledgers, the DAR files are uploaded through the package upload gRPC APIs and are persisted on the ledger (in this case the Sawtooth network), as are parties and transactions through the party allocation and transaction submission APIs, respectively.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64161443


            How a DAML application is adapted from Fabric network?
            Asked 2020-Sep-09 at 09:20

            I was reading this documentation https://github.com/digital-asset/daml-on-fabric but I am confused. I am trying to understand the workflow and the architecture for the daml on fabric network. The network has 2 orgs and each org has 1 peer.On step 4 are allocating 5 daml parties. Quickstart example has 3 signatories(issuer,owner,buyer). To sum up, what is the match between daml parties and fabric orgs? I think that could be allocated even more daml parties without to change fabric network. They interact from one node? What is the purpose to add other nodes on step 11?



            Answered 2020-Sep-09 at 09:20

            Parties don't have a cryptographic identity in DAML Ledgers, only nodes do. As part of the shared ledger state, every DAML-enabled infrastructure maintains a mapping from Party to Node. This relationship is usually described as a Node "hosting" a Party. The Node hosting a Party is able to submit transactions using that Party's authority and is guaranteed to receive any transactions visible to that Party.

            In the tutorial you are referring to, all parties are allocated on a single Node, which then hosts them. This does indeed not make that much sense in practice. It would be more sensible to set up a network with three orgs and allocate the three parties on the peer nodes in the three orgs, respectively. Given the way the example is set up, that should be straightforward.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63758955


            OWL-S Precondition expression extracting
            Asked 2020-Aug-16 at 19:42

            I am trying to extract the precondition's expression as SWRL to make a IOPE web service OWL-S matchmaking

            Here's my code



            Answered 2020-Aug-16 at 19:42

            This issue is not linked to the java code but to the OWLS-S file syntaxe. you can resolve this issue by replacing:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63133903


            What is the purpose of M.empty in Daml Map function?
            Asked 2020-Jul-09 at 09:37

            when am using Map function it requires to declare M.empty,if am missing into an error,what is definition behind out of this M.empty usage,how exactly Map function work in DAML.

            Error getting like below.

            ** could not Match Excepted type Map Text ([a]) with actual Type Map Text ([A]) -> Map Text ([A]) **

            when i added M.Empty it is not running into this Error.For my understanding can please give explanation for how Map works and what is the reason behind M.Empty



            Answered 2020-Jul-09 at 09:37

            It would be easier to answer if you provided the erroneous code, but from what I can parse, it looks like you may be misunderstanding what Map.empty is. Map.empty is not a function, it is a value; specifically, it is a Map that has no content.

            Maps are sets of key/value pairs. One way to construct the Map that you want is to start with an empty Map and then add each of the elements that you want, one by one. Here is an example:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62809732

            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

            Install daml

            Our builds require various development dependencies (e.g. Java, Bazel, Python), provided by a tool called dev-env.
            Install Nix by running: bash <(curl -sSfL https://nixos.org/nix/install)
            Enter dev-env by running: eval "$(dev-env/bin/dade assist)"
            We have a single script to build most targets and run the tests. On Linux and Mac run ./build.sh. On Windows run .\build.ps1. Note that these scripts may take over an hour the first time. To just build do bazel build //..., and to just test do bazel test //.... To read more about Bazel and how to use it, see the Bazel site. On Mac if building is causing trouble complaining about missing nix packages, you can try first running nix-build -A tools -A cached nix repeatedly until it completes without error.
            Bazel has a lot of nice properties, but they come at the cost of frequently rebuilding "the world". To make that bearable, we make extensive use of caching. Most artifacts should be cached in our CDN, which is configured in .bazelrc in this project. However, even then, you may end up spending a lot of time (and bandwidth!) downloading artifacts from the CDN. To alleviate that, by default, our build will create a subfolder .bazel-cache in this project and keep an on-disk cache. This can take about 10GB at the time of writing.


            We warmly welcome contributions. If you are looking for ideas on how to contribute, please browse our issues. To build and test Daml:.
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