ray-tracing | Ray TracingPhong Model Phong Shading | Graphics library

 by   abcdabcd987 C++ Version: Current License: No License

kandi X-RAY | ray-tracing Summary

kandi X-RAY | ray-tracing Summary

ray-tracing is a C++ library typically used in User Interface, Graphics applications. ray-tracing has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

Ray Tracing

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              ray-tracing has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 18 star(s) with 0 fork(s). There are 2 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 6 months.
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              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of ray-tracing is current.

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              ray-tracing has no bugs reported.

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              Check the repository for any license declaration and review the terms closely.
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            Community Discussions


            What does sampled=1 mean in the context of AWS X-Ray
            Asked 2021-Feb-11 at 18:26

            I am trying to familiarize myself with AWS X-Ray. I see there are two levels of tracing: Active and PassThrough. The definition isn't quite helpful even after looking at this post. What does it mean if sampled=1? I can't find any documentation on this.



            Answered 2021-Feb-11 at 18:26

            "Active" sampling means the service has some form of sampling algorithm, wherein if a request comes in with no trace header, or trace header comes in with no sampling set, a sampling decision is made.

            "Passthrough" means no sampling decision will be made, but if there is a trace header attached to the request, the header will be "passed through" the service to any other downstream services on the critical path.

            "sampled=1" means that trace is sampled and should report data to the AWS X-Ray backend.

            Blog: https://medium.com/financial-engines-techblog/enabling-aws-x-ray-on-aws-lambda-40fdbd6740b1

            X-Ray Trace header: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/xray/latest/devguide/xray-concepts.html#xray-concepts-tracingheader

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66149942


            C++ 20: Can concepts interface a method?
            Asked 2021-Jan-30 at 23:42

            To preface this, I wanted an interface, and figured that C++20 had an interface mechanic. I have never used C++20, and found concepts about 2 hours ago. So the mistake here could be something really simple.

            Suppose I have an imperative 3rd party library I would like to abstract away because imperative code is messy.

            So, I define some very specific function that accepts the 3rd party library class:



            Answered 2021-Jan-30 at 23:07

            Your concept has wrong syntax, it should be:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65973826


            What permissions need to be included for AWS step function role to enable X-ray?
            Asked 2021-Jan-25 at 21:03

            I'm currently looking at some resource on how to enable X-ray for my stepfunction statemachine, from this tutorial: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/step-functions/latest/dg/concepts-xray-tracing.html#xray-concept-create

            "When you enable X-Ray for an existing state machine, you must ensure that you have an IAM policy that grants sufficient permissions for X-Ray to perform traces. You can either add one manually, or generate one. For more information, see the IAM policy section for X-Ray."

            There are so many permissions for X-ray, I wonder which ones I need? I'd like to add them to my step function role manually, but I don't want to add all of them including the unneeded ones.



            Answered 2021-Jan-25 at 21:03

            Following links will guide you based on your use-case:

            1. Basic IAM permissions policy, I would suggest to start with this. Then reduce/add based on your use-cases.

            2. How AWS X-Ray works with IAM, a bit in details.

            Furthermore, you can use AWS Policy Generator to make things easy. Here, AWS X-Ray actions are listed under Type of Policy as IAM Policy

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65891379


            Threejs: glb file reflect the environment but not itself
            Asked 2020-Oct-30 at 00:25

            In threejs, I successfully import and display a glb file of a house (the house has two floors and various objects on each floor, among which chairs, some tables, a kitchen etc, such as a real house). My problem is that I am able to make the house and its objects reflect the environmental light but I am not able to make the objects of the house reflect themselves. My ultimate goal would be to implement some real time ray-tracing, but at this point I would be happy to only generate some real time reflections which in addition to the environmental light also reflect the other objects of the house. Same with shadows.

            I have not found anything online about it this type of reflections. Does anyone know a good place where to start? Or if you have faced a similar challange, how did you solve it?



            Answered 2020-Oct-30 at 00:25

            You'll need to use a CubeCamera to render the scene with the environment including the objects to be in the reflection. Then you pass that resulting texture to the .envMap property to the object(s) that you want to show those reflections. The only problem with this is that if you have many objects that show other objects in the reflections, you'll need a huge amount of cubeCamera renders, each one from the position of that object.

            See this working demo, it only captures one reflection pass as I described above, from the position of the sphere. You can kind of see the knot has a reflection of itself, which isn't realistic, but it isn't very noticeable. It's a tradeoff.

            You could also copy the mirror demo if you only have a few planes that act as mirrors.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64587723


            CUDA C++ class is mistaken for template
            Asked 2020-Oct-14 at 10:13

            I define a class. I want to add some texture with my ray-tracing code with CUDA. And I use new when call the constructor.



            Answered 2020-Oct-14 at 10:13

            Although it is not well documented, texture is a templated class for the C++ runtime API (for example here). It is defined in an internal header which is automagically included by nvcc during its pre-processing stage.

            If you rename your texture type to something else, the problem will disappear. For example:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64345442


            Vulkan, VK_KHR_ray_tracing: how do you rebuild a BLAS, as opposed to updating it?
            Asked 2020-Oct-06 at 15:47

            I have an application (based on the vulkan-tutorial.com) in which I use the titular raytracing extension for vulkan. In it, an acceleration structure is created for some geometry. This geometry then changes (vertices are displaced dynamically, per frame), and thus I update the appropriate BLAS by calling vkCmdBuildAccelerationStructureKHR with VkAccelerationStructureBuildGeometryInfoKHR::update = VK_TRUE. This works fine (although the update ignores my changing the maxPrimitiveCount and similar parameters - It uses as many primitives as I specified during the first build; somewhat makes sense to me and is not part of my question).

            I've researched a bit and came across some best practices here: https://developer.nvidia.com/blog/best-practices-using-nvidia-rtx-ray-tracing/ In there, they mention this: "Consider using only rebuilds [of the BLAS] with unpredictable deformations." This seems like something I want to try out, however, I can't find any sample code for rebuilding BLAS, and if I simply set update to VK_FALSE, I get massive amounts of validation layer errors and no image on screen. Specifically, I get a lot of "X was destroyed/freed but was still in use" where X is command buffers, VkBuffers, memory, fences, semaphores... My guess is the rebuild is trying to free the BLAS while it's still in use.

            My question is therefore: How do you properly perform a "rebuild" of a BLAS, as mentioned in the above article?

            I was considering using some std::shared_ptr to keep track of the BLAS being still in use by a given swapchain image but that seems excessively complicated and somewhat unclean, besides, I would need as many BLAS as I have swapchain images, multiplying required graphics memory by the swapchain size... that can't be practical in real life applications, right?



            Answered 2020-Oct-06 at 15:47

            I cannot explain why, but I must've had an error in my code which resulted in the errors I described in my question.

            The correct way to rebuild instead of update an acceleration structure is indeed by setting the update parameter of VkAccelerationStructureBuildGeometryInfoKHR to VK_FALSE, that's all that needs to be done.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63620546


            Ray-triangle intersection. It work with two directions
            Asked 2020-Jul-24 at 10:50

            I don't know why, but ray-triangle intersection algorithm (Möller-Trumbore and Watertight) works with 2 directions.

            from origin to end - how it must work

            from end to origin - the problem

            white cross - an unnecessary intersection


            I tried to use 3 component vectors, so I have removed all W values from code.




            Answered 2020-Jul-24 at 10:50
            Unit distance on ray of intercept

            The last value calculated T is the unit distance on the ray from the ray origin. Where T == 0.0f is at the origin, T == 1.0f is at the ray end, T > 1.0f are past the ray end and T < 0.0f are before the ray origin.

            Thus you need to check T to make sure that the intercept is on the correct part of the ray. Examples

            • Ahead of the not including the origin. return T > EPSILON;

            • Ahead of the ray including the origin. return T > -EPSILON;

            • On the ray including origin and end. return T > -EPSILON && T < 1.0f + EPSILON;

            • On the ray excluding origin and end. return T > EPSILON && T < 1.0f - EPSILON;

            and so on...


            We use EPSILON to deal with floating point errors, for this algorithm you may want to use a larger value than EPSILON especially if the angle between the ray and the polygon normal is close to 90deg

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63051254


            Parallelization of nested for loop
            Asked 2020-Jun-13 at 08:21

            My original code was -



            Answered 2020-Jun-13 at 08:21

            Not sure it's an answer to the question - but it might help.

            This piece of code works fine, and it's basically a template for what you're looking for. Could you please try to run it, and see if it causes any issues?

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62343950


            Find intersection point ray/triangle in a right-hand coordinate system
            Asked 2020-Apr-30 at 23:38

            I would like to get the intersection point of a line (defined by a vector and origin) on a triangle. My engine use right handed coordinate system, so X pointing forward, Y pointing left and Z pointing up.

            ---- Edit ----

            With Antares's help, I convert my points to engine space with:



            Answered 2020-Apr-27 at 00:02

            My engine use right handed coordinate system, so X pointing forward, Y pointing left and Z pointing up.

            You have a slightly incorrect idea of a right handed coordinate system... please check https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cartesian_coordinate_system#In_three_dimensions.

            As the name suggests, X is pointing right (right hand's thumb to the right), Y is pointing up (straight index finger) and Z (straight middle finger) is pointing "forward" (actually -Z is forward, and Z is backward in the camera coordinate system).
            Actually... your coordinate components are right hand sided, but the interpretation as X is forward etc. is unusual.

            If you suspect the problem could be with the coordinate system of your engine (OGRE maybe? plain OpenGL? Or something selfmade?), then you need to transform your point and direction coordinates into the coordinate system of your algorithm. The algorithm you presented works in camera coordinate system, if I am not mistaken. Of course you need to transform the resulting intersection point back to the interpretation you use in the engine. To turn the direction of a vector component around (e.g. the Z coordinate) you can use multiplication with -1 to achieve the effect.

            Edit: One more thing: I realized that the algorithm uses directional vectors as well, not just points. The rearranging of components does only work for points, not directions, if I recall correctly. Maybe you have to do a matrix multiplication with the CameraView transformation matrix (or its inverse M^-1 or was it the transpose M^T, I am not sure). I can't help you there, I hope you can figure it out or just do trial&error.

            My problem is I get t: -52.603783

            intersection point P : [-1143.477295, -1053.412842, 49.525799] This give me, relative to a 640X480 texture, the uv point: [-658, 41]

            I reckon you think your values are incorrect. Which values do you expect to get for t and UV coordinates? Which ones would be "correct" for your input?

            Hope this gets you started. GL, HF with your project! :)

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61404934


            It is possible to render a mobius strip with a raytracer?
            Asked 2020-Feb-14 at 01:55

            In my raytracer all surfaces are centered at the origin and oriented on Y axis. Displacement, rotations and resizing are obtained through transformation matrix applied on rays.

            I recently rendered a torus in my ray-tracing using its Cartesian equation:

            (x^2 + y^2 + z^2)^2 - 2 * (r1^2 + r2^2) * (x^2 + y^2 + z^2) + 4 * r1^2 * y^2 + (r1^2 - r2^2)^2

            to which I replaced every point with the ray equation:

            ex: X = Ray.ori.x + T * Ray.dir.x;

            With the ray components replaced in the equation, I got the 5 coefficients of my quartic function which can be used to find the equation roots (the T intersections) with a 4th degree polynomial solver algorithm.

            I was wondering if a mobius strip can be rendered the same way. My research did not bring up much, I found some Raytracing codes using cubic equations but copying the 4 coefficients led me to incomprehensible forms and artifacts.

            Could you help me to render it? Also advice to render it with another method is welcome.




            Answered 2020-Jan-19 at 19:37

            I took the (Cartesian) cubic equation of the mobius from: mathworld then I replaced the x,y and z of mobius with the ray equation.

            However the result is this one:

            Here is the code to calculate the mobius coefficients.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59805509

            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

            Install ray-tracing

            To run the ray tracer, you need to install libpng first:.
            To run GUI, you need to install GLFW3 and SDL2 first:.


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