Assuming that you don't have a model yet, the first thing you'll have to do, is creating one. A model contains all the basic pass data that compose the Pass identity. These data can be files (icon, thumbnails, ...), or pieces of information to be written in pass.json (Pass type identifier, Team Identifier, colors, ...) and whatever you know that likely won't be customized on runtime. When starting from zero, the best suggested solution is to use a Template (folder) to start with, as it will allow an easier access to all the files and data. Nothing will prevent you using a buffer model or creating a pass from scratch, but they are meant for an advanced usage or different contexts (e.g. running a cloud function might require a scratch model for faster startup, without storing the model in a "data bucket"). Let's suppose you have a file stored somewhere: you unzip it in runtime and then get the access to its files as buffers. Those buffers should be available for the rest of your application run-time and you shouldn't be in need to read them every time you are going to create a pass. Using the .pass extension is a best practice, showing that the directory is a pass package. (Build your first pass - Apple Developer Portal). Following to this best practice, the package is set to require each folder-model to have a .pass extension. If omitted in the configuration (as in Usage Example, at "model" key), it will be forcefully added. Model creation can be performed both manually or with the auxiliary of a web tool I developed, Passkit Visual Designer, which will let you design your model through a neat user interface. It will output a .zip file that you can decompress and use as source. You can follow the Apple Developer documentation (Package Structure) to build a correct pass model. The icon is required in order to make the pass work. Omitting an icon resolution, might make a pass work on a device (e.g. Mac) but not on another (e.g. iPhone). Manifest.json and signature will be automatically ignored from the model and generated in runtime. You can also create .lproj folders (e.g. en.lproj or it.lproj) containing localized media. To include a folder or translate texts inside the pass, please refer to Localizing Passes in the API documentation. To include a file that belongs to an .lproj folder in buffers, you'll just have to name a key like en.lproj/thumbnail.png. Create a pass.json by taking example from examples folder models or the one provided by Apple for the first tutorial and fill it with the basic informations, that are teamIdentifier, passTypeIdentifier and all the other basic keys like pass type. Please refer to Top-Level Keys/Standard Keys and Top-Level Keys/Style Keys. The third step is about the developer and WWDR certificates. I suggest you to create a certificate-dedicated folder inside your working directory (e.g. ./certs) to contain everything concerning the certificates. This is a standard procedure: you would have to do it also without using this library. We'll use OpenSSL to complete our work (or to do it entirely, if only on terminal), so be sure to have it installed.