theme-ui | Build consistent , themeable React apps | Frontend Framework library

 by   system-ui TypeScript Version: 1.0.0--canary.1721.d10fcf34ecc89f0898c55c6669ea69896e9f0b5d.0 License: MIT

kandi X-RAY | theme-ui Summary

kandi X-RAY | theme-ui Summary

theme-ui is a TypeScript library typically used in User Interface, Frontend Framework, React applications. theme-ui has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has a Permissive License and it has medium support. You can download it from GitHub.

Build consistent, themeable React apps based on constraint-based design principles

            kandi-support Support

              theme-ui has a medium active ecosystem.
              It has 5019 star(s) with 660 fork(s). There are 45 watchers for this library.
              There were 2 major release(s) in the last 12 months.
              There are 51 open issues and 604 have been closed. On average issues are closed in 220 days. There are 8 open pull requests and 0 closed requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of theme-ui is 1.0.0--canary.1721.d10fcf34ecc89f0898c55c6669ea69896e9f0b5d.0

            kandi-Quality Quality

              theme-ui has no bugs reported.

            kandi-Security Security

              theme-ui has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.

            kandi-License License

              theme-ui is licensed under the MIT License. This license is Permissive.
              Permissive licenses have the least restrictions, and you can use them in most projects.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              theme-ui releases are available to install and integrate.

            Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA

            kandi's functional review helps you automatically verify the functionalities of the libraries and avoid rework.
            Currently covering the most popular Java, JavaScript and Python libraries. See a Sample of theme-ui
            Get all kandi verified functions for this library.

            theme-ui Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for theme-ui.

            theme-ui Examples and Code Snippets

            No Code Snippets are available at this moment for theme-ui.

            Community Discussions


            Styled-components, Styled-system, emotion and theme-ui?
            Asked 2021-Apr-23 at 18:16

            Can someone explain the differences between Styled-components, Styled-system, emotion and theme-ui. And additionally, how does these libraries fit into MDX environment?

            NB: I have gone through all of the documentation but unable to draw out differences



            Answered 2021-Apr-23 at 18:16

            Styled-System is a superset of Styled-Components (or Emotion, up to you). It's meant to be used on top of those to make your theming neater, and also adds various quality of life improvements, like inline shorthand props. Theme-ui is built on top of that, to abstract even further and give you basic primitives out of the box. Often times if you use styled-system, you'll start creating lots of utility functions and components, and it'll start resembling Theme-ui. So that exists as solution for you.



            where to place componentDidMount in order to change link Navbar color while scrolling in React / Gatsby?
            Asked 2020-Oct-21 at 06:34

            My question is similar to this one and I understand that I need to add an id to my navbar link and add an event listener on componentDidMount (with the handleScroll function), this is clear to me already.

            I will apologize beforehand because I might be asking something stupid or something I was supposed to know already.

            The issue is, even though I am experienced with vanilla JS, I am pretty new to react and gatsby so I am not sure exactly where to place componentDidMount at the gatsby starter I am using.

            This starter is a single page app, all the sections are loaded in the index (home page). One of these sections for instance is named About and I would like to add componentDidMount in there. I have shadowed the about.tsx file to the components directory but I am not sure where to place componentDidMount.

            about.tsx content:



            Answered 2020-Oct-21 at 06:01

            You have a functional component there where doesn't handle a pure state as you may know (you don't need a constructor, etc. I will add some docs at the end of the answer). You have exactly the same functionality because of React hooks.

            In your case, you won't be able to have a componentDidMount() per se because of the previously mentioned, however, you have a useEffect hook that adds exactly the same functionality.



            useColorMode imported from Theme UI plugin in React-based GatsbyJS doesn't work due to "InvalidCharacterError: String contains an invalid character"
            Asked 2020-Aug-29 at 22:14

            After compiling, I received two errors:

            • TypeError: setMode is not a function;
            • InvalidCharacterError: String contains an invalid character:

            Check my whole code:



            Answered 2020-Aug-28 at 01:03

            Looking at the doumentation link you provided, the useThemeUI hook return value seems to contain the theme, components, colorMode and setColorMode properties. You could use that hook instead of the useColorMode hook. And change your mode and setMode variables to colorMode and setColorMode respectively. This could solve the "setMode is not a function" problem while still giving you access to the theme property.

            Same setMode problem could be the root cause of this invalidCharacterError you are getting. So resolving that problem could also cause this error to go away. Otherwise look into the character set you should be using. The most common one these days is utf8. If your application contains diacritics, umlauts, hieroglyphics e.t.c., you might have to use the appropriate character set for that use-case.

            Also do verify that setTheme is a valid property of the useThemeUI hook's return value. Much like the setMode, it was not mentioned in the documentation you provided. It is likely not to exist.



            Theme-ui/prism won't work for gatsbyjs markdown files
            Asked 2020-Aug-29 at 19:00

            I'm using @theme-ui/prism to format code block text in markdown files. The markdown plugin im using is gatsby-plugin-mdx. It doesn't seem to be working because I don't get the dark background in the code block.

            Here's what I did:



            Answered 2020-Aug-29 at 19:00

            The prism feature seems to actually be targeted for a future version of theme-ui, so the default (v0.3.x at the time of writing) doesn't support it.

            To solve this you can change your theme-ui* and gatsby-plugin-theme-ui package versions to ^0.4.0-rc.1 (rc.3 is actually out but it's broken atm so don't use it).



            How to merge a "const" into another "const since I can not modify "export" in React
            Asked 2020-Aug-16 at 12:59

            I want to include Theme UI's presets in my GatsbyJS for switching the mode (dark and light) and the themes.

            I can't modify export of my original code to merge two const functions into an export, because export needs children to be defined. I will not want to use children, because another layout file in JSX has already children. I also can't merge a const into another const. You will check the errors at the end. I'll share my repo's small folder at the end for you to test. The In Angular2+ is there any way to extends on inherit const into another const? does not help either.

            See my small original code, and notice const and export:



            Answered 2020-Aug-16 at 12:59

            You could put all of the Layout functionality into your Header component, but why are doing all of this?



            Theme UI sx prop ignored when importing a storybook component
            Asked 2020-Jun-24 at 10:12

            I have setup and published to a private server a StoryBook design system using ThemeUI that contains components. One such component is the button shown below.



            Answered 2020-Jun-24 at 10:12

            Ok so turns out if you need to change the name of the property passed into the component or themeui appears to get confused. So I made the following change (changed sx to csx):



            Why is sx props unable to access theme object?
            Asked 2020-May-11 at 12:46

            I am trying to use the theme-ui for a new gatsby project I am working on. After following the instructions on the theme-ui documentation, I am still unable to get theming to work properly. The sx props doesn't seem to have access to the theme object create at /src/gatsby-theme-ui/index.js. Thanks in advance.

            This is a bug-repo created for reproduction.



            Answered 2020-May-11 at 12:46

            I've ran the repo locally and was able to use theme values in the components.

            In this case, the Header component is not getting the primary color because the color: white; rule (this line) is targeting the anchor element directly :) You can see the theme value was overridden by inspecting the element in your browser's dev tools.

            If you're interested in knowing why this happens, you can read up on CSS specificity.



            background-cover is broken in Android Chrome, in this web page (only?)
            Asked 2020-Apr-08 at 09:36

            While I have css rules with background-cover that work well in Chrome for Android, somehow the very same rules fail in this particular website

            The weird thing is that if I paste the same background-image: url(backgrounds/landing-two.jpg); rule on the Dev Tools, it doesn't work, but if I uncheck it (leaving the original one) then I can see the original rule working

            The site is

            What can be happening?



            Answered 2020-Apr-08 at 09:36

            It has esoterically been solved by removing a transition: all 0.5s ease; rule (this is set in a styled-components context)



            Why my unit test is giving me an AssertionFailedError when I try to render another page
            Asked 2020-Mar-06 at 06:59

            I am learning unit testing and trying to check if the login is valid on the HomePage and if so that the SuccessPage is rendered but it is giving me an AssertionFailedError




            Answered 2020-Mar-06 at 06:59

            I got the answer, so I didn't reference the form.submit(); to the onSubmit() function so I basically did this:



            How to write unit testing checking null input values using wicket
            Asked 2020-Mar-05 at 09:57

            I am busy with a wicket application and need to do unit testing, and I have a login page that validates inputs from a List but I have no idea where to start, I did try something but it gave me errors and just have no clue what I am doing any help is appreciated




            Answered 2020-Mar-05 at 09:54

            In your validLogin() method you need to start with tester.startPage(SomePage.class).

            startPage() is the same as navigating to a address in the browser. You cannot login to some web app without navigating to its login page first.

            You can also use #startComponentInPage(LoginPanel.class). Here Wicket will add your LoginPanel into a dummy page for you. And you can assert that the LoginPanel behaves the way you need. This way you could test any kind of Wicket Component, not just Panel.


            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

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            You can download it from GitHub.


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