stags | Scala tags generator | Text Editor library

 by   pjrt Scala Version: v0.4.1 License: MIT

kandi X-RAY | stags Summary

kandi X-RAY | stags Summary

stags is a Scala library typically used in Editor, Text Editor applications. stags has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has a Permissive License and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

Scala tags generator

            kandi-support Support

              stags has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 53 star(s) with 2 fork(s). There are 2 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 12 months.
              There are 4 open issues and 10 have been closed. On average issues are closed in 29 days. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of stags is v0.4.1

            kandi-Quality Quality

              stags has no bugs reported.

            kandi-Security Security

              stags has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.

            kandi-License License

              stags is licensed under the MIT License. This license is Permissive.
              Permissive licenses have the least restrictions, and you can use them in most projects.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              stags releases are available to install and integrate.
              Installation instructions are not available. Examples and code snippets are available.

            Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA

            kandi's functional review helps you automatically verify the functionalities of the libraries and avoid rework.
            Currently covering the most popular Java, JavaScript and Python libraries. See a Sample of stags
            Get all kandi verified functions for this library.

            stags Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for stags.

            stags Examples and Code Snippets

            copy iconCopy
            import sbt.Keys._
            import sbt._
            import java.nio.file.{FileAlreadyExistsException, Files, Path, Paths}
            import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
            object DownloadSourcesPlugin {
              val downloadSources = taskKey[Unit]("Download sources")
              val downloadSou  
            stags: Scala tags generator,Vim support for qualified tags
            Scaladot img2Lines of Code : 25dot img2License : Permissive (MIT)
            copy iconCopy
            function! QualifiedTagJump() abort
              let l:plain_tag = expand("")
              let l:orig_keyword = &iskeyword
              set iskeyword+=\.
              let l:word = expand("")
              let &iskeyword = l:orig_keyword
              let l:splitted = split(l:word, '\.')
              let l:acc = []
            copy iconCopy
            package org.example.somepackage.test
            object X {
              object Y {
                private[X] def f = …
            object K {
              private[somepackage] def g = …

            Community Discussions


            vba Word show multiple Tags in Msgbox
            Asked 2020-Nov-06 at 02:04

            I want to show multiple Tags using Messagebox.

            1. I open new Word document and go to Backstage / Info and type in Properties Title: Wordtags Tags: Red;Blue;Green

            2. I use on purpose semicolons and not commas because then in Explorer I can then use in the search box Tags:Red and it finds all red tagged documents.

            3. The following code does work for display Title but gives error on display Tags:



            Answered 2020-Nov-01 at 11:36

            Although it appears as "Tags" on the Backstage view this is actually the "Keywords" property. You can see this by displaying the Properties dialog - in Backstage view click on Properties and select Advanced Properties.



            Sonarqube jenkins integration
            Asked 2020-Sep-14 at 17:55

            I am triyng to intergate jenkins and maven with sonarqube. I am completed with prerequistes and installation part there is ome error related to class not loading, i am confused what is the reason behind this.




            Answered 2020-Sep-13 at 04:49

            It appears you have not installed any language plugins in SonarQube (not Jenkins).

            org.sonar.scanner.rule.QualityProfiles: No quality profiles have been found, you probably don't have any language plugin installed. -> [Help 1]

            As a SonarQube Admin, log into SonarQube. From the main menu, Administration | Marketplace ..., filter on "Languages" for Sonar provided languages, "External Analyzers" for third party. "Install" as necessary, Restart required.

            As of 7.X, SQ will analyze all code for which a language analyzer is installed; language=java is ignored.



            How to make a global variable or be able to access it in other files
            Asked 2020-Jun-11 at 11:34

            So I have a nodejs project where I have a dynamic form which expands if the user clicks "add question". This functionality is done by my createUX.js file which has a function that appends more divs to the html form on buttonclick. The file also keeps track of the number of questions in a variable. Now I would like to access this variable in my create.js file which actually adds the questions to my database so I know how many questions to add. My createUX.js file under my public dir while my create.js file is under my routes directory. How can I achieve this? I already tried exporting the variable but it gave me the starting value for the variable. I also tried importing the whole file into a var and calling .questionNum on the file. Thank you!




            Answered 2020-Jun-11 at 11:34

            The questionNum variable is part of a "client side" script: a script that runs in the browser of your users. So, as the definitive value of questionNum is set in the browser, you have to send its value back to the server.

            You can do it by adding a hidden field to your form and make addQuestion function increment its value.

            In the form:



            CSS variable inside Sass variable
            Asked 2020-May-26 at 15:16

            When i'm trying this it's throws me an error : (--font-microgramma: "Microgramma_Com", --font-OpenSans: "OpenSans", --font-Stag: "Stag", --font-StagSans: "StagSans") isn't a valid CSS value.



            Answered 2020-May-26 at 15:07

            You're using Sass Maps. This has nothing to do with css variable. You can write it as follows and it works properly. You need to use the map-get function to get variable from map.



            Spark repartition to specific resources
            Asked 2019-Oct-04 at 20:05

            Given a Spark cluster with a mix of machine types (e.g. with and without GPU). I want to run a Spark pipeline where some stages run on machines with no GPU and some stags with GPU

            I'm open to using any cluster manager (YARN, Kubernetes, Mesos, etc..)



            Answered 2019-Oct-04 at 20:05

            I was able to do this with just a bit of customization to Spark.

            Two basic changes

            1. Add new RDD to allow manually setting preferredLocations.
            2. Add ability to mark a preferredLocations as fixed. This prevents the scheduler from using Workers that aren't in the preferredLocations list

            Code is available on github spark-fixed-location

            Example usage



            Error while running a macro from the ribbon
            Asked 2019-Apr-20 at 14:01

            I am using Microsoft Word 2010. I've written a code using VBA editor which is used for saving the documents I edit. Basically, it opens the save as file dialog and puts in a name based on a string which is defined by some text in the document and user input via a Inputbox. I can successfully run it when I click the view macrocomands tab and execute the macrocomand from there, but if I put a shortcut on a ribbon, the file is instantly saved in C:\Users\Username\Documents with the first line of the document.



            Answered 2019-Apr-19 at 15:45

            The problem or bug was in the name of the Macro. I have changed the first line from:

            Sub SaveAs()


            Sub SaveDoc()

            I still don't understand this behavior, but I wanted to share the workaround.



            CSP: multiple google uris and null?
            Asked 2017-Jun-09 at 13:04

            we started to use Content Security Policy quite recently and still have a lot of problems with it.

            1. blocked google URIs
            A lot of google URIs get blocked for different directives. For example:



            Answered 2017-Jun-09 at 13:04

            Found the solution myself:

            1. blocked google URIs
            Either add ALL 200 or so google domains to your CSP or allow ALL image sources (or at least the specific protocol)

            2. blocked-uri: null, violated-directive: font-src It seems like browser extensions cause this error. Namely lastpass. We tried it and on login the CSP threw the violation.

            Hope this helps some people in the future.


            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

            Install stags

            You can download it from GitHub.


            Vim won't understand such a tag right off the bat. The following modification is required:.
            Find more information at:

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