jsref | JavaScript refactoring language server | Text Editor library

 by   slonoed TypeScript Version: Current License: MIT

kandi X-RAY | jsref Summary

kandi X-RAY | jsref Summary

jsref is a TypeScript library typically used in Editor, Text Editor, Visual Studio Code applications. jsref has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has a Permissive License and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

JavaScript refactoring language server. An idea behind this project is to have desirable refactoring experience for JavaScript (JSX, TypeScript, Flowtype) without tying to any editor. This tool implements language server protocol (LSP) to avoid any direct binding to code editors. This means any editor with LSP support can use it. It uses babylon parser to parse and generate JavaScript.

            kandi-support Support

              jsref has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 50 star(s) with 3 fork(s). There are 5 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 6 months.
              There are 11 open issues and 14 have been closed. On average issues are closed in 124 days. There are 3 open pull requests and 0 closed requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of jsref is current.

            kandi-Quality Quality

              jsref has no bugs reported.

            kandi-Security Security

              jsref has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.

            kandi-License License

              jsref is licensed under the MIT License. This license is Permissive.
              Permissive licenses have the least restrictions, and you can use them in most projects.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              jsref releases are not available. You will need to build from source code and install.
              Installation instructions are not available. Examples and code snippets are available.

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            jsref Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for jsref.

            jsref Examples and Code Snippets

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            Community Discussions


            How can I calulate the time since 9:30 AM in JavaScript?
            Asked 2021-Jun-12 at 19:39

            Okay, so I am trying to calculate the time since 9:30 in the morning in Google Apps Script, and I want the output to look like this: XX hrs XX mins. the problem is when I try calculating the minutes since 9:30, of course, it gives me all the minutes, not just the leftover minutes after I've calculated the hours. I need the minutes to be a decimal so I can times it by 60 and display the output in a cell. This is the code I'm currently using:



            Answered 2021-Jun-12 at 17:53

            The reason it is not working is because you have:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67951477


            Locate web elements with JavaScript by CSS Selector or XPath?
            Asked 2021-Jun-03 at 10:44

            While creating Selenium automation tests sometimes we need to retrieve a web element with JavaScript, not with Selenium driver.findElement.
            So, I know we can do something like



            Answered 2021-Jun-03 at 10:44
            document.querySelector() //for single node with css like path or selector
            document.querySelectorAll() //for multiple nodes

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67819886


            Browser: Defined location.search / location.href encoding?
            Asked 2021-May-17 at 23:03

            Question regarding javascript properties window.location.search / window.location.href within a browser:

            Are there any guarantees / specifications regarding the returned values of both expressions
            if they are percent encoded (URL encoding) or not?

            Or is this browser-dependent and/or context-dependent?



            Answered 2021-May-17 at 23:03

            As I could not find official specs nor answers to my question here:

            After doing tests in all major browsers (current version only), it looks like both properties are always returning the original, possibly percentage-encoded URL.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67491087


            How do I handle cases where using a fractional exponent gives me NaN?
            Asked 2021-May-01 at 17:51

            My Javascript code is trying to multiple three decimal or integer numbers and raise them to the exponent 0.16 but the exponentiation results in NaN. In the specific case I am testing, the three decimal numbers I'm multiplying are the constant 0.3965, and the variables -40 and 40 which yields a product of -634.4 (to one decimal place). The formula in question is the first one shown (the one used by Environment Canada) in this subsection of the Wikipedia article on Wind Chill and I'm getting the NaN on the fourth term of the equation.

            After some googling, I've learned that when an exponent is fractional, the result is sometimes a real number and sometimes an imaginary number. Am I right in assuming that I'm getting NaN when the result is an imaginary number?

            Regardless of why I'm getting NaN, how do I change my code so that I get a meaningful result that is a number, at least for reasonable values of the variables like I am using? I have no prior experience with exponentiation of a fractional number in Javascript (or any other programming language for that matter).

            Here's the essence of my code:



            Answered 2021-May-01 at 17:25

            You cannot raise a negative number to a fractional exponent and remain in real numbers. The result would be a complex number. JavaScript does not support complex numbers by default.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67348938


            ToggleButton for Google HtmlService
            Asked 2021-Apr-27 at 14:41

            What is the easiest way to get some kind of toggle switch for Google HtmlService?

            Google UiApp used to be able to create a simple ToggleButton like the following:

            var toggleButton = app.createToggleButton('ON', 'Off').setId('MySwitch');

            But UiApp has been deprecated. "Please use HtmlService instead"

            I've tried

            But found I cannot make them a two-stage item. Then I tried

            and was able to get the HTML part working, but moving it to Google HtmlService, I cannot make it work no matter what.

            Can someone give me a working Google HtmlService example that contains a two-stage item that I can use to control my output please.


            Thanks a lot @MetaMan for your excellent example, I tried hard to come up with the smallest example, but I'll never be able to get the level of your code, so compact and elegant!

            Just one thing, I haven't been able to make it work yet. I'm getting ReferenceError: gobj is not defined.

            I then changed them into plain text, as

            But got Execution completed without seeing the dialog. How can I make it works?


            Ops, dialog showed up after a while. Thanks @MetaMan, I'll ask the following in a separated question --

            One more thing, @MetaMan, In the HTML demo code that I provided, I was able to make use of form.myButton.value, but the problem is when I try to use that to update my label from within Google App Code function, just as what the HTML demo code is doning, it always fails and I don't know why. Do you have a quick answer for that, or you'd rather me asking in a separated question?




            Answered 2021-Apr-27 at 14:41

            Here's a toggle function that presents a dialog that has a button that turns a light on and off:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67260048


            I can't make a new Audio(url).play() to stop by new Audio(url).pause()
            Asked 2021-Apr-20 at 15:47

            What I want to achieve: To stop a previously started sound when a new is started. What I have now: The sounds plays simultanously, none of them is stopping. The probably reason: Wrong logic statement in a line if (audio.played && audio.paused){. Before you judge me for not trying hard enough - I am trying to solve this from 3 days, I am a beginner. It should take me a few minutes, even an hour. I tried in several combinations.At the end I listed several websites which I tried and I still haven't solved it. In all answers is something similar but still I can't made a browser to chose, always only one part is executed either audio.play() or audio.pause() in the log. It works but not as I want and these logical statements are like on other informations on the forum. At the end of the message you can see all similar topics I already tried several times. I kept just as clear code as possible and I want to do it this way, in vanilla javascript because I won't deal for now with anything more complicated. An audio url is taken from modified id on click, the audios are on my disk. It works, I made some mistake in line if (audio.played && audio.paused){ Any ideas except giving up and changing a hobby?



            Answered 2021-Apr-20 at 15:47

            Never give up, and don't change a hobby. :) Possible solution from one hobbyist, too:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67174148


            Can't get 'width' attribute of an element with JS
            Asked 2021-Apr-13 at 15:27

            I can't get the 'width' attribute of an element:



            Answered 2021-Apr-13 at 15:13

            You are looking for Element.getAttribute() (Documentation)

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67077476


            confirmation dialog isn't showing
            Asked 2021-Apr-01 at 09:31
            document.querySelector('#select').addEventListener("change", function() {
                var confirm = confirm("Do you want to update data?");
                if (confirm == true) {
                      if (this.value == "1") {
                                    url: "update.php",
                                    type: "POST",
                                    data: {
                                        id: ,
                                        type: "pending"         
                                    cache: false,
                                    success: function(dataResult){
                                        var dataResult = JSON.parse(dataResult);
                                            alert("Successfully updated");
                                        else if(dataResult.statusCode==201){
                                            alert("Something went wrong");
                                            alert("Everything went wrong");
                      }else if(this.value == "2"){
                                    url: "update.php",
                                    type: "POST",
                                    data: {
                                        id: ,
                                        type: "succeed"         
                                    cache: false,
                                    success: function(dataResult){
                                        var dataResult = JSON.parse(dataResult);
                                            alert("Successfully updated");
                                        else if(dataResult.statusCode==201){
                                            alert("Something went wrong");
                                            alert("Everything went wrong");
                      }else if(this.value=="3"){
                                    url: "update.php",
                                    type: "POST",
                                    data: {
                                        id: ,
                                        type: "canceled"            
                                    cache: false,
                                    success: function(dataResult){
                                        var dataResult = JSON.parse(dataResult);
                                            alert("Successfully updated");
                                        else if(dataResult.statusCode==201){
                                            alert("Something went wrong");
                                            alert("Everything went wrong");
                        console.log("Update canceled");


            Answered 2021-Apr-01 at 09:23

            You should avoid using the name of HTML and Window objects and properties:


            don't use confirm use ConfirmDialog or something!

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66901761


            'includes()' is for string, not for array in Javascript?
            Asked 2021-Mar-24 at 04:32

            From: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object

            Returns an array containing the names of all of the given object's own enumerable string properties.

            This says that 'includes' works on strings: https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_includes.asp

            Then why is the following statement valid in the code shown in this SO thread?



            Answered 2021-Mar-24 at 04:32

            It exists on both prototypes: String.prototype.includes and Array.prototype.includes.

            String.prototype.includes checks if the string contains the passed substring.

            Array.prototype.includes checks if the array contains a particular value (with the SameValueZero algorithm).

            Somewhat confusingly, they use the exact same name, but the logic employed is similar.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66774788


            How to pass input from one textarea to another's output?
            Asked 2021-Mar-05 at 09:54

            I just started learning JS again and I've run into this problem while making an app.

            I can't pass input from one textarea to second textarea which is output. I want to make the text uppercase on output. I tried to modify code from w3 but I want to make it without button so it looks cleaner.

            What I want to achieve:

            1. User writes something in input
            2. His text is copied to output and changed to uppercase letters




            Answered 2021-Mar-04 at 21:46

            Not sure what part of your JavaScript that is, but str is not defined. Here's a working version.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66483449

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            No vulnerabilities reported

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